
Namets-tokenizer JSON
Version 0.1.19 PyPI version JSON
SummaryTS Tokenizer is a hybrid (lexicon-based and rule-based) tokenizer designed specifically for tokenizing Turkish texts.
upload_time2025-01-30 19:59:44
authorTaner Sezer
keywords turkish tokenizer tokenizer turkish nlp text-processing language-processing
requirements click tqdm setuptools
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
**TS Tokenizer** is a hybrid tokenizer designed specifically for tokenizing Turkish texts.
It uses a hybrid (lexicon-based and rule-based) approach to split text into tokens.

### Key Features:
- **Hybrid Tokenization**: Combines lexicon-based and rule-based techniques to tokenize complex Turkish texts with precision.
- **Special Token Handling**: Detects and processes mentions, hashtags, emails, URLs, dates, numbers, smileys, emoticons, and more.
- **Configurable Outputs**: Offers multiple output formats, including plain tokens, tagged tokens, tokenized lines, and tagged lines, to suit diverse NLP workflows.
- **Multi-core Processing**: Speeds up tokenization for large files with parallel processing.
- **Preprocess Handling**: Handles corrupted Turkish text and punctuation gracefully using built-in fixes.
- **Command-Line Friendly**: Use it directly from the terminal for file-based or piped input workflows.

On natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval, or text mining for Turkish, **TS Tokenizer** offers
a reliable solution for tokenization.


## Installation

You can install the ts-tokenizer package using pip.
pip install ts-tokenizer
Ensure you have Python 3.9 or higher installed on your system.

You can update current version using pip
pip install --upgrade ts-tokenizer

To remove package, use:
pip uninstall ts-tokenizer
You can also clone the repo locally.
git clone https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer.git
cd ts-tokenizer
pip install -e .



## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details.

## Command line tool

You can use TS Tokenizer directly from the command line for both file inputs and pipeline processing:
## Tokenize from a File:
ts-tokenizer input.txt
cat input.txt | ts-tokenizer
zcat input.txt.gz | ts-tokenizer

## Help

Get detailed help for available options using:

| Argument             | Short | Description                                                                                     | Default       |
| `--output`           | `-o`  | Specify the output format: `tokenized`, `lines`, `tagged`, `tagged_lines`.                      | `tokenized`   |
| `--num-workers`      | `-n`  | Set the number of parallel workers for processing.                                              | `CPU cores-1` |
| `--verbose`          | `-v`  | Enable verbose mode to display additional processing details.                                   | Disabled      |
| `--version`          | `-V`  | Display the current version of `ts-tokenizer`.                                                 | N/A           |
| `--help`             | `-h`  | Show the help message and exit.   


## CLI Arguments

You can specify the output format using the -o option:

- **tokenized (default):** Returns plain tokens, one per line.
- **tagged:** Returns tokens with their tags.
- **lines:** Returns tokenized lines as lists.
- **tagged_lines:** Returns tokenized lines as a list of tuples (token, tag).

input_text = "Queen , 31.10.1975 tarihinde çıkardıðı A Night at the Opera albümüyle dünya müziðini deðiåÿtirdi ."

$ ts-tokenizer input_text


Note that **tags are not part-of-speech tags** but they define the given string.
$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt

Queen	English_Word
,	Punc
31.10.1975	Date
tarihinde	Valid_Word
çıkardığı	Valid_Word
Night	English_Word
at	Valid_Word
the	English_Word
Opera	Valid_Word
albümüyle	Valid_Word
dünya	Valid_Word
müziğini	Valid_Word
değiştirdi	Valid_Word
.	Punc

The other two arguments are "lines" and "tagged_lines".
The "lines" parameter reads input file line-by-line and returns a list for each line. Note that each line is defined by end-of-line markers in the given text.
$ ts-tokenizer -o lines input.txt

['Queen', ',', '31.10.1975', 'tarihinde', 'çıkardığı', 'A', 'Night', 'at', 'the', 'Opera', 'albümüyle', 'dünya', 'müziğini', 'değiştirdi', '.']

The "tagged_lines" parameter reads input file line-by-line and returns a list of tuples for each line. Note that each line is defined by end-of-line markers in the given text.
$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged_lines input.txt

 [('Queen', 'English_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('31.10.1975', 'Date'), ('tarihinde', 'Valid_Word'), ('çıkardığı', 'Valid_Word'), ('A', 'OOV'), ('Night', 'English_Word'), ('at', 'Valid_Word'), ('the', 'English_Word'), ('Opera', 'Valid_Word'), ('albümüyle', 'Valid_Word'), ('dünya', 'Valid_Word'), ('müziğini', 'Valid_Word'), ('değiştirdi', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]

## Parallel Processing
Use the -n option to set the number of parallel workers:
$ ts-tokenizer -n 2 -o tagged input_file

By default, TS Tokenizer uses [number of CPU cores - 1].


## Using CLI Arguments with pipelines

You can use TS Tokenizer in bash pipelines, such as counting word frequencies:

Following sample returns calculated  frequencies for the given file:
$ ts-tokenizer input.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n


To count tags:
$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt | cut -f2 | sort | uniq -c

1 Date
3 English_Word
2 Hashtag
2 Mention
1 Multi_Hyphenated
3 Numbered_Title
9 Punc
1 Single_Hyphenated
17 Valid_Word

To find a specific tag following command could be used.
$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt | cut -f1,2 | grep "Web_URL"

www.wikipedia.org	Web_URL
www.wim-wenders.com	Web_URL
www.winterwar.com.	Web_URL
www.wissenschaft.de:	Web_URL
www.wittingen.de	Web_URL
www.wlmqradio.com	Web_URL
www.worldstadiums.com	Web_URL
www.worldstatesmen.org	Web_URL

# Classes

Below are samples to implement ts-tokenizer in Python

## TSTokenizer

**tokenized** : Outputs a list of plain tokens extracted from the input text.

from ts_tokenizer.tokenizer import TSTokenizer
Single_Line_Sample = "Parça ve bütün iliåÿkisi her zaman iåÿlevsel deðildir."
simple_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Single_Line_Sample, output_format="tokenized")
if simple_tokens is None:
    for token in simple_tokens:
Generated output is as follows:

**tagged** : Outputs tokens with associated tags. Please note that these are not POSTags.
Check TokenHandler below for tag set.

tagged_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Single_Line_Sample, output_format="tagged")
if tagged_tokens is None:
    for token in tagged_tokens:
Generated output is as follows:

