<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d0094956-31b6-4969-b64a-ae51fd4e36bc" alt="Preview" />
Terminal Widgets is a versatile CLI program designed to enhance your terminal experience by providing various widgets and customizable features. Below is a list of features offered by Terminal Widgets:
<div align="center">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=build with&message=♡&color=ff7751&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/imegeek/terminal-widgets?color=F2CD80&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=license&message=MIT&color=8ccf7e&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/github/forks/imegeek/terminal-widgets?color=8EC8D8&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge">
## Features:
- **System Information Widgets:**
- Displays system-related information such as battery status, weather, shell, storage details, hostname, date, RAM usage and many more.
- **Customizable build-in Widgets:**
- Users can customize widgets according to their preferences, including text, color, icon, index and state.
- **Addons Widgets:**
- Supports addon widgets with customizable text, color, script execution, icon display, and position settings.
- **Dynamic Content Configuration:**
- Offers a dynamic way to set content inside text, script, or program files without explicitly defining color or icon keys.
- **Configuration Options:**
- Provides a configuration file (`~/.twidgets.json`) for users to modify settings like custom color codes, addon widgets, and built-in widget configurations.
- **Orientation Support:**
- Enables users to customize widget layout orientation, allowing display in either horizontal (row) or vertical (column) configurations for improved flexibility across different terminal setups.
- **Custom Logo Support:**
- Provides the option to add a personalized logo through the configuration file (`~/.twidgets.json`).
- **Easy Installation:**
- Available for installation via pip or as a local install for convenient setup.
- **Color Formatting Support:**
- Supports color formatting using both named colors (e.g., `[red]`) and hexadecimal color codes.
- **Icon Integration:**
- Allows integration of icons into text content using Unicode characters, enhancing visual representation within widgets.
- **Supports Command Line Arguments**
- Terminal-Widgets offers support for command line arguments, providing users with flexibility in configuring and managing the program directly from the terminal.
- Refer to the [Argument Options](#argument) for more detailed information.
## Screenshots
<p align="center">Windows
<img src="https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/0915b7ad-671d-4e37-b68d-cd3e292cb2ed">
<p align="center">Linux
<img src="https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/64132f65-748e-4ee3-966b-7be73d5ce8b7">
<p align="center">macOS
<img src="https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/5697d372-9855-4929-9935-641291ffe8cb">
<p align="center">Android
<img src="https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/386088c8-5229-4899-bc1b-45f74aaeaa8d">
## Supported platforms
- Linux
- Windows
- Darwin (macOS)
- Android (Termux)
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
## Getting Started
To start using Terminal Widgets, follow these steps:
1. Install the program via pip or perform a local install.
2. Ensure you have Nerd Font installed for optimal display.
3. Customize your widgets and addons using the configuration file (`~/.twidgets.json`).
4. Refer to the [Configuration](#configuration) for more detailed information on configuration options and usage.
## Prerequisites
Before using Terminal Widgets, please ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:
1. **Python 3.x**: Terminal Widgets is written in Python and requires Python 3.x to be installed on your system.
2. **Nerd Font**: Terminal Widgets requires Nerd Font for display glyphs. If not installed, download one from [here](https://www.nerdfonts.com/).
3. **For Android users using Termux**:
- **Termux**: Terminal Widgets can be used on Android devices via Termux. Ensure that you have [Termux](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/) installed on your Android device from the Google Play Store or F-Droid.
- **Termux-API**: Terminal Widgets requires the Termux-API app for certain functionalities. Install the [Termux-API](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux.api/) app from the Google Play Store or F-Droid.
- **termux-api**: Terminal Widgets requires the termux-api package for certain functionalities. Install termux-api by running the following command in your Termux terminal:
pkg install termux-api
## Installation
You can install Terminal Widgets using pip, or you can clone the repository and install it locally.
### Install via pip
To install Terminal Widgets via pip, simply run the following command:
pip install terminal-widgets
pip3 install terminal-widgets
This will download and install the latest version of Terminal Widgets from the Python Package Index (PyPI) along with its dependencies.
