
Nametern JSON
Version 2.12.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryAn inspection tool to find the OSS compliance metadata of the packages installed in a container image.
upload_time2023-07-14 21:35:44
authorVMware Inc
keywords distribution container cloud-native
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

[![Pull Request Lint and Test](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/actions/workflows/pull_request.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/actions/workflows/pull_request.yml)
[![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2689/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2689)

# Welcome to the Tern Project

Tern is a software package inspection tool that can create a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for containers. It's written in Python3 with a smattering of shell scripts.

# Table of Contents
- [Introduction](#what-is-tern)
  - [FAQ](/docs/faq.md)
  - [Glossary of Terms](/docs/glossary.md)
  - [Architecture](/docs/architecture.md)
  - [Navigating the Code](/docs/navigating-the-code.md)
  - [Data Model](/docs/data-model.md)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  - [GitHub Action](#github-action)
  - [Getting Started on Linux](#getting-started-on-linux)
  - [Getting Started with Docker](#getting-started-with-docker)
  - [Creating a Kubernetes Job](#k8s-job)
  - [Getting Started with Vagrant](#getting-started-with-vagrant)
- [Using Tern](#using-tern)
  - [Generating an SBOM report for a Docker image](#sbom-for-docker-image)
  - [Generating an SBOM report from a Dockerfile](#sbom-for-dockerfile)
  - [Generating a locked Dockerfile](#dockerfile-lock)
- [Report Formats](#report-formats)
  - [Understanding the Reports](#understanding-the-reports)
  - [Human Readable Format](#report-human-readable)
  - [JSON Format](#report-json)
  - [HTML Format](#report-html)
  - [YAML Format](#report-yaml)
  - [SPDX tag-value Format](#report-spdxtagvalue)
  - [SPDX JSON Format](#report-spdxjson)
  - [CycloneDX JSON Format](#report-cyclonedxjson)
- [Extensions](#extensions)
  - [Scancode](#scancode)
  - [cve-bin-tool](#cve-bin-tool)
- [Running tests](#running-tests)
- [Project Status](#project-status)
- [Contributing](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
  - [Code of Conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
  - [Creating Report Formats](/docs/creating-custom-templates.md)
  - [Creating Tool Extensions](/docs/creating-tool-extensions.md)
  - [Adding to the Command Library](/docs/adding-to-command-library.md)

# What is Tern?<a name="what-is-tern">
Tern is an inspection tool to find the metadata of the packages installed in a container image. The overall operation looks like this:
1. It analyzes the first layer of the container image to collect information like distro type, package format, and package managers.
2. It then executes scripts from the "command library" in a chroot environment to collect information about packages installed in that layer.
3. With that information as a starting point, it continues to analyze the subsequent layers in the container image.
4. Once done, it generates a report of packages with their metadata. Several formats are available. The report, in its default format, provides a layer by layer, explanation of the various software components imported. If a Dockerfile is provided, the report indicates the Dockerfile lines corresponding to each of the file system layers.

Tern gives you a deeper understanding of your container's bill of materials so you can make better decisions about your container based infrastructure, integration and deployment strategies. It's also a good tool if you are curious about the contents of the container images you have built.

![Tern quick demo](/docs/img/tern_demo_fast.gif)

# Getting Started<a name="getting-started"/>

## GitHub Action<a name="github-action"/>
A [GitHub Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/tern-action) is available if you just want to scan Docker container images to find the Base OS and packages installed. Please contribute changes [here](https://github.com/philips-labs/tern-action). Thanks to Jeroen Knoops @JeroenKnoops for their work on this.

## Getting Started on Linux<a name="getting-started-on-linux">
If you have a Linux OS you will need a distro with a kernel version >= 4.0 (Ubuntu 16.04 or newer or Fedora 25 or newer are good selections) and will need to install the following requirements:

- Git (Installation instructions can be found here: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)
- attr (sudo apt-get install attr or sudo dnf install attr)
- Python 3.6 or newer (sudo apt-get install python3.6(3.7) or sudo dnf install python36(37))
- Pip (sudo apt-get install python3-pip).
- jq (sudo apt-get install jq or sudo dnf install jq)
- skopeo (See [here](https://github.com/containers/skopeo/blob/main/install.md) for installation instructions or building from source)

Some distro versions have all of these except `attr`, `jq`, and/or `skopeo` preinstalled. `attr` and `jq` are common utilities and are available via the package manager. `skopeo` has only recently been packaged for common Linux distros. If you don't see your distro in the list, your best bet is building from source, which is reasonably straightforward if you have Go installed.

For analyzing Dockerfiles and to use the "lock" function
- Docker CE (Installation instructions can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/#server)

*NOTE:* We do not provide advice on the usage of [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/blog/updating-product-subscriptions/)

Once installed, make sure the docker daemon is running.

Create a python3 virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv ternenv
$ cd ternenv

*NOTE:* Your OS might distribute each Python version separately. For example, on Ubuntu LTS, Python 2.7 is linked to `python2` and Python 3.6 is linked to `python3`. I develop with Python 3.7 which is installed separately with no symlinks. In this case, I use the binary. The binaries are usually installed in `/usr/bin/python`.

Activate the virtual environment:
$ source bin/activate
NOTE: This specific activate script only works for Bash shells. If you need to activate a Fish Shell or C Shell you should use `source bin/activate.fish` or `source bin/activate.csh`, respectively.

Install tern:
$ pip install tern

Run Tern:
$ tern report -o output.txt -i debian:buster

## Getting Started with Docker<a name="getting-started-with-docker">
Docker is the most widely used tool to build and run containers. If you already have Docker installed, you can run Tern by building a container with the Dockerfile provided.

Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/tern-tools/tern.git

Build the Docker image (called `ternd` here). You may need to use sudo:
$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t ternd .

This will install the latest release of tern using pip.

If you want to build a Docker image containing the latest changes to tern, run:
$ python setup.py sdist
$ docker build -f ci/Dockerfile -t ternd .

**NOTE**: By default, Tern will run with logging turned on. If you would like to silent the terminal output when running the ternd container, make the following change to the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT before building:

--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
-ENTRYPOINT ["tern"]
+ENTRYPOINT ["tern", "-q"]

Run the ternd container image

$ docker run --rm ternd report -i debian:buster

If you are using this container to analyze Dockerfiles and to use the "lock" feature, then you must volume mount the docker socket. We have a convenience script which will do that for you. 

$ ./docker_run.sh ternd "report -i debian:buster" > output.txt

To produce a json report run
$ ./docker_run.sh ternd "report -f json -i debian:buster"

Tern is not distributed as Docker images yet. This is coming soon. Watch the [Project Status](#project-status) for updates.

**WARNING**: If using the `--driver fuse` or `--driver overlay2` storage driver options, then the docker image needs to run as privileged.

docker run --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ternd --driver fuse report -i debian:buster

You can make this change to the `docker_run.sh` script to make it easier.

## Creating a Kubernetes Job<a name="k8s-job">
A Tern container can be deployed on Kubernetes as a Job. However, a host mount is required to retrieve the reports. We will describe below how to create a Kubernetes Job within minikube.

To install minikube, follow [these instructions](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/). If using a virtual machine manager, make sure it [supports volume mounts](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/mount/#driver-mounts). We will be using VirtualBox in this example.

Download the existing Tern Dockerfile
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tern-tools/tern/main/docker/Dockerfile

Start minikube
$ minikube start --driver=virtualbox

Use minikube to build the Tern container image
$ minikube image build -t tern:test -f Dockerfile .

Once build has completed, you should see the image by running `minikube image ls`. It should look something like `docker.io/library/tern:test`.

We are now ready to create a Job. You can modify the following YAML according to your host's filesystem:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: tern
      restartPolicy: Never
      - image: docker.io/library/tern:test
	# in order run the job for other containers, replace the "-i" argument here
        command: ["tern", "report", "-i", "docker.io/library/debian:buster", "-o", "/host/report.txt"]
        name: tern-example
          - name: host-mount
            mountPath: /host # this path exists in the pod
      - name: host-mount # create a corresponding directory on the host
          path: /path/to/tern/reports # this path must exist on the host

We can now deploy Tern on Kubernetes
$ minikube kubectl -- apply -f tern-example.yaml

To check the status of the Job, you can run `minikube kubectl -- describe job.batch/tern`. You should be able to see `report.txt` in `/path/to/tern/reports/`.

## Getting Started with Vagrant<a name="getting-started-with-vagrant">
Vagrant is a tool to setup an isolated virtual software development environment. If you are using Windows or Mac OSes and want to run Tern from the command line (not in a Docker container) this is the best way to get started as Tern does not run natively in a Mac OS or Windows environment at this time.

### Install
Follow the instructions on the [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) website to download VirtualBox on your OS.

Follow the instructions on the website to install [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) for your OS. 

### Create a Vagrant environment
**NOTE**: The following steps will install the latest [PyPI release](https://pypi.org/project/tern/#history) version of Tern. If you want to install Tern from the tip of master, please instead follow "Setting up a development environment on Mac and Windows" in the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md).

In your terminal app, run the following commands. 

Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/tern-tools/tern.git

Bring up the Vagrant box: 
$ cd tern/vagrant
$ vagrant up

SSH into the created VM: 
$ vagrant ssh

$ tern report -i debian:buster -o output.txt

# Using Tern<a name="using-tern">

*WARNING*: The CLI has changed since the last release. Visit [Tern's PyPI project page](https://pypi.org/project/tern/) to find the correct CLI options or just run `tern -h`.

Tern creates a report containing the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) of a container image, including notes about how it collects this information, and files for which it has no information about. Currently, Tern supports containers only built using Docker using image manifest version 2, schema 2. Docker image manifest version 2, schema 1 has been [deprecated](https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/deprecated-schema-v1/) by Docker. Tern will support container images created using Docker version 19.03.0 or later. Docker is the most ubiquitous type of container image that exists so the project started with a focus on those. However, it is architected to support other images that closely follow the [OCI image spec](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/spec.md).

## Generating an SBOM report for a Docker image<a name="sbom-for-docker-image">
If you have a Docker image pulled locally and want to inspect it
$ tern report -i debian:jessie
The SBOM of packages that are installed in the Docker image and how Tern got this information will be printed to the console. To direct this output to a file, use the `-o file_name` command line option. If you encounter any errors, please file an issue.

## Generating an SBOM report from a Dockerfile<a name="sbom-for-dockerfile">
You can provide a Dockerfile to Tern to figure out the Software Bill of Materials and other information. Tern will build the image, analyze it with respect to the Dockerfile and discard the image. This is useful to engineers who are developing a Dockerfile for their app or in a container build and release pipeline.
$ tern report -d samples/photon_git/Dockerfile
The SBOM of packages you would be shipping if you were to use the given Dockerfile will print to the console. To direct the output to a file, use the `-o file_name` command line option. Feel free to try this out on the other sample Dockerfiles in the samples directory or on Dockerfiles you may be working with. If it doesn't work for you, please file an issue.

