
Nametuir-continued JSON
Version 1.31.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Terminal UI for Reddit)
upload_time2024-09-09 20:36:38
keywords reddit terminal praw curses
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <h1 align="center">Terminal UI for Reddit (TUIR)</h1>

<p align="center">
A text-based interface (TUI) to view and interact with Reddit from your terminal.<br>

<p align="center">
  <strong>TUIR is a fork of rtv, which <a href="">was maintained by Michael Lazar</a> until February 2023</strong><br>

<p align="center">
<img alt="title image" src="resources/title_image.png"/>

<p align="center">
  <a href="">
    <img alt="pypi" src=""/>
  <a href="">
    <img alt="gitlab-ci" src=""/>
  <img alt="coverage" src=""/>
<!-- <a href="">
    <img src="" alt="Packaging status">
  </a> -->

## Table of Contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Migration from RTV](#migration-from-rtv)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Settings](#settings)
* [Themes](#themes)
* [FAQ](#faq)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [License](#license)

## Installation

### PyPI package

TUIR is available on [PyPI]( and can be installed with pip:

$ pip install tuir-continued

<!-- ### Distro packages

See [Repology]( for an up-to-date list of supported distro packages.

# FreeBSD
$ pkg install rtv

### From source

$ git clone
$ cd tuir
$ python install

### Windows

TUIR is not supported on Windows, due to a lack of resources and interest. Sorry!

## Migration from RTV

If you are migrating from RTV to TUIR, you can simply rename your old config directory/config file:

$ mv ~/.config/rtv ~/.config/tuir
$ mv ~/.config/tuir/rtv.cfg ~/.config/tuir/tuir.cfg

## Usage
To run the program, type:

$ tuir
### API keys

Logging in with shared Reddit and Imgur keys does not work anymore. Please roll your own.

1. log in to reddit in a browser
2. new browser tab >> <>
3. click the button on the bottom left = "developer options" or "create a new app" or something similar
4. fill in mostly irrelevant details in the new app dialogue box - left most blank
5. the only critical detail is "redirect url" or something similar :: enter "" here
6. click save or create for the new app :: you might get a new page to authorise the oauth or something, again minimal detail required for that
7. in the refreshed developer or app overview page the newly created app has a section of it's own with (a) a roughly 20 character random string under the app's name, that's the client_id and (b) the client_secret is in a clearly labelled box :: copy those
8. back in a terminal enter tuir --copy-config
9. then edit ~/.config/tuir/tuir.cfg (or where-ever yours is) :: about halfway down, line 130-ish is an OAUTH section - as below, you just paste in the 2 values for client_id and client_secret

        oauth_client_id = <client_id_from_your_reddit_app>
        oauth_client_secret = <client_secret_from_your_reddit_app>
        oauth_redirect_uri =

10. relaunch tuir :: enter u to log in :: browser window opens, click yes etc :: profit

### Controls

Move the cursor using either the arrow keys or *Vim* style movement:

- Press <kbd>▲</kbd> and <kbd>▼</kbd> to scroll through submissions
- Press <kbd>▶</kbd> to view the selected submission and <kbd>◀</kbd> to return
- Press <kbd>space-bar</kbd> to expand/collapse comments
- Press <kbd>u</kbd> to login (this requires a web browser for [OAuth](
- Press <kbd>?</kbd> to open the help screen

Press <kbd>/</kbd> to open the navigation prompt, where you can type things like:

- ``/front``
- ``/r/commandprompt+linuxmasterrace``
- ``/r/programming/controversial``
- ``/u/me``
- ``/u/multi-mod/m/art``
- ``/domain/``

See [CONTROLS]( for the full list of commands.

## Settings

### Configuration File

Configuration files are stored in the ``{HOME}/.config/tuir/`` directory.

Check out [tuir.cfg](tuir/templates/tuir.cfg) for the full list of configurable options. You can clone this file into your home directory by running:

$ tuir --copy-config

### Viewing Media Links

You can use [mailcap]( to configure how TUIR will open different types of links.

<p align="center">
<img alt="title image" src="resources/mailcap.gif"/>

A mailcap file allows you to associate different MIME media types, like ``image/jpeg`` or ``video/mp4``, with shell commands. This feature is disabled by default because it takes a few extra steps to configure. To get started, copy the default mailcap template to your home directory.

$ tuir --copy-mailcap

This template contains examples for common MIME types that work with popular reddit websites like *imgur*, *youtube*, and *gfycat*. Open the mailcap template and follow the [instructions](tuir/templates/mailcap) listed inside.

