
Namethink-sql JSON
Version 0.7.8 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThinkSQL link think-orm(ThinkPHP)
upload_time2024-08-01 11:36:04
keywords sql think-sql db table mysql 达梦
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # ThinkSQL 类似 ThinkPHP 的数据库引擎

## Drivers

- [x] MySQL
- [x] 达梦(DM8)

## Install

- use mysql

pip install think_sql[mysql]

- use 达梦(DM8)

pip install think_sql[dm]

## How to use

### 1. simple demo

> Database: `test` Table: `user`

- example dict params

from think_sql import DB

config = {
    'type': 'mysql',
    'host': '',
    'port': 3306,
    'user': 'root',
    'password': 'root',
    'database': 'test',

with DB(config) as db:
    data = db.table('user').where('id',1).find()


- example dsn str

from think_sql import DB

with DB("root:'root'@") as db:
    data = db.table('user').where('id',1).find()


- example DBConfig

from think_sql import DB
from think_sql.tool.util import DBConfig
config = DBConfig(
with DB(config) as db:
    data = db.table('user').where('id',1).find()



  "id": 1,
  "username": "hbh112233abc",
  "age": "36",
  "address": "FUJIAN.XIAMEN"

- use `db` function

from think_sql import db

config = {
    'type': 'mysql',
    'host': '',
    'port': 3306,
    'user': 'root',
    'password': 'root',
    'database': 'test',

conn = db(config)
data = conn.table('user').where('id',1).find()

### 2. Introduction

#### DB

- **init**(config:Union[str,dict,DBConfig],params={})

  init database, return DB instance

  - config:Union[str,dict,DBConfig]
    - str: `type://user:'password'@host:port/database`
    - dict: `{'type':'mysql','host':'','port':3306,'user':'root','password':'root','database':'test'}`
    - DBConfig: `DBConfig(type='mysql',host='',port=3306,user='root',password='root',database='test')`
  - params:dict pymysql connect other params

- connect()
  connect database use **init** params

- table(table_name):Table
  return class Table <think_sql.tool.interface.TableInterface>

- check_connected():bool
  check connected, try reconnect database

- query(sql,params=())
  query sql return cursor.fetchall List[dict]

- execute(sql,params=())
  execute sql write operate(ex:insert,update,delete,...)

#### Table

- **init**(connector: Connection,cursor: Cursor,table_name: str,debug: bool = True)

- init()
  initialize query condition

- debug(flag=True)
  set debug flag

- set_cache_storage(storage: CacheStorage)
  set cache storage ex: Redis

- cache(key: str = None, expire: int = 3600)
  use cache at query

- cursor(sql: str, params: list = []) -> Cursor
  return cursor object

- get_last_sql() -> str
  return last sql string

- get_lastid() -> str
  return last row id

- get_rowcount() -> int
  return affect rows count

- fetch_sql(flag: bool = True)
  set fetch sql flag,if flag = True then `query` and `execute` will only return sql

- build_sql(operation: str, params: list = []) -> str
  return build sql

- query(sql: str, params: list = []) -> list
  execute read operation sql and return cursor.fetchall()
  when `fetch_sql`=True then return sql and not execute the sql

- execute(sql: str, params: list = []) -> int
  execute write operation sql and return affect rows count
  when `fetch_sql`=True then return sql and not execute the sql

- where(field: Union[str, list, tuple], symbol: str = '', value: Any = None)
  set query conditions, support multipe use

