
Nametwitter-api-client-pro JSON
Version 1.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryImplementation of X/Twitter v1, v2, and GraphQL APIs.
upload_time2024-06-01 08:39:07
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            ## Implementation of X/Twitter v1, v2, and GraphQL APIs

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## Table of Contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Automation](#automation)
* [Scraping](#scraping)
    * [Get all user/tweet data](#get-all-usertweet-data)
    * [Resume Pagination](#resume-pagination)
    * [Search](#search)
* [Spaces](#spaces)
    * [Live Audio Capture](#live-audio-capture)
    * [Live Transcript Capture](#live-transcript-capture)
    * [Search and Metadata](#search-and-metadata)
* [Automated Solvers](#automated-solvers)
* [Example API Responses](#example-api-responses)

### Installation

pip install twitter-api-client -U

### Automation


*As of Fall 2023 login by username/password is unstable. Using cookies is now recommended.*

from twitter.account import Account

## sign-in with credentials
email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
account = Account(email, username, password)

## or, resume session using cookies
# account = Account(cookies={"ct0": ..., "auth_token": ...})

## or, resume session using cookies (JSON file)
# account = Account(cookies='twitter.cookies')

account.tweet('test 123')
account.reply('foo', tweet_id=123456)
account.quote('bar', tweet_id=123456)
account.schedule_tweet('schedule foo', 1681851240)

account.tweet('hello world', media=[
  {'media': 'test.jpg', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},
  {'media': 'test.jpeg', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},
  {'media': 'test.png', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},
  {'media': 'test.jfif', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},

account.schedule_tweet('foo bar', '2023-04-18 15:42', media=[
  {'media': 'test.gif', 'alt': 'some alt text'},

account.schedule_reply('hello world', '2023-04-19 15:42', tweet_id=123456, media=[
  {'media': 'test.gif', 'alt': 'some alt text'},
])'my message', [1234], media='test.jpg')

account.create_poll('test poll 123', ['hello', 'world', 'foo', 'bar'], 10080)

# tweets

# users

# user profile
account.update_profile_info(name='Foo Bar', description='test 123', location='Victoria, BC')

# topics

# lists
account.create_list('My List', 'description of my list', private=False)
account.update_list(222, 'My Updated List', 'some updated description', private=False)
account.update_list_banner(222, 'test.png')
account.add_list_member(222, 1234)
account.remove_list_member(222, 1234)

# refresh all pinned lists in this order
account.update_pinned_lists([222, 111, 333])

# unpin all lists

# get timelines
timeline = account.home_timeline()
latest_timeline = account.home_latest_timeline(limit=500)

# get bookmarks
bookmarks = account.bookmarks()

# get DM inbox metadata    
inbox = account.dm_inbox()

# get DMs from all conversations    
dms = account.dm_history()

# get DMs from specific conversations
dms = account.dm_history(['123456-789012', '345678-901234'])

# search DMs by keyword
dms = account.dm_search('test123')

# delete entire conversation

# delete (hide) specific DM

# get all scheduled tweets
scheduled_tweets = account.scheduled_tweets()

# delete a scheduled tweet

# get all draft tweets
draft_tweets = account.draft_tweets()

# delete a draft tweet

# delete all scheduled tweets

# delete all draft tweets

# example configuration
  "address_book_live_sync_enabled": False,
  "allow_ads_personalization": False,
  "allow_authenticated_periscope_requests": True,
  "allow_dm_groups_from": "following",
  "allow_dms_from": "following",
  "allow_location_history_personalization": False,
  "allow_logged_out_device_personalization": False,
  "allow_media_tagging": "none",
  "allow_sharing_data_for_third_party_personalization": False,
  "alt_text_compose_enabled": None,
  "always_use_https": True,
  "autoplay_disabled": False,
  "country_code": "us",
  "discoverable_by_email": False,
  "discoverable_by_mobile_phone": False,
  "display_sensitive_media": False,
  "dm_quality_filter": "enabled",
  "dm_receipt_setting": "all_disabled",
  "geo_enabled": False,
  "include_alt_text_compose": True,
  "include_mention_filter": True,
  "include_nsfw_admin_flag": True,
  "include_nsfw_user_flag": True,
  "include_ranked_timeline": True,
  "language": "en",
  "mention_filter": "unfiltered",
  "nsfw_admin": False,
  "nsfw_user": False,
  "personalized_trends": True,
  "protected": False,
  "ranked_timeline_eligible": None,
  "ranked_timeline_setting": None,
  "require_password_login": False,
  "requires_login_verification": False,
  "sleep_time": {
    "enabled": False,
    "end_time": None,
    "start_time": None
  "translator_type": "none",
  "universal_quality_filtering_enabled": "enabled",
  "use_cookie_personalization": False,