Parça	Valid_Word
ve	Valid_Word
bütün	Valid_Word
ilişkisi	Valid_Word
her	Valid_Word
zaman	Valid_Word
işlevsel	Valid_Word
değildir	Valid_Word
.	Punc


**lines** : Maintains the structure of the input text, with each line's tokens grouped together.
Please note that "line" is defined with end-of-line markers.

from ts_tokenizer.tokenizer import TSTokenizer
Multi_Line_Sample = """
Ey Türk gençliði! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyet'ini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. 
Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. 
Bu temel, senin, en kýymetli hazinendir.
Ýstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî bedhahlarýn olacaktýr. 
Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düþersen, vazifeye atýlmak için, içinde bulunacaðýn vaziyetin imkân ve þeraitini düþünmeyeceksin! 
Bu imkân ve þerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. 
Ýstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düþmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiþ bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. 
Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanýn, bütün kaleleri zaptedilmiþ, bütün tersanelerine girilmiþ, bütün ordularý daðýtýlmýþ ve memleketin her köþesi bilfiil iþgal edilmiþ olabilir. 
Bütün bu þeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hýyanet içinde bulunabilirler.
Hatta bu iktidar sahipleri þahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler.
Millet, fakruzaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düþmüþ olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evladý! Ýþte, bu ahval ve þerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktýr! 
Muhtaç olduðun kudret, damarlarýndaki asil kanda, mevcuttur!
line_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Multi_Line_Sample, output_format="lines")
if line_tokens is None:
    for token in line_tokens:
Generated output is as follows:
Ey Türk gençliği ! Birinci vazifen , Türk istiklâlini , Türk Cumhuriyet'ini , ilelebet , muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir .
Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur .
Bu temel , senin , en kıymetli hazinendir .
İstikbalde dahi , seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek , dahilî ve haricî bedhahların olacaktır .
Bir gün , istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen , vazifeye atılmak için , içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin !
Bu imkân ve şerait , çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir .
İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar , bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler .
Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın , bütün kaleleri zaptedilmiş , bütün tersanelerine girilmiş , bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir .
Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere , memleketin dahilinde , iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler .
Hatta bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini , müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler .
Millet , fakruzaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir . Ey Türk istikbalinin evladı ! İşte , bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi , vazifen ; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır !
Muhtaç olduğun kudret , damarlarındaki asil kanda , mevcuttur !

**tagged_lines**: Same as lines but includes tags for each token.

tagged_line_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Multi_Line_Sample, output_format="tagged_lines")
if tagged_line_tokens is None:
    for token in tagged_line_tokens:
Generated output is as follows:
[("ATATÜRK'ün", 'Apostrophed'), ('GENÇLİĞE', 'Valid_Word'), ('HİTABESİ', 'Valid_Word')]
[('Ey', 'Valid_Word'), ('Türk', 'Valid_Word'), ('gençliği', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc'), ('Birinci', 'Valid_Word'), ('vazifen', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('Türk', 'Valid_Word'), ('istiklâlini', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('Türk', 'Valid_Word'), ("Cumhuriyet'ini", 'Apostrophed'), (',', 'Punc'), ('ilelebet', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('muhafaza', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('müdafaa', 'Valid_Word'), ('etmektir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Mevcudiyetinin', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('istikbalinin', 'Valid_Word'), ('yegâne', 'Valid_Word'), ('temeli', 'Valid_Word'), ('budur', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('temel', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('senin', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('en', 'Valid_Word'), ('kıymetli', 'Valid_Word'), ('hazinendir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('İstikbalde', 'Valid_Word'), ('dahi', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('seni', 'Valid_Word'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('hazineden', 'Valid_Word'), ('mahrum', 'Valid_Word'), ('etmek', 'Valid_Word'), ('isteyecek', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('dahilî', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('haricî', 'Valid_Word'), ('bedhahların', 'Valid_Word'), ('olacaktır', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Bir', 'Valid_Word'), ('gün', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('istiklâl', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('cumhuriyeti', 'Valid_Word'), ('müdafaa', 'Valid_Word'), ('mecburiyetine', 'Valid_Word'), ('düşersen', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('vazifeye', 'Valid_Word'), ('atılmak', 'Valid_Word'), ('için', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('içinde', 'Valid_Word'), ('bulunacağın', 'Valid_Word'), ('vaziyetin', 'Valid_Word'), ('imkân', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('şeraitini', 'Valid_Word'), ('düşünmeyeceksin', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc')]
[('Bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('imkân', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('şerait', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('çok', 'Valid_Word'), ('nâmüsait', 'Valid_Word'), ('bir', 'Valid_Word'), ('mahiyette', 'Valid_Word'), ('tezahür', 'Valid_Word'), ('edebilir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('İstiklâl', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('cumhuriyetine', 'Valid_Word'), ('kastedecek', 'Valid_Word'), ('düşmanlar', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('bütün', 'Valid_Word'), ('dünyada', 'Valid_Word'), ('emsali', 'Valid_Word'), ('görülmemiş', 'Valid_Word'), ('bir', 'Valid_Word'), ('galibiyetin', 'Valid_Word'), ('mümessili', 'Valid_Word'), ('olabilirler', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Cebren', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('hile', 'Valid_Word'), ('ile', 'Valid_Word'), ('aziz', 'Valid_Word'), ('vatanın', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('bütün', 'Valid_Word'), ('kaleleri', 'Valid_Word'), ('zaptedilmiş', 'OOV'), (',', 'Punc'), ('bütün', 'Valid_Word'), ('tersanelerine', 'Valid_Word'), ('girilmiş', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('bütün', 'Valid_Word'), ('orduları', 'Valid_Word'), ('dağıtılmış', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('memleketin', 'Valid_Word'), ('her', 'Valid_Word'), ('köşesi', 'Valid_Word'), ('bilfiil', 'Valid_Word'), ('işgal', 'Valid_Word'), ('edilmiş', 'Valid_Word'), ('olabilir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Bütün', 'Valid_Word'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('şeraitten', 'Valid_Word'), ('daha', 'Valid_Word'), ('elîm', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('daha', 'Valid_Word'), ('vahim', 'Valid_Word'), ('olmak', 'Valid_Word'), ('üzere', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('memleketin', 'Valid_Word'), ('dahilinde', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('iktidara', 'Valid_Word'), ('sahip', 'Valid_Word'), ('olanlar', 'Valid_Word'), ('gaflet', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('dalâlet', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('hattâ', 'Valid_Word'), ('hıyanet', 'Valid_Word'), ('içinde', 'Valid_Word'), ('bulunabilirler', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Hatta', 'Valid_Word'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('iktidar', 'Valid_Word'), ('sahipleri', 'Valid_Word'), ('şahsî', 'Valid_Word'), ('menfaatlerini', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('müstevlilerin', 'Valid_Word'), ('siyasî', 'Valid_Word'), ('emelleriyle', 'Valid_Word'), ('tevhit', 'Valid_Word'), ('edebilirler', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]
[('Millet', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('fakruzaruret', 'Valid_Word'), ('içinde', 'Valid_Word'), ('harap', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('bîtap', 'Valid_Word'), ('düşmüş', 'Valid_Word'), ('olabilir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc'), ('Ey', 'Valid_Word'), ('Türk', 'Valid_Word'), ('istikbalinin', 'Valid_Word'), ('evladı', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc'), ('İşte', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('ahval', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('şerait', 'Valid_Word'), ('içinde', 'Valid_Word'), ('dahi', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('vazifen', 'Valid_Word'), (';', 'Punc'), ('Türk', 'Valid_Word'), ('istiklâl', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('cumhuriyetini', 'Valid_Word'), ('kurtarmaktır', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc')]
[('Muhtaç', 'Valid_Word'), ('olduğun', 'Valid_Word'), ('kudret', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('damarlarındaki', 'Valid_Word'), ('asil', 'Valid_Word'), ('kanda', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('mevcuttur', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc')]