  > where(field,value)

  where field = value

  > where(field,symbol,value)

  where field symbol value


  where field1 symbol1 value1 and field2 symbol2 value2

  > where(field1,symbol1,value1).where(field2,symbol2,value2)

  where field1 symbol1 value1 and field2 symbol2 value2

  - symbol

  | symbol     | another                  | demo                                                                                    |
  | ---------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  | `=`        | `eq`,`=`                 | where('id','=',1)                                                                       |
  | `<>`       | `neq`, `!=`, `<>`        | where('id','<>',1)                                                                      |
  | `>`        | `gt`,`>`                 | where('id','>',1)                                                                       |
  | `>=`       | `egt`,`>=`               | where('id','>=',1)                                                                      |
  | `<`        | `lt`, `<`                | where('id','<',1)                                                                       |
  | `<=`       | `elt`,`<=`               | where('id','<=',1)                                                                      |
  | `in`       | `in`,`not in`            | where('id','in',[1,2,3])                                                                |
  | `between`  | `between`,`not between`  | where('id','between',[1,5]) where('id','between','1,5') where('id','between','1 and 5') |
  | `like`     | `like`, `not like`       | where('name','like','%hbh%')                                                            |
  | `null`     | `is null`,`null`         | where('remark','is null')                                                               |
  | `not null` | `is not null`,`not null` | where('remark','is not null')                                                           |
  | `exists`   | `exists`, `not exists`   | where('remark','exists')                                                                |
  | `exp`      | `exp`                    | where('id','exp','in (1,2,3)')                                                          |

- where_or(field: Union[str, list], symbol: str = '', value: Any = None)

  > where('id',1).where_or('id',5)

  where id = 1 or id = 5

- limit(start: int, step: int = None)
  LIMIT start,step

- page(index: int = 1, size: int = 20)
  LIMIT index\*size-1,size

- order(field: str, sort: str = 'asc')
  ORDER BY field sort

- group(field:str)
  GROUP BY field

- distinct(field:str)

- field(fields: Any, exclude: bool = False)
  SELECT fields
  if `exclude`=True then select the fields of table (exlude:`fields`)

- select(build_sql: bool = False) -> list
  return select query result
  if `build_sql`=True then return sql

- find()
  return select ... limit 1

- value(field: str)
  return the field of first row

- column(field: str,key: str = '')

  > column('name')

  return ['hbh','mondy']

  > column('name,score')

  return [{'hbh':80},{'mondy':88}]

  > column('score','name')

  return {'hbh':80, 'mondy':88}

  > column('id,score','name')

  return {

- alias(short_name: str = '')
  set alias table_name

- join(table_name: str, as_name: str = '', on: str = '', join: str = 'inner', and_str: str = '')
  - `table_name` join table_name
  - `as_name` alias short_table_name for `table_name`
  - `on` join condition
  - `join` join type in 'INNER', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'FULL OUTER'
  - `and_str` and condition
    ',, as b_id,b.score, as c_id,c.remark'
  SELECT,, AS b_id,
      b.score, AS c_id,
      table1 AS a
      LEFT JOIN table2 AS b ON = b.a_id
      INNER JOIN table3 AS c ON c.a_id =
  WHERE = 1
      LIMIT 1
- union(sql1: str, sql2: str, union_all: bool = False)
  union sql1 and sql2

  - union_all if union_all is True then `UNION ALL`


  sql1 = db.table('table1').field('name,score').where('status',1).select(build_sql=True)
  sql2 = db.table('table2').field('name,score').where('status',1).select(build_sql=True)

  result = db.table().union(sql1,sql2).where('score','>',60).select()


      ( SELECT `name`, `score` FROM table1 WHERE `status` = 1 )
      ( SELECT `name`, `score` FROM table2 WHERE `status` = 1 )
      score > 60

- insert(data: Union[dict, List[dict]], replace: bool = False) -> int
  insert data to database

  - `data` dict: insert one record; list: insert multiple records
  - `replace` bool if `replace` is True then use `REPLACE INTO`

  insert one record


  INSERT INTO table1 (`name`, `score`) VALUES ('test', 100)

  insert multiple records


  INSERT INTO table1 (`name`, `score`) VALUES ('test', 100), ('test2', 101)

  replace mode


  REPLACE INTO table1 (`id`, `name`, `score`) VALUES (1,'test', 100)