# example configuration
  "optInFiltering": True,  # filter nsfw content
  "optInBlocking": True,  # filter blocked accounts

notifications = account.notifications()

account.change_password('old pwd','new pwd')


### Scraping

#### Get all user/tweet data

Two special batch queries `scraper.tweets_by_ids` and `scraper.users_by_ids` should be preferred when applicable. These endpoints are more much more efficient and have higher rate limits than their unbatched counterparts. See the table below for a comparison.

| Endpoint      | Batch Size     | Rate Limit    |
| tweets_by_ids | ~220           | 500 / 15 mins |
| tweets_by_id  | 1              | 50 / 15 mins  |
| users_by_ids  | ~220           | 100 / 15 mins |
| users_by_id   | 1              | 500 / 15 mins |


*As of Fall 2023 login by username/password is unstable. Using cookies is now recommended.*

from twitter.scraper import Scraper

## sign-in with credentials
email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
scraper = Scraper(email, username, password)

## or, resume session using cookies
# scraper = Scraper(cookies={"ct0": ..., "auth_token": ...})

## or, resume session using cookies (JSON file)
# scraper = Scraper(cookies='twitter.cookies')

## or, initialize guest session (limited endpoints)
# from twitter.util import init_session
# scraper = Scraper(session=init_session())

# user data
users = scraper.users(['foo', 'bar', 'hello', 'world'])
users = scraper.users_by_ids([123, 234, 345]) # preferred
users = scraper.users_by_id([123, 234, 345])
tweets = scraper.tweets([123, 234, 345])
likes = scraper.likes([123, 234, 345])
tweets_and_replies = scraper.tweets_and_replies([123, 234, 345])
media =[123, 234, 345])
following = scraper.following([123, 234, 345])
followers = scraper.followers([123, 234, 345])
scraper.tweet_stats([111111, 222222, 333333])

# get recommended users based on user

# tweet data
tweets = scraper.tweets_by_ids([987, 876, 754]) # preferred
tweets = scraper.tweets_by_id([987, 876, 754])
tweet_details = scraper.tweets_details([987, 876, 754])
retweeters = scraper.retweeters([987, 876, 754])
favoriters = scraper.favoriters([987, 876, 754])


# trends

#### Resume Pagination

**Pagination is already done by default**, however there are circumstances where you may need to resume pagination from
a specific cursor. For example, the `Followers` endpoint only allows for 50 requests every 15 minutes. In this case, we
can resume from where we left off by providing a specific cursor value.

from twitter.scraper import Scraper

email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
scraper = Scraper(email, username, password)

user_id = 44196397
cursor = '1767341853908517597|1663601806447476672'  # example cursor
limit = 100  # arbitrary limit for demonstration
follower_subset, last_cursor = scraper.followers([user_id], limit=limit, cursor=cursor)

# use last_cursor to resume pagination

#### Search


from import Search

email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
# default output directory is `data/search_results` if save=True
search = Search(email, username, password, save=True, debug=1)

res =
            'category': 'Top',
            'query': 'paperswithcode -tensorflow -tf'
            'category': 'Latest',
            'query': 'test'
            'category': 'People',
            'query': 'brasil portugal -argentina'
            'category': 'Photos',
            'query': 'greece'
            'category': 'Videos',
            'query': 'italy'

**Search Operators Reference**

### Spaces

#### Live Audio Capture

Capture live audio for up to 500 streams per IP


from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

rooms = [...]
scraper.spaces_live(rooms=rooms)  # capture live audio from list of rooms

#### Live Transcript Capture

**Raw transcript chunks**


from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

# room must be live, i.e. in "Running" state
                              frequency=2)  # word-level live transcript. (dirty, on-the-fly transcription before post-processing)

**Processed (final) transcript chunks**


from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

# room must be live, i.e. in "Running" state
scraper.space_live_transcript('1zqKVPlQNApJB', frequency=1)  # finalized live transcript.  (clean)

#### Search and Metadata

from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session
from twitter.constants import SpaceCategory

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

# download audio and chat-log from space
spaces = scraper.spaces(rooms=['1eaJbrAPnBVJX', '1eaJbrAlZjjJX'], audio=True, chat=True)

# pull metadata only
spaces = scraper.spaces(rooms=['1eaJbrAPnBVJX', '1eaJbrAlZjjJX'])

# search for spaces in "Upcoming", "Top" and "Live" categories
spaces = scraper.spaces(search=[
        'filter': SpaceCategory.Upcoming,
        'query': 'hello'
        'filter': SpaceCategory.Top,
        'query': 'world'
        'filter': SpaceCategory.Live,
        'query': 'foo bar'

