# A collection of useful adb commands
## pip install usefuladb
# Tested against Android 9 / Bluestacks / Python 11 / Windows 10
# Please be aware that Android commands and
# their behavior can vary across different Android
# versions, custom ROMs, and devices. Consequently,
# some commands or methods may not function as
# expected on specific devices or Android versions.
# Moreover, certain advanced operations may
# necessitate root access, which is not universally
# available.
# It is advisable to thoroughly test and customize
# your commands and methods according to the
# unique specifications of your device and the
# Android version it runs. Keep in mind that
# Android is a dynamic platform, and commands and
# behaviors may change over time.
# Additionally, when executing commands,
# particularly those requiring elevated privileges,
# it's essential to consider the security
# and permission model of the Android device
from time import sleep
from usefuladb import AdbControl
# To connect to all devices at once, you can use this static method (Windows only):
# Blocking Shell
# - Waits until stderr/stdout have finished processing.
# - if you run "cd /sdcard/" and then another command "ls", for example, you will see the contents of /sdcard/.
# - If you switch to su, you will remain in the superuser mode.
# - Commands are not base64 encoded
addr = ""
blocking_shell = AdbControl(
use_busybox=False, # uses busybox to decode base64
invisible=True, # windows only - doesn't open a shell window, when you compile the code with nuitka, for example
limit_stdout=3, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout
limit_stderr=3, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr
limit_stdin=None, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin
convert_to_83=True, # converts the adb path to 8.3 on Windows
wait_to_complete=0, # doesn't matter if global_cmd is True
flush_stdout_before=True, # flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout
flush_stdin_before=True, # flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr
flush_stderr_before=True, # flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin
# Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished.
capture_stdout_stderr_first=True, # doesn't matter if global_cmd is True
global_cmd=True, # global, because variables/su status/dirs stay
global_cmd_timeout=10, # if a command doesn't return stderr/stdout in a given time
# Blocking Subshell
# - Waits until stderr/stdout have finished processing.
# - Commands are base64 encoded.
# - All commands are executed within a subshell using a pipeline like base64command | base64 -d | sh.
# - For example, if you run "cd /sdcard/" and then another command like "ls," you will see the contents of the root directory '/' instead of '/sdcard'.
# - Note that 'su' is only valid for a single command.
blocking_subshell = AdbControl(
use_busybox=False, # Use busybox to decode base64 (if needed)
# Windows only - This option prevents the shell window from opening, e.g., when compiling the code with Nuitka.
limit_stdout=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout)
limit_stderr=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr)
limit_stdin=None, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin)
convert_to_83=True, # Converts the adb path to 8.3 format on Windows
wait_to_complete=0.1, # Time to wait for command completion - only valid with capture_stdout_stderr_first=False
flush_stdout_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout before executing a command
flush_stdin_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr before executing a command
flush_stderr_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin before executing a command
# Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished
capture_stdout_stderr_first=True, # Blocks the process until the execution of a command is finished
# Non-blocking Subshell
# - Does not wait until stderr/stdout have finished processing.
# - Commands are base64 encoded.
# - All commands are executed within a subshell using a pipeline like base64command | base64 -d | sh.
# - For example, if you run "cd /sdcard/" and then another command like "ls," you will see the contents of the root directory '/' instead of '/sdcard'.
# - Note that 'su' is only valid for a single command.
nonblocking_subshell = AdbControl(
use_busybox=False, # Use busybox to decode base64 (if needed)
# Windows only - This option prevents the shell window from opening, e.g., when compiling the code with Nuitka.
limit_stdout=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout)
limit_stderr=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr)
limit_stdin=None, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin)
convert_to_83=True, # Converts the adb path to 8.3 format on Windows
wait_to_complete=0, # Time to wait for command completion - only valid with capture_stdout_stderr_first=False
flush_stdout_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout before executing a command
flush_stdin_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr before executing a command
flush_stderr_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin before executing a command
# Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished
capture_stdout_stderr_first=False, # Blocks the process until the execution of a command is finished
# Added 9.11.2023 - Eval Shell
# - Waits until stderr/stdout have finished processing unless there is a timeout
# - Commands are written to a txt file and executed from there.
# - All commands are executed within a subshell using eval
# - stdout/stderr are transfered via netcat
# - Way faster than the other methods since it uses netcat
eval_shell = AdbControl(
limit_stderr=3, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr
use_eval=True, # executes commands using eval
eval_timeout=10, # timeout for eval (netcat transfer)
executecmds = False
if executecmds:
# The AdbControl module stays connected to an adb instance throughout its usage.
# It continuously reads from stdout, stderr, and writes to stdin.
# A typical way to execute adb commands is as follows:
# adb.exe -s DEVICE shell ls /sdcard/
# The problem with this approach is that it generates significant overhead for each command.
# This module executes 'adb.exe -s DEVICE shell' right at the beginning when you create the instance
# and keeps the shell open. This approach minimizes overhead, as the executable is run only once
# and remains in a standby mode.
# The core functionality of this module is provided by the AdbControl.execute_sh_command method.
# Most commands are executed using this method.
# You can use blocking_shell.execute_sh_command to run any command, and it returns a list of lists.
# The first element is the stdout, and the second is stderr.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.execute_sh_command("ls /sdcard/")
# stderr
# Out[5]: []
# stdout
# ....
# b'1753_mem_12c00000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_74d74000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_74ecd000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_77d75000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_ce771000.bin\r\n',
# ...
# If you encounter any problems with deadlocks, you can use the non-blocking version mentioned above:
stdout, stderr = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command("ls /sdcard/")
# You don't have to create a new instance; you can temporarily switch to the non-blocking version:
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(
"ls /sdcard/",
# Or switch to the subshell blocking version temporarily:
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(
"ls /sdcard/",
# These are the available keyword arguments that can be used to temporarily adjust the configuration:
# - disable_print_stdout
# - disable_print_stderr
# - wait_to_complete
# - flush_stdout_before
# - flush_stdin_before
# - flush_stderr_before
# - exitcommand
# - su
# - commandtimeout
# - escape_filepath
# - escape_filepath
# - capture_stdout_stderr_first
# - global_cmd
# stderr
# Out[5]: []
# stdout
# ....
# b'1753_mem_12c00000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_74d74000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_74ecd000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_77d75000.bin\r\n',
# b'1753_mem_ce771000.bin\r\n',
# ...
# All commands using the blocking and non-blocking subshell are converted to
# base64 and sent to the device for decoding and execution.
# For example, when you execute this command:
blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command("ls /data/data")
# It is executed as:
# b'echo 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 | base64 -d | sh\n'
# You can decode it as:
# base64.b64decode(b'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')
# As you can see, stdout and stderr are temporarily redirected and printed at the end to ensure that the entire output is captured.
# This is essential to avoid closing adb.exe to minimize overhead.
# If you encounter problems or deadlocks while executing commands this way, you can execute them as non-blocking commands.
# To do this, set the kwargs `capture_stdout_stderr_first=False` and `wait_to_complete=0`.
# and global_cmd to false
stdout, stderr = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(
"ls /data/data",
# This is the command that was executed non-blocking:
# base64.b64decode(b'bHMgL2RhdGEvZGF0YQplY2hvIHh4eENPTU1BTkR4eHhET05FeHh4Cg==')
# You can convert any command to base64 using the `AdbControl.format_adb_command` method:
cmd="ls /sdcard/", su=False, exitcommand="DONE", errors="strict"
# You can also convert any command to base64 and execute a command for screen capture using
# `blocking_shell.format_adb_command_screen_capture`:
cmd="ls /sdcard/", su=False, exitcommand="DONE", errors="strict"
# Out[4]: b'echo bHMgL3NkY2FyZC8KZWNobyBET05FCg== | base64 -d | sh\n'
# blocking shell commands are executed like this:
# b'#!/bin/bash\nexec 2>/sdcard/errortmp16989591673106961.txt\nexec 1>/sdcard/outputtmp16989591673106961.txt\nls\nexec 1>&-\nexec 2>&-\n\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx>> /sdcard/outputtmp16989591673106961.txt\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx >> /sdcard/errortmp16989591673106961.txt\n'
# for each new instance, there are new tempfiles, to delete all of them, you can use:
# Using the non blocking modus is useful if you want to execute commands at the same time:
# Creating a new AdbControl instance
instance2 = AdbControl(
use_busybox=False, # Use busybox to decode base64 if needed
# Windows only - Prevents the opening of a shell window when compiling the code with Nuitka, for example
limit_stdout=3, # Limits the history of shell commands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout
limit_stderr=3, # Limits the history of shell commands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr
limit_stdin=None, # Limits the history of shell commands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin
convert_to_83=True, # Converts the adb path to 8.3 format on Windows
wait_to_complete=0, # Time to wait for command completion - 0 means non blocking
flush_stdout_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout
flush_stdin_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr
flush_stderr_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin
# Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished
capture_stdout_stderr_first=False, # Doesn't block the process until the execution of a command is finished
# Execute two commands simultaneously in a non-blocking way
# Keep in mind that the stdout/stderr list might grow even after returning
stdout1, stderr1 = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(
"ls -R /",
stdout2, stderr2 = instance2.execute_sh_command(
"ls -R /sdcard/",
print(len(stdout1), len(stdout2))
# This creates some crazy swipe effect:
stdout1, stderr1 = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(
"input swipe 100 300 200 800 2000",
stdout2, stderr2 = instance2.execute_sh_command(
"input swipe 400 300 600 800 2000",
stdout1, stderr1 = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(
"input swipe 100 300 200 800 2000",
stdout2, stderr2 = instance2.execute_sh_command(
"input swipe 400 300 600 800 2000",
# Commands can include special characters, but spaces, quotes, etc., must be escaped:
blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(r"cat /sdcard/bxx\ ab\ bcçc/xxx222\ d.txt")
nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(r"cat /sdcard/bxx\ ab\ bcçc/xxx222\ d.txt")
blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(r"cat /sdcard/bxx\ ab\ bcçc/xxx222\ d.txt")
# You can escape characters like this. This method is used in several functions but not all,
# as it might escape characters that shouldn't be escaped:
from usefuladb import strip_quotes_and_escape
rf"cat {strip_quotes_and_escape('/sdcard/bxx ab bcçc/xxx222 d.txt')}"
# You can execute the command as bytes, but avoid using this unless necessary:
blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(b"ls /sdcard/")
b"cat /sdcard/bxx\\ ab\\ bc\xc3\xa7c/xxx222\\ d.txt"
# Many adb commands are available as ready-to-use functions, so you don't have to worry about escaping and other details.