## CharFix

CharFix offers methods to correct corrupted Turkish text:

### Fix Characters

from ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix

line = "Parça ve bütün iliåÿkisi her zaman iåÿlevsel deðildir."
print(CharFix.fix(line))  # Fixes corrupted characters
$ Parça ve bütün ilişkisi her zaman işlevsel değildir.
### Lowercase

from ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix

line = "İstanbul ve Iğdır ''arası'' 1528 km'dir."
$ istanbul ve ığdır ''arası'' 1528 km'dir.
### Fix Quotes

from ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix

line = "İstanbul ve Iğdır ''arası'' 1528 km'dir."
    $ İstanbul ve Iğdır "arası" 1528 km'dir.

## TokenHandler

TokenHandler gets each given string and process it using methods defined under TokenPreProcess class.
This process follows a strictly defined order and it is recursive.
Each method could be called 
from ts_tokenizer.token_handler import TokenPreProcess


### Below are the list of tags generated by tokenizer to process tokens:

| #  | Function                   | Sample                       | Used As Output | Tag                |
| 01 | is_mention                 | @ts-tokenizer                | Yes            | Mention            |
| 02 | is_hashtag                 | #ts-tokenizer                | Yes            | Hashtag            |
| 03 | is_in_quotes               | "ts-tokenizer"               | No             | -----              |
| 04 | is_numbered_title          | (1)                          | Yes            | Numbered_Title     |
| 05 | is_in_paranthesis          | (bilgisayar)                 | No             | -----              |
| 06 | is_date_range              | 01.01.2024-01.01.2025        | Yes            | Date_Range         |
| 07 | is_complex_punc            | -yeniden,sonradan..          | No             | -----              |
| 08 | is_date                    | 22.02.2016                   | Yes            | Date               |
| 09 | is_hour                    | 14.05                        | Yes            | Hour               |
| 10 | is_percentage_numbers      | %75                          | Yes            | Percentage_Numbers |
| 11 | is_percentage_numbers_chars | %75'lik                      | Yes            | Percentage_Numbers |
| 12 | is_roman_number            | XI                           | Yes            | Roman_Number       |
| 13 | is_bullet_list             | •Giriş                       | Yes            | Bullet_List        |
| 14 | is_email                   | tanersezerr@gmail.com        | Yes            | Email              |
| 15 | is_email_punc              | tanersezerr@gmail.com.       | No             | -----              |
| 16 | is_full_url                | https://tscorpus.com         | Yes            | Full_URL           |
| 17 | is_web_url                 | www.tscorpus.com             | Yes            | Web_URL            |
| -- | is_full_url                | www.example.com'un           | Yes            | URL_Suffix         |
| 18 | is_copyright               | ©tscorpus                    | Yes            | Copyright          |
| 19 | is_registered              | tscorpus®                    | Yes            | Registered         |
| 20 | is_trademark               | tscorpus™                    | Yes            | Trademark          |
| 21 | is_currency                | 100$                         | Yes            | Currency           |
| 22 | is_num_char_sequence       | 380A                         | No             | -----              |
| 23 | is_abbr                    | TBMM                         | Yes            | Abbr               |
| 24 | is_in_lexicon              | bilgisayar                   | Yes            | Valid_Word         |
| 25 | is_in_exceptions           | e-mail                       | Yes            | Exception          |
| 26 | is_in_eng_words            | computer                     | Yes            | English_Word       |
| 27 | is_smiley                  | :)                           | Yes            | Smiley             |
| 28 | is_multiple_smiley         | :):)                         | No             | -----              |
| 29 | is_emoticon                | 🍻                           | Yes            | Emoticon           |
| 30 | is_multiple_emoticon       | 🍻🍻                         | No             | -----              |
| 31 | is_multiple_smiley_in      | hey:):)                      | No             | -----              |
| 32 | is_number                  | 175.01                       | Yes            | Number             |
| 33 | is_apostrophed             | Türkiye'nin                  | Yes            | Apostrophed        |
| 34 | is_single_punc             | !                            | Yes            | Punc               |
| 35 | is_multi_punc              | !!                           | No             | -----              |
| 36 | is_single_hyphenated       | sabah-akşam                  | Yes            | Single_Hyphenated  |
| 37 | is_multi_hyphenated        | çay-su-kahve                 | Yes            | Multi-Hyphenated   |
| 38 | is_single_underscored      | Gel_Git                      | Yes            | Single_Underscored |
| 39 | is_multi_underscored       | Yarı_Yapılandırılmış_Mülakat | Yes            | Multi_Underscored  |
| 40 | is_one_char_fixable        | bilgisa¬yar                  | Yes            | One_Char_Fixed     |
| 42 | is_three_or_more           | heyyyyy                      | No             | -----              |
| 43 | is_fsp                     | bilgisayar.                  | No             | -----              |
| 44 | is_isp                     | .bilgisayar                  | No             | -----              |
| 45 | is_fmp                     | bilgisayar..                 | No             | -----              |
| 46 | is_imp                     | ..bilgisayar                 | No             | -----              |
| 47 | is_msp                     | --bilgisayar--               | No             | -----              |
| 48 | is_mssp                    | -bilgisayar-                 | No             | -----              |
| 49 | is_midsp                   | okul,öğrenci                 | No             | -----              |
| 50 | is_midmp                   | okul,öğrenci, öğretmen       | No             | -----              |
| 51 | is_non_latin               | 한국드                          | No             | Non_Latin          |


## Performance

ts-tokenizer is optimized for efficient tokenization and takes advantage of multi-core processing for large-scale text. By default, the script utilizes all available CPU cores minus one, ensuring your system remains responsive while processing large datasets.

