
Nameurpautils JSON
Version 0.10.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryModule containig universal functions used with UltimateRPA robots
upload_time2025-01-16 12:37:57
keywords robotic process automation rpa ultimaterpa utilities
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # urpautils
[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)

Helper module for [UltimateRPA](https://www.ultimaterpa.com) robots

Contains universal functions usable across all urpa robots

urpautils is split into two main categories:
- universal utilities including utilities for working with text or csv files, verifying BIN or personal identification numbers,
utilities for applications such as killing them or clearing cache...
- utilities used directly by urpa robot (i.e. they use methods from the urpa library)

## Universal utilities examples
### Universal utilities for working with files
import urpautils

# Remove directory

# Remove file

# Move file
urpautils.move("C:\\path\\to\\source_file.txt", "C:\\path\\to\\destination_file.txt")

# Copy file
urpautils.copy("C:\\path\\to\\source_file.txt", "C:\\path\\to\\destination_file.txt")

# Remove all files from a directory that are older than 30 days
urpautils.remove_files_older_than("C:\\path\\to\\dir", 30)

### Universal utilities for reading and writing text files
import urpautils

# Write to text file
urpautils.write_txt_file("C:\\path\\to\\file.txt", "This will be written to the file", mode="w")

# Append to text file
urpautils.write_txt_file("C:\\path\\to\\file.txt", "This will be appended to the file", mode="a")

# Read text file. Raises FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist
content = urpautils.read_txt_file("C:\\path\\to\\file.txt")

# Read json file. Raises FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist
content = urpautils.read_json_file("C:\\path\\to\\file.json")

# All functions above have optional argument 'encoding' which defaults to 'utf-8-sig'

## Use helper file
# Initiate. Creates the file if it does not exist and sets its value to 0
sequence = urpautils.Helper("sequence.txt")
# Get helper value
value = sequence.get()
# Write helper value
# Increment helper value. This method has optional argument 'increment' which defaults to 1
incremented_value = sequence.increment()
# Delete the file

### Other universal utilities for working with files
import urpautils

# Archivate file
# This function has two optional arguments:
#   'prefix_timestamp_format': adds timestamp prefix to the file name
#   'force_rewrite': if set to True the file is rewritten if already exists

# Create a directory if it doesn't exist

# Copy error screenshot
# This function has 4 optional arguments:
#   'output_file_name': name of the output file. Original name is used if None
#   'screenshot_format': png or bmp. Defaults to png
#   'current_log_dir': direcotry with the error screenshots. Defaults to "log\name_of_main_file_RRRR-MM-DD"
#   'offset': integer saying which file to copy starting from the end (0->last file, 1->second last file, ...)
newly_created_image_path = urpautils.copy_error_img("C:\\path\\to\\destination_directory")

# Add timestamp to file name
# This function takes an absolute file path and an optional timestamp format as inputs (default is '%Y-%m-%d').
# It adds a timestamp to the file name and returns the new absolute file path.
new_file_path = urpautils.add_timestamp_to_filename(

### Universal utilities for working with CSV files
import urpautils

# Properties such as encoding, delimiter and newline can be set via optional arguments with corresponding name

# Create csv file and write header to it
# this function also has optional kwarg "sep". If provided it writes "sep=<separator>" to first line of the file so it opens correctly in Excel
urpautils.csv_create_file("C:\\path\\to\\file.csv", header=["1st column", "2nd column"])

# Append row to an existing CSV file
urpautils.csv_append_row("C:\\path\\to\\file.csv", ["foo", "bar"])

# If we have large amount of data stored in dictionaries. We can write them directly with this class
dict_A = {"name": "ben", "surname": "dover"}
dict_B = {"name": "hugh", "surname": "jass"}
dict_C = {"surname": "mcOkiner", "name": "duncan"}
# we need to define which keys to except. "name" and "surname" in this case
dict_writer = urpautils.Csv_dict_writer("C:\\path\\to\\file.csv", ["name", "surname"])

# Read rows from CSV file
#   besides optional arguments such as newline or encoding this function has two more arguments:
#   'start_row_index' and `end_row_index`. All rows are read if not provided
for row in urpautils.csv_read_rows("C:\\path\\to\\file.csv"):
    print(row) # prints `["column1", "column2", "column3", "column4"]`
# by default rows are yilded as lists. Alternatively kwarg "as_dict=True" can be used.
# Rows are then yielded as <first row> : <n-th row> key-value pairs
for row in urpautils.csv_read_rows("C:\\path\\to\\file.csv", as_dict=True):
    print(row) # prints `{"header1": "column1", "header2": "column2", "header3": "column3", "header4": "column4"}`