- update(data: dict, all_record: bool = False) -> int
  update data

  - `data` dict you want update data
  - `all_record` bool if `all_record` is False then you must set update condition; if you want to update all records then you need set `all_record` = True

- delete(all_record: bool = False) -> int
  delete record

  - `all_record` bool if `all_record` is False then you must set delete condition; if you want to delete all records then you need set `all_record` = True

- inc(field: str, step: Union[str, int, float] = 1) -> int

  increase `field` +`step`

- dec(field: str, step: int = 1) -> int

  decrease `field` -`step`

- max(field: str) -> Union[int, float]

  get the max value of `field`

- sum(field: str) -> Union[int, float, Decimal]

  get the sum value of `field`

- avg(field: str) -> Union[int, float, Decimal]

  get the avg value of `field`

- count(field: str = '\*') -> int

  get the count of records

- copy_to(new_table: str = None, create_blank_table: bool = False) -> int

  copy data to `new_table`

  - `new_table` if `new_table` is None then `new_table` will auto set like `{table_name}_copy`
  - `create_blank_table` bool if `create_blank_table` is True then only create a blank table like current table.




  INTO `good_boy`
      score > 60

- insert_to(new_table: str, fields: Union[str, list, tuple] = None) -> int

  INSERT INTO {new_table} SELECT {select_fields} FROM {table} {join} WHERE {where}{group}{order}{limit}

- exists(self) -> bool

  check record exists with some query conditions, it use `SELECT 1 FROM {table} {join} WHERE {where} LIMIT 1`

- batch_update(data:List[dict],key:str) -> int

  batch update multiple records


  data = [


  update `user` set score = 66 where id = 1;
  update `user` set score = 59 where id = 2;
  update `user` set score = 86 where id = 3;
  update `user` set score = 90 where id = 4;

#### support transaction

from think_sql import DB
db_dsn = "root:'password'@"
with DB(db_dsn) as db:
    # result: insert two records into database
    with db.start_trans():
    # result: nothing inserted
    with db.start_trans():
        raise Exception('error')

    # The above operation does not affect subsequent operations.

#### sql_helper for mysql

> [Ref:hcymysql/sql_helper](

from think_sql import DB
from think_sql.mysql.sql_helper import help

db_dsn = "root:'password'@"
with DB(db_dsn) as db:
    sql = "slow query sql"
    help(db, sql)

> result

1) 输入的SQL语句是:
FROM hy_cabrecs
WHERE finished_count > 0
2) EXPLAIN执行计划:
| id   | select_type   | table      | partitions   | type   | possible_keys   | key   | key_len   | ref   | rows   | filtered   | Extra       |
| 1    | SIMPLE        | hy_cabrecs | None         | ALL    | None            | None  | None      | None  | 14422  | 33.33      | Using where |
3) 索引优化建议:
取出表 【hy_cabrecs】 where条件字段 【finished_count】 100000 条记录,重复的数据有:【16093】 条,没有必要为该字段创建索引。
 【hy_cabrecs】 表,无需添加任何索引。

#### parse for mysql

- parse alter sql

  from think_sql.mysql import parse
  sql = """
    alter     table
    iii int not null default 0  comment   'a';



    "table": "slow_log_test",
    "field": "iii",
    "field_type": "int",
    "is_null": "NOT NULL",
    "default": "0",
    "comment": "'a'",
    "after": ""

## Development

### poetry 包管理器


[Python 包管理之 poetry 的使用](

[Python 包管理之 poetry 基本使用](

# 配置虚拟环境在项目目录下
poetry config virtualenvs.path true
# 安装依赖
poetry install
# 进入虚拟环境
poetry shell

### poetry command

| 名称    | 功能                                                       |
| ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| new     | 创建一个项目脚手架,包含基本结构、pyproject.toml 文件      |
| init    | 基于已有的项目代码创建 pyproject.toml 文件,支持交互式填写 |
| install | 安装依赖库                                                 |
| update  | 更新依赖库                                                 |
| add     | 添加依赖库                                                 |
| remove  | 移除依赖库                                                 |
| show    | 查看具体依赖库信息,支持显示树形依赖链                     |
| build   | 构建 tar.gz 或 wheel 包                                    |
| publish | 发布到 PyPI                                                |
| run     | 运行脚本和代码                                             |