### Automated Solvers

> This requires installation of the [proton-api-client]( package

To set up automated email confirmation/verification solvers, add your Proton Mail credentials below as shown.
This removes the need to manually solve email challenges via the web app. These credentials can be used
in `Scraper`, `Account`, and `Search` constructors.


from twitter.account import Account
from twitter.util import get_code
from proton.client import ProtonMail

proton_username, proton_password = ..., ...
proton = lambda: get_code(ProtonMail(proton_username, proton_password))

email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
account = Account(email, username, password, proton=proton)

### Example API Responses

<summary> UserTweetsAndReplies  </summary>

  "entryId": "homeConversation-1648726807301218305-1648801924760711169-1648811419998228480",
  "sortIndex": "1648811419998228480",
  "content": {
    "entryType": "TimelineTimelineModule",
    "__typename": "TimelineTimelineModule",
    "items": [
        "entryId": "homeConversation-1648811419998228480-0-tweet-1648726807301218305",
        "dispensable": true,
        "item": {
          "itemContent": {
            "itemType": "TimelineTweet",
            "__typename": "TimelineTweet",
            "tweet_results": {
              "result": {
                "__typename": "Tweet",
                "rest_id": "1648726807301218305",
                "has_birdwatch_notes": false,
                "core": {
                  "user_results": {
                    "result": {
                      "__typename": "User",
                      "id": "VXNlcjozMzgzNjYyOQ==",
                      "rest_id": "33836629",
                      "affiliates_highlighted_label": {},
                      "has_graduated_access": true,
                      "is_blue_verified": true,
                      "profile_image_shape": "Circle",
                      "legacy": {
                        "can_dm": false,
                        "can_media_tag": true,
                        "created_at": "Tue Apr 21 06:49:15 +0000 2009",
                        "default_profile": false,
                        "default_profile_image": false,
                        "description": "Building a kind of JARVIS @ OреոΑӏ. Previously Director of AI @ Tesla, CS231n, PhD @ Stanford. I like to train large deep neural nets 🧠🤖💥",
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                        "fast_followers_count": 0,
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                        "friends_count": 809,
                        "has_custom_timelines": true,
                        "is_translator": false,
                        "listed_count": 9207,
                        "location": "Stanford",
                        "media_count": 633,
                        "name": "Andrej Karpathy",
                        "normal_followers_count": 701921,
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                  "editable_until_msecs": "1681923877000",
                  "is_edit_eligible": true,
                  "edits_remaining": "5"
                "edit_perspective": {
                  "favorited": false,
                  "retweeted": false
                "is_translatable": false,
                "views": {
                  "count": "409371",
                  "state": "EnabledWithCount"
                "source": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter Web App</a>",
                "quoted_status_result": {
                  "result": {
                    "__typename": "Tweet",
                    "rest_id": "1647434714947395585",
                    "has_birdwatch_notes": false,
                    "core": {
                      "user_results": {
                        "result": {
                          "__typename": "User",
                          "id": "VXNlcjozMTA4MzUx",
                          "rest_id": "3108351",
                          "affiliates_highlighted_label": {},
                          "has_graduated_access": true,
                          "is_blue_verified": false,
                          "profile_image_shape": "Square",
                          "legacy": {
                            "can_dm": false,
                            "can_media_tag": true,
                            "created_at": "Sun Apr 01 06:22:13 +0000 2007",
                            "default_profile": false,
                            "default_profile_image": false,
                            "description": "Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: | Got a tip? | For WSJ customer support:",
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                            "friends_count": 1087,
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                            "location": "New York, NY",
                            "media_count": 45523,
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                            "normal_followers_count": 20521959,
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                            "verified_type": "Business",
