# Tiny Torchtest
A Tiny Test Suite for pytorch based Machine Learning models, inspired by
Chase Roberts lists out 4 basic tests in his [medium
about mltest. tinytorchtest is mostly a pytorch port of mltest (which was
written for tensorflow).
Forked from [BrainPugh](https://github.com/BrianPugh/torchtest) who
forked the repo from
Tiny torchtest actually has more features and supports more models than torchtest - albeit with fewer dependencies.
The prefix *"tiny"* is used to highlight that this is small test suite that provides sanity checks rather than testing for convergence.
Notable changes:
- Support for models to have multiple positional arguments.
- Support for unsupervised learning.
- Support for models that output a tuple or list of tensors.
- Object orientated implementation.
- Easily reproducible tests - thanks to the object orientated implementation!
- Fewer requirements (due to streamlining testing).
- More comprehensive internal unit tests.
- This repository is still active. I've created an
[issue](https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest/issues/6) to
double check but it looks like the original maintainer is no longer
actioning pull requests.
# Installation
``` bash
pip install --upgrade tinytorchtest
# Usage
``` python
# imports for examples
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
## Variables Change
``` python
from tinytorchtest import tinytorchtest as ttt
# We'll be using a simple linear model
model = nn.Linear(20, 2)
# For this example, we'll pretend we have a classification problem
# and create some random inputs and outputs.
inputs = torch.randn(20, 20)
targets = torch.randint(0, 2, (20,)).long()
batch = [inputs, targets]
# Next we'll need a loss function
loss_fn = nn.functional.cross_entropy()
# ... and an optimisation function
optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
# Lets set up the test object
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model, loss_fn, optim, batch)
# Now we've got our tiny test object, lets run some tests!
# What are the variables?
print('Our list of parameters', [ np[0] for np in model.named_parameters() ])
# Do they change after a training step?
# Let's run a train step and see
``` python
""" FAILURE """
# Let's try to break this, so the test fails
params_to_train = [ np[1] for np in model.named_parameters() if np[0] is not 'bias' ]
# Run test now
# YES! bias did not change
## Variables Don't Change
``` python
# What if bias is not supposed to change, by design?
# Let's test to see if bias remains the same after training
test.test(non_train_vars=[('bias', model.bias)])
# It does! Good. Now, let's move on.
## Output Range
``` python
# NOTE : bias is fixed (not trainable)
test.test(output_range=(-2, 2), test_output_range=True)
# Seems to work...
``` python
""" FAILURE """
# Let's tweak the model to fail the test.
model.bias = nn.Parameter(2 + torch.randn(2, ))
# We'll still use the same loss function, optimiser and batch
# from earlier; however this time we've tweaked the bias of the model.
# As it's a new model, we'll need a new tiny test object.
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)
test.test(output_range=(-1, 1), test_output_range=True)
# As expected, it fails; yay!
## NaN Tensors
``` python
""" FAILURE """
# Again, keeping everything the same but tweaking the model
model.bias = nn.Parameter(float('NaN') * torch.randn(2, ))
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)
# This test should fail as we've got 'NaN' values in the outputs.
## Inf Tensors
``` python
""" FAILURE """
model.bias = nn.Parameter(float('Inf') * torch.randn(2, ))
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)
# Again, this will fail as we've now got 'Inf' values in our model outputs.
## Multi-argument models
``` python
# Everything we've done works for models with multi-arguments
# Let's define a network that takes some input features along
# with a 3D spacial coordinate and predicts a single value.
# Sure, we could perform the concatenation before we pass
# our inputs to the model but let's say that it's much easier to
# do it this way. Maybe as you're working tightly with other codes
# and you want to match your inputs with the other code.
class MutliArgModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.layers = torch.nn.Linear(8, 1)
def foward(self, data, x, y, z):
inputs = torch.cat((data, x, y, z), dim=1)
return self.layers(nn_input)
model = MultiArgModel()