# For example, to cat a file, you can use:
"/sdcard/bxx ab bcçc/xxx222 d.txt"
) # Escaping is done automatically, and quotes are stripped - either you escape or put it in quotes but not both :).
# The significant advantage of using base64 encoding is the ability to execute bash scripts:
while true; do
i=$((i + 1))
ls /sdcard/
sleep 1.0
if [ "$i" -gt 5 ]; then
# You can also execute scripts as bytes:
while true; do
i=$((i + 1))
ls /sdcard
sleep 0.1
if [ "$i" -gt 5 ]; then
# Note that there is a potential risk when executing bash scripts with blocking_shell since the commands are not encoded to
# base64. However, this risk should be manageable if you use caution and only execute trusted scripts.
# A disadvantage of base64 is that the "cd" command, for example,
# is only valid within one command since all commands are executed in a subshell:
# Out[12]: [[], []]
# This command prints the content of "/", not "/sdcard/"
# To achieve the desired behavior, you have to use:
blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command("cd /sdcard/ && ls")
# To execute a command with superuser (su) privileges:
blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command("ls /data/data") # not working
# Out[3]: [[], [b'ls: /data/data: Permission denied\r\n']]
blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command("ls /data/data", su=True) # working now
# Out[4]:
# [[b'android\r\n',
# b'android.ext.services\r\n',
# b'com.android.adbkeyboard\r\n',
# b'com.android.bookmarkprovider\r\n',
# b'com.android.camera2\r\n',
# You can execute a shell script with superuser privileges in the same way:
while true; do
i=$((i + 1))
ls /data/data
sleep 0.1
if [ "$i" -gt 5 ]; then
# Piping is also possible:
r'dumpsys -t 1000000 | grep -E "com\.google\.android.{0,10}"'
# Here are some additional methods I've added to save time when working with ADB.
# These methods can be used to perform various operations.
# Create a new file using the sh_touch method:
"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars.txt"
# Out[6]: [[], []]
"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars2.txt"
# Out[7]: [[], []]
"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars3.txt"
# Out[8]: [[], []]
# Append a line to an existing file using the sh_append_line_to_file method:
"did it work?", "/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars.txt"
# Out[7]: [[b'did it work?\r\n'], []]
# Read the content of a file using the sh_cat_file method:
file_content = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(
"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars.txt"
# Out[8]: b'did it work?\n'
# To perform these operations with superuser (su) privileges, you can add the su=True parameter:
"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars.txt", su=True
"did it work?",
"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars.txt",
catstuff = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(
"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars.txt", su=True
# Out[10]: b'did it work?\n'
# As you might have noticed, blocking_shell.sh_cat_file returns binary data, and \r\n is already replaced with \n.
# Due to the post-processing involved, it's not recommended to use nonblocking_subshell in this case, as the data
# might not be complete.
catstuff = nonblocking_subshell.sh_cat_file(
"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have spëçiäl chars1.txt", su=True
# List the contents of a folder with superuser privileges:
blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder("/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/", su=True)
# Out[11]: [[b'i have sp\xc3\xab\xc3\xa7i\xc3\xa4l chars.txt\r\n'], []]
# Additional methods to open various Android settings:
# Display orientation using ScreenOrientation: https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/browser/trusted/ScreenOrientation
display_orientation = blocking_shell.sh_get_display_orientation()
# Out[14]: 0
# Additional keypress events methods have been added for convenience:
# You can execute any other keypress like this:
# Push files with spaces and special characters into [non-]existing folders.
# This method sends the data using stdin and base64 encoding, rather than using adb.exe push.
r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe",
"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö",
# Note: The non-blocking subshell is not recommended for this operation.
# You can use the blocking_subshell for file pushes.
r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe",
"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö1",
r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe",
"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö2",
# Check if the file was successfully created in the specified folder:
blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder("/sdcard/not existing path/çççö")
# Out[23]: [[b'RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\r\n'], []]
# Check if the file exists using sh_file_exists method:
file_exists = blocking_shell.sh_file_exists(
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
# Out[24]: True
# Note: Using the non-blocking version is not recommended for checking file existence.
# It may result in a early response, leading to potential errors.
# Instead, use the blocking_subshell for file existence checks.
file_exists = blocking_subshell.sh_file_exists(
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
# ....
# return bool(int(stdout[0].strip().decode("utf-8")))
# ~~~~~~^^^
# IndexError: list index out of range
# 1
# The file can also be pulled, but it is essentially the same as what cat is doing:
# Don't use the non blocking variation here!
filedata = blocking_shell.pull(
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
with open("c:\\robloxinstall.exe", mode="wb") as f:
# Remove the file using sh_remove_file method:
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö1/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
# This is a great usecase for the non blocking version if don't care much about the stdout/stderr.
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö2/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
# Check if the file was successfully removed:
r"/sdcard/not existing path/çççö/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe"
# Out[12]: False
# Rescan a single file to show up in the gallery:
# You can also push and pull entire folders:
blocking_shell.pull_folder("/sdcard/Download", "c:\\babababaxx")
# or
blocking_shell.sh_pull_folder_with_cat("/sdcard/Download", "c:\\babababaxx")
# Push a folder from the local machine to the device:
blocking_shell.push_folder(r"C:\qqqqqqqqqqqq", "/sdcard/")
# You might encounter some errors, but you can ignore them, as 'tar' tries to execute 'chown,' which is not permitted.
# Out[20]:
# ([b'./\r\n',
# b'./asgasdfasdfasdf.png\r\n',
# b'./ba.html\r\n',
# b'./baba.png\r\n',
# b'./babaxx2.mhtml\r\n',
# b'./bibi.png\r\n',
# b'./bibixx.png\r\n',
# b'./datetmp.log\r\n',
# b'./tmp5j75s57u.tar\r\n'],
# [b"tar: chown 0:0 '.': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './asgasdfasdfasdf.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './ba.html': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './baba.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './babaxx2.mhtml': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './bibi.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './bibixx.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './datetmp.log': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:0 './tmp5j75s57u.tar': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b'rm: tmpqp5_mrdt.tar: No such file or directory\r\n'])
# List users on the device:
users = blocking_shell.sh_list_users()
# ['UserInfo{0:Owner:13} running']
# Enable and disable heads-up notifications:
# Open the camera to take a photo:
# Out[13]: [[b'Starting: Intent { act=android.media.action.STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA }\r\n'], []]
# Make a call:
# Dumpsys:
# Dump package information for a specific package (e.g., com.roblox.client):
# Screen-related operations:
# Get the screen width and height:
w, h = blocking_shell.sh_get_wm_size()
# this one is better:
width, height = blocking_shell.sh_get_resolution()
# Change the screen resolution to 960x540:
blocking_shell.sh_change_wm_size(960, 540)
# Reset the screen resolution to its default:
# Get the current screen density:
# Change the screen density to 160:
# Reset the screen density to its default:
# List device features and present working directory (pwd):
# Create a directory with nested subdirectories on the device:
blocking_shell.sh_mkdir("/sdcard/bobo/baba/bibix/not existing/me neither")
# Out[7]: [[], []]
# List the contents of a specific folder on the device:
# Out[6]: [[b'not existing\r\n'], []]
# Create a directory and change into it (not necessary if the next command is not going to be launched in the folder):
# Check if a folder exists on the device:
folder_exists = blocking_shell.sh_is_folder("/sdcard/bobo/baba/bibix/")
# Out[4]: True
# Exit from the superuser (su) shell (only valid for blocking_shell):
# List available services on the device:
# [[b'Found services:\r\n',
# b'0\tsip: [android.net.sip.ISipService]\r\n',
# b'1\tcarrier_config: [com.android.internal.telephony.ICarrierConfigLoader]\r\n',
# Open a URL in a web browser:
# Out[7]: [[b'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=https://www.google.com/... }\r\n'], []]
# Get the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server information:
# Out[8]: [[b'null\r\n'], []]
# List installed packages on the device:
# Show mounted devices on the device:
# The 'su' (superuser) mode is automatically set to true here because it is necessary to obtain this data.
# This applies to some other methods as well.
# Get IMEI, IMSI, and SIM information (valid until Android 9):
imei, imsi, sim = blocking_shell.get_imei_imsi_sim()
# For devices with more than one SIM card, get IMEIs:
a, b = blocking_shell.get_imeis_multidevices()
# Get IMEI information for Android 14 (but also works on Android 9):
imei = blocking_shell.get_imei_android_14()