## Generating a locked Dockerfile<a name="dockerfile-lock">
Because of the way Docker builds containers, Dockerfiles are generally not declarative or reflective of what ultimately gets included in the container image that gets produced. Pinning information in your Dockerfile (base OS, packages, etc.) can help create more reproducible container images should your Dockerfile be distributed to other parties. If you have a Dockerfile that you would like to lock to a more reproducible version, Tern can help.
$ tern lock Dockerfile
The locked Dockerfile will be created in `Dockerfile.lock` unless an output file is otherwise specified. To specify an output file
$ tern lock Dockerfile -o output.txt
If the packages are not pinned in the resulting `Dockerfile.lock` or output file that gets produced, it is because 1) Tern does not know the version of the packages to pin (i.e. unable to get this information from the package manager) or 2) your Dockerfile failed to build. In the case of a failed Dockerfile build, Tern only builds the base image and tries to pin what it can. If you encounter any errors, please file an issue.

# Report Formats<a name="report-formats">
Tern creates SBOM reports suitable to read over or to provide to another tool for consumption. A collection of sample reports is available to view [here](./docs/examples/). 

## Understanding the Reports<a name="understanding-the-reports">
Tern provides a handful of different reporting styles that may work better for different applications of distribution, interoperability and comprehension. Understanding these reports will vary slightly between formats, but the information in the different report formats will generally be the same with varying degrees of package metadata detail. In all report formats, information about the version of Tern that generated the report and any applicable extension information will be at the top of the report followed by information about the metadata found in the container, organized sequentially by layer. 

The base layer (Layer 1) will provide operating system information on which the container is based, the Dockerfile command that created the layer, the package retrieval method and any packages found in the layer. Note that the operating system information may be different than the container that Tern is generating an SBOM for. For example, the `golang` container's base OS is actually `Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)`. For each subsequent layer in the container, information about the Dockerfile command that created the container layer, any warnings about unrecognized Dockerfile commands, the package retrieval method and package information is provided. If Tern doesn't find any package information in a layer, it will report packages found in the layer as "None". File licenses may also be available in the reports if Tern is run using scancode.

More information about specific reporting formats can be found below and in the `tern/classes` directory where the properties being reported on are explained in the .py files -- specifically, `image_layer.py`, `package.py`, and `file_data.py`.

## Human Readable Format<a name="report-human-readable">
The default report Tern produces is a human readable, high-level overview. The object of this report is to give the container developer a deeper understanding of what is installed in a container image during development. This allows a developer to glean basic information about the container such as what the true base operating system is, what the app dependencies are, if the container is using an official or personal repository for sources or binaries, whether the dependencies are at the correct versions, etc. 

While the packages found in each layer and their associated version and license are listed on a per layer basis, there is also a summary of licenses found in the container printed at the bottom of the report which is unique to the default human readable format.
$ tern report -i golang:1.12-alpine -o output.txt

## JSON Format<a name="report-json">
You can get the results in a JSON file to pass around in a network. The JSON report contains the most amount of container metadata compared to the default report and because of this, is often a very large file. If you are planning to look for information in this file manually, we recommend using the `jq` utility to better display and understand the information in the report.

In terms of general container information, the JSON report provides detailed "created by" information including docker container config information, layer `created_by` information and layer creation time stamps. It also provides the `diff_id` and tar file information for each layer, including each layer's unique package set and the packages metadata. The JSON report will also provide more detailed package metadata (if found) including the project URL information, files found in each package when run with scancode and package licenses (`pkg_licenses`) for containers based on Debian OSes where license information is parsed from Copyright text instead of declared by the package manager (`pkg_license`).
$ tern report -f json -i golang:1.12-alpine

## HTML Format<a name="report-html">
You can get an html rendering of the JSON results. An output file with `.html` suffix should be provided in order to properly view the report in your browser. The HTML report will include all of the same information found in a JSON report. See above for details about the JSON report.
$ tern report -f html -i golang:1.12-alpine -o report.html

## YAML Format<a name="report-yaml">
You can get the results in a YAML file to be consumed by a downstream tool or script. The YAML information will be the same information found in the JSON report. See above for details about the JSON report.
$ tern report -f yaml -i golang:1.12-alpine -o output.yaml

## SPDX tag-value Format<a name="report-spdxtagvalue">
[SPDX](https://spdx.org/) is a format developed by the Linux Foundation to provide a standard way of reporting license information. It is now an [ISO standard](https://www.iso.org/standard/81870.html). The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) [recognizes SPDX](https://www.ntia.gov/files/ntia/publications/sbom_options_and_decision_points_20210427-1.pdf) as one of three valid SBOM formats that satisfies the minimum viable requirements for an SBOM in accordance with President Biden's [Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-on-improving-the-nations-cybersecurity/).

Many compliance tools are compatible with SPDX. Tern follows the [SPDX specifications](https://spdx.org/specifications). The tag-value format is most compatible with the toolkit the organization provides. There are conversion tools available [here](https://github.com/spdx/tools) (some still in development). You can read an overview of the SPDX tag-value specification [here](./docs/spdx-tag-value-overview) and about how Tern maps its properties to the keys mandated by the spec [here](./docs/spdx-tag-value-mapping.md).
$ tern report -f spdxtagvalue -i golang:1.12-alpine -o spdx.txt

## SPDX JSON Format<a name="report-spdxjson">
The SPDX JSON format contains the same information that an SPDX Tag-value document does. The only difference between these two formats is the way the information is represented. The 'spdxjson' format represents the container information as a collection of key-value pairs. In some cases, the SPDX JSON format may be more interoperable between cloud native compliance tools.
$ tern report -f spdxjson -i golang:1.12-alpine -o spdx.json

## CycloneDX JSON Format<a name="report-cyclonedxjson">
[OWASP CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/) is a lightweight software bill of materials standard designed for use in application security contexts and supply chain component analysis. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) [recognizes CycloneDX](https://www.ntia.gov/files/ntia/publications/sbom_options_and_decision_points_20210427-1.pdf) as one of three valid SBOM formats that satisfies the minimum viable requirements for an SBOM in accordance with President Biden's [Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-on-improving-the-nations-cybersecurity/).