# This looks a bit more like a regression problem so we'll redefine our loss
# function to be something more appropriate.
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
# We'll stick with the Adam optimiser but for completeness lets redefine it below
optim = Adam(model.parameters())
# We'll also need some new data for this model
inputs = (
torch.rand(10, 5), # data
torch.rand(10, 1), # x
torch.rand(10, 1), # y
torch.rand(10, 1), # z
outputs = torch.rand(10,1)
batch = [inputs, outputs]
# Next we initialise our tiny test object
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)
# Now lets run some tests
# Great! Everything works as before but with models that take multiple inputs.
## Models with tuple or list outputs
``` python
# Now what about models that output a tuple or list of tensors?
# This could be for something like a variation auto-encoder
# or anything where it's more convienient to separate
# internal networks.
# Lets define a model
class MultiOutputModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_size, hidden_size, out_size, num_outputs):
# This network is common for all predictions.
nets = [nn.Linear(in_size, hidden_size)]
# These networks operate separately (in parallel)
for _ in range(num_outputs):
nets.append(nn.Linear(hidden_size, out_size))
self.nets = nn.ModuleList(nets)
def forward(self, x):
# Passes through the first network
x = self.nets[0](x)
# Returns a list of the seprate network predictions
return [net(x) for net in self.nets[1:]]
# 10 features, 5 hidden nodes, 1 output node, 3 output models
model = MultiOutputModel(10, 5, 1, 3)
# Creates a batch with 100 samples.
batch = [torch.rand(100, 10), torch.rand(100, 1)]
# Optimiser...
optim = torch.optim.Adam([p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad])
# Here we'll have to define a custom loss function to deal with the multiple outputs
# For now, I'll use something trivial (and quite meaningless).
def _loss(outputs, target):
loss_list = [torch.abs(output - target) ** p for p, output in enumerate(outputs)]
return torch.mean(torch.tensor(loss_list))
# Setup test suite
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model, _loss, optim, batch, supervised=True)
# Run the tests we want to run!
# Great! Everything works as before but with model with tuple or list outputs.
## Unsupervised learning
``` python
# We've looked a lot at supervised learning examples
# but what about unsupervised learning?
# Lets define a simple model
model = nn.Linear(20, 2)
# Now our inputs - notice there are no labels so we just have inputs in our batch
batch = torch.randn(20, 20)
# Here we'll write a very basic loss function that represents a reconstruction loss.
# This is actually a mean absolute distance loss function.
# This would typically be used for something like an auto-encoder.
# The important thing to note is tinytorchtest expects the loss to be loss(outputs, inputs).
def loss_fn(output, input):
return torch.mean(torch.abs(output - input))
# We set supervised to false, to let the test suite
# know that there aren't any targets or correct labels.
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, supervised=False)
# Now lets run some tests
# Great! Everything works as before but with unsupervised models.
## Testing the GPU
``` python
# Some models really need GPU availability.
# We can get our test suite to fail when the GPU isn't available.
# Sticking with the unsupervised example
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, supervised=False)
# Now lets make sure the GPU is available.
# This test will fail if the GPU isn't available. Your CPU can thank you later.
# We can also explitly ask that our model and tensors be moved to the GPU
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, supervised=False, device='cuda:0')
# Now all future tests will be run on the GPU
## Reproducible tests
``` python
# When unit testing our models it's good practice to have reproducable results.
# For this, we can spefiy a seed when getting our tiny test object.
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model, loss_fn, optim, batch, seed=42)
