[![Stable Version][stable-ver-image]][pypi-project-url]
# thconfig
## Overview
TangledHub library for config with a focus on asynchronous functions
## Licensing
thconfig is licensed under the BSD license. Check the [LICENSE](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) for details
## Installation
pip install thconfig
## Testing
docker-compose build thconfig-test ; docker-compose run --rm thconfig-test
## Building
docker-compose build thconfig-build ; docker-compose run --rm thconfig-build
## Publish
docker-compose build thconfig-publish ; docker-compose run --rm -e PYPI_USERNAME=__token__ -e PYPI_PASSWORD=__SECRET__ thconfig-publish
## THCONFIG supported in this library
## Testing
docker-compose build thconfig-test ; docker-compose run --rm thconfig-test
## Usage
### File
Configuration from file
#### setup
A class to handle reading and writing configuration data from file
# you need to provide file with data { configuration }
config_path = 'example_1.json'
# create instance of FileConfig
config = FileConfig(config_path)
#### fetch
Reads config data from file
# you need to provide file with data { configuration }
config_path = 'example_1.json'
# create instance of FileConfig
config = FileConfig(config_path)
# load data from configuration file if success
res: bool = (await config.fetch()).unwrap()
#### commit
Write config data to file
# you need to provide file with data { configuration }
config_path = 'example_1.json'
# create instance of FileConfig
config = FileConfig(config_path)
# set title
config['title'] = 'Config Example'
config.title2 = 'Config Example'
# this function change title in file
(await config.commit()).unwrap()
### CouchConfig
Configuration from couchdb
#### setup
A class to handle reading and writing configuration data from couchdb
instantiate CouchConfig:
uri: str
# this is url for couchdb where are configuration data
URI = 'http://tangledhub:tangledhub@couchdb-test:5984/thconfig-test/test_couch_config'
# create intance CouchConfig and set URI property
config = CouchConfig(URI)
#### fetch
Fetching configuration document from couchdb
Fetching document and store data in self._state
Sync couchdb -> self._state
self: CouchConfig
# this is url for couchdb where are configuration data
URI = 'http://tangledhub:tangledhub@couchdb-test:5984/thconfig-test/test_couch_config'
# create intance CouchConfig and set URI property
config = CouchConfig(URI)
# fetching data from database
fetched_data = (await config.fetch()).unwrap()
#### commit
Commit changes in configuration data in documment in couchdb
Commit document, save data from self._state to couchdb
Sync self._state -> couchdb
self: CouchConfig
# this is url for couchdb where are configuration data
URI = 'http://tangledhub:tangledhub@couchdb-test:5984/thconfig-test/test_couch_config_commit_changes'
# create intance CouchConfig and set URI property
config = CouchConfig(URI)
title = 'Couch Config Example'
database = {'server': ''}
# set title and database
config['title'] = title
config['database'] = database
# commit
commit_0 = (await config.commit()).unwrap()
### EtcdConfig
Configuration from EtcdConfig
#### setup
A class to handle reading and writing configuration data from etcd
instantiate EtcdConfig:
HOST: str
PORT: int
# you need to provide host and port
HOST = 'etcd-test'
PORT = 2379
# create instance of EtcdConfig
config = EtcdConfig(host = HOST, port = PORT)
#### fetch
Fetching configuration document from etcd
Fetching document and store data in self._state
Sync etcd -> self._state
self: EtcdConfig
# you need to provide host and port
HOST = 'etcd-test'
PORT = 2379
# create instance of EtcdConfig
config = EtcdConfig(host = HOST, port = PORT)
# fetching data from etcd
fetched_data = (await config.fetch()).unwrap()
#### commit
Commit changes in configuration data to etcd
Commit document, save data from self._state to etcd
Sync self._state -> etcd
commit changes:
self: EtcdConfig
# you need to provide host and port
HOST = 'etcd-test'
PORT = 2379
# create instance of EtcdConfig
config = EtcdConfig(host = HOST, port = PORT)
title = 'Couch Config Example'
database = {'server': ''}
# set title and database
config['title'] = title
config['database'] = database
# commit
commit_0 = (await config.commit()).unwrap()
<!-- Links -->
<!-- Badges -->
[bsd3-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD_3--Clause-blue.svg
[bsd3-url]: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
[build-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/build-success-brightgreen
[coverage-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Coverage-100%25-green
[pypi-project-url]: https://pypi.org/project/thquickjs/
[stable-ver-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/thquickjs?label=stable
[python-ver-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/thquickjs.svg?logo=python&logoColor=FBE072
[status-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/status/thquickjs.svg
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://gitlab.com/tangledlabs/thconfig",
"name": "thconfig",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.10,<4.0",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "tangled,tangledhub,tangledlabs,thconfig",
"author": "TangledHub",