Many tools for producing and consuming CycloneDX SBOMs are listed in the [CycloneDX Tool Center](https://cyclonedx.org/tool-center/).
$ tern report -f cyclonedxjson -i golang:1.12-alpine -o bom.json

# Extensions<a name="extensions">
Tern does not have its own file level license scanner. In order to fill in the gap, Tern allows you to extend container image analysis with an external file analysis CLI tool or Python3 module. In order to take advantage of the extensions, both the extention tool and Tern need to be installed.

NOTE: Neither the Docker container nor the Vagrant image has any of the extensions installed. You are welcomed to modify `Dockerfile` and `vagrant/bootstrap.sh` to install the extensions if you wish to use them. Please see the instructions below on how to enable the extension of your choice.

## Scancode<a name="scancode">
[scancode-toolkit](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit) is a license analysis tool that "detects licenses, copyrights, package manifests and direct dependencies and more both in source code and binary files". Note that Scancode currently works on Python 3.6 to 3.9. Be sure to check what python version you are using below.

**NOTE** Installation issues have been [reported](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/issues/3205) on macOS on M1 and Linux on ARM for Scancode>=31.0.0. If you are wanting to run Tern + Scancode in either of these environments, you will need to install `scancode-toolkit-mini`.

1. Install system dependencies for Scancode (refer to the [Scancode GitHub repo](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit) for instructions)

2. Setup a python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv scanenv
$ cd scanenv
$ source bin/activate
3. Install tern and scancode
$ pip install tern scancode-toolkit
<br> If you are using macOS on M1 or Linux on ARM, run:</br>
$ pip install tern scancode-toolkit-mini
4. Run tern with scancode
$ tern report -x scancode -i golang:1.12-alpine

If you are running Scancode for the first time, depending on the size of the container image, it takes anywhere between 10 minutes to a few hours to run due to the number of files needed to be analyzed. Once completed, subsequent runs will be much faster as the data will be cached for future use.

## cve-bin-tool<a name="cve-bin-tool">
[cve-bin-tool](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) is a command line tool which "scans for a number of common, vulnerable components (openssl, libpng, libxml2, expat and a few others) to let you know if your system includes common libraries with known vulnerabilities". Vulnerability scanning tools can also be extended to work on containers using Tern, although support for certain metadata pertaining to CVEs may not be available yet. As a result, you will not see any of the results in the generated reports.

1. Install system dependencies for cve-bin-tool (refer to the [cve-bin-tool GitHub repo](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) for instructions)

2. Setup a python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv scanenv
$ cd scanenv
$ source bin/activate
3. Install tern and cve-bin-tool
$ pip install tern cve-bin-tool
4. Run tern with cve-bin-tool
$ tern report -x cve_bin_tool -i golang:1.12-alpine
# Running tests<a name="running-tests">
WARNING: The `test_util_*` tests are not up to date. We are working on it :). From the Tern repository root directory run:
$ python tests/<test file>.py

## Project Status<a name="project-status"/>
Patched release 2.12.1 is out. See the [release notes](docs/releases/v2_12_1.md) for more information. We try to keep the [project roadmap](./docs/project-roadmap.md) as up to date as possible.

## Recent Past Releases
* [v2.12.0](docs/releases/v2_12_0.md)
  * Includes an important security update for GitPython to address [CVE-2022-24439](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24439)
* [v2.11.0](docs/releases/v2_11_0.md)
* [v2.10.1](docs/releases/v2_10_1.md)
* [v2.9.1](docs/releases/v2_9_1.md)
* [v2.8.0](docs/releases/v2_8_0.md)

## Documentation
Architecture, function blocks, code descriptions and the project roadmap are located in the docs folder. Contributions to the documentation are welcome! See the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md) to find out how to submit changes.

## Get Involved

Do you have questions about Tern? Do you think it can do better? Would you like to make it better? You can get involved by giving your feedback and contributing to the code, documentation and conversation!

Please read our [code of conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) first.