## unit test

pytest --cov --cov-report=html

## publish

poetry build
poetry config pypi-token.pypi "your api token"
poetry publish -n


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "think-sql",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "sql, think-sql, DB, Table, mysql, \u8fbe\u68a6",
    "author": "hbh112233abc",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# ThinkSQL \u7c7b\u4f3c ThinkPHP \u7684\u6570\u636e\u5e93\u5f15\u64ce\n\n## Drivers\n\n- [x] MySQL\n- [x] \u8fbe\u68a6(DM8)\n\n## Install\n\n- use mysql\n\n```\npip install think_sql[mysql]\n```\n\n- use \u8fbe\u68a6(DM8)\n\n```\npip install think_sql[dm]\n```\n\n## How to use\n\n### 1. simple demo\n\n> Database: `test` Table: `user`\n\n- example dict params\n\n```python\nfrom think_sql import DB\n\nconfig = {\n    'type': 'mysql',\n    'host': '',\n    'port': 3306,\n    'user': 'root',\n    'password': 'root',\n    'database': 'test',\n}\n\nwith DB(config) as db:\n    data = db.table('user').where('id',1).find()\n    print(data)\n\n```\n\n- example dsn str\n\n```python\nfrom think_sql import DB\n\nwith DB(\"root:'root'@\") as db:\n    data = db.table('user').where('id',1).find()\n    print(data)\n\n```\n\n- example DBConfig\n\n```python\nfrom think_sql import DB\nfrom think_sql.tool.util import DBConfig\nconfig = DBConfig(\n  type='mysql',\n  host='',\n  port=3306,\n  user='root',\n  password='root',\n  database='test',\n)\nwith DB(config) as db:\n    data = db.table('user').where('id',1).find()\n    print(data)\n\n```\n\nresult\n\n```json\n{\n  \"id\": 1,\n  \"username\": \"hbh112233abc\",\n  \"age\": \"36\",\n  \"address\": \"FUJIAN.XIAMEN\"\n}\n```\n\n- use `db` function\n\n```python\nfrom think_sql import db\n\nconfig = {\n    'type': 'mysql',\n    'host': '',\n    'port': 3306,\n    'user': 'root',\n    'password': 'root',\n    'database': 'test',\n}\n\nconn = db(config)\ndata = conn.table('user').where('id',1).find()\nprint(data)\nconn.close()\n```\n\n### 2. Introduction\n\n#### DB\n\n- **init**(config:Union[str,dict,DBConfig],params={})\n\n  init database, return DB instance\n\n  - config:Union[str,dict,DBConfig]\n    - str: `type://user:'password'@host:port/database`\n    - dict: `{'type':'mysql','host':'','port':3306,'user':'root','password':'root','database':'test'}`\n    - DBConfig: `DBConfig(type='mysql',host='',port=3306,user='root',password='root',database='test')`\n  - params:dict pymysql connect other params\n\n- connect()\n  connect database use **init** params\n\n- table(table_name):Table\n  return class Table <think_sql.tool.interface.TableInterface>\n\n- check_connected():bool\n  check connected, try reconnect database\n\n- query(sql,params=())\n  query sql return cursor.fetchall List[dict]\n\n- execute(sql,params=())\n  execute sql write operate(ex:insert,update,delete,...)\n\n#### Table\n\n- **init**(connector: Connection,cursor: Cursor,table_name: str,debug: bool = True)\n\n- init()\n  initialize query condition\n\n- debug(flag=True)\n  set debug flag\n\n- set_cache_storage(storage: CacheStorage)\n  set cache storage ex: Redis\n\n- cache(key: str = None, expire: int = 3600)\n  use cache at query\n\n- cursor(sql: str, params: list = []) -> Cursor\n  return cursor object\n\n- get_last_sql() -> str\n  return last sql string\n\n- get_lastid() -> str\n  return last row id\n\n- get_rowcount() -> int\n  return affect rows count\n\n- fetch_sql(flag: bool = True)\n  set fetch sql flag,if flag = True