# Verify that the file copy operations were successful:
# Out[21]:
# [[b'Nearby Share\r\n',
# b'asgasdfasdfasdf.png\r\n',
# b'ba.html\r\n',
# b'baba.png\r\n',
# b'babaxx2.mhtml\r\n',
# b'bibi.png\r\n',
# b'bibixx.png\r\n',
# b'datetmp.log\r\n',
# b'tmp5j75s57u.tar\r\n',
# b'tmpqp5_mrdt.tar\r\n'],
# []]
# Change the display orientation to the specified value (in this case, new_orientation=1).
# Perform random actions on the specified app:
p=("com.spotify.music",), # Package name for the target app
c=(), # Use this to specify component
v=10, # Number of random actions to perform
# Set other options as needed to control the behavior of random actions.
# Start the "com.android.chrome" package (launch the Chrome app).
# Expand the notifications panel and settings panel.
# Resolve activity details for the "com.android.chrome" package.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_resolve_activity("com.android.chrome")
# Out[16]:
# [b'priority=0 preferredOrder=0 match=0x108000 specificIndex=-1 isDefault=true\r\n',
# b'ActivityInfo:\r\n',
# b' name=com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main\r\n',
# b' packageName=com.android.chrome\r\n',
# b' splitName=chrome\r\n',
# b' enabled=true exported=true directBootAw
# The result is a list of information about the specified activity.
# Resolve a brief summary of activity details for the "com.android.chrome" package.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_resolve_activity_brief("com.android.chrome")
# List permission groups on the device.
# Out[14]:
# [[b'permission group:com.google.android.gms.permission.CAR_INFORMATION\r\n',
# b'permission group:android.permission-group.CONTACTS\r\n',
# b'permission group:android.permission-group.PHONE\r\n',
# Dump the window manager state.
# Check if the screen is locked.
# Out[12]: False
# Simulate a tap at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using the DPAD controller at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using the keyboard at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using the mouse at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using the touchpad at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using a gamepad at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using touch navigation at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using a joystick at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using the touchscreen at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using a stylus at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate a tap using a trackball at coordinates (500, 500)
blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_tap(500, 500)
# Simulate typing "bibib" using the DPAD input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using the keyboard input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "ççççç" using the keyboard input method and remove accents
"ççççç", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=True
# Simulate typing "bibib" using the mouse input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using the touchpad input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using a gamepad input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using touch navigation input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using a joystick input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using the touchscreen input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using a stylus input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
# Simulate typing "bibib" using a trackball input method
"bibib", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False
blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0
blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0
blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_roll(x=10, y=300)
blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)
x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0
blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_roll(x=10, y=300)
# Simulate a long tap using the DPAD input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using the keyboard input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using the mouse input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using the touchpad input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using a gamepad input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using touch navigation input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using a joystick input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using the touchscreen input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using a stylus input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# Simulate a long tap using a trackball input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds
blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)
# A little file manager
# Get a dictionary of files and folders in the '/sdcard/Download' directory
filedict = blocking_shell.get_file_dict("/sdcard/Download")
# filedict
# Out[4]:
# {'f6': {'file_size': 12288,
# 'is_file': False,
# 'is_folder': True,
# 'is_link': False,
# 'is_character_device_file': False,
# 'is_block_device_file': False,
# 'is_named_pipe': False,
# 'is_socket': False,
# 'owner_read': True,
# 'owner_write': True,
# 'owner_exec': True,
# 'group_read': True,
# 'group_write': True,
# 'group_exec': True,
# 'others_read': False,
# 'others_write': False,
# 'others_exec': True,
# 'file_permissions': 'drwxrwx--x',
# 'user_owner': 'root',
# 'group': 'sdcard_rw',
# 'modification_time': 1698766942,
# 'path': '/sdcard/Download',
# 'folder': '/sdcard',
# 'pure_path': 'Download',
# 'cat_file': (),
# 'remove': (),
# 'rename': (),
# 'grep': ()},
# 'f190907': {'file_size': 6147735,
# 'is_file': True,
# 'is_folder': False,
# 'is_link': False,
# 'is_character_device_file': False,
# 'is_block_device_file': False,
# 'is_named_pipe': False,
# 'is_socket': False,
# 'owner_read': True,
# 'owner_write': True,
# 'owner_exec': False,
# 'group_read': True,
# 'group_write': True,
# 'group_exec': False,
# 'others_read': False,
# 'others_write': False,
# 'others_exec': False,
# 'file_permissions': '-rw-rw----',
# 'user_owner': 'root',
# 'group': 'sdcard_rw',
# 'modification_time': 1698268016,
# 'path': '/sdcard/Download/babaxx2.mhtml',
# 'folder': '/sdcard/Download',
# 'pure_path': 'babaxx2.mhtml',
# 'cat_file': (),
# 'remove': (),
# 'rename': (),
# 'grep': ()},
# Iterate through files and folders in the dictionary
for filename, file_info in filedict.items():
if file_info["is_file"]:
# For each file, print its contents using the cat_file() method
# Alternatively, you can search for files matching a regex pattern (e.g., '.mhtml')
if file_info["is_file"] and file_info.regex_search(r"\.mhtml"):
# You can also use the grep() method to search for specific text within files
if file_info["is_file"] and file_info.regex_search(r"\.mhtml"):
# You can also rename and remove files and folders as needed
# Change the permissions of all files in the '/sdcard/Download' directory to 644 (needs su)
blocking_shell.chmod_all_files_in_folder("/sdcard/Download", 644)
# Copy the entire '/sdcard/Download' directory to another location, e.g., '/sdcard/Download8'
# Ignore chown errors if they occur
# Out[37]:
# [[b'./\r\n',
# b'./babaxx2.mhtml\r\n',
# b'./bibi.png\r\n',
# b'./ba.html\r\n',
# b'./asgasdfasdfasdf.png\r\n',
# b'./baba.png\r\n',
# b'./bibixx.png\r\n',
# b'./datetmp.log\r\n',
# b'./tmp5j75s57u.tar\r\n'],
# [b"tar: chown 0:1015 '.': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './babaxx2.mhtml': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './bibi.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './ba.html': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './asgasdfasdfasdf.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './baba.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './bibixx.png': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './datetmp.log': Operation not permitted\r\n",
# b"tar: chown 0:1015 './tmp5j75s57u.tar': Operation not permitted\r\n"]]
# Out[39]:
# [[b'asgasdfasdfasdf.png\r\n',
# b'ba.html\r\n',
# b'baba.png\r\n',
# b'babaxx2.mhtml\r\n',
# b'bibi.png\r\n',
# b'bibixx.png\r\n',
# b'datetmp.log\r\n',
# b'tmp5j75s57u.tar\r\n'],
# []]
# Normalize the text 'bibixxççx' and send it as a single input.
"bibixxççx", remove_accents=True, sleep_after_letter=(0, 0)
# Send each letter of 'bibixxççx' individually with a sleep interval between letters.
"bibixxççx", remove_accents=True, sleep_after_letter=(0, 1)
# Install the ADB Keyboard app, which allows you to send Unicode characters. "https://github.com/senzhk/ADBKeyBoard/raw/master/ADBKeyboard.apk" and installs it
# Send the text 'bababöäß' using the ADB Keyboard app.
# Disable the current keyboard.
# Enable the previously installed ADB Keyboard.
# Re-enable the ADB Keyboard for sending Unicode characters.
# Get the active keyboard and verify that it's 'com.android.adbkeyboard/.AdbIME'.
# Disable the ADB Keyboard, which will revert to the default keyboard.
# Enable touch animation on the device.
# Disable touch animation, which is better for automation purposes.
# Disable printing of standard output.
# Enable printing of standard error.
# Enable printing of standard output.
# Get activity element dump in CSV format, which is useful for automation with multiple devices.
# The more you disable 1->0, the faster it gets
# Much faster and usually enough to identify elements
# Output from get_activity_element_dump is a CSV format representing activity elements.
# b'"0","0","0","0","800","450","1440000","1600","900","1600","900","0","0","1600","900","|","null","9536b93","null","I","null","E","D","null","null","null","null","null","rB1","null","null","null","null","null","null","I","null","rB1{9536b93 I.ED..... ......I. 0,0-1600,900"\r\n',
# b'"800","1","0","0","800","450","1440000","1600","900","1600","900","0","0","1600","900","|","null","e911b96","null","V","null","E","null","null","null","null","null","null","android.widget.LinearLayout","null","null","null","null","null","null","null","null","android.widget.LinearLayout{e911b96 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1600,900"\r\n',
# b'"800","2","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","|1|","android:id/action_mode_bar_stub","9fdc7d0","102018a","G","null","E","null","null","null","null","null","null","android.view.ViewStub","null","null","null","null","null","null","I","null","android.view.ViewStub{9fdc7d0 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #102018a android:id/action_mode_bar_stub"\r\n',
# Get a UI Automator element dump in CSV format. The device does the parsing using a shell script.
# Output is a CSV that can be read using pandas.
# b'"null","null","null","android.widget.FrameLayout","com.android.chrome","null","false","false","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","0 0 1600 900","0","1600","0","900","800","450","1440000","1600","900"\r\n',
# b'"android:id/content","null","null","android.widget.LinearLayout","com.android.chrome","null","false","false","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","0 0 1600 900","0","1600","0","900","800","450","1440000","1600","900"\r\n',
# Obtain a list of all available keys for the sendevent command.
# [[1, 'KEY_RESERVED'],
# [2, 'KEY_W'],
# [3, 'KEY_I'],
# [4, 'KEY_F6'],
# [5, 'KEY_KP9'],
# [6, 'KEY_102ND'],
# [7, 'KEY_VOLUMEUP'],
# [8, 'KEY_CALC'],
# [9, 'KEY_PROG3'],
# [10, 'BTN_DIGI'],
# [11, 'BTN_TOUCH'],
# [12, 'KEY_OK'],
# You can also use sendevents to send keystrokes (needs su)
blocking_shell.parse_sendevent_keys() # need to be parsed first
# After the parsing, they can be used like this:
0.8, wait_to_complete=0, capture_stdout_stderr_first=False
1, wait_to_complete=0, capture_stdout_stderr_first=False
# Get a memory dump from a specific process (e.g., process with PID 1979). Note that this may take some time to complete.