### Manual Installation
To install Terminal Widgets locally, follow these steps:
1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
`git clone https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets`
2. Navigate to the cloned directory.
`cd terminal-widgets`
3. Install the package using pip:
`pip install .`
`pip3 install .`
This will install Terminal Widgets along with its dependencies from the local source files.
## Usage
Simply run the **`twidgets`** in your terminal to get an overview of your system status.
try these command if not working:
python -m twidgets
python3 -m twidgets
`<a name="argument"></a>`
## Argument Options:
Terminal-Widgets supports the following command line options for customization and control:
**-h, --help** Show this help message and exit.
**--configs** Display the configuration file.
**--widgets** List built-in widgets and their values.
**--stdout** Disable colors and ASCII graphics, displaying only plain text.
**--json** Output widget data as a JSON object.
**--no-badge** Display widgets without badge styling.
**--color-bars** Enable color bars in terminal widgets.
**--text {detailed, compact}**
Set text mode for terminal widgets:
- 'detailed' includes extended information
- 'compact' shows concise info (default: compact)
**--color [normal, vivid, random, custom]**
Select color mode for terminal widgets (default: normal).
**--logo [pacman, linux, windows, macos, android]**
Choose a logo to display before widgets
(default: auto, based on system).
**--show [logo, widgets]** Specify what to display: 'logo' or 'widgets'.
**--align [left, center]** Set alignment mode for terminal widgets (default: center).
**--direction [row, column]**
Choose layout direction for widgets (default: row).
**--weather location** Set the location for the weather widget.
**--weather-api API_KEY** Provide OpenWeather API key for weather data.
**--bypass-system-api** Bypass system API requirement checks.
**-c, --config file** Specify a JSON configuration file to load.
**--column length** Set the number of widgets per row.
**--column-gap length** Set gap between widgets in each column.
**--row-gap length** Set gap between widgets in each row.
**--margin length** Set whitespace lines before and after execution.
These options allow users to customize the behavior and appearance of Terminal-Widgets according to their preferences.
`<a name="configuration"></a>`
## Configuration
Terminal Widgets supports configuration options, allowing users to customize their widgets or add new ones.
To configure Terminal Widgets:
1. Open the configuration file located at `~/.twidgets.json`.
2. Modify the following key-value pairs according to your preferences:
- **colors**: Define custom color codes for widgets and addons. This option requires all color names (`red`, `cyan`, etc.) to be specified, to show custom colors pass `--color custom` argument to the program.
- **logo**: Customize the logo displayed before the widgets. You can define an ASCII art logo by entering it as an array of strings under the `"logo"` key. This logo will appear in the terminal before other widgets, providing a personalized visual touch.
- **weather_api**: Provide your OpenWeatherMap API key for weather data.
- API_KEY: Provide your OpenWeatherMap API key here (e.g., "weather_api": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").
- **addons**: Customize addon widgets. Use properties like `text`, `color`, `script`, `exec`, `icon`, and `index`.
- **text**: The text content to display for the addon.
- **color**: The color code for the addon text or icon.
- **script**: The Python script file or code to execute for dynamic text content.
- **exec**: The terminal command to execute for dynamic text content.
- **icon**: The UTF-8 code of the icon or glyph to display for the addon.
- **index**: The position of the addon in the widget layout.
- **widgets**: Configure built-in widgets like `username`, `hostname`, `platform`, `shell`, `package`, etc. Use properties like `text`, `color`, `icon`, `index`, and `state`.
- **text**: The text content to display for the widget.
- **color**: The color code for the widget icon.
- **icon**: The UTF-8 code of the icon or glyph to display for the widget.
- **index**: The position of the widget in the widget layout.
- **state**: Use "disabled" value to hide specific widget.
3. Dynamic Method for Defining **widget-addon** without Specifying 'color' or 'icon'.
- **Add Text**:
- Simply input the desired text.
- **Add Color**:
- "[color_name or hex_code]" marks the beginning of the color for the content.
- "[/]" signifies the end of color formatting.