Once you've setup your mailcap file, enable it by launching tuir with the ``tuir --enable-media`` flag (or set it in your **tuir.cfg**)

### Environment Variables

The default programs that TUIR interacts with can be configured through environment variables:

  <td>A program used to compose text submissions and comments, e.g. <strong>vim</strong>, <strong>emacs</strong>, <strong>gedit</strong>
  <br/> <em>If not specified, will fallback to $VISUAL and $EDITOR in that order.</em></td>
  <td>A program used to open links to external websites, e.g. <strong>firefox</strong>, <strong>google-chrome</strong>, <strong>w3m</strong>, <strong>lynx</strong>
  <br/> <em>If not specified, will fallback to $BROWSER, or your system's default browser.</em></td>
  <td>A tool used to extract hyperlinks from blocks of text, e.g. <a href=>urlview</a>, <a href=>urlscan</a>
  <br/> <em>If not specified, will fallback to urlview if it is installed.</em></td>

### Clipboard

TUIR supports copying submission links to the OS clipboard.  Data being copied is piped into a command specified by the configuration option `clipboard_cmd`. If this option is not set, the command will default to `pbcopy w` on Darwin systems (OSX), and `xclip -selection clipboard` on Linux.

## Themes

Themes can be used to customize the look and feel of TUIR

    <td align="center">
      <p><strong>Solarized Dark</strong></p>
      <img src="resources/theme_solarized_dark.png"></img>
    <td align="center">
      <p><strong>Solarized Light</strong></p>
      <img src="resources/theme_solarized_light.png"></img>
    <td align="center">
      <img src="resources/theme_papercolor.png"></img>
    <td align="center">
      <img src="resources/theme_molokai.png"></img>

You can list all installed themes with the ``--list-themes`` command, and select one with ``--theme``. You can save your choice permanently in your [tuir.cfg](tuir/templates/tuir.cfg) file. You can also use the <kbd>F2</kbd> & <kbd>F3</kbd> keys inside of TUIR to cycle through all available themes.

For instructions on writing and installing your own themes, see [](

## FAQ

 <summary>Why am I getting an error during installation/when launching tuir?</summary>

  > If your distro ships with an older version of python 2.7 or python-requests,
  > you may experience SSL errors or other package incompatibilities. The
  > easiest way to fix this is to install tuir using python 3. If you
  > don't already have pip3, see for setup
  > instructions. Then do
  > ```bash
  > $ sudo pip uninstall tuir-continued
  > $ sudo pip3 install -U tuir-continued
  > ```

  <summary>Why do I see garbled text like <em>M-b~@M-"</em> or <em>^@</em>?</summary>

  > This type of text usually shows up when python is unable to render
  > unicode properly.
  > 1. Try starting TUIR in ascii-only mode with ``tuir --ascii``
  > 2. Make sure that the terminal/font that you're using supports unicode
  > 3. Try [setting the LOCALE to utf-8](
  > 4. Your python may have been built against the wrong curses library,
  >    see [here]( and
  >    [here]( for more information

 <summary>How do I run the code directly from the repository?</summary>

  > This project is structured to be run as a python *module*. This means that
  > you need to launch it using python's ``-m`` flag. See the example below, which
  > assumes that you have cloned the repository into the directory **~/tuir_project**.
  > ```bash
  > $ cd ~/tuir_project
  > $ python3 -m tuir
  > ```

 <summary>Can I use multiple accounts persistenly?</summary>

  > Yes, simply start tuir with ``--user yourusername``. The refresh token and
  > history will be preserved on a per-user basis.
  > This does mean you need to restart the program (or simply open multiple)
  > if you want to be another user. There's no on-the-fly switching currently.


## Current development status
Tuir-continued is meant as low activity maintainance, to keep the thing operational in face of changes in Python, libraries and Reddit API.

Contributions are still welcome. Before writing any code, please read the [Contributor Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.rst).