# Start a subprocess with elevated privileges (su) and attempt to kill all user-started processes.
# This doesn't always work
# Check if the keyboard is currently shown.
# Check if the ADB server is still alive.
# Access keyevents for different input methods (gamepad and keyboard).
# Kill the ADB instance.
# List all listening ports along with their associated PIDs.
# Open an ADB shell in cmd.exe.
# You can use the rgb_values_of_area function to obtain the RGB values in a specified area on the screen.
# This function retrieves the RGB values within the defined area (between coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)). The result includes a list of XYRGB
# This calculation is done directly on the device, no screenshots are transferred.
coordsofcolours = blocking_shell.rgb_values_of_area(200, 200, 220, 320)
# XYRGB(x=215, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),
# XYRGB(x=216, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),
# XYRGB(x=217, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),
# XYRGB(x=218, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),
# XYRGB(x=219, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),
# Some stuff for scripting:
# Calculate the absolute value of a number.
# Use an AWK calculator to perform mathematical calculations.
# Convert a string from uppercase to lowercase.
# Extract a substring from a given string.
blocking_shell.sh_substring_from_string("abcdef", 2, 4)
# Terminate a specified Android package (com.android.chrome) using multiple methods,
# as there is no one-fits-all command.
# After calling `kill_package`, the following commands are executed one after another to forcefully stop the package:
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_force_stop(
package, **kwargs
) # Use the `am force-stop` command.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_kill(
package, **kwargs
) # Use the `kill` command.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_killall9(
package, **kwargs
) # Use the `killall -9` command.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_am_kill(
package, **kwargs
) # Use the `am kill` command.
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_pkill(
package, **kwargs
) # Use the `pkill` command.
# Concatenate the contents of a file (/sdcard/window_dump.xml) without newlines.
# Check for open ports on the device.
# Clear data and cache for a specified Android package (com.android.chrome).
# Output: [[b'Success\r\n'], []]
# Compare two files (/sdcard/window_dump.xml and /sdcard/window_dump2.xml).
"/sdcard/window_dump.xml", "/sdcard/window_dump2.xml"
# Start a new instance of logcat and capture the output in `stdout` while suppressing `stderr`.
newinstance, stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.start_logcat(
print_stdout=True, print_stderr=False
# Create a fast backup of a SQLite database in the same folder - /sdcard/your_sqlite.db.bak
# Delete the content of a file, but not the file itself:
# Create a file first using uiautomator
blocking_shell.execute_sh_command("uiautomator dump")
# Output: [[b'UI hierarchy dumped to: /sdcard/window_dump.xml\r\n'], []]
# Output: [[], []]
# Output: b''
# Capture a raw screen image
raw_screen_data = blocking_shell.sh_screencap()
# To convert the data to a numpy array and save as a PNG:
# cv2.imwrite('c:\\TESTADBRAWSCREENSHOT.PNG', np.frombuffer(raw_screen_data, dtype=np.uint8)[16:].reshape((900, 1600, 4))[...,[2,1,0]])
# Capture a PNG screen image
png_screen_data = blocking_shell.sh_screencap_png()
# To convert the data to a numpy array:
# cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(png_screen_data, np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
# Capture the UI hierarchy using uiautomator dump
blocking_shell.execute_sh_command("uiautomator dump")
# Use 'grep' to search for lines matching the specified pattern in a file
# Remove Dalvik cache, data cache, and user cache using 'su' command
# Remount the system as read-write or read-only
# Note: Not working for the next command yet, since all commands are executed in a subshell.
# If you know how to fix that, let me know. Use this for now: .
"su -c 'mount --all -o remount,rw -t vfat; echo \"bibi\" > /data/baba.txt'"
# Enable or disable screen compatibility mode for the specified app (com.spotify.music)
# Rename a file from '/sdcard/window_dump.xml' to '/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml'
blocking_shell.sh_rename("/sdcard/window_dump.xml", "/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml")
# Check if the path '/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml' is a file
# Output: True
# Get the RGB value at a specific coordinate (200, 300) on the device
rgb_value = blocking_shell.sh_get_rgb_value_at(200, 300)
# Output: (35, 37, 39)
# List all installed keyboards on the device
keyboard_list = blocking_shell.get_all_keyboards()
# Output: ['com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME', 'com.android.adbkeyboard/.AdbIME']
# Get the tree view of the '/sdcard/' directory
tree_view_sdcard = blocking_shell.sh_get_treeview_of_folder("/sdcard/")
# Out[10]:
# ['|-',
# '|-20231024',
# '|-AUTOMAT',
# '|---tmpaam24gbf',
# '|-Android',
# '|---data',
# '|-----com.android.camera2',
# '|-------cache',
# '|-------files',
# '|-----com.android.chrome',
# Get the tree view of the '/data/data' directory with superuser privileges (for protected directories)
tree_view_data_data = blocking_shell.sh_get_treeview_of_folder(
"/data/data", su=True
# Get lines 0 to 3 from the '/etc/hosts' file with superuser privileges
lines_0_to_3 = blocking_shell.sh_get_lines_from_to_in_file(
0, 3, "/etc/hosts", su=True
# Out[13]:
# [[b' localhost\r\n',
# b'::1 ip6-localhost\r\n',
# b' coinhive.com\r\n'],
# []]
# Get a specific line (line 3) from the '/etc/hosts' file with superuser privileges
specific_line = blocking_shell.sh_get_specific_line_from_a_file(
3, "/etc/hosts", su=True
# # [[b' coinhive.com\r\n'], []]
# Remove a specific line (line 0) from the '/sdcard/window_dump.xml' file
blocking_shell.sh_remove_specific_line_from_a_file(0, "/sdcard/window_dump.xml")
# Check the contents of the '/sdcard/window_dump.xml' file after removing a specific line
file_contents = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file("/sdcard/window_dump.xml")
# Out[22]: b''
# Count the network connections and display the status of each connection
network_connections = blocking_shell.sh_count_network_connections()
# Out[23]:
# [[b' 6 CLOSE_WAIT\r\n',
# b' 7 ESTABLISHED\r\n',
# b' 2 LISTEN\r\n',
# b' 1 TIME_WAIT\r\n'],
# []]
# Get the chmod permissions of files in the '/sdcard/' directory
chmod_permissions_sdcard = blocking_shell.sh_get_all_chmod_from_files_in_folder(
# Out[24]:
# [[b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/ \r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/(rev)\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/(tr\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/-1_threads.notifications.db_text.txt\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_12c00000.bin\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_74d74000.bin\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_74ecd000.bin\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_77d75000.bin\r\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_ce771000.bin\r\n',
# List all connected IP addresses
connected_ips = blocking_shell.sh_list_all_connected_ips()
# Out[25]:
# [[b'\r\n',
# b'\r\n',
# b'\r\n',
# b'\r\n',
# b'\r\n'],
# []]
# Get BIOS information (root only)
bios_info = blocking_shell.sh_get_bios_info()
# [[b'RSD PTR \r\n',
# b'innotek GmbH\r\n',
# b'VirtualBox\r\n',
# b'12/01/2006\r\n',
# b'innotek GmbH\r\n',
# b'VirtualBox\r\n',
# b'Virtual Machine\r\n',
# b'Oracle Corporation\r\n',
# Display a hex dump of the specified file
hex_dump = blocking_shell.sh_hexdump("/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml")
# Out[29]:
# [[b"0000000 < ? x m l v e r s i o n = ' 1\r\n",
# b"0000010 . 0 ' e n c o d i n g = ' U T\r\n",
# b"0000020 F - 8 ' s t a n d a l o n e =\r\n",
# b"0000030 ' y e s ' ? > < h i e r a r c\r\n",
# Count the number of lines in the '/etc/hosts' file (root only)
line_count = blocking_shell.sh_count_lines_in_file("/etc/hosts", su=True)
# Out[31]: [3, b'/etc/hosts']
# Get kernel information (root only)
kernel_info = blocking_shell.sh_get_kernel_infos()
# Get the IP address from the hostname 'google.com'
ip_address = blocking_shell.sh_get_ip_from_host("google.com")
# Out[34]: ''
# Get the newest file in the '/sdcard/' folder
newest_file = blocking_shell.sh_newest_file_in_folder("/sdcard/")
# Out[35]: [[b'/sdcard/dumpdata.tmp\r\n'], []]
# Print the '/etc/hosts' file with line numbers (root only)
hosts_file_lines = blocking_shell.sh_print_file_with_linenumbers(
"/etc/hosts", su=True
# Out[3]:
# [[b'1: localhost\r\n',
# b'2:::1 ip6-localhost\r\n',
# b'3: coinhive.com\r\n'],
# []]
# Display a detailed process overview
process_overview = blocking_shell.sh_ps_a_t_l_z()
# Get details of a process with PID 1737
details_of_pid_1737 = blocking_shell.sh_get_details_from_pid(1737)
# b'logd 1737 logd cwd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd rtd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd txt REG 8,1 186648 265642 /system/bin/logd\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 186648 265642 /system/bin/logd\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 15056 264521 /system/lib64/libnetd_client.so\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 23448 263965 /system/lib64/libcap.so\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 73472 264133 /system/lib64/libbase.so\r\n',
# b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 43928 264178 /system/lib64/libsysutils.so\r\n',
# Show network connections in a detailed format
netstat_details = blocking_shell.sh_netstat_tlnp()
# [[b'tcp',
# b'29289',
# b'0',
# b'',
# b'',
# b'-'],
# Dump detailed process information with 'lsof' command (root only)
detailed_process_info = blocking_shell.sh_get_details_with_lsof(su=True)
# b'init 1 root cwd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\r\n',
# b'init 1 root rtd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\r\n',
# b'init 1 root txt REG 0,2 2409528 7182 /init\r\n',
# b'init 1 root mem REG 0,2 2409528 7182 /init\r\n',
# b'init 1 root mem REG 0,16 131072 8407 /dev/__properties__/properties_serial\r\n',
# Display detailed network output, including IP addresses
network_ip_info = blocking_shell.sh_show_ips()
# Terminate a process that is locking a file at a specified path (root only)
blocking_shell.sh_kill_process_that_is_locking_a_file("...some path", su=True)
# Print lines of the '/etc/hosts' file that have at least 26 characters
long_lines_in_hosts_file = (
"/etc/hosts", 26, su=True
# Out[16]:
# [[b'::1 ip6-localhost\r\n', b' coinhive.com\r\n'],
# []]
# Show folders in the PATH environment variable (non-root)
folders_in_path = blocking_shell.sh_show_folders_in_PATH(su=False)