### Miscellaneous universal utilities
import urpautils

# Get timestamp
timestamp = urpautils.timestamp()

# Modify path to avoid win32api 260 character limit
modified_path = urpautils.add_long_path_prefix("C:\\very\long\path")

# Kill process tree

# Send an email
# port is an optional argument. smtplib.SMTP_PORT (=25) is used if not provided
# attachments is an optional argument
# there is one more optional arg: debug_level (defaults to 0)
    ["recipient1@gmail.com", "recipient2@gmail.com"],
    ["recipient_copy1@gmail.com", "recipient_copy2@gmail.com"],
    "This is a subject",
    "This is the email body",
    smtp_port = 1234,
    attachments = ["path/to/file1.jpg", "path/to/file2.jpg"]

# Repeat certain commands in a function/method
@urpautils.repeat(action="Click on OK")
def click_ok() -> None:
    """Clicks on OK and then checks if the command was executed"""    
    urpautils.check_elements(app, cf.value("Application name").title_bar())

# Verify Personal Identification Number (Rodné číslo)
is_valid = urpautils.verify_rc("990512/1234")

# Verify account number
is_valid = urpautils.is_account_number_valid(prefix="000000", account_number="1234567890")

# Verify BIN (IČO)
is_valid = urpautils.verify_ico("12345678")

# Pad BIN (IČO) with zeros to length 8
padded_bin = urpautils.justify_ico("1234") # returns 00001234
padded_bin = urpautils.justify_ico("1234", "5") # returns 55551234

# Clear Internet Explorer Cache and disable "customize" window at first run

# Get PID of an application
pid_1 = urpautils.get_app_pid("chrome.exe")
# Get PID of another instance of the same application
pid_2 = urpautils.get_app_pid("chrome.exe", pids_to_exclude=[pid_1])
# Get PID of yet another instance of the same application
pid_3 = urpautils.get_app_pid("chrome.exe", pids_to_exclude=[pid_1, pid_2])

# Get previous work day date. By default it uses today as reference and Czech holidays
previous_work_day_date = get_previous_work_day_date()
# You can specify day to use as reference as well as other countries' holidays
previous_work_day_date = get_previous_work_day_date(today=datetime.date(2021, 9, 2), country="US")

# Check if the current time is in a specified time interval (the robot can still run)
has_time = urpautils.robot_has_time(end="14:00:00")  # time in range 00:00:00 - 14:00:00
has_time = urpautils.robot_has_time(start="11:00:00")  # time in range 11:00:00 - 23:59:59
has_time = urpautils.robot_has_time("12:00:00", "14:00:00")  # time in range 12:00:00 - 14:00:00

## Utilities dependent on the urpa library examples
import urpa
import urpautils

cf = urpa.condition_factory()

# Setup robot
# Setup robot with 1920x1080 32bit resolution, 10000ms timeout, png screenshot format, debug mode
urpautils.setup_robot((1920, 1080, 32), 10000, "png", True)
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though all args are optional, it is higly recommended to use atleast resolution arg in a production.
# It is optional for test purpouses: some RDP sessions are killed when resolution is changed. Which is annoying for development

# Search for two or more elements in parallel
index, elements = urpautils.parallel_search(urpa.App, cf.window(), cf.button())

# Find control elements
urpautils.check_elements(urpa.App, cf.window(), cf.button())

# Find control elements, raise urpautils.ElementFoundError if any of them found
# It can be used in these situations. To check if an error message appeared. To check if an element disappeared.
urpautils.check_elements_reversed(urpa.App, cf.window(), cf.button())

# Save file as
# by default it assumes Save As window is already opened
# you can instruct the function to open the window for you
# in that case you need to provide an App element on which to open the window
urpautils.save_as("file.txt", open_save_as_window=True, app_elem=some_app_elem)
# you might need to specify the shortcut for opening Save As window aswell (defaults to CTRL+SHIT+S)
urpautils.save_as("file.txt", open_save_as_window=True, app_elem=some_app_elem, open_save_as_window_shortcut="ALT+S")
# by default it uses most common element names based on your system language (i.e. window name "Save As" for ENG and "Uložit jako" for CZE). In some cases theese can be different
urpautils.save_as("file.txt", save_as_window_name="Save file as...")
# If the file already exists you can choose to rewrite it
urpautils.save_as("file.txt", force_rewrite=True)

# Open file
# similar to Save As, this opens a file. By default it assumes Open window is already opened
# you can instruct the function to open the window for you
urpautils.save_as("file.txt", open_open_file_window=True, app_elem=some_app_elem)
# specifying shortcut and element names is same as with `save_as` function