# This seed will be called before running each test so the results should always be the same
# regardless of the order they are called.
# Debugging
``` bash
torchtest\torchtest.py", line 151, in _var_change_helper
assert not torch.equal(p0, p1)
RuntimeError: Expected object of backend CPU but got backend CUDA for argument #2 'other'
When you are making use of a GPU, you should explicitly specify
`device=cuda:0`. By default `device` is set to `cpu`. See [issue
#1](https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest/issues/1) for more
``` python
test = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, device='cuda:0')
# Citation
``` tex
author = {Alex Drysdale},
title = {tinytorchtest},
year = {2022},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/abdrysdale/tinytorchtest}},
commit = {4c39c52f27aad1fe9bcc7fbb2525fe1292db81b7}
author = {Suriyadeepan Ramamoorthy},
title = {torchtest},
year = {2019},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest}},
commit = {42ba442e54e5117de80f761a796fba3589f9b223}
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/abdrysdale/tinytorchtest",
"name": "tinytorchtest",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": null,
"author": "Alex",
"author_email": "adrysdale@protonmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6d/7f/e0b7a31487cbfc7ab03758c0f4501d3d300c2c698388d3e22dfe648b0a5f/tinytorchtest-1.2.3.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Tiny Torchtest\n\n![coverage](.coverage.svg)\n\nA Tiny Test Suite for pytorch based Machine Learning models, inspired by\n[mltest](https://github.com/Thenerdstation/mltest/blob/master/mltest/mltest.py).\nChase Roberts lists out 4 basic tests in his [medium\npost](https://medium.com/@keeper6928/mltest-automatically-test-neural-network-models-in-one-function-call-eb6f1fa5019d)\nabout mltest. tinytorchtest is mostly a pytorch port of mltest (which was\nwritten for tensorflow).\n\n--- \n\nForked from [BrainPugh](https://github.com/BrianPugh/torchtest) who\nforked the repo from\n[suriyadeepan](https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest).\n\nTiny torchtest actually has more features and supports more models than torchtest - albeit with fewer dependencies.\nThe prefix *\"tiny\"* is used to highlight that this is small test suite that provides sanity checks rather than testing for convergence.\n\nNotable changes:\n\n- Support for models to have multiple positional arguments.\n\n- Support for unsupervised learning.\n\n- Support for models that output a tuple or list of tensors.\n\n- \tObject orientated implementation.\n\n- \tEasily reproducible tests - thanks to the object orientated implementation!\n\n- Fewer requirements (due to streamlining testing).\n\n- More comprehensive internal unit tests.\n\n- This repository is still active. I've created an\n [issue](https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest/issues/6) to\n double check but it looks like the original maintainer is no longer\n actioning pull requests.\n\n---\n\n# Installation\n\n``` bash\npip install --upgrade tinytorchtest\n```\n\n# Usage\n\n``` python\n# imports for examples\nimport torch\nimport torch.nn as nn\n```\n\n## Variables Change\n\n``` python\nfrom tinytorchtest import tinytorchtest as ttt\n\n# We'll be using a simple linear model\nmodel = nn.Linear(20, 2)\n\n# For this example, we'll pretend we have a classification problem\n# and create some random inputs and outputs.\ninputs = torch.randn(20, 20)\ntargets = torch.randint(0, 2, (20,)).long()\nbatch = [inputs, targets]\n\n# Next we'll need a loss function\nloss_fn = nn.functional.cross_entropy()\n\n# ... and an optimisation function\noptim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())\n\n# Lets set up the test object\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model, loss_fn, optim, batch)\n\n# Now we've got our tiny test object, lets run some tests!\n# What are the variables?\nprint('Our list of parameters', [ np[0] for np in model.named_parameters() ])\n\n# Do they change after a training step?\n# Let's run a train step and see\ntest.test(test_vars_change=True)\n```\n\n``` python\n\"\"\" FAILURE \"\"\"\n# Let's try to break this, so the test fails\nparams_to_train = [ np[1] for np in model.named_parameters() if np[0] is not 'bias' ]\n# Run test now\ntest.test(test_vars_change=True)\n# YES! bias did not change\n```\n\n## Variables Don't Change\n\n``` python\n# What if bias is not supposed to change, by design?