### Performance Benchmarks:

The following benchmarks were conducted on different machines with the following specifications:

| **Processor**                                                            | **Cores**                 | **RAM**      | **1 Million Tokens (Multi-Core)** | **Throughput (Multi-Core)** | **1 Million Tokens (Single-Core)** | **Throughput (Single-Core)** |
| AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics (Laptop) <br/>3.2 GHz / 4.4 Ghz   | 8 physical cores (16 threads) | 16GB DDR4   | ~170 seconds                      | ~5,800 tokens/second        | ~715 seconds                     | ~1,400 tokens/second         |
| AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D with Radeon Graphics (Desktop)<br/>4.2 Ghz / 5.7 Ghz | 16 physical cores (32 threads)| 96GB DDR5   | ~14 seconds                       | ~71,500 tokens/second       | ~110 seconds                    | ~9,090 tokens/second         |


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer",
    "name": "ts-tokenizer",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "turkish tokenizer, tokenizer, turkish, nlp, text-processing, language-processing",
    "author": "Taner Sezer",
    "author_email": "tanersezerr@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f3/7e/faf0c26df0a6808ca0a11df0ea8e31d73fb0230d0cfb70fb426b1c46239c/ts_tokenizer-0.1.19.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\n**TS Tokenizer** is a hybrid tokenizer designed specifically for tokenizing Turkish texts.\nIt uses a hybrid (lexicon-based and rule-based) approach to split text into tokens.\n\n\n### Key Features:\n- **Hybrid Tokenization**: Combines lexicon-based and rule-based techniques to tokenize complex Turkish texts with precision.\n- **Special Token Handling**: Detects and processes mentions, hashtags, emails, URLs, dates, numbers, smileys, emoticons, and more.\n- **Configurable Outputs**: Offers multiple output formats, including plain tokens, tagged tokens, tokenized lines, and tagged lines, to suit diverse NLP workflows.\n- **Multi-core Processing**: Speeds up tokenization for large files with parallel processing.\n- **Preprocess Handling**: Handles corrupted Turkish text and punctuation gracefully using built-in fixes.\n- **Command-Line Friendly**: Use it directly from the terminal for file-based or piped input workflows.\n\n\nOn natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval, or text mining for Turkish, **TS Tokenizer** offers\na reliable solution for tokenization.\n\n---\n\n## Installation\n\nYou can install the ts-tokenizer package using pip.\n```bash\npip install ts-tokenizer\n```\nEnsure you have Python 3.9 or higher installed on your system.\n\nYou can update current version using pip\n```bash\npip install --upgrade ts-tokenizer\n```\n---\n\nTo remove package, use:\n```bash\npip uninstall ts-tokenizer\n```\nYou can also clone the repo locally.\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer.git\ncd ts-tokenizer\npip install -e .\n\n```\n\n---\n\n## License\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details.\n\n\n## Command line tool\n\nYou can use TS Tokenizer directly from the command line for both file inputs and pipeline processing:\n## Tokenize from a File:\n```bash\nts-tokenizer input.txt\n```\nor\n```bash\ncat input.txt | ts-tokenizer\n```\nor\n```bash\nzcat input.txt.gz | ts-tokenizer\n```\n---\n\n## Help\n\nGet detailed help for available options using:\n\n| Argument             | Short | Description                                                                                     | Default       |\n|----------------------|-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------|\n| `--output`           | `-o`  | Specify the output format: `tokenized`, `lines`, `tagged`, `tagged_lines`.                      | `tokenized`   |\n| `--num-workers`      | `-n`  | Set the number of parallel workers for processing.                                              | `CPU cores-1` |\n| `--verbose`          | `-v`  | Enable verbose mode to display additional processing details.                                   | Disabled      |\n| `--version`          | `-V`  | Display the current version of `ts-tokenizer`.                                                 | N/A           |\n| `--help`             | `-h`  | Show the help message and exit.   \n\n---\n\n## CLI Arguments\n\nYou can specify the output format using the -o option:\n\n- **tokenized (default):** Returns plain tokens, one per line.\n- **tagged:** Returns tokens with their tags.\n- **lines:** Returns tokenized lines as lists.\n- **tagged_lines:** Returns tokenized lines as a list of tuples (token, tag).\n\n```bash\ninput_text = \"Queen , 31.10.1975 tarihinde \u00e7\u0131kard\u0131\u00f0\u0131 A Night at the Opera alb\u00c3\u00bcm\u00c3\u00bcyle d\u00c3\u00bcnya m\u00c3\u00bczi\u00f0ini de\u00f0i\u00e5\u00fftirdi .\"\n\n$ ts-tokenizer input_text\n\nQueen\n,\n31.10.1975\ntarihinde\n\u00e7\u0131kard\u0131\u011f\u0131\nA\nNight\nat\nthe\nOpera\nalb\u00fcm\u00fcyle\nd\u00fcnya\nm\u00fczi\u011fini\nde\u011fi\u015ftirdi\n.\n```\n\nNote that **tags are not part-of-speech tags** but they define the given string.\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt\n\nQueen\tEnglish_Word\n,\tPunc\n31.10.1975\tDate\ntarihinde\tValid_Word\n\u00e7\u0131kard\u0131\u011f\u0131\tValid_Word\nA\tOOV\nNight\tEnglish_Word\nat\tValid_Word\nthe\tEnglish_Word\nOpera\tValid_Word\nalb\u00fcm\u00fcyle\tValid_Word\nd\u00fcnya\tValid_Word\nm\u00fczi\u011fini\tValid_Word\nde\u011fi\u015ftirdi\tValid_Word\n.\tPunc\n```\n\nThe other two arguments are \"lines\" and \"tagged_lines\".\nThe \"lines\" parameter reads input file line-by-line and returns a list for each line. Note that each line is defined by end-of-line markers in the given text.\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer -o lines input.txt\n\n['Queen', ',', '31.10.1975', 'tarihinde', '\u00e7\u0131kard\u0131\u011f\u0131', 'A', 'Night', 'at', 'the', 'Opera', 'alb\u00fcm\u00fcyle', 'd\u00fcnya', 'm\u00fczi\u011fini', 'de\u011fi\u015ftirdi', '.']