- **Add Icon**:
- Incorporate icons into text content using Unicode characters. For instance, utilize "\uf255" to depict a custom Unicode character as an icon within the text.
- Refer to Example 11 for further clarification.
4. Save the changes and restart Terminal Widgets to apply the new configuration.
## Configuration Examples
- **Example 1:**
- This example defines custom **colors** code for terminal-widgets.
"colors": {
"red": "#FF0000",
"cyan": "#00FFFF",
"purple": "#a06efc",
"green": "#9ACB73",
"yellow": "#f8d255",
"sky": "#6AA1DA"
- **Example 2:**
- This example customize the logo in the Terminal Widgets.
"logo": [
" ,.=:!!t3Z3z., ",
" :tt:::tt333EE3 ",
" Et:::ztt33EEEL @Ee., .., ",
" ;tt:::tt333EE7 ;EEEEEEttttt33# ",
" :Et:::zt333EEQ. $EEEEEttttt33QL ",
" it::::tt333EEF @EEEEEEttttt33F ",
" ;3=*^```\"*4EEV :EEEEEEttttt33@. ",
" ,.=::::!t=., ` @EEEEEEtttz33QF ",
" ;::::::::zt33) \"4EEEtttji3P* ",
" :t::::::::tt33.:Z3z.. `` ,..g. ",
" i::::::::zt33F AEEEtttt::::ztF ",
" ;:::::::::t33V ;EEEttttt::::t3 ",
" E::::::::zt33L @EEEtttt::::z3F ",
"{3=*^```\"*4E3) ;EEEtttt:::::tZ` ",
" ` :EEEEtttt::::z7 ",
" \"VEzjt:;;z>*` "
- **Example 3:**
- Configures the **build-in** widget `username` to change set custom color of icon.
"widgets": {
"username": {
"color": "#d0ff1f"
- **Example 4:**
- Configures the **build-in** widget `hostname` to display the text "macbook pro" at index 2 in the layout.
"widgets": {
"hostname": {
"text": "macbook pro",
"index": 2
- **Example 5:**
- Configures the **build-in** widget `platform` to display the text "macos" with the custom icon.
"widgets": {
"platform": {
"text": "macos",
"icon": "\uf179"
- **Example 6:**
- Configures the **build-in** widget `shell` to display the text "zsh".
"widgets": {
"shell": {
"text": "zsh"
- **Example 7:**
- Disables the **build-in** widget `storage`, preventing it from being displayed.
"widgets": {
"storage": {
"state": "disabled"
- **Example 8:**
- Adds a welcome message **addon** with custom text, color, and position in the layout.
"addons": {
"welcome": {
"text": "Welcome to Terminal Widgets",
"color": "#afdaaf",
"index": 2
- **Example 9:**
- Configures the `cputemp` **addon** to execute a Python script that prints a random temperature between 30°C and 60°C, with custom color and icon.
"addons": {
"cputemp": {
"script": "import random\nprint(random.randint(30, 60), '\u00B0C')",
"color": "#ff8522",
"icon": "\udb84\udcc3"
- **Example 10:**
- Configures the `process` **addon** to execute a Python script located at "/path/to/the/file/script.py".
"addons": {
"process": {
"script": "/path/to/the/file/script.py"
- **Example 11:**
- Configures the `pwd` addon to execute the "pwd" command in the terminal, displaying the current directory path with custom color and icon.
"addons": {
"pwd": {
"exec": "pwd",
"color": "#ffa0f4",
"icon": "\uf07b"
- **Example 12:**
- Configures the `hi` addon to display custom formatted text with colors.
- **text**: Sets the text content to "[#ff0000]\uf255[/] [#eeff00]Hi, there[/]", where:
- "[#ff0000]" specifies the start of red color for the text.
- "\uf255" represents a custom Unicode character.
- "[#eeff00]" specifies the start of yellow-green color for the text "Hi, there".
- "[/]" specifies the end of the color formatting.
- "Hi, there" is the content to be displayed in yellow-green color and icon displayed in red color.