# Out[18]:
# [[b'/sbin\r\n',
# b'/system/sbin\r\n',
# b'/system/bin\r\n',
# b'/system/xbin\r\n',
# b'/odm/bin\r\n',
# b'/vendor/bin\r\n',
# b'/vendor/xbin\r\n'],
# []]
# Dry run of removing files matching the pattern '/sdcard/Download/*' (root only)
# This command shows the files that would be removed without actually deleting them.
dry_run_remove_files = blocking_shell.sh_rm_dry_run("/sdcard/Download/*")
# Out[21]:
# [[b'rm /sdcard/Download/Nearby Share /sdcard/Download/ba.html /sdcard/Download/baba.png /sdcard/Download/babaxx2.mhtml /sdcard/Download/bibi.png /sdcard/Download/bibixx.png /sdcard/Download/datetmp.log /sdcard/Download/tmp5j75s57u.tar\r\n'],
# []]
# List IPv4 network interfaces and their associated IP addresses
ipv4_interfaces = blocking_shell.sh_ipv4_interfaces()
# Out[22]: [[b'lo\r\n', b'eth0\r\n'], []]
# List processes and their CPU usage
processes_cpu_usage = blocking_shell.sh_list_procs_cpu_usage()
# Out[23]:
# b'u0_a60 10218 1790 10 12:53:42 ? 00:19:24 com.roblox.client\r\n',
# b'u0_i2 8596 2178 3 11:30:32 ? 00:07:34 com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0\r\n',
# b'u0_a31 8628 1791 2 11:30:33 ? 00:04:49 com.android.chrome:privileged_process0\r\n',
# b'system 1811 1 1 10:10:57 ? 00:01:59 surfaceflinger\r\n',
# b'system 1958 1790 0 10:10:58 ? 00:00:57 system_server\r\n',
# b'audioserver 1805 1 0 10:10:57 ? 00:00:31 audioserver\r\n',
# List currently running processes
running_processes = blocking_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()
# Out[24]:
# [[b' 0.0 1 init\r\n',
# b' 0.0 2 [kthreadd]\r\n',
# b' 0.0 3 [rcu_gp]\r\n',
# b' 0.0 4 [rcu_par_gp]\r\n',
# b' 0.0 6 [kworker/0:0H-kblockd]\r\n',
# Out[25]:
# [['dummy0', 'ae:9c:a5:bd:92:cf'],
# ['eth0', '08:00:27:0e:38:b3'],
# ['ip6tnl0', '00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00'],
# List files in the '/sdcard/Download' directory, sorted by newest first
# The output includes details like permissions, owner, size, date, and file name.
newest_files = blocking_shell.sh_list_files_newest_first("/sdcard/Download")
# Out[26]:
# [['-rw-rw----',
# '1',
# 'root',
# 'sdcard_rw',
# '10240',
# '2023-10-29',
# '20:48 tmp5j75s57u.tar'],
# ['-rw-rw----',
# '1',
# 'root',
# 'sdcard_rw',
# '294188',
# '2023-10-25',
# '18:06 baba.png'],
# Get the number of CPUs on the device
number_of_cpus = blocking_shell.sh_number_of_cpus()
# Out[28]: 4
# Get the internal IP addresses of the device (loopback and local network)
internal_ip_addresses = blocking_shell.sh_get_internal_ip_addr()
# Out[29]: ['', '']
# Get the external IP address of the device (requires an internet connection)
external_ip_address = blocking_shell.sh_get_external_ip()
# Out[30]: '189.XXXXXXX'
# Get the MAC addresses of all network interfaces on the device
mac_addresses = blocking_shell.sh_get_all_mac_addresses()
# Out[31]: ['ae:9c:a5:bd:92:cf', '08:00:27:0e:38:b3']
# Get the number of active TCP connections on the device
number_of_tcp_connections = blocking_shell.sh_number_of_tcp_connections()
# Dump all files with a '.db' extension on the entire system
db_files_list = blocking_shell.sh_dump_all_db_files(as_pandas=False)
# Dump all databases in the 'data/data' directory (not limited to '.db' files)
databases_in_data_data = blocking_shell.sh_dump_all_databases_in_data_data(
# Count the number of files in the '/sdcard' directory
number_of_files_in_sdcard = blocking_shell.sh_count_files_in_folder("/sdcard")
# Out[33]: 826
# List input devices, including details like device names and supported events
input_devices = blocking_shell.sh_list_input_devices()
# Out[34]:
# [[b'add device 1: /dev/input/event6\r\n',
# b' name: "Android Power Button"\r\n',
# b' events:\r\n',
# b' KEY (0001): KEY_POWER KEY_WAKEUP \r\n',
# b' input props:\r\n',
# b' <none>\r\n', ......
# Get the input devices that are candidates for sending touch events using sendevent
sendevent_input_devices = blocking_shell.sh_get_sendevent_input_devices()
# Out[35]: [['/dev/input/event4', '32767'], ['/dev/input/event5', '65535']]
# Use the previously obtained data to execute a touch event using sendevent
x=600, # X coordinate
y=400, # Y coordinate
inputdev="event4", # Input device (without '/dev/input/')
inputdevmax=32767, # Maximum value from sh_get_sendevent_input_devices()
width=1600, # Screen width
height=900, # Screen height
# On a Windows system, open a new cmd.exe window to record getevent data
# This is necessary to capture events, and the data will be saved to the 'myeventfile' file
# View the contents of the recorded event data file located at '/sdcard/myeventfile'
captured_event_data = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file("/sdcard/myeventfile")
# Record getevent data as binary from the specified device, e.g., '/dev/input/event4', and save it to 'somefilename'
outputpath = blocking_shell.sh_record_getevent_as_binary_data(
device="/dev/input/event4", tmpfilegetevent="somefilename"
# Pause execution until the user presses Enter to continue
input("Press enter when ready")
# Convert the binary getevent data into decimal values
# 'purebindata' can be sent to the device to execute the commands (e.g., using https://github.com/hansalemaos/geteventplayback)
purebindata, alldata = blocking_shell.convert_getevent_binary_data_to_decimal(
fi = blocking_shell.sh_record_getevent(tmpfilegetevent="getevenfile2")
# File will be saved: /sdcard/getevenfile2
# fi
# Out[5]: '/sdcard/getevenfile2'
# Exit the 'su' shell (superuser mode), if it was previously entered
# Capture events from a specified input device, e.g., 'event4', with better timestamp formatting
stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_getevent_capture(
"event3", 1000, disable_print_stdout=False
# The captured data includes event timestamps and coordinates (x, y)
# 1698717226 0 54020 4 0
# 3473411 23642 24106 25920 0 x= 1154
# 316164 0 3 54 19633 y= 539
# 1698717226 0 54020 4 0
# 131072 0 24106 25920 0
# 316164 0 0 0 0
# 1698717226 0 55679 4 0
# 3473411 23679 24106 25920 0 x= 1156
# 317823 0 3 54 19568 y= 537
# 1698717226 0 55679 4 0
# 131072 0 24106 25920 0
# 317823 0 0 0 0
# 1698717226 0 56899 4 0
# 3473411 23679 24106 25920 0 x= 1156
# 319043 0 3 54 19568 y= 537
# 1698717226 0 56899 4 0
# 131072 0 24106 25920 0
# 319043 0 0 0 0
# 1698717226 0 23086 5 0
# On Windows, open a new cmd.exe shell in a separate window
version = blocking_shell.sh_get_android_version()
f"-s {blocking_shell.device_serial} reverse tcp:1300 tcp:1600"
# muuuuch faster than adb pull / adb shell cat
# Requirements: Windows / Cygwin (with nc.exe and tar.exe)
# busybox on the Android device and su
outputfolder="c:\\testbackuo3", # will be created
# Some non shell ADB commands
path=r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\Opera Mini_ Fast Web Browser_72.0.2254.67482_Apkpure.apk",
packname = [
for x in blocking_shell.sh_pm_list_packages_3()[0]
if b"opera" in x
# port forwarding
blocking_shell.adb_forward_port(6000, 6100)
blocking_shell.adb_reverse_port(9000, 9100)
p1 = blocking_shell.adb_show_forwarded_ports()
p2 = blocking_shell.adb_show_reversed_ports()
p1 = blocking_shell.adb_show_forwarded_ports()
p2 = blocking_shell.adb_show_reversed_ports()
# [[b' tcp:6000 tcp:6100', b''], []]
# [[b'host-9 tcp:9000 tcp:9100', b''], []]
# [[b''], []]
# [[b''], []]
s01, s02 = blocking_shell.adb_pull(
s03, s04 = blocking_shell.adb_push(
path_pc=r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\1633637532_Royale High Candy Autofarm .webp",
# 'xml'
# '027001170290b3415144019a4c3db567'
# '/storage/emulated/0/window_dump.xml'
blocking_shell.execute_sh_command("uiautomator dump")
# '/sdcard/09e1ad07ae0c4f3df822e18977c2fd3f.xml'
# : [80, 24]
blocking_shell.sh_create_file_with_content("bibi baba", "/sdcard/çç ççtest.txt")
# Out[7]: [[], []]
blocking_shell.sh_cat_file("/sdcard/çç ççtest.txt")
# Out[8]: b'bibi baba'
# with binary data:
blocking_shell.sh_create_file_with_content(b"bibi baba", "/sdcard/çç ççötest.txt")
# Out[9]: [[], []]
blocking_shell.sh_cat_file("/sdcard/çç ççötest.txt")
# Out[10]: b'bibi baba'
# Out[3]:
# [[b'PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.\r\n',
# b'\r\n',
# b'--- www.google.com ping statistics ---\r\n',
# b'1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms\r\n',
# b'rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.937/16.937/16.937/0.000 ms\r\n'],
# []]
b" bibi\n baba\n ddd", "/sdcard/çç ççötest.txt"
fiu = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file_without_leading_whitespaces(
"/sdcard/çç ççötest.txt"
# This does only work wit blocking_shell, the subshells can't set vars
sh_variable_existsv = blocking_shell.sh_variable_exists("bibi", global_cmd=True)
sh_variable_existsv2 = blocking_shell.sh_variable_exists("bibi", global_cmd=True)
# Another way to call the blocking_shell
blocking_shell.sh_get_file_with_tstamp("testfile", ".tar.gz")
filedata="bbabab babab", path="/sdcard/çç ççötest.txt"
blocking_shell.sh_echo_rev("My name is John")
# Out[3]:
# [[b' 1\n',
# b' 1\n',
# b' 1\n',
# b' 3\n'],
# []]
# [[b'init(1)-+-Binder:1755_2(1755)-+-sdcard(2143)-+-{sdcard}(2148)\n',
# b' | | |-{sdcard}(2149)\n',
# b' | | `-{sdcard}(2150)\n',
# b' | |-{Binder:1755_1}(1757)\n',
# b' | |-{Binder:1755_2}(1758)\n',
# b' | |-{Binder:1755_3}(1759)\n',
# b' | `-{Binder:1755_4}(1790)\n',
# b' |-Binder:1792_2(1792)-+-ip6tables-resto(1848)\n',
blocking_shell.sh_cat_file_without_leading_whitespaces("/sdcard/çç ççötest.txt")