"author_email": "info@tangledgroup.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/30/88/beef467d1aa72d8c14cf7c2275e0d44c847b3e4e5577156a6210a0286dfd/thconfig-0.9.8.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "[![Build][build-image]]()\n[![Status][status-image]][pypi-project-url]\n[![Stable Version][stable-ver-image]][pypi-project-url]\n[![Coverage][coverage-image]]()\n[![Python][python-ver-image]][pypi-project-url]\n[![License][bsd3-image]][bsd3-url]\n\n\n# thconfig\n\n## Overview\nTangledHub library for config with a focus on asynchronous functions\n\n## Licensing\nthconfig is licensed under the BSD license. Check the [LICENSE](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) for details\n\n## Installation\n```bash\npip install thconfig\n```\n\n---\n\n## Testing\n```bash\ndocker-compose build thconfig-test ; docker-compose run --rm thconfig-test\n```\n\n## Building\n```bash\ndocker-compose build thconfig-build ; docker-compose run --rm thconfig-build\n```\n\n## Publish\n```bash\ndocker-compose build thconfig-publish ; docker-compose run --rm -e PYPI_USERNAME=__token__ -e PYPI_PASSWORD=__SECRET__ thconfig-publish\n```\n\n\n## THCONFIG supported in this library\n...\n\n## Testing\n```python\ndocker-compose build thconfig-test ; docker-compose run --rm thconfig-test\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### File \nConfiguration from file \n\n#### setup\n```python\n'''\nA class to handle reading and writing configuration data from file\n'''\n\n# you need to provide file with data { configuration }\nconfig_path = 'example_1.json'\n\n# create instance of FileConfig\nconfig = FileConfig(config_path)\n```\n\n#### fetch\n```python\n'''\nReads config data from file\n'''\n\n# you need to provide file with data { configuration }\nconfig_path = 'example_1.json'\n\n# create instance of FileConfig\nconfig = FileConfig(config_path)\n\n# load data from configuration file if success\nres: bool = (await config.fetch()).unwrap()\n```\n\n#### commit\n```python\n'''\nWrite config data to file\n'''\n\n# you need to provide file with data { configuration }\nconfig_path = 'example_1.json'\n\n# create instance of FileConfig\nconfig = FileConfig(config_path)\n\n# set title\nconfig['title'] = 'Config Example'\n\nconfig.title2 = 'Config Example'\n\n# this function change title in file\n(await config.commit()).unwrap()\n```\n\n### CouchConfig \nConfiguration from couchdb \n\n#### setup\n```python\n'''\nA class to handle reading and writing configuration data from couchdb\n\ninstantiate CouchConfig:\n parameters:\n uri: str\n'''\n\n# this is url for couchdb where are configuration data \nURI = 'http://tangledhub:tangledhub@couchdb-test:5984/thconfig-test/test_couch_config'\n\n# create intance CouchConfig and set URI property\nconfig = CouchConfig(URI)\n```\n\n#### fetch\nFetching configuration document from couchdb\n```python\n'''\nFetching document and store data in self._state\nSync couchdb -> self._state\nhttps://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/document/common.html#get--db-docid\n\nFetch:\n parameters:\n self: CouchConfig\n'''\n\n# this is url for couchdb where are configuration data \nURI = 'http://tangledhub:tangledhub@couchdb-test:5984/thconfig-test/test_couch_config'\n\n# create intance CouchConfig and set URI property\nconfig = CouchConfig(URI)\n\n# fetching data from database\nfetched_data = (await config.fetch()).unwrap()\n```\n\n#### commit\nCommit changes in configuration data in documment in couchdb\n```python\n'''\nCommit document, save data from self._state to couchdb\nSync self._state -> couchdb\nhttps://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/document/common.html#put--db-docid\n\nCommit:\n parameters:\n self: CouchConfig\n'''\n\n# this is url for couchdb where are configuration data \nURI = 'http://tangledhub:tangledhub@couchdb-test:5984/thconfig-test/test_couch_config_commit_changes'\n\n# create intance CouchConfig and set URI property\nconfig = CouchConfig(URI)\n\ntitle = 'Couch Config Example'\ndatabase = {'server': ''}\n\n# set title and database\nconfig['title'] = title\nconfig['database'] = database\n\n# commit\ncommit_0 = (await config.commit()).unwrap()\n```\n\n### EtcdConfig \nConfiguration from EtcdConfig \n\n#### setup\n```python\n'''\nA class to handle reading and writing configuration data from etcd\ninstantiate EtcdConfig:\n parameters:\n HOST: str\n PORT: int\n'''\n\n# you need to provide host and port\nHOST = 'etcd-test'\nPORT = 2379\n\n# create instance of EtcdConfig\nconfig = EtcdConfig(host = HOST, port = PORT)\n```\n\n#### fetch\nFetching configuration document from etcd\n```python\n'''\nFetching document and store data in self._state\nSync etcd -> self._state\nhttps://aetcd3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/client.html#aetcd3.client.Etcd3Client.get_all\n\nFetch:\n parameters:\n self: EtcdConfig\n'''\n\n# you need to provide host and port\nHOST = 'etcd-test'\nPORT = 2379\n\n# create instance of EtcdConfig\nconfig = EtcdConfig(host = HOST, port = PORT)\n\n# fetching data from etcd\nfetched_data = (await config.fetch()).unwrap()\n```\n\n#### commit\nCommit changes in configuration data to etcd\n```python\n'''\nCommit document, save data from self._state to etcd\nSync self._state -> etcd\nhttps://aetcd3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/client.html#aetcd3.client.Etcd3Client.put\n\ncommit changes:\n parameters:\n self: EtcdConfig\n'''\n\n# you need to provide host and port\nHOST = 'etcd-test'\nPORT = 2379\n\n# create instance of EtcdConfig\nconfig = EtcdConfig(host = HOST, port = PORT)\n\ntitle = 'Couch Config Example'\ndatabase = {'server': ''}\n\n# set title and database\nconfig['title'] = title\nconfig['database'] = database\n\n# commit\ncommit_0 = (await config.commit()).unwrap()\n```\n\n<!-- Links -->\n\n<!-- Badges -->\n[bsd3-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD_3--Clause-blue.svg\n[bsd3-url]: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause\n[build-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/build-success-brightgreen\n[coverage-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Coverage-100%25-green\n\n[pypi-project-url]: https://pypi.org/project/thquickjs/\n[stable-ver-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/thquickjs?label=stable\n[python-ver-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/thquickjs.svg?logo=python&logoColor=FBE072\n[status-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/status/thquickjs.svg\n\n\n",
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"summary": "TangledHub Config reader/writter",
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