"addons": {
"hi": {
"text": "[#ff0000]\uf255[/] [#eeff00]Hi, there[/]"
- **Example 13:**
- Configures the `color` addon to display custom color palette widget.
- Uses a Python script to generate colored blocks representing each color in the palette.
- Each color block is enclosed in color formatting tags, providing a visual representation of the color.
- The color key specifies the color of the palette widget.
- The icon key sets an icon for the palette widget.
"addons": {
"color": {
"script": "print(' '.join([f'[{color}]\ueabc[/]' for color in ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']]))",
"color": "#6aafff",
"icon": "\ue22b"
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "terminal-widgets",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "python, style, terminal, widgets, sysfetch",
"author": "Im Geek (Ankush Bhagat)",
"author_email": "<imegeek@gmail.com>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/48/4a/42d9973f32ce61d8deca7adfbecd867793c4a8f71886c849c216cb04ae75/terminal_widgets-1.2.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\n<div align=\"center\">\n<kbd>\n <img src=\"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d0094956-31b6-4969-b64a-ae51fd4e36bc\" alt=\"Preview\" />\n</kbd>\n</div><br>\n\nTerminal Widgets is a versatile CLI program designed to enhance your terminal experience by providing various widgets and customizable features. Below is a list of features offered by Terminal Widgets:\n\n<div align=\"center\">\n<img src=\"https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=build with&message=\u2661&color=ff7751&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge\">\n<br>\n<img src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/stars/imegeek/terminal-widgets?color=F2CD80&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge\">\n<img src=\"https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=license&message=MIT&color=8ccf7e&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge\">\n<img src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/forks/imegeek/terminal-widgets?color=8EC8D8&labelColor=1e2528&style=for-the-badge\">\n</div>\n\n## Features:\n\n- **System Information Widgets:**\n\n - Displays system-related information such as battery status, weather, shell, storage details, hostname, date, RAM usage and many more.\n- **Customizable build-in Widgets:**\n\n - Users can customize widgets according to their preferences, including text, color, icon, index and state.\n- **Addons Widgets:**\n\n - Supports addon widgets with customizable text, color, script execution, icon display, and position settings.\n- **Dynamic Content Configuration:**\n\n - Offers a dynamic way to set content inside text, script, or program files without explicitly defining color or icon keys.\n- **Configuration Options:**\n\n - Provides a configuration file (`~/.twidgets.json`) for users to modify settings like custom color codes, addon widgets, and built-in widget configurations.\n- **Orientation Support:**\n\n - Enables users to customize widget layout orientation, allowing display in either horizontal (row) or vertical (column) configurations for improved flexibility across different terminal setups.\n- **Custom Logo Support:**\n\n - Provides the option to add a personalized logo through the configuration file (`~/.twidgets.json`).\n- **Easy Installation:**\n\n - Available for installation via pip or as a local install for convenient setup.\n- **Color Formatting Support:**\n\n - Supports color formatting using both named colors (e.g., `[red]`) and hexadecimal color codes.\n- **Icon Integration:**\n\n - Allows integration of icons into text content using Unicode characters, enhancing visual representation within widgets.\n- **Supports Command Line Arguments**\n\n - Terminal-Widgets offers support for command line arguments, providing users with flexibility in configuring and managing the program directly from the terminal.\n - Refer to the [Argument Options](#argument) for more detailed information.