# Out[3]:
# [[b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 0 2023-10-21 20:31 ba.html\n',
# b'total 6444\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 21 2023-10-24 22:48 datetmp.log\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 46 2023-10-25 17:57 bibixx.png\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 5696 2023-10-25 18:06 bibi.png\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 10240 2023-10-29 20:48 tmp5j75s57u.tar\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 28682 2023-11-01 19:34 1633637532_Royale High Candy Autofarm .webp\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 92590 2023-10-31 12:42 asgasdfasdfasdf.png\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 294188 2023-10-25 18:06 baba.png\n',
# b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 6147735 2023-10-25 18:06 babaxx2.mhtml\n']
# The day your device came alive
# Out[3]:
# [[b' 1 html\n',
# b' 1 log\n',
# b' 1 mhtml\n',
# b' 1 tar\n',
# b' 1 webp\n',
# b' 4 png\n'],
blocking_shell.sh_comment_out_line_in_file(2, "/sdcard/your_sqlite_text.txt")
# b'#!/bin/bash\nexec 2>/sdcard/errortmp16989042186992085.txt\nexec 1>/sdcard/outputtmp16989042186992085.txt\ncd /sdcard/Download\nfind . -type f -exec md5sum {} \\;\nexec 1>&-\nexec 2>&-\n\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx>> /sdcard/outputtmp16989042186992085.txt\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx >> /sdcard/errortmp16989042186992085.txt\n'
# Out[3]:
# [[b'bdb92ce5db632c499f8c1d52b6bcff13 ./babaxx2.mhtml\n',
# b'6f44a9d7667d8e166cb5d5cbbb674709 ./bibi.png\n',
# b'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ./ba.html\n',
blocking_shell.sh_cd_and_search_string_in_files("/sdcard/Download", "html")
# This method has to be executed with blocking_subshell - base64 - due to some chars in the script
coords = blocking_subshell.sh_search_for_colors(
colorlist=[(183, 28, 28)], global_cmd=False
size = blocking_shell.sh_calculate_size_of_folders("/sdcard/")
# [(4, b'20231024/'), (8, b'AUTOMAT/'), (1045336, b'Android/'), (344, b'DCIM/'), (6460, b'Download/'), (100, b'Download2/'), (8, b'Download4/'), (96, b'Download9/'), (4, b'REPLACE_BINFOLDER/'), (16, b'a/'),
for d in blocking_shell.sh_list_dev_input():
blocking_shell.sh_disable_input_device(d, su=True)
# self.execute_sh_command('getprop ro.secure ; /boot/android/android/system/xbin/bstk/su',su=True)
# self.execute_sh_command('getprop')
# self.execute_sh_command('setprop gsm.sim.operator.alpha O2')
# Out[8]: [[], []]
# self.execute_sh_command('getprop')
# self.execute_sh_command('getprop')
# everything that can be passed to dumpsys
# ['DockObserver',
# 'RTVboxMM',
# 'SurfaceFlinger',
# 'accessibility',
# 'account',
# 'activity',
# 'alarm',
# 'android.security.keystore',
# 'android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService',
# 'appops',
# 'appwidget',
# 'audio',
# 'autofill',
# 'backup',
# 'battery',
# separated in a list of lists
# checks if the activity accepts the parameter -h
# self.sh_get_all_extra_options_from_dumpsys()
# Out[5]:
# [['activity',
# [[b'Total number of currently running services:0\n',
# b'Activity manager dump options:\n',
# b' [-a] [-c] [-p PACKAGE] [-h] [WHAT] ...\n',
# b' WHAT may be one of:\n',
# b' a[ctivities]: activity stack state\n',
# b' r[recents]: recent activities state\n',
# b' b[roadcasts] [PACKAGE_NAME] [history [-s]]:
# Helps to avoid ERROR: could not get idle state
cmd="uiautomator dump",
# implemented here and fast lxml parsing:
df1 = blocking_shell.uiautomator_nice20(
timeout=60, nice=True, su=True, as_pandas=True
# tag index text ... height ratio NAF
# 2 node 0 ... 900 1.777778 NaN
# 3 node 0 ... 900 1.777778 NaN
# 4 node 0 ... 864 1.851852 NaN
# 5 node 0 ... 864 1.851852 NaN
# 6 node 0 ... 864 1.851852 NaN
# .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
# 667 node 1 ... 72 1.0 NaN
# 668 node 5 ... 84 0.857143 NaN
# 669 node 6 ... 84 0.857143 NaN
# 670 node 0 ... 84 0.857143 NaN
# 671 node 1 ... 36 44.444444 NaN
# [670 rows x 32 columns]
df2 = blocking_shell.get_all_activity_elements(as_pandas=True)
# Out[9]:
# 0 0 0 800 ... 0 1 0
# 1 0 0 800 ... 0 1 1
# 2 0 0 800 ... 0 1 2
# 3 0 0 800 ... 0 1 3
# 4 714 333 799 ... 0 1 4
# ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
# 1297 0 36 0 ... 3 57 3
# 1298 0 0 800 ... 3 58 0
# 1299 0 0 0 ... 3 58 1
# 1300 0 0 800 ... 3 59 0
# 1301 0 0 800 ... 3 60 0
# [1302 rows x 40 columns]
blocking_subshell.sh_grep_proc_top("chrome", su=True)
# Out[6]:
# {'Activity Resolver Table:': {'Full MIME Types:': {'application/com.google.android.gms.car:': {'53d74a6 com.google.android.gms/.car.FirstActivity filter e95d41': {'Action: "android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"': 6,
# 'Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"': 7,
# 'Type: "application/com.google.android.gms.car"': 8}},
# 'application/pkix-cert:': {'3196ee7 com.android.certinstaller/.CertInstallerMain filter acffff8': {'Action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"': 11,
# 'Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"': 12,
# 'Type: "application/x-x509-ca-cert"': 13,
# 'Type: "application/x-x509-user-cert"': 14,
# 'Type: "application/x-x509-server-cert"': 15,
# 'Type: "application/x-pkcs12"': 16,
# 'Type: "application/application/x-pem-file"': 17,
# 'Type: "application/pkix-cert"': 18,
# Out[7]: True
folder="/sdcard/Download/", file_filter="*", tarpath="/sdcard/newestar.tar.gz"
# Out[9]: [[b'./bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (3).mhtml\r\n'], []]
"/sdcard/Download/", "*.mhtml", "+1"
alla = blocking_subshell.get_all_activity_elements(
alla = blocking_subshell.sh_get_all_possible_activities()
blocking_subshell.sh_copy_dir_recursive("/sdcard/Download/", "/sdcard/Download3")
coli = blocking_subshell.sh_number_of_lines_words_chars_in_file(
file="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
n=10, file="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
n=10, file="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
n=10, file="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
n=10, file="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml"
blocking_subshell.sh_create_file_with_content("ls", "/sdcard/tttt.sh")
# Out[4]: [[b'ls is a tracked alias for /system/bin/ls\n'], []]
# Out[3]: [[b'/system/bin/ls\n', b'/system/xbin/ls\n', b'/vendor/bin/ls\n'], []]
"/sdcard/tttt.sh", "/data/ttttex.sh"
) # not possible on sdcard
blocking_subshell.sh_reboot() # shutdown - emulator
blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command("sleep 90 &")
# Out[3]: [[4308, b'[1] + Running \\sleep 90']]
blocking_subshell.sh_disable_network_adapter("eth0") # kicks adb connection
file="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml",
delimiter=" ",
# get sorted file list (by modification date)
flist = blocking_subshell.sh_create_date_sorted_filelist(
"/sdcard/Download", "/sdcard/htmlstuff.txt", "*.mhtml"
self = eval_shell
# True
# True
# True
# False
# True
# False
# False
# False
# False
# High speed webscraping - bet365 Football
htmlresults = eval_shell.sh_scrape_html(
file_path="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online.mhtml",
], # parents blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \s+, for example, is not allowed, and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \d+
subblocks=['ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds">', 'FixtureDetailsTwoWay_TeamName +">'],
) # child blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \s+, for example, is not allowed , and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \d+
htmlresultswfilter = [
for k in [
y.split(">", maxsplit=1)[1].split("<", maxsplit=1)[0]
for y in x
if y.startswith("FixtureDetailsTwoWay_TeamName")
or y.startswith("ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds")
for x in htmlresults
if k
for x in htmlresultswfilter:
# ['FC Astana', 'KF Ballkani', '2.25', '2.75', '3.75']
# ['Al Khaleej Saihat', 'Al Taee', '2.37', '2.62', '3.75']
# ['Al Raed', 'Al Shabab Riyadh', '1.80', '3.20', '4.75']
# ['Al Hidd', 'Sitra', '5.00', '3.75', '1.61']
# ['Al Shabab Manama', 'Al Hala', '2.05', '3.40', '3.40']
# ['Chernomorets Balchik', 'CSKA Sofia', '41.00', '13.00', '1.04']
# ["Stade d'Abidjan", 'CO Korhogo', '2.50', '2.40', '3.60']
# ['NK Nafta 1903', 'ND Ilirija Ljubljana', '1.44', '4.33', '6.50']
# ['Medeama SC', 'Nsoatreman FC', '2.20', '2.30', '5.00']
# ['Venomous Vipers', 'Pac Academy', '2.30', '2.30', '4.50']
# ['Naft Al-Wasat', 'Duhok', '2.15', '2.80', '3.50']
# ['Rimini', 'Perugia', '4.00', '3.25', '1.90']
# ['Al-Sailiya SC', 'Al-Shahaniya SC', '34.00', '19.00', '1.02']
# ['Lusail', 'Al Mesaimeer SC', '17.00', '5.00', '1.18']
# ['France (Musky) Esports', 'Portugal (Buconi) Esports', '1.083', '7.50', '19.00']
# ['Germany (Nicolas_Rage) Esports', 'Argentina (Izzy) Esports', '1.30', '4.00', '10.00']
# ['Man Utd (Adriano) Esports', 'Napoli (Iron) Esports', '1.20', '6.50', '8.50']
# ['RB Leipzig (Rafaelo) Esports', 'A.Madrid (Bruno) Esports', '1.72', '4.33', '3.75']
# ['Club Brugge (Danny) Esports', 'PAOK (Panic) Esports', '1.57', '4.50', '4.00']
# ['Fenerbahce (Magdy) Esports', 'Fiorentina (aibothard) Esports', '3.00', '4.00', '1.90']
# High speed webscraping - bet365 Tennis
htmlresults = eval_shell.sh_scrape_html(
file_path="/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online.mhtml",
# parents blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \s+, for example, is not allowed, and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \d+
) # child blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \s+, for example, is not allowed , and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \d+
htmlresultswfilter = [
for k in [
for y in x
if "ovm-FixtureDetailsWithIndicators_PlayingIndicator" in y
or y.startswith("ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds")
for x in htmlresults
if k
for x in htmlresultswfilter:
for y in x:
if y.startswith("ovm-FixtureDetailsWithIndicators_PlayingIndicator"):
z = y.split("</div>")[1]
except Exception:
elif y.startswith("ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds"):
z = y.split(">")[1].split("<")[0]