then `query` and `execute` will only return sql\n\n- build_sql(operation: str, params: list = []) -> str\n  return build sql\n\n- query(sql: str, params: list = []) -> list\n  execute read operation sql and return cursor.fetchall()\n  when `fetch_sql`=True then return sql and not execute the sql\n\n- execute(sql: str, params: list = []) -> int\n  execute write operation sql and return affect rows count\n  when `fetch_sql`=True then return sql and not execute the sql\n\n- where(field: Union[str, list, tuple], symbol: str = '', value: Any = None)\n  set query conditions, support multipe use\n\n  > where(field,value)\n\n  ```sql\n  where field = value\n  ```\n\n  > where(field,symbol,value)\n\n  ```sql\n  where field symbol value\n  ```\n\n  ```python\n  where(\n      [\n          [field1,symbol1,value1],\n          [field2,symbol2,value2]\n      ]\n  )\n  ```\n\n  ```sql\n  where field1 symbol1 value1 and field2 symbol2 value2\n  ```\n\n  > where(field1,symbol1,value1).where(field2,symbol2,value2)\n\n  ```sql\n  where field1 symbol1 value1 and field2 symbol2 value2\n  ```\n\n  - symbol\n\n  | symbol     | another                  | demo                                                                                    |\n  | ---------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n  | `=`        | `eq`,`=`                 | where('id','=',1)                                                                       |\n  | `<>`       | `neq`, `!=`, `<>`        | where('id','<>',1)                                                                      |\n  | `>`        | `gt`,`>`                 | where('id','>',1)                                                                       |\n  | `>=`       | `egt`,`>=`               | where('id','>=',1)                                                                      |\n  | `<`        | `lt`, `<`                | where('id','<',1)                                                                       |\n  | `<=`       | `elt`,`<=`               | where('id','<=',1)                                                                      |\n  | `in`       | `in`,`not in`            | where('id','in',[1,2,3])                                                                |\n  | `between`  | `between`,`not between`  | where('id','between',[1,5]) where('id','between','1,5') where('id','between','1 and 5') |\n  | `like`     | `like`, `not like`       | where('name','like','%hbh%')                                                            |\n  | `null`     | `is null`,`null`         | where('remark','is null')                                                               |\n  | `not null` | `is not null`,`not null` | where('remark','is not null')                                                           |\n  | `exists`   | `exists`, `not exists`   | where('remark','exists')                                                                |\n  | `exp`      | `exp`                    | where('id','exp','in (1,2,3)')                                                          |\n\n- where_or(field: Union[str, list], symbol: str = '', value: Any = None)\n\n  > where('id',1).where_or('id',5)\n\n  ```\n  where id = 1 or id = 5\n  ```\n\n- limit(start: int, step: int = None)\n  LIMIT start,step\n\n- page(index: int = 1, size: int = 20)\n  LIMIT index\\*size-1,size\n\n- order(field: str, sort: str = 'asc')\n  ORDER BY field sort\n\n- group(field:str)\n  GROUP BY