\n\n## Screenshots\n\n<kbd>\n<p align=\"center\">Windows\n<img src=\"https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/0915b7ad-671d-4e37-b68d-cd3e292cb2ed\">\n</p>\n</kbd>\n\n<kbd>\n<p align=\"center\">Linux\n<img src=\"https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/64132f65-748e-4ee3-966b-7be73d5ce8b7\">\n</p>\n</kbd>\n\n<kbd>\n<p align=\"center\">macOS\n<img src=\"https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/5697d372-9855-4929-9935-641291ffe8cb\">\n</p>\n</kbd>\n\n<kbd>\n<p align=\"center\">Android\n<img src=\"https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/assets/63346676/386088c8-5229-4899-bc1b-45f74aaeaa8d\">\n</p>\n</kbd>\n\n## Supported platforms\n\n- Linux\n- Windows\n- Darwin (macOS)\n- Android (Termux)\n- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)\n\n## Getting Started\n\nTo start using Terminal Widgets, follow these steps:\n\n1. Install the program via pip or perform a local install.\n2. Ensure you have Nerd Font installed for optimal display.\n3. Customize your widgets and addons using the configuration file (`~/.twidgets.json`).\n4. Refer to the [Configuration](#configuration) for more detailed information on configuration options and usage.\n\n## Prerequisites\n\nBefore using Terminal Widgets, please ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:\n\n1. **Python 3.x**: Terminal Widgets is written in Python and requires Python 3.x to be installed on your system.\n2. **Nerd Font**: Terminal Widgets requires Nerd Font for display glyphs. If not installed, download one from [here](https://www.nerdfonts.com/).\n3. **For Android users using Termux**:\n\n - **Termux**: Terminal Widgets can be used on Android devices via Termux. Ensure that you have [Termux](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/) installed on your Android device from the Google Play Store or F-Droid.\n - **Termux-API**: Terminal Widgets requires the Termux-API app for certain functionalities. Install the [Termux-API](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux.api/) app from the Google Play Store or F-Droid.\n - **termux-api**: Terminal Widgets requires the termux-api package for certain functionalities. Install termux-api by running the following command in your Termux terminal:\n\n ```\n pkg install termux-api\n ```\n\n## Installation\n\nYou can install Terminal Widgets using pip, or you can clone the repository and install it locally.\n\n### Install via pip\n\nTo install Terminal Widgets via pip, simply run the following command:\n\n```\npip install terminal-widgets\n```\n\nor\n\n```\npip3 install terminal-widgets\n```\n\nThis will download and install the latest version of Terminal Widgets from the Python Package Index (PyPI) along with its dependencies.\n\n### Manual Installation\n\nTo install Terminal Widgets locally, follow these steps:\n\n1. Clone this repository to your local machine.\n `git clone https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets`\n2. Navigate to the cloned directory.\n `cd terminal-widgets`\n3. Install the package using pip:\n `pip install .`\n or\n `pip3 install .`\n\nThis will install Terminal Widgets along with its dependencies from the local source files.\n\n## Usage\n\nSimply run the **`twidgets`** in your terminal to get an overview of your system status.\ntry these command if not working:\n\n```shell\npython -m twidgets\n```\n\nor\n\n```shell\npython3 -m twidgets\n```\n\n`<a name=\"argument\"></a>`\n\n## Argument Options:\n\nTerminal-Widgets supports the following command line options for customization and control:\n\n**-h, --help** Show this help message and exit.\n**--configs** Display the configuration file.\n**--widgets** List built-in widgets and their values.\n**--stdout** Disable colors and ASCII graphics, displaying only plain text.\n**--json** Output widget data as a JSON object.\n**--no-badge** Display widgets without badge styling.\n**--color-bars** Enable color bars in terminal widgets.\n**--text {detailed, compact}**\n Set text mode for terminal widgets:\n - 'detailed' includes extended information\n - 'compact' shows concise info (default: compact)\n**--color [normal, vivid, random, custom]**\n Select color mode for terminal widgets (default: normal).\n**--logo [pacman, linux, windows, macos, android]**\n Choose a logo to display before widgets\n (default: auto, based on system).\n**--show [logo, widgets]** Specify what to display: 'logo' or 'widgets'.\n**--align [left, center]** Set alignment mode for terminal widgets (default: center).