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                              "has_graduated_access": true,
                              "is_blue_verified": false,
                              "profile_image_shape": "Square",
                              "legacy": {
                                "can_dm": false,
                                "can_media_tag": true,
                                "created_at": "Sun Apr 01 06:22:13 +0000 2007",
                                "default_profile": false,
                                "default_profile_image": false,
                                "description": "Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: | Got a tip? | For WSJ customer support:",
                                "entities": {
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                                    "urls": [
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    "platform": null,
    "description": "## Implementation of X/Twitter v1, v2, and GraphQL APIs\r\n\r\n[![PyPI Version](](\r\n[![Python Version](](\r\n<img src=\"\"/>\r\n<img src=\"\"/>\r\n[![GitHub License](](\r\n\r\n## Table of Contents\r\n\r\n* [Installation](#installation)\r\n* [Automation](#automation)\r\n* [Scraping](#scraping)\r\n    * [Get all user/tweet data](#get-all-usertweet-data)\r\n    * [Resume Pagination](#resume-pagination)\r\n    * [Search](#search)\r\n* [Spaces](#spaces)\r\n    * [Live Audio Capture](#live-audio-capture)\r\n    * [Live Transcript Capture](#live-transcript-capture)\r\n    * [Search and Metadata](#search-and-metadata)\r\n* [Automated Solvers](#automated-solvers)\r\n* [Example API Responses](#example-api-responses)\r\n\r\n### Installation\r\n\r\n```bash\r\npip install twitter-api-client -U\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Automation\r\n\r\n![](assets/account.gif)\r\n\r\n*As of Fall 2023 login by username/password is unstable. Using cookies is now recommended.*\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.account import Account\r\n\r\n## sign-in with credentials\r\nemail, username, password = ..., ..., ...\r\naccount = Account(email, username, password)\r\n\r\n## or, resume session using cookies\r\n# account = Account(cookies={\"ct0\": ..., \"auth_token\": ...})\r\n\r\n## or, resume session using cookies (JSON file)\r\n# account = Account(cookies='twitter.cookies')\r\n\r\naccount.tweet('test 123')\r\naccount.untweet(123456)\r\naccount.retweet(123456)\r\naccount.unretweet(123456)\r\naccount.reply('foo', tweet_id=123456)\r\naccount.quote('bar', tweet_id=123456)\r\naccount.schedule_tweet('schedule foo', 1681851240)\r\naccount.unschedule_tweet(123456)\r\n\r\naccount.tweet('hello world', media=[\r\n  {'media': 'test.jpg', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},\r\n  {'media': 'test.jpeg', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},\r\n  {'media': 'test.png', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},\r\n  {'media': 'test.jfif', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},\r\n])\r\n\r\naccount.schedule_tweet('foo bar', '2023-04-18 15:42', media=[\r\n  {'media': 'test.gif', 'alt': 'some alt text'},\r\n])\r\n\r\naccount.schedule_reply('hello world', '2023-04-19 15:42', tweet_id=123456, media=[\r\n  {'media': 'test.gif', 'alt': 'some alt text'},\r\n])\r\n\r\'my message', [1234], media='test.jpg')\r\n\r\naccount.create_poll('test poll 123', ['hello', 'world', 'foo', 'bar'], 10080)\r\n\r\n# tweets\r\\r\naccount.unlike(123456)\r\naccount.bookmark(123456)\r\naccount.unbookmark(123456)\r\\r\naccount.unpin(123456)\r\n\r\n# users\r\naccount.follow(1234)\r\naccount.unfollow(1234)\r\naccount.mute(1234)\r\naccount.unmute(1234)\r\naccount.enable_follower_notifications(1234)\r\naccount.disable_follower_notifications(1234)\r\naccount.block(1234)\r\naccount.unblock(1234)\r\n\r\n# user profile\r\naccount.update_profile_image('test.jpg')\r\naccount.update_profile_banner('test.png')\r\naccount.update_profile_info(name='Foo Bar', description='test 123', location='Victoria, BC')\r\n\r\n# topics\r\naccount.follow_topic(111)\r\naccount.unfollow_topic(111)\r\n\r\n# lists\r\naccount.create_list('My List', 'description of my list', private=False)\r\naccount.update_list(222, 'My Updated List', 'some updated description', private=False)\r\naccount.update_list_banner(222, 'test.png')\r\naccount.delete_list_banner(222)\r\naccount.add_list_member(222, 1234)\r\naccount.remove_list_member(222, 1234)\r\naccount.delete_list(222)\r\naccount.pin_list(222)\r\naccount.unpin_list(222)\r\n\r\n# refresh all pinned lists in this order\r\naccount.update_pinned_lists([222, 111, 333])\r\n\r\n# unpin all lists\r\naccount.update_pinned_lists([])\r\n\r\n# get timelines\r\ntimeline = account.home_timeline()\r\nlatest_timeline = account.home_latest_timeline(limit=500)\r\n\r\n# get bookmarks\r\nbookmarks = account.bookmarks()\r\n\r\n# get DM inbox metadata    \r\ninbox = account.dm_inbox()\r\n\r\n# get DMs from all conversations    \r\ndms = account.dm_history()\r\n\r\n# get DMs from specific conversations\r\ndms = account.dm_history(['123456-789012', '345678-901234'])\r\n\r\n# search DMs by keyword\r\ndms = account.dm_search('test123')\r\n\r\n# delete entire conversation\r\naccount.dm_delete(conversation_id='123456-789012')\r\n\r\n# delete (hide) specific DM\r\naccount.dm_delete(message_id='123456')\r\n\r\n# get all scheduled tweets\r\nscheduled_tweets = account.scheduled_tweets()\r\n\r\n# delete a scheduled tweet\r\naccount.delete_scheduled_tweet(12345678)\r\n\r\n# get all draft tweets\r\ndraft_tweets = account.draft_tweets()\r\n\r\n# delete a draft tweet\r\naccount.delete_draft_tweet(12345678)\r\n\r\n# delete all scheduled tweets\r\naccount.clear_scheduled_tweets()\r\n\r\n# delete all draft tweets\r\naccount.clear_draft_tweets()\r\n\r\n# example configuration\r\naccount.update_settings({\r\n  \"address_book_live_sync_enabled\": False,\r\n  \"allow_ads_personalization\": False,\r\n  \"allow_authenticated_periscope_requests\": True,\r\n  \"allow_dm_groups_from\": \"following\",\r\n  \"allow_dms_from\": \"following\",\r\n  \"allow_location_history_personalization\": False,\r\n  \"allow_logged_out_device_personalization\": False,\r\n  \"allow_media_tagging\": \"none\",\r\n  \"allow_sharing_data_for_third_party_personalization\": False,\r\n  \"alt_text_compose_enabled\": None,\r\n  \"always_use_https\": True,\r\n  \"autoplay_disabled\": False,\r\n  \"country_code\": \"us\",\r\n  \"discoverable_by_email\": False,\r\n  \"discoverable_by_mobile_phone\": False,\r\n  \"display_sensitive_media\": False,\r\n  \"dm_quality_filter\": \"enabled\",\r\n  \"dm_receipt_setting\": \"all_disabled\",\r\n  \"geo_enabled\": False,\r\n  \"include_alt_text_compose\": True,\r\n  \"include_mention_filter\": True,\r\n  \"include_nsfw_admin_flag\": True,\r\n  \"include_nsfw_user_flag\": True,\r\n  \"include_ranked_timeline\": True,\r\n  \"language\": \"en\",\r\n  \"mention_filter\": \"unfiltered\",\r\n  \"nsfw_admin\": False,\r\n  \"nsfw_user\": False,\r\n  \"personalized_trends\": True,\r\n  \"protected\": False,\r\n  \"ranked_timeline_eligible\": None,\r\n  \"ranked_timeline_setting\": None,\r\n  \"require_password_login\": False,\r\n  \"requires_login_verification\": False,\r\n  \"sleep_time\": {\r\n    \"enabled\": False,\r\n    \"end_time\": None,\r\n    \"start_time\": None\r\n  },\r\n  \"translator_type\": \"none\",\r\n  \"universal_quality_filtering_enabled\": \"enabled\",\r\n  \"use_cookie_personalization\": False,\r\n})\r\n\r\n# example configuration\r\naccount.update_search_settings({\r\n  \"optInFiltering\": True,  # filter nsfw content\r\n  \"optInBlocking\": True,  # filter blocked accounts\r\n})\r\n\r\nnotifications = account.notifications()\r\n\r\naccount.change_password('old pwd','new pwd')\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Scraping\r\n\r\n#### Get all user/tweet data\r\n\r\nTwo special batch queries `scraper.tweets_by_ids` and `scraper.users_by_ids` should be preferred when applicable. These endpoints are more much more efficient and have higher rate limits than their unbatched counterparts. See the table below for a comparison.\r\n\r\n| Endpoint      | Batch Size     | Rate Limit    |\r\n|---------------|----------------|---------------|\r\n| tweets_by_ids | ~220           | 500 / 15 mins |\r\n| tweets_by_id  | 1              | 50 / 15 mins  |\r\n| users_by_ids  | ~220           | 100 / 15 mins |\r\n| users_by_id   | 1              | 500 / 15 mins |\r\n\r\n\r\n![](assets/scrape.gif)\r\n\r\n*As of Fall 2023 login by username/password is unstable. Using cookies is now recommended.*\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.scraper import Scraper\r\n\r\n## sign-in with credentials\r\nemail, username, password = ..., ..., ...\r\nscraper = Scraper(email, username, password)\r\n\r\n## or, resume session using cookies\r\n# scraper = Scraper(cookies={\"ct0\": ..., \"auth_token\": ...})\r\n\r\n## or, resume session using cookies (JSON file)\r\n# scraper = Scraper(cookies='twitter.cookies')\r\n\r\n## or, initialize guest session (limited endpoints)\r\n# from twitter.util import init_session\r\n# scraper = Scraper(session=init_session())\r\n\r\n# user data\r\nusers = scraper.users(['foo', 'bar', 'hello', 'world'])\r\nusers = scraper.users_by_ids([123, 234, 345]) # preferred\r\nusers = scraper.users_by_id([123, 234, 345])\r\ntweets = scraper.tweets([123, 234, 345])\r\nlikes = scraper.likes([123, 234, 345])\r\ntweets_and_replies = scraper.tweets_and_replies([123, 234, 345])\r\nmedia =[123, 234, 345])\r\nfollowing = scraper.following([123, 234, 345])\r\nfollowers = scraper.followers([123, 234, 345])\r\nscraper.tweet_stats([111111, 222222, 333333])\r\n\r\n# get recommended users based on user\r\nscraper.recommended_users()\r\nscraper.recommended_users([123])\r\n\r\n# tweet data\r\ntweets = scraper.tweets_by_ids([987, 876, 754]) # preferred\r\ntweets = scraper.tweets_by_id([987, 876, 754])\r\ntweet_details = scraper.tweets_details([987, 876, 754])\r\nretweeters = scraper.retweeters([987, 876, 754])\r\nfavoriters = scraper.favoriters([987, 876, 754])\r\n\r\nscraper.download_media([\r\n    111111,\r\n    222222,\r\n    333333,\r\n    444444,\r\n])\r\n\r\n# trends\r\nscraper.trends()\r\n```\r\n\r\n#### Resume Pagination\r\n\r\n**Pagination is already done by default**, however there are circumstances where you may need to resume pagination from\r\na specific cursor. For example, the `Followers` endpoint only allows for 50 requests every 15 minutes. In this case, we\r\ncan resume from where we left off by providing a specific cursor value.