
Nameurelativedelta JSON
Version 0.4.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA small fast implementation of relativedelta
upload_time2023-08-21 15:46:13
keywords date daterule datetime dateutil monthly relativedelta rrule timedelta
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # [uRelativeDelta][pypi]

A small fast implementation of relativedelta

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[![urelativedelta on PyPI][pypi-image]][pypi]
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[gh-image]: https://github.com/olliemath/urelativedelta/workflows/test/badge.svg
[gh-checks]: https://github.com/olliemath/urelativedelta/actions?query=workflow%3Atest
[pypi-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/urelativedelta
[pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/urelativedelta/

urelativedelta provides the following utilities:

- `relativedelta` a simple replacement for [dateutil.relativedelta](https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/stable/relativedelta.html)
- `daterule`: a module of useful iterators yielding regular (e.g. monthly) dates
- proceedural helper functions for shifting date and datetime values by months and years

it is a python port of the [chronoutil](https://github.com/olliemath/chronoutil) library for rust (itself inspired by [dateutil](https://pypi.org/project/python-dateutil)).

## Benchmarks

Originally urelativedelta was used for speeding up complicated cashflow bucketing
computations (where there are lots of relativedeltas). It's pretty successful:

| benchmark | interpreter | urelativedelta | python-dateutil | speedup |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| shift 5mn dates by 100 years | cpython 3.11 | 6.04s | 20.44s | 3.38x |
| shift 5mn dates by 100 years | pypy 3.9 | 0.37s | 3.17s | 8.57x |
| subtract 5mn date pairs | cpython 3.11 | 6.73s | 17.77s | 2.64x |
| subtract 5mn date pairs | pypy 3.9 | 1.20s | 3.30s | 2.74x |

all of which means that using pypy and switching libraries can buy you a ~50x speed improvement!

## Usage

Install via:

pip install urelativedelta

then you can run

from datetime import datetime
from urelativedelta import relativedelta

delta = relativedelta(years=1, months=1, days=1, hours=1)
datetime(2050, 1, 1) + delta

## Overview

### relativedelta

urelativedelta uses a **`relativedelta`** type to represent the magnitude of a time span
which may not be absolute (i.e. which is not simply a fixed number of nanoseconds).
A relativedelta is made up of a number of months together with an absolute `timedelta`

delta = relativedelta(months=1, days=1)
start = datetime(2020, 1, 1)
assert start + delta == datetime(2020, 2, 2)

You can also initialise a relativedelta as the difference between
two datetimes using its `difference` method:

delta = relativedelta.difference(date(2020, 2, 29), date(2020, 1, 30))
assert delta == relativedelta(months=1)

The behaviour of `relativedelta` is consistent and well-defined in edge-cases
(see the Design decisions section for an explanation):

delta = relativedelta(months=1, days=1)
start = date(2020, 1, 30)
assert start + delta == date(2020, 3, 1)

### daterule

urelativedelta provides a **`daterule`** module, containing functions
for creating iterators which reliably generate a collection of dates
at regular intervals.
For example, the following will yield one `date` on the last day of each
month in 2025:

start = date(2025, 1, 31)
rule = daterule.monthly(start, count=12)
# yields 2025-1-31, 2025-2-28, 2025-3-31, 2025-4-30, ...

the most general rule is constructed from a relativedelta:
freq = relativedelta(years=1, months=1, days=-1)
rule = daterule.iterator(freq, start, ...)

### shift functions

urelativedelta also exposes useful shift functions which are used internally, namely:

- **`shift_months`** to shift a datelike value by a given number of months
- **`shift_years`** to shift a datelike value by a given number of years
- **`with_year`** to shift a datelike value to a given day
- **`with_month`** to shift a datelike value to a given month
- **`with_year`** to shift a datelike value to a given year

## Design decisions and gotchas

We favour simplicity over complexity: we use only the Gregorian calendar and
make no changes e.g. for dates before the 1500s. We also don't try to
replicate some of the complex functionality of dateutil: we're mostly
interested in shifting dates by years, months, days etc.

For days between the 1st and 28th, shifting by months has an obvious
unambiguous meaning which we always stick to. One month after Jan 28th is
always Feb 28th. Shifting Feb 28th by another month will give Mar 28th.