# Decorate a function to send an email with error screenshot if an Exception is raised
# Decorator function has optional arguments smtp_port (default 25), screenshot_format (default "png"), current_log_dir (default "log\name_of_main_file_RRRR-MM-DD")
def my_decorated_function():
    # before SomeError is raised the email is sent
    raise SomeError


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/ultimaterpa/urpautils",
    "name": "urpautils",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "Robotic Process Automation, RPA, UltimateRPA, utilities",
    "author": "anerold",
    "author_email": "support@ultimaterpa.cz",
    "download_url": null,
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# urpautils\r\n![workflow](https://github.com/ultimaterpa/urpautils/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)\r\n[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)\r\n\r\nHelper module for [UltimateRPA](https://www.ultimaterpa.com) robots\r\n\r\nContains universal functions usable across all urpa robots\r\n\r\nurpautils is split into two main categories:\r\n- universal utilities including utilities for working with text or csv files, verifying BIN or personal identification numbers,\r\nutilities for applications such as killing them or clearing cache...\r\n- utilities used directly by urpa robot (i.e. they use methods from the urpa library)\r\n\r\n## Universal utilities examples\r\n### Universal utilities for working with files\r\n```python\r\nimport urpautils\r\n\r\n# Remove directory\r\nurpautils.remove_dir(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\dir\")\r\n\r\n# Remove file\r\nurpautils.remove(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.txt\")\r\n\r\n# Move file\r\nurpautils.move(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\source_file.txt\", \"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\destination_file.txt\")\r\n\r\n# Copy file\r\nurpautils.copy(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\source_file.txt\", \"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\destination_file.txt\")\r\n\r\n# Remove all files from a directory that are older than 30 days\r\nurpautils.remove_files_older_than(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\dir\", 30)\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Universal utilities for reading and writing text files\r\n```python\r\nimport urpautils\r\n\r\n# Write to text file\r\nurpautils.write_txt_file(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.txt\", \"This will be written to the file\", mode=\"w\")\r\n\r\n# Append to text file\r\nurpautils.write_txt_file(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.txt\", \"This will be appended to the file\", mode=\"a\")\r\n\r\n# Read text file. Raises FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist\r\ncontent = urpautils.read_txt_file(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.txt\")\r\n\r\n# Read json file. Raises FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist\r\ncontent = urpautils.read_json_file(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.json\")\r\n\r\n# All functions above have optional argument 'encoding' which defaults to 'utf-8-sig'\r\n\r\n## Use helper file\r\n# Initiate. Creates the file if it does not exist and sets its value to 0\r\nsequence = urpautils.Helper(\"sequence.txt\")\r\n# Get helper value\r\nvalue = sequence.get()\r\n# Write helper value\r\nsequence.write(1)\r\n# Increment helper value. This method has optional argument 'increment' which defaults to 1\r\nincremented_value = sequence.increment()\r\n# Delete the file\r\nsequence.delete()\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Other universal utilities for working with files\r\n```python\r\nimport urpautils\r\n\r\n# Archivate file\r\n# This function has two optional arguments:\r\n#   'prefix_timestamp_format': adds timestamp prefix to the file name\r\n#   'force_rewrite': if set to True the file is rewritten if already exists\r\nurpautils.archivate_file(\r\n    \"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\source_file.txt\",\r\n    \"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\destination_file.txt\",\r\n    prefix_timestamp_format=\"%Y-%m-%d\",\r\n    force_rewrite=True\r\n)\r\n\r\n# Create a directory if it doesn't exist\r\nurpautils.prepare_dir(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\dir\")\r\n\r\n# Copy error screenshot\r\n# This function has 4 optional arguments:\r\n#   'output_file_name': name of the output file. Original name is used if None\r\n#   'screenshot_format': png or bmp. Defaults to png\r\n#   'current_log_dir': direcotry with the error screenshots. Defaults to \"log\\name_of_main_file_RRRR-MM-DD\"\r\n#   'offset': integer saying which file to copy starting from the end (0->last file, 1->second last file, ...)