\n```\n\nThe \"tagged_lines\" parameter reads input file line-by-line and returns a list of tuples for each line. Note that each line is defined by end-of-line markers in the given text.\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged_lines input.txt\n\n [('Queen', 'English_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('31.10.1975', 'Date'), ('tarihinde', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u00e7\u0131kard\u0131\u011f\u0131', 'Valid_Word'), ('A', 'OOV'), ('Night', 'English_Word'), ('at', 'Valid_Word'), ('the', 'English_Word'), ('Opera', 'Valid_Word'), ('alb\u00fcm\u00fcyle', 'Valid_Word'), ('d\u00fcnya', 'Valid_Word'), ('m\u00fczi\u011fini', 'Valid_Word'), ('de\u011fi\u015ftirdi', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n```\n---\n\n## Parallel Processing\nUse the -n option to set the number of parallel workers:\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer -n 2 -o tagged input_file\n```\n\nBy default, TS Tokenizer uses [number of CPU cores - 1].\n\n---\n\n## Using CLI Arguments with pipelines\n\nYou can use TS Tokenizer in bash pipelines, such as counting word frequencies:\n\nFollowing sample returns calculated  frequencies for the given file:\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer input.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n\n```\n\n---\n\nTo count tags:\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt | cut -f2 | sort | uniq -c\n\n1 Date\n3 English_Word\n2 Hashtag\n2 Mention\n1 Multi_Hyphenated\n3 Numbered_Title\n1 OOV\n9 Punc\n1 Single_Hyphenated\n17 Valid_Word\n```\n\nTo find a specific tag following command could be used.\n```bash\n$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt | cut -f1,2 | grep \"Web_URL\"\n\nwww.wikipedia.org\tWeb_URL\nwww.wim-wenders.com\tWeb_URL\nwww.winterwar.com.\tWeb_URL\nwww.wissenschaft.de:\tWeb_URL\nwww.wittingen.de\tWeb_URL\nwww.wlmqradio.com\tWeb_URL\nwww.worldstadiums.com\tWeb_URL\nwww.worldstatesmen.org\tWeb_URL\n```\n---\n\n# Classes\n\nBelow are samples to implement ts-tokenizer in Python\n\n## TSTokenizer\n\n**tokenized** : Outputs a list of plain tokens extracted from the input text.\n\n```python\nfrom ts_tokenizer.tokenizer import TSTokenizer\nSingle_Line_Sample = \"Par\u00c3\u00a7a ve b\u00c3\u00bct\u00c3\u00bcn ili\u00e5\u00ffkisi her zaman i\u00e5\u00fflevsel de\u00f0ildir.\"\nsimple_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Single_Line_Sample, output_format=\"tokenized\")\nif simple_tokens is None:\n    pass\nelse:\n    for token in simple_tokens:\n        print(token)\n```\nGenerated output is as follows:\n\n```bash\nPar\u00e7a\nve\nb\u00fct\u00fcn\nili\u015fkisi\nher\nzaman\ni\u015flevsel\nde\u011fildir\n```\n**tagged** : Outputs tokens with associated tags. Please note that these are not POSTags.\nCheck TokenHandler below for tag set.\n\n```python\ntagged_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Single_Line_Sample, output_format=\"tagged\")\nif tagged_tokens is None:\n    pass\nelse:\n    for token in tagged_tokens:\n        print(token)\n```\nGenerated output is as follows:\n\n```bash\nPar\u00e7a\tValid_Word\nve\tValid_Word\nb\u00fct\u00fcn\tValid_Word\nili\u015fkisi\tValid_Word\nher\tValid_Word\nzaman\tValid_Word\ni\u015flevsel\tValid_Word\nde\u011fildir\tValid_Word\n.\tPunc\n\n```\n\n**lines** : Maintains the structure of the input text, with each line's tokens grouped together.\nPlease note that \"line\" is defined with end-of-line markers.\n\n```python\nfrom ts_tokenizer.tokenizer import TSTokenizer\nMulti_Line_Sample = \"\"\"\nATAT\u00dcRK'\u00fcn GEN\u00c7L\u00dd\u00d0E H\u00ddTABES\u00dd \nEy T\u00fcrk gen\u00e7li\u00f0i! Birinci vazifen, T\u00fcrk istikl\u00e2lini, T\u00fcrk Cumhuriyet'ini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve m\u00fcdafaa etmektir. \nMevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yeg\u00e2ne temeli budur. \nBu temel, senin, en k\u00fdymetli hazinendir.\n\u00ddstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahil\u00ee ve haric\u00ee bedhahlar\u00fdn olacakt\u00fdr. \nBir g\u00fcn, istikl\u00e2l ve cumhuriyeti m\u00fcdafaa mecburiyetine d\u00fc\u00feersen, vazifeye at\u00fdlmak i\u00e7in, i\u00e7inde bulunaca\u00f0\u00fdn vaziyetin imk\u00e2n ve \u00feeraitini d\u00fc\u00fe\u00fcnmeyeceksin! \nBu imk\u00e2n ve \u00feerait, \u00e7ok n\u00e2m\u00fcsait bir mahiyette tezah\u00fcr edebilir. \n\u00ddstikl\u00e2l ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek d\u00fc\u00femanlar, b\u00fct\u00fcn d\u00fcnyada emsali g\u00f6r\u00fclmemi\u00fe bir galibiyetin m\u00fcmessili olabilirler. \nCebren ve hile ile aziz vatan\u00fdn, b\u00fct\u00fcn kaleleri zaptedilmi\u00fe, b\u00fct\u00fcn tersanelerine girilmi\u00fe, b\u00fct\u00fcn ordular\u00fd da\u00f0\u00fdt\u00fdlm\u00fd\u00fe ve memleketin her k\u00f6\u00feesi bilfiil i\u00fegal edilmi\u00fe olabilir. \nB\u00fct\u00fcn bu \u00feeraitten daha el\u00eem ve daha vahim olmak \u00fczere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dal\u00e2let ve hatt\u00e2 h\u00fdyanet i\u00e7inde bulunabilirler.\nHatta bu iktidar sahipleri \u00feahs\u00ee menfaatlerini, m\u00fcstevlilerin siyas\u00ee emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler.\nMillet, fakruzaruret i\u00e7inde harap ve b\u00eetap d\u00fc\u00fem\u00fc\u00fe olabilir. Ey T\u00fcrk istikbalinin evlad\u00fd! \u00dd\u00fete, bu ahval ve \u00feerait i\u00e7inde dahi, vazifen; T\u00fcrk istikl\u00e2l ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmakt\u00fdr! \nMuhta\u00e7 oldu\u00f0un kudret, damarlar\u00fdndaki asil kanda, mevcuttur!\n\"\"\"\nline_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Multi_Line_Sample, output_format=\"lines\")\nif line_tokens is None:\n    pass\nelse:\n    for token in line_tokens:\n        print(token)\n```\nGenerated output is as follows:\n```text\nATAT\u00dcRK'\u00fcn GEN\u00c7L\u0130\u011eE H\u0130TABES\u0130\nEy T\u00fcrk gen\u00e7li\u011fi ! Birinci vazifen , T\u00fcrk istikl\u00e2lini , T\u00fcrk Cumhuriyet'ini , ilelebet , muhafaza ve m\u00fcdafaa etmektir .\nMevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yeg\u00e2ne temeli budur .\nBu temel , senin , en k\u0131ymetli hazinendir .