
Nametwilio JSON
Version 9.0.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryTwilio API client and TwiML generator
upload_time2024-04-18 11:22:36
keywords twilio twiml
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # twilio-python

[![Learn OSS Contribution in TwilioQuest](;base64,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)](

## Documentation

The documentation for the Twilio API can be found [here][apidocs].

The Python library documentation can be found [here][libdocs].

## Versions

`twilio-python` uses a modified version of [Semantic Versioning]( for all changes. [See this document]( for details.

### Supported Python Versions

This library supports the following Python implementations:

- Python 3.7
- Python 3.8
- Python 3.9
- Python 3.10
- Python 3.11

## Installation

Install from PyPi using [pip](, a
package manager for Python.

pip3 install twilio

If pip install fails on Windows, check the path length of the directory. If it is greater 260 characters then enable [Long Paths]( or choose other shorter location.

Don't have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command

curl | python

Or, you can [download the source code
(ZIP)]( 'twilio-python
source code') for `twilio-python`, and then run:

python3 install

> **Info**
> If the command line gives you an error message that says Permission Denied, try running the above commands with `sudo` (e.g., `sudo pip3 install twilio`).

### Test your installation

Try sending yourself an SMS message. Save the following code sample to your computer with a text editor. Be sure to update the `account_sid`, `auth_token`, and `from_` phone number with values from your [Twilio account]( The `to` phone number will be your own mobile phone.

from import Client

# Your Account SID and Auth Token from
auth_token  = "your_auth_token"

client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

message = client.messages.create(
    body="Hello from Python!")


Save the file as ``. In the terminal, `cd` to the directory containing the file you just saved then run:


After a brief delay, you will receive the text message on your phone.

> **Warning**
> It's okay to hardcode your credentials when testing locally, but you should use environment variables to keep them secret before committing any code or deploying to production. Check out [How to Set Environment Variables]( for more information.

## Use the helper library

### API Credentials

The `Twilio` client needs your Twilio credentials. You can either pass these directly to the constructor (see the code below) or via environment variables.

Authenticating with Account SID and Auth Token:

from import Client

auth_token  = "your_auth_token"
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

Authenticating with API Key and API Secret:

from import Client

client = Client(api_key, api_secret, account_sid)

Alternatively, a `Client` constructor without these parameters will
look for `TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID` and `TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN` variables inside the
current environment.

We suggest storing your credentials as environment variables. Why? You'll never
have to worry about committing your credentials and accidentally posting them
somewhere public.

from import Client
client = Client()

### Specify Region and/or Edge

To take advantage of Twilio's [Global Infrastructure](, specify the target Region and/or Edge for the client:

from import Client

client = Client(region='au1', edge='sydney')

A `Client` constructor without these parameters will also look for `TWILIO_REGION` and `TWILIO_EDGE` variables inside the current environment.

Alternatively, you may specify the edge and/or region after constructing the Twilio client:

from import Client

client = Client()
client.region = 'au1'
client.edge = 'sydney'

This will result in the `hostname` transforming from `` to ``.

### Make a Call

from import Client

auth_token  = "your_auth_token"
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

call = client.calls.create(to="9991231234",

### Get data about an existing call

from import Client

auth_token  = "your_auth_token"
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

call = client.calls.get("CA42ed11f93dc08b952027ffbc406d0868")

### Iterate through records

The library automatically handles paging for you. Collections, such as `calls` and `messages`, have `list` and `stream` methods that page under the hood. With both `list` and `stream`, you can specify the number of records you want to receive (`limit`) and the maximum size you want each page fetch to be (`page_size`). The library will then handle the task for you.

`list` eagerly fetches all records and returns them as a list, whereas `stream` returns an iterator and lazily retrieves pages of records as you iterate over the collection. You can also page manually using the `page` method.

#### Use the `list` method

from import Client

auth_token = "your_auth_token"
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

for sms in client.messages.list():

### Asynchronous API Requests

By default, the Twilio Client will make synchronous requests to the Twilio API. To allow for asynchronous, non-blocking requests, we've included an optional asynchronous HTTP client. When used with the Client and the accompanying `*_async` methods, requests made to the Twilio API will be performed asynchronously.

from twilio.http.async_http_client import AsyncTwilioHttpClient
from import Client

async def main():
    auth_token  = "your_auth_token"
    http_client = AsyncTwilioHttpClient()
    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token, http_client=http_client)

    message = await client.messages.create_async(to="+12316851234", from_="+15555555555",
                                                 body="Hello there!")