## License
This project is distributed under the [GPLv3](COPYING) license.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "tuir-continued",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "reddit terminal praw curses",
    "author": "Chocimier",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<h1 align=\"center\">Terminal UI for Reddit (TUIR)</h1>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\nA text-based interface (TUI) to view and interact with Reddit from your terminal.<br>\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <strong>TUIR is a fork of rtv, which <a href=\"\">was maintained by Michael Lazar</a> until February 2023</strong><br>\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n<img alt=\"title image\" src=\"resources/title_image.png\"/>\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"\">\n    <img alt=\"pypi\" src=\"\"/>\n  </a>\n  <a href=\"\">\n    <img alt=\"gitlab-ci\" src=\"\"/>\n  </a>\n  <img alt=\"coverage\" src=\"\"/>\n<!-- <a href=\"\">\n    <img src=\"\" alt=\"Packaging status\">\n  </a> -->\n</p>\n\n## Table of Contents\n\n* [Installation](#installation)\n* [Migration from RTV](#migration-from-rtv)\n* [Usage](#usage)\n* [Settings](#settings)\n* [Themes](#themes)\n* [FAQ](#faq)\n* [Contributing](#contributing)\n* [License](#license)\n\n\n## Installation\n\n### PyPI package\n\nTUIR is available on [PyPI]( and can be installed with pip:\n\n```bash\n$ pip install tuir-continued\n```\n\n<!-- ### Distro packages\n\nSee [Repology]( for an up-to-date list of supported distro packages.\n\n```bash\n# FreeBSD\n$ pkg install rtv\n```-->\n\n### From source\n\n```bash\n$ git clone\n$ cd tuir\n$ python install\n```\n\n### Windows\n\nTUIR is not supported on Windows, due to a lack of resources and interest. Sorry!\n\n## Migration from RTV\n\nIf you are migrating from RTV to TUIR, you can simply rename your old config directory/config file:\n\n```bash\n$ mv ~/.config/rtv ~/.config/tuir\n$ mv ~/.config/tuir/rtv.cfg ~/.config/tuir/tuir.cfg\n```\n\n\n## Usage\nTo run the program, type:\n\n```bash\n$ tuir\n```\n### API keys\n\nLogging in with shared Reddit and Imgur keys does not work anymore. Please roll your own.\n\n1. log in to reddit in a browser\n2. new browser tab >> <>\n3. click the button on the bottom left = \"developer options\" or \"create a new app\" or something similar\n4. fill in mostly irrelevant details in the new app dialogue box - left most blank\n5. the only critical detail is \"redirect url\" or something similar :: enter \"\" here\n6. click save or create for the new app :: you might get a new page to authorise the oauth or something, again minimal detail required for that\n7. in the refreshed developer or app overview page the newly created app has a section of it's own with (a) a roughly 20 character random string under the app's name, that's the client_id and (b) the client_secret is in a clearly labelled box :: copy those\n8. back in a terminal enter tuir --copy-config\n9. then edit ~/.config/tuir/tuir.cfg (or where-ever yours is) :: about halfway down, line 130-ish is an OAUTH section - as below, you just paste in the 2 values for client_id and client_secret\n\n        oauth_client_id = <client_id_from_your_reddit_app>\n        oauth_client_secret = <client_secret_from_your_reddit_app>\n        oauth_redirect_uri =\n\n10. relaunch tuir :: enter u to log in :: browser window opens, click yes etc :: profit\n\n### Controls\n\nMove the cursor using either the arrow keys or *Vim* style movement:\n\n- Press <kbd>\u25b2</kbd> and <kbd>\u25bc</kbd> to scroll through submissions\n- Press <kbd>\u25b6</kbd> to view the selected submission and <kbd>\u25c0</kbd> to return\n- Press <kbd>space-bar</kbd> to expand/collapse comments\n- Press <kbd>u</kbd> to login (this requires a web browser for [OAuth](\n- Press <kbd>?</kbd> to open the help screen\n\nPress <kbd>/</kbd> to open the navigation prompt, where you can type things like:\n\n- ``/front``\n- ``/r/commandprompt+linuxmasterrace``\n- ``/r/programming/controversial``\n- ``/u/me``\n- ``/u/multi-mod/m/art``\n- ``/domain/``\n\nSee [CONTROLS]( for the full list of commands.\n\n## Settings\n\n### Configuration File\n\nConfiguration files are stored in the ``{HOME}/.config/tuir/`` directory.\n\nCheck out [tuir.cfg](tuir/templates/tuir.cfg) for the full list of configurable options. You can clone this file into your home directory by running:\n\n```bash\n$ tuir --copy-config\n```\n\n### Viewing Media Links\n\nYou can use [mailcap]( to configure how TUIR will open different types of links.\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n<img alt=\"title image\" src=\"resources/mailcap.gif\"/>\n</p>\n\nA mailcap file allows you to associate different MIME media types, like ``image/jpeg`` or ``video/mp4``, with shell commands. This feature is disabled by default because it takes a few extra steps to configure. To get started, copy the default mailcap template to your home directory.\n\n```bash\n$ tuir --copy-mailcap\n```\n\nThis template contains examples for common MIME types that work with popular reddit websites like *imgur*, *youtube*, and *gfycat*. Open the mailcap template and follow the [instructions](tuir/templates/mailcap) listed inside.