\n**--direction [row, column]**\n Choose layout direction for widgets (default: row).\n**--weather location** Set the location for the weather widget.\n**--weather-api API_KEY** Provide OpenWeather API key for weather data.\n**--bypass-system-api** Bypass system API requirement checks.\n**-c, --config file** Specify a JSON configuration file to load.\n**--column length** Set the number of widgets per row.\n**--column-gap length** Set gap between widgets in each column.\n**--row-gap length** Set gap between widgets in each row.\n**--margin length** Set whitespace lines before and after execution.\n\nThese options allow users to customize the behavior and appearance of Terminal-Widgets according to their preferences.\n\n`<a name=\"configuration\"></a>`\n\n## Configuration\n\nTerminal Widgets supports configuration options, allowing users to customize their widgets or add new ones.\n\nTo configure Terminal Widgets:\n\n1. Open the configuration file located at `~/.twidgets.json`.\n2. Modify the following key-value pairs according to your preferences:\n\n- **colors**: Define custom color codes for widgets and addons. This option requires all color names (`red`, `cyan`, etc.) to be specified, to show custom colors pass `--color custom` argument to the program.\n\n- **logo**: Customize the logo displayed before the widgets. You can define an ASCII art logo by entering it as an array of strings under the `\"logo\"` key. This logo will appear in the terminal before other widgets, providing a personalized visual touch.\n\n- **weather_api**: Provide your OpenWeatherMap API key for weather data.\n - API_KEY: Provide your OpenWeatherMap API key here (e.g., \"weather_api\": \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\").\n\n<br>\n\n- **addons**: Customize addon widgets. Use properties like `text`, `color`, `script`, `exec`, `icon`, and `index`.\n - **text**: The text content to display for the addon.\n - **color**: The color code for the addon text or icon.\n - **script**: The Python script file or code to execute for dynamic text content.\n - **exec**: The terminal command to execute for dynamic text content.\n - **icon**: The UTF-8 code of the icon or glyph to display for the addon.\n - **index**: The position of the addon in the widget layout.\n- **widgets**: Configure built-in widgets like `username`, `hostname`, `platform`, `shell`, `package`, etc. Use properties like `text`, `color`, `icon`, `index`, and `state`.\n - **text**: The text content to display for the widget.\n - **color**: The color code for the widget icon.\n - **icon**: The UTF-8 code of the icon or glyph to display for the widget.\n - **index**: The position of the widget in the widget layout.\n - **state**: Use \"disabled\" value to hide specific widget.\n\n3. Dynamic Method for Defining **widget-addon** without Specifying 'color' or 'icon'.\n\n- **Add Text**:\n\n - Simply input the desired text.\n- **Add Color**:\n\n - \"[color_name or hex_code]\" marks the beginning of the color for the content.\n - \"[/]\" signifies the end of color formatting.\n- **Add Icon**:\n\n - Incorporate icons into text content using Unicode characters. For instance, utilize \"\\uf255\" to depict a custom Unicode character as an icon within the text.\n- Refer to Example 11 for further clarification.\n\n4. Save the changes and restart Terminal Widgets to apply the new configuration.\n\n## Configuration Examples\n\n- **Example 1:**\n - This example defines custom **colors** code for terminal-widgets.\n\n```json\n{\n \"colors\": {\n \"red\": \"#FF0000\",\n \"cyan\": \"#00FFFF\",\n \"purple\": \"#a06efc\",\n \"green\": \"#9ACB73\",\n \"yellow\": \"#f8d255\",\n \"sky\": \"#6AA1DA\"\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 2:**\n - This example customize the logo in the Terminal Widgets.\n\n```json\n{\n \"logo\": [\n \" ,.=:!!t3Z3z., \",\n \" :tt:::tt333EE3 \",\n \" Et:::ztt33EEEL @Ee., .., \",\n \" ;tt:::tt333EE7 ;EEEEEEttttt33# \",\n \" :Et:::zt333EEQ. $EEEEEttttt33QL \",\n \" it::::tt333EEF @EEEEEEttttt33F \",\n \" ;3=*^```\\\"*4EEV :EEEEEEttttt33@. \",\n \" ,.