Next, take a look at the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md) to find out how you can start.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/",
    "name": "tern",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "Distribution,Container,Cloud-Native",
    "author": "VMware Inc",
    "author_email": "nishak@vmware.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f8/4b/123b2ca469126b45e61853acf028fe1d466f4fe1d5e7afd1d4972c151b4d/tern-2.12.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "![Tern](/docs/img/tern_logo.png)\n\n[![Pull Request Lint and Test](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/actions/workflows/pull_request.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/actions/workflows/pull_request.yml)\n[![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2689/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2689)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%202--Clause-orange.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)\n\n# Welcome to the Tern Project\n\nTern is a software package inspection tool that can create a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for containers. It's written in Python3 with a smattering of shell scripts.\n\n# Table of Contents\n- [Introduction](#what-is-tern)\n  - [FAQ](/docs/faq.md)\n  - [Glossary of Terms](/docs/glossary.md)\n  - [Architecture](/docs/architecture.md)\n  - [Navigating the Code](/docs/navigating-the-code.md)\n  - [Data Model](/docs/data-model.md)\n- [Getting Started](#getting-started)\n  - [GitHub Action](#github-action)\n  - [Getting Started on Linux](#getting-started-on-linux)\n  - [Getting Started with Docker](#getting-started-with-docker)\n  - [Creating a Kubernetes Job](#k8s-job)\n  - [Getting Started with Vagrant](#getting-started-with-vagrant)\n- [Using Tern](#using-tern)\n  - [Generating an SBOM report for a Docker image](#sbom-for-docker-image)\n  - [Generating an SBOM report from a Dockerfile](#sbom-for-dockerfile)\n  - [Generating a locked Dockerfile](#dockerfile-lock)\n- [Report Formats](#report-formats)\n  - [Understanding the Reports](#understanding-the-reports)\n  - [Human Readable Format](#report-human-readable)\n  - [JSON Format](#report-json)\n  - [HTML Format](#report-html)\n  - [YAML Format](#report-yaml)\n  - [SPDX tag-value Format](#report-spdxtagvalue)\n  - [SPDX JSON Format](#report-spdxjson)\n  - [CycloneDX JSON Format](#report-cyclonedxjson)\n- [Extensions](#extensions)\n  - [Scancode](#scancode)\n  - [cve-bin-tool](#cve-bin-tool)\n- [Running tests](#running-tests)\n- [Project Status](#project-status)\n- [Contributing](/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n  - [Code of Conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)\n  - [Creating Report Formats](/docs/creating-custom-templates.md)\n  - [Creating Tool Extensions](/docs/creating-tool-extensions.md)\n  - [Adding to the Command Library](/docs/adding-to-command-library.md)\n\n# What is Tern?<a name=\"what-is-tern\">\nTern is an inspection tool to find the metadata of the packages installed in a container image. The overall operation looks like this:\n1. It analyzes the first layer of the container image to collect information like distro type, package format, and package managers.\n2. It then executes scripts from the \"command library\" in a chroot environment to collect information about packages installed in that layer.\n3. With that information as a starting point, it continues to analyze the subsequent layers in the container image.\n4. Once done, it generates a report of packages with their metadata. Several formats are available. The report, in its default format, provides a layer by layer, explanation of the various software components imported. If a Dockerfile is provided, the report indicates the Dockerfile lines corresponding to each of the file system layers.\n\nTern gives you a deeper understanding of your container's bill of materials so you can make better decisions about your container based infrastructure, integration and deployment strategies. It's also a good tool if you are curious about the contents of the container images you have built.\n\n![Tern quick demo](/docs/img/tern_demo_fast.gif)\n\n# Getting Started<a name=\"getting-started\"/>\n\n## GitHub Action<a name=\"github-action\"/>\nA [GitHub Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/tern-action) is available if you just want to scan Docker container images to find the Base OS and packages installed. Please contribute changes [here](https://github.com/philips-labs/tern-action). Thanks to Jeroen Knoops @JeroenKnoops for their work on this.\n\n## Getting Started on Linux<a name=\"getting-started-on-linux\">\nIf you have a Linux OS you will need a distro with a kernel version >= 4.0 (Ubuntu 16.04 or newer or Fedora 25 or newer are good selections) and will need to install the following requirements:\n\n- Git (Installation instructions can be found here: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)\n- attr (sudo apt-get install attr or sudo dnf install attr)\n- Python 3.6 or newer (sudo apt-get install python3.6(3.7) or sudo dnf install python36(37))\n- Pip (sudo apt-get install python3-pip).\n- jq (sudo apt-get install jq or sudo dnf install jq)\n- skopeo (See [here](https://github.com/containers/skopeo/blob/main/install.md) for installation instructions or building from source)\n\nSome distro versions have all of these except `attr`, `jq`, and/or `skopeo` preinstalled. `attr` and `jq` are common utilities and are available via the package manager. `skopeo` has only recently been packaged for common Linux distros. If you don't see your distro in the list, your best bet is building from source, which is reasonably straightforward if you have Go installed.\n\nFor analyzing Dockerfiles and to use the \"lock\" function\n- Docker CE (Installation instructions can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/#server)\n\n*NOTE:* We do not provide advice on the usage of [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/blog/updating-product-subscriptions/)\n\nOnce installed, make sure the docker daemon is running.\n\nCreate a python3 virtual environment:\n```\n$ python3 -m venv ternenv\n$ cd ternenv\n```\n\n*NOTE:* Your OS might distribute each Python version separately. For example, on Ubuntu LTS, Python 2.7 is linked to `python2` and Python 3.6 is linked to `python3`. I develop with Python 3.7 which is installed separately with no symlinks. In this case, I use the binary. The binaries are usually installed in `/usr/bin/python`.\n\nActivate the virtual environment:\n```\n$ source bin/activate\n```\nNOTE: This specific activate script only works for Bash shells. If you need to activate a Fish Shell or C Shell you should use `source bin/activate.fish` or `source bin/activate.csh`, respectively.\n\nInstall tern:\n```\n$ pip install tern\n```\n\nRun Tern:\n```\n$ tern report -o output.txt -i debian:buster\n```\n\n## Getting Started with Docker<a name=\"getting-started-with-docker\">\nDocker is the most widely used tool to build and run containers. If you already have Docker installed, you can run Tern by building a container with the Dockerfile provided.