field\n\n- distinct(field:str)\n  SELECT DISTINCT field\n\n- field(fields: Any, exclude: bool = False)\n  SELECT fields\n  if `exclude`=True then select the fields of table (exlude:`fields`)\n\n- select(build_sql: bool = False) -> list\n  return select query result\n  if `build_sql`=True then return sql\n\n- find()\n  return select ... limit 1\n\n- value(field: str)\n  return the field of first row\n\n- column(field: str,key: str = '')\n\n  > column('name')\n\n  return ['hbh','mondy']\n\n  > column('name,score')\n\n  return [{'hbh':80},{'mondy':88}]\n\n  > column('score','name')\n\n  return {'hbh':80, 'mondy':88}\n\n  > column('id,score','name')\n\n  return {\n  'hbh':{'id':1,'score':80},\n  'mondy':{'id':2,'score':88}\n  }\n\n- alias(short_name: str = '')\n  set alias table_name\n\n- join(table_name: str, as_name: str = '', on: str = '', join: str = 'inner', and_str: str = '')\n  - `table_name` join table_name\n  - `as_name` alias short_table_name for `table_name`\n  - `on` join condition\n  - `join` join type in 'INNER', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'FULL OUTER'\n  - `and_str` and condition\n    demo\n  ```python\n  db.table('table1').alias('a').join(\n    'table2','b','','left'\n  ).join(\n    'table3','c',''\n  ).field(\n    ',, as b_id,b.score, as c_id,c.remark'\n  ).where(\n    '',1\n  ).find()\n  ```\n  sql\n  ```sql\n  SELECT\n,\n,\n AS b_id,\n      b.score,\n AS c_id,\n      c.remark\n  FROM\n      table1 AS a\n      LEFT JOIN table2 AS b ON = b.a_id\n      INNER JOIN table3 AS c ON c.a_id =\n  WHERE\n = 1\n      LIMIT 1\n  ```\n- union(sql1: str, sql2: str, union_all: bool = False)\n  union sql1 and sql2\n\n  - union_all if union_all is True then `UNION ALL`\n\n  _demo_\n\n  ```python\n  sql1 = db.table('table1').field('name,score').where('status',1).select(build_sql=True)\n  sql2 = db.table('table2').field('name,score').where('status',1).select(build_sql=True)\n\n  result = db.table().union(sql1,sql2).where('score','>',60).select()\n  ```\n\n  _sql_\n\n  ```sql\n  SELECT\n  *\n  FROM\n      ( SELECT `name`, `score` FROM table1 WHERE `status` = 1 )\n      UNION\n      ( SELECT `name`, `score` FROM table2 WHERE `status` = 1 )\n  WHERE\n      score > 60\n  ```\n\n- insert(data: Union[dict, List[dict]], replace: bool = False) -> int\n  insert data to database\n\n  - `data` dict: insert one record; list: insert multiple records\n  - `replace` bool if `replace` is True then use `REPLACE INTO`\n\n  _demo_\n  insert one record\n\n  ```python\n  db.table('table1').insert({'name':'test','score':100})\n  ```\n\n  ```sql\n  INSERT INTO table1 (`name`, `score`) VALUES ('test', 100)\n  ```\n\n  insert multiple records\n\n  ```python\n  db.table('table1').insert([{'name':'test','score':100},{'name':'test2','score':101}])\n  ```\n\n  ```sql\n  INSERT INTO table1 (`name`, `score`) VALUES ('test', 100), ('test2', 101)\n  ```\n\n  replace mode\n\n  ```python\n  db.table('table1').insert({'id':1,'name':'test','score':100},replace=True)\n  ```\n\n  ```sql\n  REPLACE INTO table1 (`id`, `name`, `score`) VALUES (1,'test', 100)\n  ```\n\n- update(data: dict, all_record: bool = False) -> int\n  update data\n\n  - `data` dict you want update data\n  - `all_record` bool if `all_record` is False then you must set update condition; if you want to update all records then you need set `all_record` = True\n\n- delete(all_record: bool = False) -> int\n  delete record\n\n  - `all_record` bool if `all_record` is False then you must set delete condition; if you want to delete all records then you need set `all_record` = True\n\n- inc(field: str, step: Union[str, int, float] = 1) -> int\n\n  increase `field` +`step`\n\n- dec(field: str, step: int = 1) -> int\n\n  decrease `field` -`step`\n\n- max(field: str) -> Union[int, float]\n\n  get the max value of `field`\n\n- sum(field: str) -> Union[int, float, Decimal]\n\n  get the sum value of `field`\n\n- avg(field: str) -> Union[int, float, Decimal]\n\n  get the avg value of `field`\n\n- count(field: str = '\\*') -> int\n\n  get the count of records\n\n- copy_to(new_table: str = None, create_blank_table: bool = False) -> int\n\n  copy data to `new_table`\n\n  - `new_table` if `new_table` is None then `new_table` will auto set like `{table_name}_copy`\n  - `create_blank_table` bool if `create_blank_table` is True then only create a blank table like current table.\n\n  _demo_\n\n  ```sql\n  db.table('user').field(\n    'name,score'\n  ).where(\n    'score','>',60\n  ).copy_to('good_boy')\n  ```\n\n  _sql_\n\n  ```sql\n  SELECT\n    `name`,\n      `score`\n  INTO `good_boy`\n  FROM\n  `user`\n  WHERE\n      score > 60\n  ```\n\n- insert_to(new_table: str, fields: Union[str, list, tuple] = None) -> int\n\n  ```sql\n  INSERT INTO {new_table} SELECT {select_fields} FROM {table} {join} WHERE {where}{group}{order}{limit}\n  ```\n\n- exists(self) -> bool\n\n  check record exists with some query conditions, it use `SELECT 1 FROM {table} {join} WHERE {where} LIMIT 1`\n\n- batch_update(data:List[dict],key:str) -> int\n\n  batch update multiple records\n\n  _demo_\n\n  ```python\n  data = [\n      {'id':1,'score':66},\n      {'id':2,'score':59},\n      {'id':3,'score':86},\n      {'id':4,'score':90},\n  ]\n  db.table('user').batch(data,key='id')\n  ```\n\n  _sql_\n\n  ```sql\n  update `user` set score = 66 where id = 1;\n  update `user` set score = 59 where id = 2;\n  update `user` set score = 86 where id = 3;\n  update `user` set score = 90 where id = 4;\n  ```\n\n#### support transaction\n\n```python\nfrom think_sql import DB\ndb_dsn = \"root:'password'@\"\nwith DB(db_dsn) as db:\n    # result: insert two records into database\n    with db.start_trans():\n        db.table('user').insert({'name':'think_sql1','score':98})\n        db.table('user').insert({'name':'think_sql2','score':99})\n    # result: nothing inserted\n    with db.start_trans():\n        db.table('user').insert({'name':'think_sql1','score':98})\n        db.table('user').insert({'name':'think_sql2','score':99})\n        raise Exception('error')\n\n    # The above operation does not affect subsequent operations.\n    db.table('user').insert({'name':'think_sql3','score':100})\n```\n\n#### sql_helper for mysql\n\n> [Ref:hcymysql/sql_helper](\n\n```python\nfrom think_sql import DB\nfrom think_sql.mysql.sql_helper import help\n\ndb_dsn = \"root:'password'@\"\nwith DB(db_dsn) as db:\n    sql = \"slow query sql\"\n    help(db, sql)\n```\n\n> result\n\n```shell\n1) \u8f93\u5165\u7684SQL\u8bed\u53e5\u662f\uff1a\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSELECT *\nFROM hy_cabrecs\nWHERE finished_count > 0\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n2) EXPLAIN\u6267\u884c\u8ba1\u5212:\n+------+---------------+------------+--------------+--------+-----------------+-------+-----------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+\n| id   | select_type   | table      | partitions   | type   | possible_keys   | key   | key_len   | ref   | rows   | filtered   | Extra       |\n+======+===============+============+==============+========+=================+=======+===========+=======+========+============+=============+\n| 1    | SIMPLE        | hy_cabrecs | None         | ALL    | None            | None  | None      | None  | 14422  | 33.33      | Using where |\n+------+---------------+------------+--------------+--------+-----------------+-------+-----------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+\n3) \u7d22\u5f15\u4f18\u5316\u5efa\u8bae\uff1a\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\u53d6\u51fa\u8868 \u3010hy_cabrecs\u3011 where\u6761\u4ef6\u5b57\u6bb5 \u3010finished_count\u3011 100000 \u6761\u8bb0\u5f55\uff0c\u91cd\u590d\u7684\u6570\u636e\u6709\uff1a\u301016093\u3011 \u6761\uff0c\u6ca1\u6709\u5fc5\u8981\u4e3a\u8be5\u5b57\u6bb5\u521b\u5efa\u7d22\u5f15\u3002\n \u3010hy_cabrecs\u3011 \u8868\uff0c\u65e0\u9700\u6dfb\u52a0\u4efb\u4f55\u7d22\u5f15\u3002\n```\n\n#### parse for mysql\n\n- parse alter sql\n\n  ```python\n  from think_sql.mysql import parse\n  sql = \"\"\"\n    alter     table\n    slow_log_test\n    add\n    iii int not null default 0  comment   'a';\n  \"\"\"\n\n  print(parse.alter_sql(sql))\n  ```\n\n  result:\n\n  ```json\n  {\n    \"table\": \"slow_log_test\",\n    \"field\": \"iii\",\n    \"field_type\": \"int\",\n    \"is_null\": \"NOT NULL\",\n    \"default\": \"0\",\n    \"comment\": \"'a'\",\n    \"after\": \"\"\n  }\n  ```\n\n## Development\n\n### poetry \u5305\u7ba1\u7406\u5668\n\n[\u5b98\u7f51](\n\n[Python \u5305\u7ba1\u7406\u4e4b poetry \u7684\u4f7f\u7528](\n\n[Python \u5305\u7ba1\u7406\u4e4b poetry \u57fa\u672c\u4f7f\u7528](\n\n```\n# \u914d\u7f6e\u865a\u62df\u73af\u5883\u5728\u9879\u76ee\u76ee\u5f55\u4e0b\npoetry config virtualenvs.path true\n# \u5b89\u88c5\u4f9d\u8d56\npoetry install\n# \u8fdb\u5165\u865a\u62df\u73af\u5883\npoetry shell\n```\n\n### poetry command\n\n| \u540d\u79f0    | \u529f\u80fd                                                       |\n| ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |\n| new     | \u521b\u5efa\u4e00\u4e2a\u9879\u76ee\u811a\u624b\u67b6\uff0c\u5305\u542b\u57fa\u672c\u7ed3\u6784\u3001pyproject.toml \u6587\u4ef6      |\n| init    | \u57fa\u4e8e\u5df2\u6709\u7684\u9879\u76ee\u4ee3\u7801\u521b\u5efa pyproject.toml \u6587\u4ef6\uff0c\u652f\u6301\u4ea4\u4e92\u5f0f\u586b\u5199 |\n| install | \u5b89\u88c5\u4f9d\u8d56\u5e93                                                 |\n| update  | \u66f4\u65b0\u4f9d\u8d56\u5e93                                                 |\n| add     | \u6dfb\u52a0\u4f9d\u8d56\u5e93                                                 |\n| remove  | \u79fb\u9664\u4f9d\u8d56\u5e93                                                 |\n| show    | \u67e5\u770b\u5177\u4f53\u4f9d\u8d56\u5e93\u4fe1\u606f\uff0c\u652f\u6301\u663e\u793a\u6811\u5f62\u4f9d\u8d56\u94fe                     |\n| build   | \u6784\u5efa tar.gz \u6216 wheel \u5305                                    |\n| publish | \u53d1\u5e03\u5230 PyPI                                                |\n| run     | \u8fd0\u884c\u811a\u672c\u548c\u4ee3\u7801                                             |\n\n## unit test\n\n```\npytest --cov --cov-report=html\n```\n\n## publish\n\n```\npoetry build\npoetry config pypi-token.pypi \"your api token\"\npoetry publish -n\n```\n",
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