\n\u0130stikbalde dahi , seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek , dahil\u00ee ve haric\u00ee bedhahlar\u0131n olacakt\u0131r .\nBir g\u00fcn , istikl\u00e2l ve cumhuriyeti m\u00fcdafaa mecburiyetine d\u00fc\u015fersen , vazifeye at\u0131lmak i\u00e7in , i\u00e7inde bulunaca\u011f\u0131n vaziyetin imk\u00e2n ve \u015feraitini d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcnmeyeceksin !\nBu imk\u00e2n ve \u015ferait , \u00e7ok n\u00e2m\u00fcsait bir mahiyette tezah\u00fcr edebilir .\n\u0130stikl\u00e2l ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek d\u00fc\u015fmanlar , b\u00fct\u00fcn d\u00fcnyada emsali g\u00f6r\u00fclmemi\u015f bir galibiyetin m\u00fcmessili olabilirler .\nCebren ve hile ile aziz vatan\u0131n , b\u00fct\u00fcn kaleleri zaptedilmi\u015f , b\u00fct\u00fcn tersanelerine girilmi\u015f , b\u00fct\u00fcn ordular\u0131 da\u011f\u0131t\u0131lm\u0131\u015f ve memleketin her k\u00f6\u015fesi bilfiil i\u015fgal edilmi\u015f olabilir .\nB\u00fct\u00fcn bu \u015feraitten daha el\u00eem ve daha vahim olmak \u00fczere , memleketin dahilinde , iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dal\u00e2let ve hatt\u00e2 h\u0131yanet i\u00e7inde bulunabilirler .\nHatta bu iktidar sahipleri \u015fahs\u00ee menfaatlerini , m\u00fcstevlilerin siyas\u00ee emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler .\nMillet , fakruzaruret i\u00e7inde harap ve b\u00eetap d\u00fc\u015fm\u00fc\u015f olabilir . Ey T\u00fcrk istikbalinin evlad\u0131 ! \u0130\u015fte , bu ahval ve \u015ferait i\u00e7inde dahi , vazifen ; T\u00fcrk istikl\u00e2l ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmakt\u0131r !\nMuhta\u00e7 oldu\u011fun kudret , damarlar\u0131ndaki asil kanda , mevcuttur !\n```\n\n**tagged_lines**: Same as lines but includes tags for each token.\n\n```python \ntagged_line_tokens = TSTokenizer.ts_tokenize(Multi_Line_Sample, output_format=\"tagged_lines\")\nif tagged_line_tokens is None:\n    pass\nelse:\n    for token in tagged_line_tokens:\n        print(token)\n```\nGenerated output is as follows:\n```bash\n[(\"ATAT\u00dcRK'\u00fcn\", 'Apostrophed'), ('GEN\u00c7L\u0130\u011eE', 'Valid_Word'), ('H\u0130TABES\u0130', 'Valid_Word')]\n[('Ey', 'Valid_Word'), ('T\u00fcrk', 'Valid_Word'), ('gen\u00e7li\u011fi', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc'), ('Birinci', 'Valid_Word'), ('vazifen', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('T\u00fcrk', 'Valid_Word'), ('istikl\u00e2lini', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('T\u00fcrk', 'Valid_Word'), (\"Cumhuriyet'ini\", 'Apostrophed'), (',', 'Punc'), ('ilelebet', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('muhafaza', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('m\u00fcdafaa', 'Valid_Word'), ('etmektir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('Mevcudiyetinin', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('istikbalinin', 'Valid_Word'), ('yeg\u00e2ne', 'Valid_Word'), ('temeli', 'Valid_Word'), ('budur', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('Bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('temel', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('senin', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('en', 'Valid_Word'), ('k\u0131ymetli', 'Valid_Word'), ('hazinendir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('\u0130stikbalde', 'Valid_Word'), ('dahi', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('seni', 'Valid_Word'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('hazineden', 'Valid_Word'), ('mahrum', 'Valid_Word'), ('etmek', 'Valid_Word'), ('isteyecek', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('dahil\u00ee', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('haric\u00ee', 'Valid_Word'), ('bedhahlar\u0131n', 'Valid_Word'), ('olacakt\u0131r', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('Bir', 'Valid_Word'), ('g\u00fcn', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('istikl\u00e2l', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('cumhuriyeti', 'Valid_Word'), ('m\u00fcdafaa', 'Valid_Word'), ('mecburiyetine', 'Valid_Word'), ('d\u00fc\u015fersen', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('vazifeye', 'Valid_Word'), ('at\u0131lmak', 'Valid_Word'), ('i\u00e7in', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('i\u00e7inde', 'Valid_Word'), ('bulunaca\u011f\u0131n', 'Valid_Word'), ('vaziyetin', 'Valid_Word'), ('imk\u00e2n', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u015feraitini', 'Valid_Word'), ('d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcnmeyeceksin', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc')]\n[('Bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('imk\u00e2n', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u015ferait', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('\u00e7ok', 'Valid_Word'), ('n\u00e2m\u00fcsait', 'Valid_Word'), ('bir', 'Valid_Word'), ('mahiyette', 'Valid_Word'), ('tezah\u00fcr', 'Valid_Word'), ('edebilir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('\u0130stikl\u00e2l', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('cumhuriyetine', 'Valid_Word'), ('kastedecek', 'Valid_Word'), ('d\u00fc\u015fmanlar', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('b\u00fct\u00fcn', 'Valid_Word'), ('d\u00fcnyada', 'Valid_Word'), ('emsali', 'Valid_Word'), ('g\u00f6r\u00fclmemi\u015f', 'Valid_Word'), ('bir', 'Valid_Word'), ('galibiyetin', 'Valid_Word'), ('m\u00fcmessili', 'Valid_Word'), ('olabilirler', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('Cebren', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('hile', 'Valid_Word'), ('ile', 'Valid_Word'), ('aziz', 'Valid_Word'), ('vatan\u0131n', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('b\u00fct\u00fcn', 'Valid_Word'), ('kaleleri', 'Valid_Word'), ('zaptedilmi\u015f', 'OOV'), (',', 'Punc'), ('b\u00fct\u00fcn', 'Valid_Word'), ('tersanelerine', 'Valid_Word'), ('girilmi\u015f', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('b\u00fct\u00fcn', 'Valid_Word'), ('ordular\u0131', 'Valid_Word'), ('da\u011f\u0131t\u0131lm\u0131\u015f', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('memleketin', 