\n\nClone this repository:\n```\n$ git clone https://github.com/tern-tools/tern.git\n```\n\nBuild the Docker image (called `ternd` here). You may need to use sudo:\n```\n$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t ternd .\n```\n\nThis will install the latest release of tern using pip.\n\nIf you want to build a Docker image containing the latest changes to tern, run:\n```\n$ python setup.py sdist\n$ docker build -f ci/Dockerfile -t ternd .\n```\n\n**NOTE**: By default, Tern will run with logging turned on. If you would like to silent the terminal output when running the ternd container, make the following change to the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT before building:\n\n```\n--- a/Dockerfile\n+++ b/Dockerfile\n-ENTRYPOINT [\"tern\"]\n+ENTRYPOINT [\"tern\", \"-q\"]\n```\n\nRun the ternd container image\n\n```\n$ docker run --rm ternd report -i debian:buster\n```\n\nIf you are using this container to analyze Dockerfiles and to use the \"lock\" feature, then you must volume mount the docker socket. We have a convenience script which will do that for you. \n\n```\n$ ./docker_run.sh ternd \"report -i debian:buster\" > output.txt\n```\n\nTo produce a json report run\n```\n$ ./docker_run.sh ternd \"report -f json -i debian:buster\"\n```\n\nTern is not distributed as Docker images yet. This is coming soon. Watch the [Project Status](#project-status) for updates.\n\n**WARNING**: If using the `--driver fuse` or `--driver overlay2` storage driver options, then the docker image needs to run as privileged.\n\n```\ndocker run --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ternd --driver fuse report -i debian:buster\n```\n\nYou can make this change to the `docker_run.sh` script to make it easier.\n\n## Creating a Kubernetes Job<a name=\"k8s-job\">\nA Tern container can be deployed on Kubernetes as a Job. However, a host mount is required to retrieve the reports. We will describe below how to create a Kubernetes Job within minikube.\n\nTo install minikube, follow [these instructions](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/). If using a virtual machine manager, make sure it [supports volume mounts](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/mount/#driver-mounts). We will be using VirtualBox in this example.\n\nDownload the existing Tern Dockerfile\n```\n$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tern-tools/tern/main/docker/Dockerfile\n```\n\nStart minikube\n```\n$ minikube start --driver=virtualbox\n```\n\nUse minikube to build the Tern container image\n```\n$ minikube image build -t tern:test -f Dockerfile .\n```\n\nOnce build has completed, you should see the image by running `minikube image ls`. It should look something like `docker.io/library/tern:test`.\n\nWe are now ready to create a Job. You can modify the following YAML according to your host's filesystem:\n\n```\napiVersion: batch/v1\nkind: Job\nmetadata:\n  name: tern\nspec:\n  template:\n    spec:\n      restartPolicy: Never\n      containers:\n      - image: docker.io/library/tern:test\n\t# in order run the job for other containers, replace the \"-i\" argument here\n        command: [\"tern\", \"report\", \"-i\", \"docker.io/library/debian:buster\", \"-o\", \"/host/report.txt\"]\n        name: tern-example\n        volumeMounts:\n          - name: host-mount\n            mountPath: /host # this path exists in the pod\n      volumes:\n      - name: host-mount # create a corresponding directory on the host\n        hostPath:\n          path: /path/to/tern/reports # this path must exist on the host\n```\n\nWe can now deploy Tern on Kubernetes\n```\n$ minikube kubectl -- apply -f tern-example.yaml\n```\n\nTo check the status of the Job, you can run `minikube kubectl -- describe job.batch/tern`. You should be able to see `report.txt` in `/path/to/tern/reports/`.\n\n## Getting Started with Vagrant<a name=\"getting-started-with-vagrant\">\nVagrant is a tool to setup an isolated virtual software development environment. If you are using Windows or Mac OSes and want to run Tern from the command line (not in a Docker container) this is the best way to get started as Tern does not run natively in a Mac OS or Windows environment at this time.\n\n### Install\nFollow the instructions on the [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) website to download VirtualBox on your OS.\n\nFollow the instructions on the website to install [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) for your OS. \n\n### Create a Vagrant environment\n**NOTE**: The following steps will install the latest [PyPI release](https://pypi.org/project/tern/#history) version of Tern. If you want to install Tern from the tip of master, please instead follow \"Setting up a development environment on Mac and Windows\" in the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md).\n\nIn your terminal app, run the following commands. \n\nClone this repository:\n```\n$ git clone https://github.com/tern-tools/tern.git\n```\n\nBring up the Vagrant box: \n```\n$ cd tern/vagrant\n$ vagrant up\n```\n\nSSH into the created VM: \n```\n$ vagrant ssh\n```\n\nRun:\n```\n$ tern report -i debian:buster -o output.txt\n```\n\n# Using Tern<a name=\"using-tern\">\n\n*WARNING*: The CLI has changed since the last release. Visit [Tern's PyPI project page](https://pypi.org/project/tern/) to find the correct CLI options or just run `tern -h`.\n\nTern creates a report containing the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) of a container image, including notes about how it collects this information, and files for which it has no information about. Currently, Tern supports containers only built using Docker using image manifest version 2, schema 2. Docker image manifest version 2, schema 1 has been [deprecated](https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/deprecated-schema-v1/) by Docker. Tern will support container images created using Docker version 19.03.0 or later. Docker is the most ubiquitous type of container image that exists so the project started with a focus on those. However, it is architected to support other images that closely follow the [OCI image spec](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/spec.md).\n\n## Generating an SBOM report for a Docker image<a name=\"sbom-for-docker-image\">\nIf you have a Docker image pulled locally and want to inspect it\n```\n$ tern report -i debian:jessie\n```\nThe SBOM of packages that are installed in the Docker image and how Tern got this information will be printed to the console. To direct this output to a file, use the `-o file_name` command line option. If you encounter any errors, please file an issue.\n\n## Generating an SBOM report from a Dockerfile<a name=\"sbom-for-dockerfile\">\nYou can provide a Dockerfile to Tern to figure out the Software Bill of Materials and other information. Tern will build the image, analyze it with respect to the Dockerfile and discard the image. This is useful to engineers who are developing a Dockerfile for their app or in a container build and release pipeline.