### Enable Debug Logging

Log the API request and response data to the console:

import logging

client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

Log the API request and response data to a file:

import logging

client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

### Handling Exceptions

Version 8.x of `twilio-python` exports an exception class to help you handle exceptions that are specific to Twilio methods. To use it, import `TwilioRestException` and catch exceptions as follows:

from import Client
from twilio.base.exceptions import TwilioRestException

auth_token  = "your_auth_token"
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

  message = client.messages.create(to="+12316851234", from_="+15555555555",
                                   body="Hello there!")
except TwilioRestException as e:

### Generating TwiML

To control phone calls, your application needs to output [TwiML][twiml].

Use `twilio.twiml.Response` to easily create such responses.

from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse

r = VoiceResponse()
r.say("Welcome to twilio!")

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Response><Say>Welcome to twilio!</Say></Response>

### Other advanced examples

- [Learn how to create your own custom HTTP client](./advanced-examples/

### Docker Image

The `Dockerfile` present in this repository and its respective `twilio/twilio-python` Docker image are currently used by Twilio for testing purposes only.

### Getting help

If you need help installing or using the library, please check the [Twilio Support Help Center]( first, and [file a support ticket]( if you don't find an answer to your question.

If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!



Raw data

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    "home_page": "",
    "name": "twilio",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7.0",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "twilio, twiml",
    "author": "Twilio",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# twilio-python\n\n[![Tests](](\n[![PyPI](](\n[![PyPI](](\n[![Learn OSS Contribution in TwilioQuest](;base64,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)](\n\n## Documentation\n\nThe documentation for the Twilio API can be found [here][apidocs].\n\nThe Python library documentation can be found [here][libdocs].\n\n## Versions\n\n`twilio-python` uses a modified version of [Semantic Versioning]( for all changes. [See this document]( for details.\n\n### Supported Python Versions\n\nThis library supports the following Python implementations:\n\n- Python 3.7\n- Python 3.8\n- Python 3.9\n- Python 3.10\n- Python 3.11\n\n## Installation\n\nInstall from PyPi using [pip](, a\npackage manager for Python.\n\n```shell\npip3 install twilio\n```\n\nIf pip install fails on Windows, check the path length of the directory. If it is greater 260 characters then enable [Long Paths]( or choose other shorter location.\n\nDon't have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command\nline:\n\n```shell\ncurl | python\n```\n\nOr, you can [download the source code\n(ZIP)]( 'twilio-python\nsource code') for `twilio-python`, and then run:\n\n```shell\npython3 install\n```\n\n> **Info**\n> If the command line gives you an error message that says Permission Denied, try running the above commands with `sudo` (e.g., `sudo pip3 install twilio`).\n\n### Test your installation\n\nTry sending yourself an SMS message. Save the following code sample to your computer with a text editor. Be sure to update the `account_sid`, `auth_token`, and `from_` phone number with values from your [Twilio account]( The `to` phone number will be your own mobile phone.\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\n# Your Account SID and Auth Token from\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nauth_token  = \"your_auth_token\"\n\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\n\nmessage = client.messages.create(\n    to=\"+15558675309\",\n    from_=\"+15017250604\",\n    body=\"Hello from Python!\")\n\nprint(message.sid)\n```\n\nSave the file as ``. In the terminal, `cd` to the directory containing the file you just saved then run:\n\n```shell\npython3\n```\n\nAfter a brief delay, you will receive the text message on your phone.\n\n> **Warning**\n> It's okay to hardcode your credentials when testing locally, but you should use environment variables to keep them secret before committing any code or deploying to production. Check out [How to Set Environment Variables]( for more information.\n\n## Use the helper library\n\n### API Credentials\n\nThe `Twilio` client needs your Twilio credentials. You can either pass these directly to the constructor (see the code below) or via environment variables.\n\nAuthenticating with Account SID and Auth Token:\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nauth_token  = \"your_auth_token\"\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\n```\n\nAuthenticating with API Key and API Secret:\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\napi_key = \"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\napi_secret = \"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY\"\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nclient = Client(api_key, api_secret, account_sid)\n```\n\nAlternatively, a `Client` constructor without these parameters will\nlook for `TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID` and `TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN` variables inside the\ncurrent environment.