When shifting a day that has no equivalent in another month (e.g. asking
for one month after Jan 30th), we first compute the target month, and then if
the corresponding day does not exist in that month, we take the final day of the
month as the result. So, on a leap year, one month after Jan 30th is Feb 29th.

The order of precidence for a `relativedelta` is as follows:

1.  Work out the target month, if shifting by months
2.  If the initial day does not exist in that month, take the final day of the month
3.  Execute any further `timedelta` shifts

So a `relativedelta` of 1 month and 1 day applied to Jan 31st first shifts to the
last day of Feb, and then adds a single day, giving the 1st of Mar. Applying to Jan 30th
gives the same result.

Shifted dates have no _memory_ of the date they were shifted from. Thus if we shift
Jan 31st by one month and obtain Feb 28th, a further shift of one month will be Mar 28th,
_not_ Mar 31st.

This leads us to an interesting point about the `relativedelta`: addition is not

start = date(2020, 1, 31)
delta = relativedelta(months=1)

d1 = (start + delta) + delta
d2 = start + (delta + delta)

assert d1 == date(2020, 3, 29)
assert d2 == date(2020, 3, 31)

If you want a series of shifted dates, we advise using the `DateRule`, which takes
account of some of these subtleties:
start = date(2020, 1, 31)
delta = relativedelta(months=1)
rule = DateRule(delta, start)
assert next(rule) == date(2020, 1, 31)
assert next(rule) == date(2020, 2, 29)
assert next(rule) == date(2020, 3, 31)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "urelativedelta",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "date,daterule,datetime,dateutil,monthly,relativedelta,rrule,timedelta",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "Oliver Margetts <oliver.margetts@gmail.com>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/63/ec/e51764cedb0bc095d82ecae98b10530ee47fb64a63ccba46616e469f5bb8/urelativedelta-0.4.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# [uRelativeDelta][pypi]\n\nA small fast implementation of relativedelta\n\n[![urelativedelta GitHub Actions][gh-image]][gh-checks]\n[![urelativedelta on PyPI][pypi-image]][pypi]\n[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)\n\n[gh-image]: https://github.com/olliemath/urelativedelta/workflows/test/badge.svg\n[gh-checks]: https://github.com/olliemath/urelativedelta/actions?query=workflow%3Atest\n[pypi-image]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/urelativedelta\n[pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/urelativedelta/\n\nurelativedelta provides the following utilities:\n\n- `relativedelta` a simple replacement for [dateutil.relativedelta](https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/stable/relativedelta.html)\n- `daterule`: a module of useful iterators yielding regular (e.g. monthly) dates\n- proceedural helper functions for shifting date and datetime values by months and years\n\nit is a python port of the [chronoutil](https://github.com/olliemath/chronoutil) library for rust (itself inspired by [dateutil](https://pypi.org/project/python-dateutil)).\n\n\n## Benchmarks\n\nOriginally urelativedelta was used for speeding up complicated cashflow bucketing\ncomputations (where there are lots of relativedeltas). It's pretty successful:\n\n| benchmark | interpreter | urelativedelta | python-dateutil | speedup |\n| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |\n| shift 5mn dates by 100 years | cpython 3.11 | 6.04s | 20.44s | 3.38x |\n| shift 5mn dates by 100 years | pypy 3.9 | 0.37s | 3.17s | 8.57x |\n| subtract 5mn date pairs | cpython 3.11 | 6.73s | 17.77s | 2.64x |\n| subtract 5mn date pairs | pypy 3.9 | 1.20s | 3.30s | 2.74x |\n\nall of which means that using pypy and switching libraries can buy you a ~50x speed improvement!\n\n\n## Usage\n\nInstall via:\n\n```bash\npip install urelativedelta\n```\n\nthen you can run\n\n```python\nfrom datetime import datetime\nfrom urelativedelta import relativedelta\n\ndelta = relativedelta(years=1, months=1, days=1, hours=1)\ndatetime(2050, 1, 1) + delta\n```\n\n## Overview\n\n### relativedelta\n\nurelativedelta uses a **`relativedelta`** type to represent the magnitude of a time span\nwhich may not be absolute (i.e. which is not simply a fixed number of nanoseconds).\nA relativedelta is made up of a number of months together with an absolute `timedelta`\ncomponent.