\n```\n$ tern report -d samples/photon_git/Dockerfile\n```\nThe SBOM of packages you would be shipping if you were to use the given Dockerfile will print to the console. To direct the output to a file, use the `-o file_name` command line option. Feel free to try this out on the other sample Dockerfiles in the samples directory or on Dockerfiles you may be working with. If it doesn't work for you, please file an issue.\n\n## Generating a locked Dockerfile<a name=\"dockerfile-lock\">\nBecause of the way Docker builds containers, Dockerfiles are generally not declarative or reflective of what ultimately gets included in the container image that gets produced. Pinning information in your Dockerfile (base OS, packages, etc.) can help create more reproducible container images should your Dockerfile be distributed to other parties. If you have a Dockerfile that you would like to lock to a more reproducible version, Tern can help.\n```\n$ tern lock Dockerfile\n```\nThe locked Dockerfile will be created in `Dockerfile.lock` unless an output file is otherwise specified. To specify an output file\n```\n$ tern lock Dockerfile -o output.txt\n```\nIf the packages are not pinned in the resulting `Dockerfile.lock` or output file that gets produced, it is because 1) Tern does not know the version of the packages to pin (i.e. unable to get this information from the package manager) or 2) your Dockerfile failed to build. In the case of a failed Dockerfile build, Tern only builds the base image and tries to pin what it can. If you encounter any errors, please file an issue.\n\n# Report Formats<a name=\"report-formats\">\nTern creates SBOM reports suitable to read over or to provide to another tool for consumption. A collection of sample reports is available to view [here](./docs/examples/). \n\n## Understanding the Reports<a name=\"understanding-the-reports\">\nTern provides a handful of different reporting styles that may work better for different applications of distribution, interoperability and comprehension. Understanding these reports will vary slightly between formats, but the information in the different report formats will generally be the same with varying degrees of package metadata detail. In all report formats, information about the version of Tern that generated the report and any applicable extension information will be at the top of the report followed by information about the metadata found in the container, organized sequentially by layer. \n\nThe base layer (Layer 1) will provide operating system information on which the container is based, the Dockerfile command that created the layer, the package retrieval method and any packages found in the layer. Note that the operating system information may be different than the container that Tern is generating an SBOM for. For example, the `golang` container's base OS is actually `Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)`. For each subsequent layer in the container, information about the Dockerfile command that created the container layer, any warnings about unrecognized Dockerfile commands, the package retrieval method and package information is provided. If Tern doesn't find any package information in a layer, it will report packages found in the layer as \"None\". File licenses may also be available in the reports if Tern is run using scancode.\n\nMore information about specific reporting formats can be found below and in the `tern/classes` directory where the properties being reported on are explained in the .py files -- specifically, `image_layer.py`, `package.py`, and `file_data.py`.\n\n## Human Readable Format<a name=\"report-human-readable\">\nThe default report Tern produces is a human readable, high-level overview. The object of this report is to give the container developer a deeper understanding of what is installed in a container image during development. This allows a developer to glean basic information about the container such as what the true base operating system is, what the app dependencies are, if the container is using an official or personal repository for sources or binaries, whether the dependencies are at the correct versions, etc. \n\nWhile the packages found in each layer and their associated version and license are listed on a per layer basis, there is also a summary of licenses found in the container printed at the bottom of the report which is unique to the default human readable format.\n```\n$ tern report -i golang:1.12-alpine -o output.txt\n```\n\n## JSON Format<a name=\"report-json\">\nYou can get the results in a JSON file to pass around in a network. The JSON report contains the most amount of container metadata compared to the default report and because of this, is often a very large file. If you are planning to look for information in this file manually, we recommend using the `jq` utility to better display and understand the information in the report.\n\nIn terms of general container information, the JSON report provides detailed \"created by\" information including docker container config information, layer `created_by` information and layer creation time stamps. It also provides the `diff_id` and tar file information for each layer, including each layer's unique package set and the packages metadata. The JSON report will also provide more detailed package metadata (if found) including the project URL information, files found in each package when run with scancode and package licenses (`pkg_licenses`) for containers based on Debian OSes where license information is parsed from Copyright text instead of declared by the package manager (`pkg_license`).\n```\n$ tern report -f json -i golang:1.12-alpine\n```\n\n## HTML Format<a name=\"report-html\">\nYou can get an html rendering of the JSON results. An output file with `.html` suffix should be provided in order to properly view the report in your browser. The HTML report will include all of the same information found in a JSON report. See above for details about the JSON report.\n```\n$ tern report -f html -i golang:1.12-alpine -o report.html\n```\n\n## YAML Format<a name=\"report-yaml\">\nYou can get the results in a YAML file to be consumed by a downstream tool or script. The YAML information will be the same information found in the JSON report. See above for details about the JSON report.\n```\n$ tern report -f yaml -i golang:1.12-alpine -o output.yaml\n```\n\n## SPDX tag-value Format<a name=\"report-spdxtagvalue\">\n[SPDX](https://spdx.org/) is a format developed by the Linux Foundation to provide a standard way of reporting license information. It is now an [ISO standard](https://www.iso.org/standard/81870.html). The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) [recognizes SPDX](https://www.ntia.gov/files/ntia/publications/sbom_options_and_decision_points_20210427-1.pdf) as one of three valid SBOM formats that satisfies the minimum viable requirements for an SBOM in accordance with President Biden's [Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-on-improving-the-nations-cybersecurity/).