'Valid_Word'), ('her', 'Valid_Word'), ('k\u00f6\u015fesi', 'Valid_Word'), ('bilfiil', 'Valid_Word'), ('i\u015fgal', 'Valid_Word'), ('edilmi\u015f', 'Valid_Word'), ('olabilir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('B\u00fct\u00fcn', 'Valid_Word'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u015feraitten', 'Valid_Word'), ('daha', 'Valid_Word'), ('el\u00eem', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('daha', 'Valid_Word'), ('vahim', 'Valid_Word'), ('olmak', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u00fczere', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('memleketin', 'Valid_Word'), ('dahilinde', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('iktidara', 'Valid_Word'), ('sahip', 'Valid_Word'), ('olanlar', 'Valid_Word'), ('gaflet', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('dal\u00e2let', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('hatt\u00e2', 'Valid_Word'), ('h\u0131yanet', 'Valid_Word'), ('i\u00e7inde', 'Valid_Word'), ('bulunabilirler', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('Hatta', 'Valid_Word'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('iktidar', 'Valid_Word'), ('sahipleri', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u015fahs\u00ee', 'Valid_Word'), ('menfaatlerini', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('m\u00fcstevlilerin', 'Valid_Word'), ('siyas\u00ee', 'Valid_Word'), ('emelleriyle', 'Valid_Word'), ('tevhit', 'Valid_Word'), ('edebilirler', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc')]\n[('Millet', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('fakruzaruret', 'Valid_Word'), ('i\u00e7inde', 'Valid_Word'), ('harap', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('b\u00eetap', 'Valid_Word'), ('d\u00fc\u015fm\u00fc\u015f', 'Valid_Word'), ('olabilir', 'Valid_Word'), ('.', 'Punc'), ('Ey', 'Valid_Word'), ('T\u00fcrk', 'Valid_Word'), ('istikbalinin', 'Valid_Word'), ('evlad\u0131', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc'), ('\u0130\u015fte', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('bu', 'Valid_Word'), ('ahval', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('\u015ferait', 'Valid_Word'), ('i\u00e7inde', 'Valid_Word'), ('dahi', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('vazifen', 'Valid_Word'), (';', 'Punc'), ('T\u00fcrk', 'Valid_Word'), ('istikl\u00e2l', 'Valid_Word'), ('ve', 'Valid_Word'), ('cumhuriyetini', 'Valid_Word'), ('kurtarmakt\u0131r', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc')]\n[('Muhta\u00e7', 'Valid_Word'), ('oldu\u011fun', 'Valid_Word'), ('kudret', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('damarlar\u0131ndaki', 'Valid_Word'), ('asil', 'Valid_Word'), ('kanda', 'Valid_Word'), (',', 'Punc'), ('mevcuttur', 'Valid_Word'), ('!', 'Punc')]\n```\n\n## CharFix\n\nCharFix offers methods to correct corrupted Turkish text:\n\n### Fix Characters\n\n```python\nfrom ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix\n\nline = \"Par\u00c3\u00a7a ve b\u00c3\u00bct\u00c3\u00bcn ili\u00e5\u00ffkisi her zaman i\u00e5\u00fflevsel de\u00f0ildir.\"\nprint(CharFix.fix(line))  # Fixes corrupted characters\n```\n```bash\n$ Par\u00e7a ve b\u00fct\u00fcn ili\u015fkisi her zaman i\u015flevsel de\u011fildir.\n```\n### Lowercase\n\n```python\nfrom ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix\n\nline = \"\u0130stanbul ve I\u011fd\u0131r ''aras\u0131'' 1528 km'dir.\"\nprint(CharFix.tr_lowercase(line))\n```\n```bash\n$ istanbul ve \u0131\u011fd\u0131r ''aras\u0131'' 1528 km'dir.\n```\n### Fix Quotes\n\n```python\nfrom ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix\n\nline = \"\u0130stanbul ve I\u011fd\u0131r ''aras\u0131'' 1528 km'dir.\"\nprint(CharFix.fix_quote(line))\n```\n    $ \u0130stanbul ve I\u011fd\u0131r \"aras\u0131\" 1528 km'dir.\n\n---\n## TokenHandler\n\nTokenHandler gets each given string and process it using methods defined under TokenPreProcess class.\nThis process follows a strictly defined order and it is recursive.\nEach method could be called \n```python\nfrom ts_tokenizer.token_handler import TokenPreProcess\n\n```\n\n\n### Below are the list of tags generated by tokenizer to process tokens:\n\n\n| #  | Function                   | Sample                       | Used As Output | Tag                |\n|----|----------------------------|------------------------------|----------------|--------------------|\n| 01 | is_mention                 | @ts-tokenizer                | Yes            | Mention            |\n| 02 | is_hashtag                 | #ts-tokenizer                | Yes            | Hashtag            |\n| 03 | is_in_quotes               | \"ts-tokenizer\"               | No             | -----              |\n| 04 | is_numbered_title          | (1)                          | Yes            | Numbered_Title     |\n| 05 | is_in_paranthesis          | (bilgisayar)                 | No             | -----              |\n| 06 | is_date_range              | 01.01.2024-01.01.2025        | Yes            | Date_Range         |\n| 07 | is_complex_punc            | -yeniden,sonradan..          | No             | -----              |\n| 08 | is_date                    | 22.02.2016                   | Yes            | Date               |\n| 09 | is_hour                    | 14.05                        | Yes            | Hour               |\n| 10 | is_percentage_numbers      | %75                          | Yes            | Percentage_Numbers |\n| 11 | is_percentage_numbers_chars | %75'lik                      | Yes            | Percentage_Numbers |\n| 12 | is_roman_number            | XI                           | Yes            | Roman_Number       |\n| 13 | is_bullet_list             | \u2022Giri\u015f                       | Yes            | Bullet_List        |\n| 14 | is_email                   | tanersezerr@gmail.com        | Yes            | Email              |\n| 15 | is_email_punc              | tanersezerr@gmail.com.       | No             | -----              |\n| 16 | is_full_url                | https://tscorpus.com         | Yes            | Full_URL           |\n| 17 | is_web_url                 | www.tscorpus.com             | Yes            | Web_URL            |\n| -- | is_full_url                | www.example.com'un           | Yes            | URL_Suffix         |\n| 18 | is_copyright               | \u00a9tscorpus                    | Yes            | Copyright          |\n| 19 | is_registered              | tscorpus\u00ae                    | Yes            | Registered         |\n| 20 | is_trademark               | tscorpus\u2122                    | Yes            | Trademark          |\n| 21 | is_currency                | 100$                         | Yes            | Currency           |\n| 22 | is_num_char_sequence       | 380A                         | No             | -----              |\n| 23 | is_abbr                    | TBMM                         | Yes            | Abbr               |\n| 24 | is_in_lexicon              | bilgisayar                   | Yes            | Valid_Word         |\n| 25 | is_in_exceptions           | e-mail                       | Yes            | Exception          |\n| 26 | is_in_eng_words            | computer                     | Yes            | English_Word       |\n| 27 | is_smiley                  | :)                           | Yes            | Smiley             |\n| 28 | is_multiple_smiley         | :):)                         | No             | -----              |\n| 29 | is_emoticon                | \ud83c\udf7b                           | Yes            | Emoticon           |\n| 30 | is_multiple_emoticon       | \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf7b                         | No             | -----              |\n| 31 | is_multiple_smiley_in      | hey:):)                      | No             | -----              |\n| 32 | is_number                  | 175.01                       | Yes            | Number             |\n| 33 | is_apostrophed             | T\u00fcrkiye'nin                  | Yes            | Apostrophed        |\n| 34 | is_single_punc             | !                            | Yes            | Punc               |\n| 35 | is_multi_punc              | !!                           | No             | -----              |\n| 36 | is_single_hyphenated       | sabah-ak\u015fam                  | Yes            | Single_Hyphenated  |\n| 37 | is_multi_hyphenated        | \u00e7ay-su-kahve                 | Yes            | Multi-Hyphenated   |\n| 38 | is_single_underscored      | Gel_Git                      | Yes            | Single_Underscored |\n| 39 | is_multi_underscored       | Yar\u0131_Yap\u0131land\u0131r\u0131lm\u0131\u015f_M\u00fclakat | Yes            | Multi_Underscored  |\n| 40 | is_one_char_fixable        | bilgisa\u00acyar                  | Yes            | One_Char_Fixed     |\n| 42 | is_three_or_more           | heyyyyy                      | No             | -----              |\n| 43 | is_fsp                     | bilgisayar.                  | No             | -----              |\n| 44 | is_isp                     | .bilgisayar                  | No             | -----              |\n| 45 | is_fmp                     | bilgisayar..                 | No             | -----              |\n| 46 | is_imp                     | ..bilgisayar                 | No             | -----              |\n| 47 | is_msp                     | --bilgisayar--               | No             | -----              |\n| 48 | is_mssp                    | -bilgisayar-                 | No             | -----              |\n| 49 | is_midsp                   | okul,\u00f6\u011frenci                 | No             | -----              |\n| 50 | is_midmp                   | okul,\u00f6\u011frenci, \u00f6\u011fretmen       | No             | -----              |\n| 51 | is_non_latin               | \ud55c\uad6d\ub4dc                          | No             | Non_Latin          |\n\n----------------------\n\n## Performance\n\nts-tokenizer is optimized for efficient tokenization and takes advantage of multi-core processing for large-scale text. By default, the script utilizes all available CPU cores minus one, ensuring your system remains responsive while processing large datasets.\n\n### Performance Benchmarks:\n\nThe following benchmarks were conducted on different machines with the following specifications:\n\n| **Processor**                                                            | **Cores**                 | **RAM**      | **1 Million Tokens (Multi-Core)** | **Throughput (Multi-Core)** | **1 Million Tokens (Single-Core)** | **Throughput (Single-Core)** |\n|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------|--------------|-----------------------------------|-----------------------------|------------------------------------|------------------------------|\n| AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics (Laptop) <br/>3.2 GHz / 4.4 Ghz   | 8 physical cores (16 threads) | 16GB DDR4   | ~170 seconds                      | ~5,800 tokens/second        | ~715 seconds                     | ~1,400 tokens/second         |\n| AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D with Radeon Graphics (Desktop)<br/>4.2 Ghz / 5.7 Ghz | 16 physical cores (32 threads)| 96GB DDR5   | ~14 seconds                       | ~71,500 tokens/second       | ~110 seconds                    | ~9,090 tokens/second         |\n\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "TS Tokenizer is a hybrid (lexicon-based and rule-based) tokenizer designed specifically for tokenizing Turkish texts.",
    "version": "0.1.19",
    "project_urls": {
        "Bug Tracker": "https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer/issues",
        "Documentation": "https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer#readme",
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer",
        "Source Code": "https://github.com/tanerim/ts_tokenizer"
    "split_keywords": [
        "turkish tokenizer",
        " tokenizer",
        " turkish",
        " nlp",
        " text-processing",
        " language-processing"
    "urls": [
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