\n\nOnce you've setup your mailcap file, enable it by launching tuir with the ``tuir --enable-media`` flag (or set it in your **tuir.cfg**)\n\n### Environment Variables\n\nThe default programs that TUIR interacts with can be configured through environment variables:\n\n<table>\n  <tr>\n  <td><strong>$TUIR_EDITOR</strong></td>\n  <td>A program used to compose text submissions and comments, e.g. <strong>vim</strong>, <strong>emacs</strong>, <strong>gedit</strong>\n  <br/> <em>If not specified, will fallback to $VISUAL and $EDITOR in that order.</em></td>\n  </tr>\n  <tr>\n  <td><strong>$TUIR_BROWSER</strong></td>\n  <td>A program used to open links to external websites, e.g. <strong>firefox</strong>, <strong>google-chrome</strong>, <strong>w3m</strong>, <strong>lynx</strong>\n  <br/> <em>If not specified, will fallback to $BROWSER, or your system's default browser.</em></td>\n  </tr>\n  <tr>\n  <td><strong>$TUIR_URLVIEWER</strong></td>\n  <td>A tool used to extract hyperlinks from blocks of text, e.g. <a href=>urlview</a>, <a href=>urlscan</a>\n  <br/> <em>If not specified, will fallback to urlview if it is installed.</em></td>\n  </tr>\n</table>\n\n### Clipboard\n\nTUIR supports copying submission links to the OS clipboard.  Data being copied is piped into a command specified by the configuration option `clipboard_cmd`. If this option is not set, the command will default to `pbcopy w` on Darwin systems (OSX), and `xclip -selection clipboard` on Linux.\n\n## Themes\n\nThemes can be used to customize the look and feel of TUIR\n\n<table>\n  <tr>\n    <td align=\"center\">\n      <p><strong>Solarized Dark</strong></p>\n      <img src=\"resources/theme_solarized_dark.png\"></img>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\">\n      <p><strong>Solarized Light</strong></p>\n      <img src=\"resources/theme_solarized_light.png\"></img>\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n  <tr>\n    <td align=\"center\">\n      <p><strong>Papercolor</strong></p>\n      <img src=\"resources/theme_papercolor.png\"></img>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\">\n      <p><strong>Molokai</strong></p>\n      <img src=\"resources/theme_molokai.png\"></img>\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n</table>\n\nYou can list all installed themes with the ``--list-themes`` command, and select one with ``--theme``. You can save your choice permanently in your [tuir.cfg](tuir/templates/tuir.cfg) file. You can also use the <kbd>F2</kbd> & <kbd>F3</kbd> keys inside of TUIR to cycle through all available themes.\n\nFor instructions on writing and installing your own themes, see [](\n\n## FAQ\n\n<details>\n <summary>Why am I getting an error during installation/when launching tuir?</summary>\n\n  > If your distro ships with an older version of python 2.7 or python-requests,\n  > you may experience SSL errors or other package incompatibilities. The\n  > easiest way to fix this is to install tuir using python 3. If you\n  > don't already have pip3, see for setup\n  > instructions. Then do\n  >\n  > ```bash\n  > $ sudo pip uninstall tuir-continued\n  > $ sudo pip3 install -U tuir-continued\n  > ```\n\n</details>\n<details>\n  <summary>Why do I see garbled text like <em>M-b~@M-\"</em> or <em>^@</em>?</summary>\n\n  > This type of text usually shows up when python is unable to render\n  > unicode properly.\n  >\n  > 1. Try starting TUIR in ascii-only mode with ``tuir --ascii``\n  > 2. Make sure that the terminal/font that you're using supports unicode\n  > 3. Try [setting the LOCALE to utf-8](\n  > 4. Your python may have been built against the wrong curses library,\n  >    see [here]( and\n  >    [here]( for more information\n\n</details>\n<details>\n <summary>How do I run the code directly from the repository?</summary>\n\n  > This project is structured to be run as a python *module*. This means that\n  > you need to launch it using python's ``-m`` flag. See the example below, which\n  > assumes that you have cloned the repository into the directory **~/tuir_project**.\n  >\n  > ```bash\n  > $ cd ~/tuir_project\n  > $ python3 -m tuir\n  > ```\n\n</details>\n<details>\n <summary>Can I use multiple accounts persistenly?</summary>\n\n  > Yes, simply start tuir with ``--user yourusername``. The refresh token and\n  > history will be preserved on a per-user basis.\n  >\n  > This does mean you need to restart the program (or simply open multiple)\n  > if you want to be another user. There's no on-the-fly switching currently.\n\n</details>\n\n## Current development status\nTuir-continued is meant as low activity maintainance, to keep the thing operational in face of changes in Python, libraries and Reddit API.\n\nContributions are still welcome. Before writing any code, please read the [Contributor Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.rst).\n\n## License\nThis project is distributed under the [GPLv3](COPYING) license.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
    "summary": "A simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Terminal UI for Reddit)",
    "version": "1.31.1",
    "project_urls": {
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    "split_keywords": [
    "urls": [
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Elapsed time: 0.60959s