except Exception:
# -----------------------------------
# Leylah Fernandez
# Magda Linette
# 1.05
# 11.00
# -----------------------------------
# Viktorija Golubic
# Sofia Kenin
# 1.95
# 1.80
# -----------------------------------
# Fabio Fognini
# Lorenzo Sonego
# 1.12
# 6.00
# -----------------------------------
# Marton Fucsovics
# Pavel Kotov
# 2.00
# 1.80
# -----------------------------------
# Maria Lourdes Carle
# Varvara Lepchenko
# 1.14
# 5.00
# -----------------------------------
# Braden Shick
# Luciano Tacchi
# 8.50
# 1.05
# -----------------------------------
# Holden Koons
# Dhakshineswar Suresh
# 6.00
# 1.11
# -----------------------------------
# Pedro Rodenas
# Martin Borisiouk
# 1.05
# 8.50
# -----------------------------------
# Kennedy Shaffer
# Stefani Webb
# 1.75
# 2.00
# -----------------------------------
# Raquel G Vilar
# Gina Marie Dittmann
# 17.00
# 1.01
# -----------------------------------
# Saville/Tu
# Seggerman/Trhac
# 2.10
# 1.66
# -----------------------------------
# Alves/Riberio
# Carou/Ugo Carabelli
# 3.00
# 1.36
# -----------------------------------
# Karlovskiy/Serdarusic
# Sandgren/Willis
# 2.20
# 1.61
# -----------------------------------
# Muhammad/Santamaria
# Beck/Markham
# 2.10
# 1.66
# -----------------------------------
# Abduraimova/Monnet
# Chang/Kozyreva
# 2.50
# 1.50
# -----------------------------------
# Cigarran/Hess
# Rodriguez/Tenti
# 26.00
# 1.001
# -----------------------------------
# Urszula Radwanska
# Kira Pavlova
# 1.66
# 2.10
# -----------------------------------
# Katherine Sebov
# Dalayna Hewitt
# 1.66
# 2.10
# -----------------------------------
# Alexia Jacobs
# Liv Hovde
# 7.00
# 1.083
# ls -R / > /sdcard/lstest.txt -> execute that in another shell
file="/sdcard/lstest.txt", interval=0.1
# [[b'** PATH contains invalid directory /system/sbin\n',
# b'** PATH contains invalid directory /odm/bin\n',
# b'** PATH contains invalid directory /vendor/xbin\n',
# b'ERRORS:3\n'],
eval_shell.sh_freeze_proc("PID HERE")
eval_shell.sh_unfreeze_proc("PID HERE")
# to avoid UiAutomator crashes
blocked = [
for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]
if b"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process" in x
df = eval_shell.uiautomator_nice20(as_pandas=False)
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(df).T
unblocked = [
for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]
if b"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process" in x
allg = []
df2 = df.explode("all_parents")
for name, group in df2.groupby("all_parents"):
if not group.loc[group["class"] == "android.widget.TextView"].empty:
if list(map(int, group["index"].to_list())) in [[0, 1, 2], [0]]:
if len(group) == 3:
allg.append([True, group])
allg.append([False, group])
from loophopper import FFIter
l = FFIter(allg, ignore_exceptions=True, exception_replacement=None)
for no in l:
if no[0] is True:
dfax = pd.concat([l.back(2)[1], l.back(1)[1], no[1]], ignore_index=True)
# to avoid UiAutomator crashes
blocked = [
for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]
if b"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process" in x
df = eval_shell.uiautomator_nice20(as_pandas=False)
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(df).T
unblocked = [
for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]
if b"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process" in x
allg = []
df2 = df.explode("all_parents")
for name, group in df2.groupby("all_parents"):
# print(group)
if list(map(int, group["index"].to_list()[:4])) in [[0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0]]:
if len(group) == 2:
if not group.loc[group.text.astype('string').str.contains(r'^\d+\.\d+$')].empty:
if len(group) > 4:
g3 = group.loc[(group['index'] == '1') & (~group['text'].str.contains(r'^\d+$'))]
if len(g3) == 2:
except Exception:
finalresus = [pd.concat(allg[x:x + 2], ignore_index=True) for x in range(0, len(allg), 2)]
# Bounding boxes for elements on screen
# Manage your settings
# manager0
# Out[5]:
# {'secure': {'accessibility_captioning_enabled': {'value': '1',
# 'get_value': (),
# 'put_value': ()},
# 'accessibility_display_inversion_enabled': {'value': 'null',
# 'get_value': (),
# 'put_value': ()},
# 'accessibility_display_magnification_enabled': {'value': '0',
# 'get_value': (),
# 'put_value': ()},
# manager0.secure.accessibility_display_magnification_scale.put_value(4.0)
# Out[6]: ''
# manager0.secure.accessibility_display_magnification_scale.get_value()
# Out[7]: '4.0'
manager0 = eval_shell.sh_get_settings_manager()
# same thing for getprop
manager1 = eval_shell.sh_get_getprop_setprop_manager()
# give all permissions
# revoke all permissions
# android id
# swipe and get swipe data
so,se=blocking_shell.sh_input_swipe_and_get_data(x0=400, y0=600, x1=452, y1=200, t=1.0)
# [['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', -1, -1, -1, -1], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 24, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 18, 24, 0, 45], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 18, 25, 0, 47], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 18, 25, 0, 47], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 19, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 19, 25, 0, 18]]
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/hansalemaos/usefuladb",
"name": "usefuladb",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "adb,android",
"author": "Johannes Fischer",
"author_email": "aulasparticularesdealemaosp@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/50/69/576d31e24bd5dfa20256b1fde7d7584c6314d0ec7d360a6eff3fe8fdb686/usefuladb-0.25.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\r\n# A collection of useful adb commands\r\n\r\n## pip install usefuladb\r\n\r\n```python\r\n# Tested against Android 9 / Bluestacks / Python 11 / Windows 10\r\n# Please be aware that Android commands and\r\n# their behavior can vary across different Android\r\n# versions, custom ROMs, and devices. Consequently,\r\n# some commands or methods may not function as\r\n# expected on specific devices or Android versions.\r\n# Moreover, certain advanced operations may\r\n# necessitate root access, which is not universally\r\n# available.\r\n#\r\n# It is advisable to thoroughly test and customize\r\n# your commands and methods according to the\r\n# unique specifications of your device and the\r\n# Android version it runs. Keep in mind that\r\n# Android is a dynamic platform, and commands and\r\n# behaviors may change over time.\r\n# Additionally, when executing commands,\r\n# particularly those requiring elevated privileges,\r\n# it's essential to consider the security\r\n# and permission model of the Android device\r\nfrom time import sleep\r\n\r\nfrom usefuladb import AdbControl\r\n\r\n# To connect to all devices at once, you can use this static method (Windows only):\r\nAdbControl.connect_to_all_tcp_devices_windows(\r\n adb_path=r\"C:\\Android\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe\",\r\n)\r\n# Blocking Shell\r\n# - Waits until stderr/stdout have finished processing.\r\n# - if you run \"cd /sdcard/\" and then another command \"ls\", for example, you will see the contents of /sdcard/.\r\n# - If you switch to su, you will remain in the superuser mode.\r\n# - Commands are not base64 encoded\r\naddr = \"\"\r\n\r\nblocking_shell = AdbControl(\r\n adb_path=r\"C:\\Android\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe\",\r\n device_serial=addr,\r\n use_busybox=False, # uses busybox to decode base64\r\n connect_to_device=True,\r\n invisible=True, # windows only - doesn't open a shell window, when you compile the code with nuitka, for example\r\n print_stdout=True,\r\n print_stderr=True,\r\n limit_stdout=3, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout\r\n limit_stderr=3, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr\r\n limit_stdin=None, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin\r\n convert_to_83=True, # converts the adb path to 8.3 on Windows\r\n wait_to_complete=0, # doesn't matter if global_cmd is True\r\n flush_stdout_before=True, # flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout\r\n flush_stdin_before=True, # flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr\r\n flush_stderr_before=True, # flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin\r\n exitcommand=\"xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx\",\r\n # Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished.\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=True, # doesn't matter if global_cmd is True\r\n global_cmd=True, # global, because variables/su status/dirs stay\r\n global_cmd_timeout=10, # if a command doesn't return stderr/stdout in a given time\r\n)\r\n\r\n# Blocking Subshell\r\n# - Waits until stderr/stdout have finished processing.\r\n# - Commands are base64 encoded.\r\n# - All commands are executed within a subshell using a pipeline like base64command | base64 -d | sh.\r\n# - For example, if you run \"cd /sdcard/\" and then another command like \"ls,\" you will see the contents of the root directory '/' instead of '/sdcard'.\r\n# - Note that 'su' is only valid for a single command.\r\nblocking_subshell = AdbControl(\r\n adb_path=r\"C:\\Android\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe\",\r\n device_serial=addr,\r\n use_busybox=False, # Use busybox to decode base64 (if needed)\r\n connect_to_device=True,\r\n invisible=True,\r\n # Windows only - This option prevents the shell window from opening, e.g., when compiling the code with Nuitka.