\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.scraper import Scraper\r\n\r\nemail, username, password = ..., ..., ...\r\nscraper = Scraper(email, username, password)\r\n\r\nuser_id = 44196397\r\ncursor = '1767341853908517597|1663601806447476672'  # example cursor\r\nlimit = 100  # arbitrary limit for demonstration\r\nfollower_subset, last_cursor = scraper.followers([user_id], limit=limit, cursor=cursor)\r\n\r\n# use last_cursor to resume pagination\r\n```\r\n\r\n#### Search\r\n\r\n![](assets/search.gif)\r\n\r\n```python   \r\nfrom import Search\r\n\r\nemail, username, password = ..., ..., ...\r\n# default output directory is `data/search_results` if save=True\r\nsearch = Search(email, username, password, save=True, debug=1)\r\n\r\nres =\r\n    limit=37,\r\n    retries=5,\r\n    queries=[\r\n        {\r\n            'category': 'Top',\r\n            'query': 'paperswithcode -tensorflow -tf'\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            'category': 'Latest',\r\n            'query': 'test'\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            'category': 'People',\r\n            'query': 'brasil portugal -argentina'\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            'category': 'Photos',\r\n            'query': 'greece'\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            'category': 'Videos',\r\n            'query': 'italy'\r\n        },\r\n    ],\r\n)\r\n```\r\n\r\n**Search Operators Reference**\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### Spaces\r\n\r\n#### Live Audio Capture\r\n\r\nCapture live audio for up to 500 streams per IP\r\n\r\n![](assets/spaces-audio.gif)\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.scraper import Scraper\r\nfrom twitter.util import init_session\r\n\r\nsession = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required\r\nscraper = Scraper(session=session)\r\n\r\nrooms = [...]\r\nscraper.spaces_live(rooms=rooms)  # capture live audio from list of rooms\r\n```\r\n\r\n#### Live Transcript Capture\r\n\r\n**Raw transcript chunks**\r\n\r\n![](assets/spaces-transcript-02.gif)\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.scraper import Scraper\r\nfrom twitter.util import init_session\r\n\r\nsession = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required\r\nscraper = Scraper(session=session)\r\n\r\n# room must be live, i.e. in \"Running\" state\r\nscraper.space_live_transcript('1zqKVPlQNApJB',\r\n                              frequency=2)  # word-level live transcript. (dirty, on-the-fly transcription before post-processing)\r\n```\r\n\r\n**Processed (final) transcript chunks**\r\n\r\n![](assets/spaces-transcript-01.gif)\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.scraper import Scraper\r\nfrom twitter.util import init_session\r\n\r\nsession = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required\r\nscraper = Scraper(session=session)\r\n\r\n# room must be live, i.e. in \"Running\" state\r\nscraper.space_live_transcript('1zqKVPlQNApJB', frequency=1)  # finalized live transcript.  (clean)\r\n```\r\n\r\n#### Search and Metadata\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.scraper import Scraper\r\nfrom twitter.util import init_session\r\nfrom twitter.constants import SpaceCategory\r\n\r\nsession = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required\r\nscraper = Scraper(session=session)\r\n\r\n# download audio and chat-log from space\r\nspaces = scraper.spaces(rooms=['1eaJbrAPnBVJX', '1eaJbrAlZjjJX'], audio=True, chat=True)\r\n\r\n# pull metadata only\r\nspaces = scraper.spaces(rooms=['1eaJbrAPnBVJX', '1eaJbrAlZjjJX'])\r\n\r\n# search for spaces in \"Upcoming\", \"Top\" and \"Live\" categories\r\nspaces = scraper.spaces(search=[\r\n    {\r\n        'filter': SpaceCategory.Upcoming,\r\n        'query': 'hello'\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n        'filter': SpaceCategory.Top,\r\n        'query': 'world'\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n        'filter': SpaceCategory.Live,\r\n        'query': 'foo bar'\r\n    }\r\n])\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Automated Solvers\r\n\r\n> This requires installation of the [proton-api-client]( package\r\n\r\nTo set up automated email confirmation/verification solvers, add your Proton Mail credentials below as shown.\r\nThis removes the need to manually solve email challenges via the web app. These credentials can be used\r\nin `Scraper`, `Account`, and `Search` constructors.\r\n\r\nE.g.\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom twitter.account import Account\r\nfrom twitter.util import get_code\r\nfrom proton.client import ProtonMail\r\n\r\nproton_username, proton_password = ..., ...