\n\nWe suggest storing your credentials as environment variables. Why? You'll never\nhave to worry about committing your credentials and accidentally posting them\nsomewhere public.\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\nclient = Client()\n```\n\n### Specify Region and/or Edge\n\nTo take advantage of Twilio's [Global Infrastructure](, specify the target Region and/or Edge for the client:\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\nclient = Client(region='au1', edge='sydney')\n```\n\nA `Client` constructor without these parameters will also look for `TWILIO_REGION` and `TWILIO_EDGE` variables inside the current environment.\n\nAlternatively, you may specify the edge and/or region after constructing the Twilio client:\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\nclient = Client()\nclient.region = 'au1'\nclient.edge = 'sydney'\n```\n\nThis will result in the `hostname` transforming from `` to ``.\n\n### Make a Call\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nauth_token  = \"your_auth_token\"\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\n\ncall = client.calls.create(to=\"9991231234\",\n                           from_=\"9991231234\",\n                           url=\"\")\nprint(call.sid)\n```\n\n### Get data about an existing call\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nauth_token  = \"your_auth_token\"\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\n\ncall = client.calls.get(\"CA42ed11f93dc08b952027ffbc406d0868\")\nprint(\n```\n\n### Iterate through records\n\nThe library automatically handles paging for you. Collections, such as `calls` and `messages`, have `list` and `stream` methods that page under the hood. With both `list` and `stream`, you can specify the number of records you want to receive (`limit`) and the maximum size you want each page fetch to be (`page_size`). The library will then handle the task for you.\n\n`list` eagerly fetches all records and returns them as a list, whereas `stream` returns an iterator and lazily retrieves pages of records as you iterate over the collection. You can also page manually using the `page` method.\n\n#### Use the `list` method\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\n\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nauth_token = \"your_auth_token\"\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\n\nfor sms in client.messages.list():\n  print(\n```\n\n### Asynchronous API Requests\n\nBy default, the Twilio Client will make synchronous requests to the Twilio API. To allow for asynchronous, non-blocking requests, we've included an optional asynchronous HTTP client. When used with the Client and the accompanying `*_async` methods, requests made to the Twilio API will be performed asynchronously.\n\n```python\nfrom twilio.http.async_http_client import AsyncTwilioHttpClient\nfrom import Client\n\nasync def main():\n    account_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\n    auth_token  = \"your_auth_token\"\n    http_client = AsyncTwilioHttpClient()\n    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token, http_client=http_client)\n\n    message = await client.messages.create_async(to=\"+12316851234\", from_=\"+15555555555\",\n                                                 body=\"Hello there!\")\n\\n```\n\n### Enable Debug Logging\n\nLog the API request and response data to the console:\n\n```python\nimport logging\n\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\nlogging.basicConfig()\nclient.http_client.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)\n```\n\nLog the API request and response data to a file:\n\n```python\nimport logging\n\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\nlogging.basicConfig(filename='./log.txt')\nclient.http_client.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)\n```\n\n### Handling Exceptions\n\nVersion 8.x of `twilio-python` exports an exception class to help you handle exceptions that are specific to Twilio methods. To use it, import `TwilioRestException` and catch exceptions as follows:\n\n```python\nfrom import Client\nfrom twilio.base.exceptions import TwilioRestException\n\naccount_sid = \"ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\nauth_token  = \"your_auth_token\"\nclient = Client(account_sid, auth_token)\n\ntry:\n  message = client.messages.create(to=\"+12316851234\", from_=\"+15555555555\",\n                                   body=\"Hello there!\")\nexcept TwilioRestException as e:\n  print(e)\n```\n\n### Generating TwiML\n\nTo control phone calls, your application needs to output [TwiML][twiml].\n\nUse `twilio.twiml.Response` to easily create such responses.\n\n```python\nfrom twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse\n\nr = VoiceResponse()\nr.say(\"Welcome to twilio!\")\nprint(str(r))\n```\n\n```xml\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<Response><Say>Welcome to twilio!</Say></Response>\n```\n\n### Other advanced examples\n\n- [Learn how to create your own custom HTTP client](./advanced-examples/\n\n### Docker Image\n\nThe `Dockerfile` present in this repository and its respective `twilio/twilio-python` Docker image are currently used by Twilio for testing purposes only.\n\n### Getting help\n\nIf you need help installing or using the library, please check the [Twilio Support Help Center]( first, and [file a support ticket]( if you don't find an answer to your question.\n\nIf you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!\n\n[apidocs]:\n[twiml]:\n[libdocs]:\n",
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Elapsed time: 0.23648s