=::::!t=., ` @EEEEEEtttz33QF \",\n \" ;::::::::zt33) \\\"4EEEtttji3P* \",\n \" :t::::::::tt33.:Z3z.. `` ,..g. \",\n \" i::::::::zt33F AEEEtttt::::ztF \",\n \" ;:::::::::t33V ;EEEttttt::::t3 \",\n \" E::::::::zt33L @EEEtttt::::z3F \",\n \"{3=*^```\\\"*4E3) ;EEEtttt:::::tZ` \",\n \" ` :EEEEtttt::::z7 \",\n \" \\\"VEzjt:;;z>*` \"\n ]\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 3:**\n - Configures the **build-in** widget `username` to change set custom color of icon.\n\n```json\n{\n \"widgets\": {\n \"username\": {\n \"color\": \"#d0ff1f\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 4:**\n - Configures the **build-in** widget `hostname` to display the text \"macbook pro\" at index 2 in the layout.\n\n```json\n{\n \"widgets\": {\n \"hostname\": {\n \"text\": \"macbook pro\",\n \"index\": 2\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 5:**\n - Configures the **build-in** widget `platform` to display the text \"macos\" with the custom icon.\n\n```json\n{\n \"widgets\": {\n \"platform\": {\n \"text\": \"macos\",\n \"icon\": \"\\uf179\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 6:**\n - Configures the **build-in** widget `shell` to display the text \"zsh\".\n\n```json\n{\n \"widgets\": {\n \"shell\": {\n \"text\": \"zsh\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 7:**\n - Disables the **build-in** widget `storage`, preventing it from being displayed.\n\n```json\n{\n \"widgets\": {\n \"storage\": {\n \"state\": \"disabled\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 8:**\n - Adds a welcome message **addon** with custom text, color, and position in the layout.\n\n```json\n{\n \"addons\": {\n \"welcome\": {\n \"text\": \"Welcome to Terminal Widgets\",\n \"color\": \"#afdaaf\",\n \"index\": 2\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 9:**\n - Configures the `cputemp` **addon** to execute a Python script that prints a random temperature between 30\u00b0C and 60\u00b0C, with custom color and icon.\n\n```json\n{\n \"addons\": {\n \"cputemp\": {\n \"script\": \"import random\\nprint(random.randint(30, 60), '\\u00B0C')\",\n \"color\": \"#ff8522\",\n \"icon\": \"\\udb84\\udcc3\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 10:**\n - Configures the `process` **addon** to execute a Python script located at \"/path/to/the/file/script.py\".\n\n```json\n{\n \"addons\": {\n \"process\": {\n \"script\": \"/path/to/the/file/script.py\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 11:**\n - Configures the `pwd` addon to execute the \"pwd\" command in the terminal, displaying the current directory path with custom color and icon.\n\n```json\n{\n \"addons\": {\n \"pwd\": {\n \"exec\": \"pwd\",\n \"color\": \"#ffa0f4\",\n \"icon\": \"\\uf07b\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 12:**\n - Configures the `hi` addon to display custom formatted text with colors.\n - **text**: Sets the text content to \"[#ff0000]\\uf255[/] [#eeff00]Hi, there[/]\", where:\n - \"[#ff0000]\" specifies the start of red color for the text.\n - \"\\uf255\" represents a custom Unicode character.\n - \"[#eeff00]\" specifies the start of yellow-green color for the text \"Hi, there\".\n - \"[/]\" specifies the end of the color formatting.\n - \"Hi, there\" is the content to be displayed in yellow-green color and icon displayed in red color.\n\n```json\n{\n \"addons\": {\n \"hi\": {\n \"text\": \"[#ff0000]\\uf255[/] [#eeff00]Hi, there[/]\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n- **Example 13:**\n - Configures the `color` addon to display custom color palette widget.\n - Uses a Python script to generate colored blocks representing each color in the palette.\n - Each color block is enclosed in color formatting tags, providing a visual representation of the color.\n - The color key specifies the color of the palette widget.\n - The icon key sets an icon for the palette widget.\n\n```json\n{\n \"addons\": {\n \"color\": {\n \"script\": \"print(' '.join([f'[{color}]\\ueabc[/]' for color in ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']]))\",\n \"color\": \"#6aafff\",\n \"icon\": \"\\ue22b\"\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n## Contributing\n\nContributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.\n\n## License\n\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/imegeek/terminal-widgets/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.\n",
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