\n# Let's test to see if bias remains the same after training\ntest.test(non_train_vars=[('bias', model.bias)])\n# It does! Good. Now, let's move on.\n```\n\n## Output Range\n\n``` python\n# NOTE : bias is fixed (not trainable)\ntest.test(output_range=(-2, 2), test_output_range=True)\n\n# Seems to work...\n```\n\n``` python\n\"\"\" FAILURE \"\"\"\n# Let's tweak the model to fail the test.\nmodel.bias = nn.Parameter(2 + torch.randn(2, ))\n\n# We'll still use the same loss function, optimiser and batch\n# from earlier; however this time we've tweaked the bias of the model.\n# As it's a new model, we'll need a new tiny test object.\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)\n\ntest.test(output_range=(-1, 1), test_output_range=True)\n\n# As expected, it fails; yay!\n```\n\n## NaN Tensors\n\n``` python\n\"\"\" FAILURE \"\"\"\n\n# Again, keeping everything the same but tweaking the model\nmodel.bias = nn.Parameter(float('NaN') * torch.randn(2, ))\n\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)\n\ntest.test(test_nan_vals=True)\n# This test should fail as we've got 'NaN' values in the outputs.\n```\n\n## Inf Tensors\n\n``` python\n\"\"\" FAILURE \"\"\"\nmodel.bias = nn.Parameter(float('Inf') * torch.randn(2, ))\n\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)\n\ntest.test(test_inf_vals=True)\n# Again, this will fail as we've now got 'Inf' values in our model outputs.\n```\n\n## Multi-argument models\n``` python\n# Everything we've done works for models with multi-arguments\n\n# Let's define a network that takes some input features along \n# with a 3D spacial coordinate and predicts a single value.\n# Sure, we could perform the concatenation before we pass \n# our inputs to the model but let's say that it's much easier to\n# do it this way. Maybe as you're working tightly with other codes\n# and you want to match your inputs with the other code.\nclass MutliArgModel(torch.nn.Module):\n\tdef __init__(self):\n\t\tself.layers = torch.nn.Linear(8, 1)\n\tdef foward(self, data, x, y, z):\n\t\tinputs = torch.cat((data, x, y, z), dim=1)\n\t\treturn self.layers(nn_input)\nmodel = MultiArgModel()\n\n# This looks a bit more like a regression problem so we'll redefine our loss \n# function to be something more appropriate.\nloss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()\n\n# We'll stick with the Adam optimiser but for completeness lets redefine it below\noptim = Adam(model.parameters())\n\n# We'll also need some new data for this model\ninputs = (\n\ttorch.rand(10, 5), # data\n\ttorch.rand(10, 1), # x\n\ttorch.rand(10, 1), # y\n\ttorch.rand(10, 1), # z\n)\noutputs = torch.rand(10,1)\nbatch = [inputs, outputs]\n\t\t\n# Next we initialise our tiny test object\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch)\n\n# Now lets run some tests\ntest.test(\n\ttrain_vars=list(model.named_parameters()),\n\ttest_vars_change=True,\n\ttest_inf_vals=True,\n\ttest_nan_vals=True,\n)\n# Great! Everything works as before but with models that take multiple inputs.\n```\n\n## Models with tuple or list outputs\n\n``` python\n# Now what about models that output a tuple or list of tensors?\n# This could be for something like a variation auto-encoder\n# or anything where it's more convienient to separate \n# internal networks.\n\n# Lets define a model\nclass MultiOutputModel(nn.Module):\n\tdef __init__(self, in_size, hidden_size, out_size, num_outputs):\n\t\tsuper().__init__()\n\n\t\t# This network is common for all predictions.\n\t\tnets = [nn.Linear(in_size, hidden_size)] \n\n\t\t# These networks operate separately (in parallel)\n\t\tfor _ in range(num_outputs):\n\t\t\tnets.append(nn.Linear(hidden_size, out_size))\n\t\tself.nets = nn.ModuleList(nets)\n\n\tdef forward(self, x):\n\t\t# Passes through the first network\n\t\tx = self.nets[0](x)\n\n\t\t# Returns a list of the seprate network predictions\n\t\treturn [net(x) for net in self.nets[1:]]\n\n# 10 features, 5 hidden nodes, 1 output node, 3 output models\nmodel = MultiOutputModel(10, 5, 1, 3)\n\n# Creates a batch with 100 samples.\nbatch = [torch.rand(100, 10), torch.rand(100, 1)]\n\n# Optimiser...\noptim = torch.optim.Adam([p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad])\n\n# Here we'll have to define a custom loss function to deal with the multiple outputs\n# For now, I'll use something trivial (and quite meaningless).