\n\n```python\ndelta = relativedelta(months=1, days=1)\nstart = datetime(2020, 1, 1)\nassert start + delta == datetime(2020, 2, 2)\n```\n\nYou can also initialise a relativedelta as the difference between\ntwo datetimes using its `difference` method:\n\n```python\ndelta = relativedelta.difference(date(2020, 2, 29), date(2020, 1, 30))\nassert delta == relativedelta(months=1)\n```\n\nThe behaviour of `relativedelta` is consistent and well-defined in edge-cases\n(see the Design decisions section for an explanation):\n\n```python\ndelta = relativedelta(months=1, days=1)\nstart = date(2020, 1, 30)\nassert start + delta == date(2020, 3, 1)\n```\n\n### daterule\n\nurelativedelta provides a **`daterule`** module, containing functions\nfor creating iterators which reliably generate a collection of dates\nat regular intervals.\nFor example, the following will yield one `date` on the last day of each\nmonth in 2025:\n\n```python\nstart = date(2025, 1, 31)\nrule = daterule.monthly(start, count=12)\n# yields 2025-1-31, 2025-2-28, 2025-3-31, 2025-4-30, ...\n```\n\nthe most general rule is constructed from a relativedelta:\n```python\nfreq = relativedelta(years=1, months=1, days=-1)\nrule = daterule.iterator(freq, start, ...)\n```\n\n### shift functions\n\nurelativedelta also exposes useful shift functions which are used internally, namely:\n\n- **`shift_months`** to shift a datelike value by a given number of months\n- **`shift_years`** to shift a datelike value by a given number of years\n- **`with_year`** to shift a datelike value to a given day\n- **`with_month`** to shift a datelike value to a given month\n- **`with_year`** to shift a datelike value to a given year\n\n## Design decisions and gotchas\n\nWe favour simplicity over complexity: we use only the Gregorian calendar and\nmake no changes e.g. for dates before the 1500s. We also don't try to\nreplicate some of the complex functionality of dateutil: we're mostly\ninterested in shifting dates by years, months, days etc.\n\nFor days between the 1st and 28th, shifting by months has an obvious\nunambiguous meaning which we always stick to. One month after Jan 28th is\nalways Feb 28th. Shifting Feb 28th by another month will give Mar 28th.\n\nWhen shifting a day that has no equivalent in another month (e.g. asking\nfor one month after Jan 30th), we first compute the target month, and then if\nthe corresponding day does not exist in that month, we take the final day of the\nmonth as the result. So, on a leap year, one month after Jan 30th is Feb 29th.\n\nThe order of precidence for a `relativedelta` is as follows:\n\n1.  Work out the target month, if shifting by months\n2.  If the initial day does not exist in that month, take the final day of the month\n3.  Execute any further `timedelta` shifts\n\nSo a `relativedelta` of 1 month and 1 day applied to Jan 31st first shifts to the\nlast day of Feb, and then adds a single day, giving the 1st of Mar. Applying to Jan 30th\ngives the same result.\n\nShifted dates have no _memory_ of the date they were shifted from. Thus if we shift\nJan 31st by one month and obtain Feb 28th, a further shift of one month will be Mar 28th,\n_not_ Mar 31st.\n\nThis leads us to an interesting point about the `relativedelta`: addition is not\n_[associative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_property)_:\n\n```python\nstart = date(2020, 1, 31)\ndelta = relativedelta(months=1)\n\nd1 = (start + delta) + delta\nd2 = start + (delta + delta)\n\nassert d1 == date(2020, 3, 29)\nassert d2 == date(2020, 3, 31)\n```\n\nIf you want a series of shifted dates, we advise using the `DateRule`, which takes\naccount of some of these subtleties:\n```python\nstart = date(2020, 1, 31)\ndelta = relativedelta(months=1)\nrule = DateRule(delta, start)\nassert next(rule) == date(2020, 1, 31)\nassert next(rule) == date(2020, 2, 29)\nassert next(rule) == date(2020, 3, 31)\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
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    "summary": "A small fast implementation of relativedelta",
    "version": "0.4.0",
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        "Homepage": "https://github.com/olliemath/urelativedelta",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/olliemath/urelativedelta"
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