\r\nproton = lambda: get_code(ProtonMail(proton_username, proton_password))\r\n\r\nemail, username, password = ..., ..., ...\r\naccount = Account(email, username, password, proton=proton)\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Example API Responses\r\n\r\n<details>\r\n<summary> UserTweetsAndReplies  </summary>\r\n\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n  \"entryId\": \"homeConversation-1648726807301218305-1648801924760711169-1648811419998228480\",\r\n  \"sortIndex\": \"1648811419998228480\",\r\n  \"content\": {\r\n    \"entryType\": \"TimelineTimelineModule\",\r\n    \"__typename\": \"TimelineTimelineModule\",\r\n    \"items\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"entryId\": \"homeConversation-1648811419998228480-0-tweet-1648726807301218305\",\r\n        \"dispensable\": true,\r\n        \"item\": {\r\n          \"itemContent\": {\r\n            \"itemType\": \"TimelineTweet\",\r\n            \"__typename\": \"TimelineTweet\",\r\n            \"tweet_results\": {\r\n              \"result\": {\r\n                \"__typename\": \"Tweet\",\r\n                \"rest_id\": \"1648726807301218305\",\r\n                \"has_birdwatch_notes\": false,\r\n                \"core\": {\r\n                  \"user_results\": {\r\n                    \"result\": {\r\n                      \"__typename\": \"User\",\r\n                      \"id\": \"VXNlcjozMzgzNjYyOQ==\",\r\n                      \"rest_id\": \"33836629\",\r\n                      \"affiliates_highlighted_label\": {},\r\n                      \"has_graduated_access\": true,\r\n                      \"is_blue_verified\": true,\r\n                      \"profile_image_shape\": \"Circle\",\r\n                      \"legacy\": {\r\n                        \"can_dm\": false,\r\n                        \"can_media_tag\": true,\r\n                        \"created_at\": \"Tue Apr 21 06:49:15 +0000 2009\",\r\n                        \"default_profile\": false,\r\n                        \"default_profile_image\": false,\r\n                        \"description\": \"Building a kind of JARVIS @ O\u0440\u0435\u0578\u0391\u04cf. Previously Director of AI @ Tesla, CS231n, PhD @ Stanford. I like to train large deep neural nets \ud83e\udde0\ud83e\udd16\ud83d\udca5\",\r\n                        \"entities\": {\r\n                          \"description\": {\r\n                            \"urls\": []\r\n                          },\r\n                          \"url\": {\r\n                            \"urls\": [\r\n                              {\r\n                                \"display_url\": \"\",\r\n                                \"expanded_url\": \"\",\r\n                                \"url\": \"\",\r\n                                \"indices\": [\r\n                                  0,\r\n                                  23\r\n                                ]\r\n                              }\r\n                            ]\r\n                          }\r\n                        },\r\n                        \"fast_followers_count\": 0,\r\n                        \"favourites_count\": 7312,\r\n                        \"followers_count\": 701921,\r\n                        \"friends_count\": 809,\r\n                        \"has_custom_timelines\": true,\r\n                        \"is_translator\": false,\r\n                        \"listed_count\": 9207,\r\n                        \"location\": \"Stanford\",\r\n                        \"media_count\": 633,\r\n                        \"name\": \"Andrej Karpathy\",\r\n                        \"normal_followers_count\": 701921,\r\n                        \"pinned_tweet_ids_str\": [\r\n                          \"1599152286672248832\"\r\n                        ],\r\n                        \"possibly_sensitive\": false,\r\n                        \"profile_banner_url\": \"\",\r\n                        \"profile_image_url_https\": \"\",\r\n                        \"profile_interstitial_type\": \"\",\r\n                        \"screen_name\": \"karpathy\",\r\n                        \"statuses_count\": 8067,\r\n                        \"translator_type\": \"none\",\r\n                        \"url\": \"\",\r\n                        \"verified\": true,\r\n                        \"want_retweets\": false,\r\n                        \"withheld_in_countries\": []\r\n                      },\r\n                      \"smart_blocked_by\": false,\r\n                      \"smart_blocking\": false\r\n                    }\r\n                  }\r\n                },\r\n                \"unmention_data\": {},\r\n                \"edit_control\": {\r\n                  \"edit_tweet_ids\": [\r\n                    \"1648726807301218305\"\r\n                  ],\r\n                  \"editable_until_msecs\": \"1681923877000\",\r\n                  \"is_edit_eligible\": true,\r\n                  \"edits_remaining\": \"5\"\r\n                },\r\n                \"edit_perspective\": {\r\n                  \"favorited\": false,\r\n                  \"retweeted\": false\r\n                },\r\n                \"is_translatable\": false,\r\n                \"views\": {\r\n                  \"count\": \"409371\",\r\n                  \"state\": \"EnabledWithCount\"\r\n                },\r\n                \"source\": \"<a href=\\\"\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow\\\">Twitter Web App</a>\",\r\n                \"quoted_status_result\": {\r\n                  \"result\": {\r\n                    \"__typename\": \"Tweet\",\r\n                    \"rest_id\": \"1647434714947395585\",\r\n                    \"has_birdwatch_notes\": false,\r\n                    \"core\": {\r\n                      \"user_results\": {\r\n                        \"result\": {\r\n                          \"__typename\": \"User\",\r\n                          \"id\": \"VXNlcjozMTA4MzUx\",\r\n                          \"rest_id\": \"3108351\",\r\n                          \"affiliates_highlighted_label\": {},\r\n                          \"has_graduated_access\": true,\r\n                          \"is_blue_verified\": false,\r\n                          \"profile_image_shape\": \"Square\",\r\n                          \"legacy\": {\r\n                            \"can_dm\": false,\r\n                            \"can_media_tag\": true,\r\n                            \"created_at\": \"Sun Apr 01 06:22:13 +0000 2007\",\r\n                            \"default_profile\": false,\r\n                            \"default_profile_image\": false,\r\n                            \"description\": \"Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: | Got a tip? | For WSJ customer support:\",\r\n                            \"entities\": {\r\n                              \"description\": {\r\n                                \"urls\": [\r\n                                  {\r\n                                    \"display_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"expanded_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"indices\": [\r\n                                      40,\r\n                                      63\r\n                                    ]\r\n                                  },\r\n                                  {\r\n                                    \"display_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"expanded_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"indices\": [\r\n                                      77,\r\n                                      100\r\n                                    ]\r\n                                  },\r\n                                  {\r\n                                    \"display_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"expanded_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"indices\": [\r\n                                      129,\r\n                                      152\r\n                                    ]\r\n                                  }\r\n                                ]\r\n                              },\r\n                              \"url\": {\r\n                                \"urls\": [\r\n                                  {\r\n                                    \"display_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"expanded_url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"url\": \"\",\r\n                                    \"indices\": [\r\n                                      0,\r\n                                      23\r\n                                    ]\r\n                                  }\r\n                                ]\r\n                              }\r\n                            },\r\n                            \"fast_followers_count\": 0,\r\n                            \"favourites_count\": 1137,\r\n                            \"followers_count\": 20521959,\r\n                            \"friends_count\": 1087,\r\n                            \"has_custom_timelines\": true,\r\n                            \"is_translator\": false,\r\n                            \"listed_count\": 128849,\r\n                            \"location\": \"New York, NY\",\r\n                            \"media_count\": 45523,\r\n                            \"name\": \"The Wall Street Journal\",\r\n                            \"normal_followers_count\": 20521959,\r\n                            \"pinned_tweet_ids_str\": [\r\n                              \"1648690341581651971\"\r\n                            ],\r\n                            \"possibly_sensitive\": false,\r\n                            \"profile_banner_url\": \"\",\r\n                            \"profile_image_url_https\": \"\",\r\n                            \"profile_interstitial_type\": \"\",\r\n                            \"screen_name\": \"WSJ\",\r\n                            \"statuses_count\": 404295,\r\n                            \"translator_type\": \"regular\",\r\n                            \"url\": \"\",\r\n                        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