\ndef _loss(outputs, target):\n\tloss_list = [torch.abs(output - target) ** p for p, output in enumerate(outputs)]\n\treturn torch.mean(torch.tensor(loss_list))\n\n# Setup test suite\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model, _loss, optim, batch, supervised=True)\n\n# Run the tests we want to run!\ntest.test(\n\ttrain_vars=list(model.named_parameters()),\n\ttest_vars_change=True,\n\ttest_inf_vals=True,\n\ttest_nan_vals=True,\n)\n\n# Great! Everything works as before but with model with tuple or list outputs.\n```\n\n## Unsupervised learning\n\n``` python\n# We've looked a lot at supervised learning examples\n# but what about unsupervised learning?\n\n# Lets define a simple model\nmodel = nn.Linear(20, 2)\n\n# Now our inputs - notice there are no labels so we just have inputs in our batch\nbatch = torch.randn(20, 20)\n\n# Here we'll write a very basic loss function that represents a reconstruction loss.\n# This is actually a mean absolute distance loss function.\n# This would typically be used for something like an auto-encoder.\n# The important thing to note is tinytorchtest expects the loss to be loss(outputs, inputs).\ndef loss_fn(output, input):\n\treturn torch.mean(torch.abs(output - input))\n\n# We set supervised to false, to let the test suite\n# know that there aren't any targets or correct labels.\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, supervised=False)\n\n# Now lets run some tests\ntest.test(\n\ttrain_vars=list(model.named_parameters()),\n\ttest_vars_change=True,\n\ttest_inf_vals=True,\n\ttest_nan_vals=True,\n)\n# Great! Everything works as before but with unsupervised models.\n```\n\n## Testing the GPU\n\n``` python\n# Some models really need GPU availability.\n# We can get our test suite to fail when the GPU isn't available.\n\n# Sticking with the unsupervised example\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, supervised=False)\n\n# Now lets make sure the GPU is available.\ntest.test(test_gpu_available=True)\n# This test will fail if the GPU isn't available. Your CPU can thank you later.\n\n# We can also explitly ask that our model and tensors be moved to the GPU\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, supervised=False, device='cuda:0')\n\n# Now all future tests will be run on the GPU\n```\n\n## Reproducible tests\n\n``` python\n# When unit testing our models it's good practice to have reproducable results.\n# For this, we can spefiy a seed when getting our tiny test object.\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model, loss_fn, optim, batch, seed=42)\n\n# This seed will be called before running each test so the results should always be the same\n# regardless of the order they are called.\n\n```\n\n# Debugging\n\n``` bash\ntorchtest\\torchtest.py\", line 151, in _var_change_helper\nassert not torch.equal(p0, p1)\nRuntimeError: Expected object of backend CPU but got backend CUDA for argument #2 'other'\n```\n\nWhen you are making use of a GPU, you should explicitly specify\n`device=cuda:0`. By default `device` is set to `cpu`. See [issue\n#1](https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest/issues/1) for more\ninformation.\n\n``` python\ntest = ttt.TinyTorchTest(model , loss_fn, optim, batch, device='cuda:0')\n```\n\n# Citation\n\n``` tex\n@misc{abdrysdale2022\n author = {Alex Drysdale},\n title = {tinytorchtest},\n year = {2022},\n publisher = {GitHub},\n journal = {GitHub repository},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://github.com/abdrysdale/tinytorchtest}},\n commit = {4c39c52f27aad1fe9bcc7fbb2525fe1292db81b7}\n }\n@misc{Ram2019,\n author = {Suriyadeepan Ramamoorthy},\n title = {torchtest},\n year = {2019},\n publisher = {GitHub},\n journal = {GitHub repository},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://github.com/suriyadeepan/torchtest}},\n commit = {42ba442e54e5117de80f761a796fba3589f9b223}\n}\n```\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
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"summary": "A tiny test suite for pytorch based machine learning models.",
"version": "1.2.3",
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"Repository": "https://github.com/abdrysdale/tinytorchtest"
"split_keywords": [],
"urls": [
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