\n\nMany compliance tools are compatible with SPDX. Tern follows the [SPDX specifications](https://spdx.org/specifications). The tag-value format is most compatible with the toolkit the organization provides. There are conversion tools available [here](https://github.com/spdx/tools) (some still in development). You can read an overview of the SPDX tag-value specification [here](./docs/spdx-tag-value-overview) and about how Tern maps its properties to the keys mandated by the spec [here](./docs/spdx-tag-value-mapping.md).\n```\n$ tern report -f spdxtagvalue -i golang:1.12-alpine -o spdx.txt\n```\n\n## SPDX JSON Format<a name=\"report-spdxjson\">\nThe SPDX JSON format contains the same information that an SPDX Tag-value document does. The only difference between these two formats is the way the information is represented. The 'spdxjson' format represents the container information as a collection of key-value pairs. In some cases, the SPDX JSON format may be more interoperable between cloud native compliance tools.\n```\n$ tern report -f spdxjson -i golang:1.12-alpine -o spdx.json\n```\n\n## CycloneDX JSON Format<a name=\"report-cyclonedxjson\">\n[OWASP CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/) is a lightweight software bill of materials standard designed for use in application security contexts and supply chain component analysis. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) [recognizes CycloneDX](https://www.ntia.gov/files/ntia/publications/sbom_options_and_decision_points_20210427-1.pdf) as one of three valid SBOM formats that satisfies the minimum viable requirements for an SBOM in accordance with President Biden's [Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-on-improving-the-nations-cybersecurity/).\n\nMany tools for producing and consuming CycloneDX SBOMs are listed in the [CycloneDX Tool Center](https://cyclonedx.org/tool-center/).\n```\n$ tern report -f cyclonedxjson -i golang:1.12-alpine -o bom.json\n```\n\n# Extensions<a name=\"extensions\">\nTern does not have its own file level license scanner. In order to fill in the gap, Tern allows you to extend container image analysis with an external file analysis CLI tool or Python3 module. In order to take advantage of the extensions, both the extention tool and Tern need to be installed.\n\nNOTE: Neither the Docker container nor the Vagrant image has any of the extensions installed. You are welcomed to modify `Dockerfile` and `vagrant/bootstrap.sh` to install the extensions if you wish to use them. Please see the instructions below on how to enable the extension of your choice.\n\n## Scancode<a name=\"scancode\">\n[scancode-toolkit](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit) is a license analysis tool that \"detects licenses, copyrights, package manifests and direct dependencies and more both in source code and binary files\". Note that Scancode currently works on Python 3.6 to 3.9. Be sure to check what python version you are using below.\n\n**NOTE** Installation issues have been [reported](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/issues/3205) on macOS on M1 and Linux on ARM for Scancode>=31.0.0. If you are wanting to run Tern + Scancode in either of these environments, you will need to install `scancode-toolkit-mini`.\n\n1. Install system dependencies for Scancode (refer to the [Scancode GitHub repo](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit) for instructions)\n\n2. Setup a python virtual environment\n```\n$ python3 -m venv scanenv\n$ cd scanenv\n$ source bin/activate\n```\n3. Install tern and scancode\n```\n$ pip install tern scancode-toolkit\n```\n<br> If you are using macOS on M1 or Linux on ARM, run:</br>\n```\n$ pip install tern scancode-toolkit-mini\n```\n4. Run tern with scancode\n```\n$ tern report -x scancode -i golang:1.12-alpine\n```\n\nIf you are running Scancode for the first time, depending on the size of the container image, it takes anywhere between 10 minutes to a few hours to run due to the number of files needed to be analyzed. Once completed, subsequent runs will be much faster as the data will be cached for future use.\n\n## cve-bin-tool<a name=\"cve-bin-tool\">\n[cve-bin-tool](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) is a command line tool which \"scans for a number of common, vulnerable components (openssl, libpng, libxml2, expat and a few others) to let you know if your system includes common libraries with known vulnerabilities\". Vulnerability scanning tools can also be extended to work on containers using Tern, although support for certain metadata pertaining to CVEs may not be available yet. As a result, you will not see any of the results in the generated reports.\n\n1. Install system dependencies for cve-bin-tool (refer to the [cve-bin-tool GitHub repo](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) for instructions)\n\n2. Setup a python virtual environment\n```\n$ python3 -m venv scanenv\n$ cd scanenv\n$ source bin/activate\n```\n3. Install tern and cve-bin-tool\n```\n$ pip install tern cve-bin-tool\n```\n4. Run tern with cve-bin-tool\n```\n$ tern report -x cve_bin_tool -i golang:1.12-alpine\n```\n \n# Running tests<a name=\"running-tests\">\nWARNING: The `test_util_*` tests are not up to date. We are working on it :). From the Tern repository root directory run:\n```\n$ python tests/<test file>.py\n```\n\n## Project Status<a name=\"project-status\"/>\nPatched release 2.12.1 is out. See the [release notes](docs/releases/v2_12_1.md) for more information. We try to keep the [project roadmap](./docs/project-roadmap.md) as up to date as possible.\n\n## Recent Past Releases\n* [v2.12.0](docs/releases/v2_12_0.md)\n  * Includes an important security update for GitPython to address [CVE-2022-24439](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24439)\n* [v2.11.0](docs/releases/v2_11_0.md)\n* [v2.10.1](docs/releases/v2_10_1.md)\n* [v2.9.1](docs/releases/v2_9_1.md)\n* [v2.8.0](docs/releases/v2_8_0.md)\n\n## Documentation\nArchitecture, function blocks, code descriptions and the project roadmap are located in the docs folder. Contributions to the documentation are welcome! See the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md) to find out how to submit changes.\n\n## Get Involved\n\nDo you have questions about Tern? Do you think it can do better? Would you like to make it better? You can get involved by giving your feedback and contributing to the code, documentation and conversation!\n\nPlease read our [code of conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) first.\n\nNext, take a look at the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md) to find out how you can start.\n",
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    "summary": "An inspection tool to find the OSS compliance metadata of the packages installed in a container image.",
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        "Homepage": "https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/",
        "Issues": "https://github.com/tern-tools/tern/issues",
        "Source Code": "https://github.com/tern-tools/tern"
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