\r\nnewly_created_image_path = urpautils.copy_error_img(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\destination_directory\")\r\n\r\n# Add timestamp to file name\r\n# This function takes an absolute file path and an optional timestamp format as inputs (default is '%Y-%m-%d').\r\n# It adds a timestamp to the file name and returns the new absolute file path.\r\nnew_file_path = urpautils.add_timestamp_to_filename(\r\n    \"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.txt\"\r\n)\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Universal utilities for working with CSV files\r\n```python\r\nimport urpautils\r\n\r\n# Properties such as encoding, delimiter and newline can be set via optional arguments with corresponding name\r\n\r\n# Create csv file and write header to it\r\n# this function also has optional kwarg \"sep\". If provided it writes \"sep=<separator>\" to first line of the file so it opens correctly in Excel\r\nurpautils.csv_create_file(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.csv\", header=[\"1st column\", \"2nd column\"])\r\n\r\n# Append row to an existing CSV file\r\nurpautils.csv_append_row(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.csv\", [\"foo\", \"bar\"])\r\n\r\n# If we have large amount of data stored in dictionaries. We can write them directly with this class\r\ndict_A = {\"name\": \"ben\", \"surname\": \"dover\"}\r\ndict_B = {\"name\": \"hugh\", \"surname\": \"jass\"}\r\ndict_C = {\"surname\": \"mcOkiner\", \"name\": \"duncan\"}\r\n# we need to define which keys to except. \"name\" and \"surname\" in this case\r\ndict_writer = urpautils.Csv_dict_writer(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.csv\", [\"name\", \"surname\"])\r\ndict_writer.write(dict_A)\r\ndict_writer.write(dict_B)\r\ndict_writer.write(dict_C)\r\n\r\n# Read rows from CSV file\r\n#   besides optional arguments such as newline or encoding this function has two more arguments:\r\n#   'start_row_index' and `end_row_index`. All rows are read if not provided\r\nfor row in urpautils.csv_read_rows(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.csv\"):\r\n    print(row) # prints `[\"column1\", \"column2\", \"column3\", \"column4\"]`\r\n# by default rows are yilded as lists. Alternatively kwarg \"as_dict=True\" can be used.\r\n# Rows are then yielded as <first row> : <n-th row> key-value pairs\r\nfor row in urpautils.csv_read_rows(\"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\file.csv\", as_dict=True):\r\n    print(row) # prints `{\"header1\": \"column1\", \"header2\": \"column2\", \"header3\": \"column3\", \"header4\": \"column4\"}`\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Miscellaneous universal utilities\r\n```python\r\nimport urpautils\r\n\r\n# Get timestamp\r\ntimestamp = urpautils.timestamp()\r\n\r\n# Modify path to avoid win32api 260 character limit\r\nmodified_path = urpautils.add_long_path_prefix(\"C:\\\\very\\long\\path\")\r\n\r\n# Kill process tree\r\nurpautils.kill_app(\"image_name\")\r\n\r\n# Send an email\r\n# port is an optional argument. smtplib.SMTP_PORT (=25) is used if not provided\r\n# attachments is an optional argument\r\n# there is one more optional arg: debug_level (defaults to 0)\r\nurpautils.send_email_notification(\r\n    \"sender@stringdata.cz\",\r\n    [\"recipient1@gmail.com\", \"recipient2@gmail.com\"],\r\n    [\"recipient_copy1@gmail.com\", \"recipient_copy2@gmail.com\"],\r\n    \"This is a subject\",\r\n    \"This is the email body\",\r\n    \"SMTP_server.com\",\r\n    smtp_port = 1234,\r\n    attachments = [\"path/to/file1.jpg\", \"path/to/file2.jpg\"]\r\n)\r\n\r\n# Repeat certain commands in a function/method\r\n@urpautils.repeat(action=\"Click on OK\")\r\ndef click_ok() -> None:\r\n    \"\"\"Clicks on OK and then checks if the command was executed\"\"\"    \r\n    app.find_first(cf.name(\"OK\").button()).send_mouse_click()\r\n    urpautils.check_elements(app, cf.value(\"Application name\").title_bar())\r\n\r\n# Verify Personal Identification Number (Rodn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo)\r\nis_valid = urpautils.verify_rc(\"990512/1234\")\r\n\r\n# Verify account number\r\nis_valid = urpautils.is_account_number_valid(prefix=\"000000\", account_number=\"1234567890\")\r\n\r\n# Verify BIN (I\u010cO)\r\nis_valid = urpautils.verify_ico(\"12345678\")\r\n\r\n# Pad BIN (I\u010cO) with zeros to length 8\r\npadded_bin = urpautils.justify_ico(\"1234\") # returns 00001234\r\npadded_bin = urpautils.justify_ico(\"1234\", \"5\") # returns 55551234\r\n\r\n# Clear Internet Explorer Cache and disable \"customize\" window at first run\r\nurpautils.clear_ie_cache()\r\n\r\n# Get PID of an application\r\npid_1 = urpautils.get_app_pid(\"chrome.exe\")\r\n# Get PID of another instance of the same application\r\npid_2 = urpautils.get_app_pid(\"chrome.exe\", pids_to_exclude=[pid_1])\r\n# Get PID of yet another instance of the same application\r\npid_3 = urpautils.get_app_pid(\"chrome.exe\", pids_to_exclude=[pid_1, pid_2])\r\n\r\n# Get previous work day date. By default it uses today as reference and Czech holidays\r\nprevious_work_day_date = get_previous_work_day_date()\r\n# You can specify day to use as reference as well as other countries' holidays\r\nprevious_work_day_date = get_previous_work_day_date(today=datetime.date(2021, 9, 2), country=\"US\")\r\n\r\n# Check if the current time is in a specified time interval (the robot can still run)\r\nhas_time = urpautils.robot_has_time(end=\"14:00:00\")  # time in range 00:00:00 - 14:00:00\r\nhas_time = urpautils.robot_has_time(start=\"11:00:00\")  # time in range 11:00:00 - 23:59:59\r\nhas_time = urpautils.robot_has_time(\"12:00:00\", \"14:00:00\")  # time in range 12:00:00 - 14:00:00\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Utilities dependent on the urpa library examples\r\n```python\r\nimport urpa\r\nimport urpautils\r\n\r\ncf = urpa.condition_factory()\r\n\r\n# Setup robot\r\nurpautils.setup_robot()\r\n# Setup robot with 1920x1080 32bit resolution, 10000ms timeout, png screenshot format, debug mode\r\nurpautils.setup_robot((1920, 1080, 32), 10000, \"png\", True)\r\n# IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though all args are optional, it is higly recommended to use atleast resolution arg in a production.\r\n# It is optional for test purpouses: some RDP sessions are killed when resolution is changed. Which is annoying for development\r\n\r\n# Search for two or more elements in parallel\r\nindex, elements = urpautils.parallel_search(urpa.App, cf.window(), cf.button())\r\n\r\n# Find control elements\r\nurpautils.check_elements(urpa.App, cf.window(), cf.button())\r\n\r\n# Find control elements, raise urpautils.ElementFoundError if any of them found\r\n# It can be used in these situations. To check if an error message appeared. To check if an element disappeared.\r\nurpautils.check_elements_reversed(urpa.App, cf.window(), cf.button())\r\n\r\n# Save file as\r\n# by default it assumes Save As window is already opened\r\nurpautils.save_as(\"file.txt\")\r\n# you can instruct the function to open the window for you\r\n# in that case you need to provide an App element on which to open the window\r\nurpautils.save_as(\"file.txt\", open_save_as_window=True, app_elem=some_app_elem)\r\n# you might need to specify the shortcut for opening Save As window aswell (defaults to CTRL+SHIT+S)\r\nurpautils.save_as(\"file.txt\", open_save_as_window=True, app_elem=some_app_elem, open_save_as_window_shortcut=\"ALT+S\")\r\n# by default it uses most common element names based on your system language (i.e. window name \"Save As\" for ENG and \"Ulo\u017eit jako\" for CZE). In some cases theese can be different\r\nurpautils.save_as(\"file.txt\", save_as_window_name=\"Save file as...\")\r\n# If the file already exists you can choose to rewrite it\r\nurpautils.save_as(\"file.txt\", force_rewrite=True)\r\n\r\n# Open file\r\n# similar to Save As, this opens a file. By default it assumes Open window is already opened\r\nurpautils.open_file(\"file.txt\")\r\n# you can instruct the function to open the window for you\r\nurpautils.save_as(\"file.txt\", open_open_file_window=True, app_elem=some_app_elem)\r\n# specifying shortcut and element names is same as with `save_as` function\r\n\r\n# Decorate a function to send an email with error screenshot if an Exception is raised\r\n# Decorator function has optional arguments smtp_port (default 25), screenshot_format (default \"png\"), current_log_dir (default \"log\\name_of_main_file_RRRR-MM-DD\")\r\n@urpautils.failed_login_notification(\r\n    \"sender@stringdata.cz\",\r\n    [\"receiver@stringdata.cz\"],\r\n    [\"receiver_copy@stringdata.cz\"],\r\n    \"subject\",\r\n    \"body\",\r\n    \"smtp_server.cz\"\r\n)\r\ndef my_decorated_function():\r\n    # before SomeError is raised the email is sent\r\n    raise SomeError\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Module containig universal functions used with UltimateRPA robots",
    "version": "0.10.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/ultimaterpa/urpautils"
    "split_keywords": [
        "robotic process automation",
        " rpa",
        " ultimaterpa",
        " utilities"
    "urls": [
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            "python_version": "py3",
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            "size": 20851,
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