\r\n print_stdout=True,\r\n print_stderr=True,\r\n limit_stdout=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout)\r\n limit_stderr=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr)\r\n limit_stdin=None, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin)\r\n convert_to_83=True, # Converts the adb path to 8.3 format on Windows\r\n wait_to_complete=0.1, # Time to wait for command completion - only valid with capture_stdout_stderr_first=False\r\n flush_stdout_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout before executing a command\r\n flush_stdin_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr before executing a command\r\n flush_stderr_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin before executing a command\r\n exitcommand=\"xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx\",\r\n # Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=True, # Blocks the process until the execution of a command is finished\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n global_cmd_timeout=5,\r\n)\r\n# Non-blocking Subshell\r\n# - Does not wait until stderr/stdout have finished processing.\r\n# - Commands are base64 encoded.\r\n# - All commands are executed within a subshell using a pipeline like base64command | base64 -d | sh.\r\n# - For example, if you run \"cd /sdcard/\" and then another command like \"ls,\" you will see the contents of the root directory '/' instead of '/sdcard'.\r\n# - Note that 'su' is only valid for a single command.\r\n\r\nnonblocking_subshell = AdbControl(\r\n adb_path=r\"C:\\Android\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe\",\r\n device_serial=addr,\r\n use_busybox=False, # Use busybox to decode base64 (if needed)\r\n connect_to_device=True,\r\n invisible=True,\r\n # Windows only - This option prevents the shell window from opening, e.g., when compiling the code with Nuitka.\r\n print_stdout=True,\r\n print_stderr=True,\r\n limit_stdout=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout)\r\n limit_stderr=3, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr)\r\n limit_stdin=None, # Limit the history of shell commands (can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin)\r\n convert_to_83=True, # Converts the adb path to 8.3 format on Windows\r\n wait_to_complete=0, # Time to wait for command completion - only valid with capture_stdout_stderr_first=False\r\n flush_stdout_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout before executing a command\r\n flush_stdin_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr before executing a command\r\n flush_stderr_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin before executing a command\r\n exitcommand=\"xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx\",\r\n # Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False, # Blocks the process until the execution of a command is finished\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n global_cmd_timeout=5,\r\n)\r\n\r\n# Added 9.11.2023 - Eval Shell\r\n# - Waits until stderr/stdout have finished processing unless there is a timeout\r\n# - Commands are written to a txt file and executed from there.\r\n# - All commands are executed within a subshell using eval\r\n# - stdout/stderr are transfered via netcat\r\n# - Way faster than the other methods since it uses netcat\r\neval_shell = AdbControl(\r\n adb_path=r\"C:\\Android\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe\",\r\n device_serial=addr,\r\n use_busybox=False,\r\n connect_to_device=True,\r\n invisible=True,\r\n print_stdout=True,\r\n print_stderr=True,\r\n limit_stdout=3,\r\n limit_stderr=3, # limits the history of shellcommands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr\r\n limit_stdin=None,\r\n convert_to_83=True,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n flush_stdout_before=True,\r\n flush_stdin_before=True,\r\n flush_stderr_before=True,\r\n exitcommand=\"xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=True,\r\n global_cmd=True,\r\n global_cmd_timeout=10,\r\n use_eval=True, # executes commands using eval\r\n eval_timeout=10, # timeout for eval (netcat transfer)\r\n)\r\nexecutecmds = False\r\nif executecmds:\r\n # The AdbControl module stays connected to an adb instance throughout its usage.\r\n # It continuously reads from stdout, stderr, and writes to stdin.\r\n # A typical way to execute adb commands is as follows:\r\n # adb.exe -s DEVICE shell ls /sdcard/\r\n # The problem with this approach is that it generates significant overhead for each command.\r\n\r\n # This module executes 'adb.exe -s DEVICE shell' right at the beginning when you create the instance\r\n # and keeps the shell open. This approach minimizes overhead, as the executable is run only once\r\n # and remains in a standby mode.\r\n\r\n # The core functionality of this module is provided by the AdbControl.execute_sh_command method.\r\n # Most commands are executed using this method.\r\n\r\n # You can use blocking_shell.execute_sh_command to run any command, and it returns a list of lists.\r\n # The first element is the stdout, and the second is stderr.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\"ls /sdcard/\")\r\n # stderr\r\n # Out[5]: []\r\n # stdout\r\n # ....\r\n # b'1753_mem_12c00000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_74d74000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_74ecd000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_77d75000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_ce771000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # ...\r\n # If you encounter any problems with deadlocks, you can use the non-blocking version mentioned above:\r\n stdout, stderr = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"ls /sdcard/\")\r\n\r\n # You don't have to create a new instance; you can temporarily switch to the non-blocking version:\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"ls /sdcard/\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Or switch to the subshell blocking version temporarily:\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"ls /sdcard/\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=True,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n wait_to_complete=0.1,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # These are the available keyword arguments that can be used to temporarily adjust the configuration:\r\n # - disable_print_stdout\r\n # - disable_print_stderr\r\n # - wait_to_complete\r\n # - flush_stdout_before\r\n # - flush_stdin_before\r\n # - flush_stderr_before\r\n # - exitcommand\r\n # - su\r\n # - commandtimeout\r\n # - escape_filepath\r\n # - escape_filepath\r\n # - capture_stdout_stderr_first\r\n # - global_cmd\r\n\r\n # stderr\r\n # Out[5]: []\r\n # stdout\r\n # ....\r\n # b'1753_mem_12c00000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_74d74000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_74ecd000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_77d75000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1753_mem_ce771000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # ...\r\n\r\n # All commands using the blocking and non-blocking subshell are converted to\r\n # base64 and sent to the device for decoding and execution.\r\n\r\n # For example, when you execute this command:\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"ls /data/data\")\r\n\r\n # It is executed as:\r\n # b'echo 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 | base64 -d | sh\\n'\r\n\r\n # You can decode it as:\r\n # base64.b64decode(b'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')\r\n\r\n # As you can see, stdout and stderr are temporarily redirected and printed at the end to ensure that the entire output is captured.\r\n # This is essential to avoid closing adb.exe to minimize overhead.\r\n\r\n # If you encounter problems or deadlocks while executing commands this way, you can execute them as non-blocking commands.\r\n # To do this, set the kwargs `capture_stdout_stderr_first=False` and `wait_to_complete=0`.\r\n # and global_cmd to false\r\n stdout, stderr = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"ls /data/data\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # This is the command that was executed non-blocking:\r\n # base64.b64decode(b'bHMgL2RhdGEvZGF0YQplY2hvIHh4eENPTU1BTkR4eHhET05FeHh4Cg==')\r\n\r\n # You can convert any command to base64 using the `AdbControl.format_adb_command` method:\r\n blocking_shell.format_adb_command(\r\n cmd=\"ls /sdcard/\", su=False, exitcommand=\"DONE\", errors=\"strict\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # You can also convert any command to base64 and execute a command for screen capture using\r\n # `blocking_shell.format_adb_command_screen_capture`:\r\n blocking_shell.format_adb_command_screen_capture(\r\n cmd=\"ls /sdcard/\", su=False, exitcommand=\"DONE\", errors=\"strict\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[4]: b'echo bHMgL3NkY2FyZC8KZWNobyBET05FCg== | base64 -d | sh\\n'\r\n\r\n # blocking shell commands are executed like this:\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(r\"ls\")\r\n\r\n # b'#!/bin/bash\\nexec 2>/sdcard/errortmp16989591673106961.txt\\nexec 1>/sdcard/outputtmp16989591673106961.txt\\nls\\nexec 1>&-\\nexec 2>&-\\n\\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx>> /sdcard/outputtmp16989591673106961.txt\\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx >> /sdcard/errortmp16989591673106961.txt\\n'\r\n # for each new instance, there are new tempfiles, to delete all of them, you can use:\r\n blocking_shell.remove_stderr_stdout_tmpfiles_on_sdcard()\r\n\r\n # Using the non blocking modus is useful if you want to execute commands at the same time:\r\n\r\n # Creating a new AdbControl instance\r\n instance2 = AdbControl(\r\n adb_path=r\"C:\\Android\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe\",\r\n device_serial=\"\",\r\n use_busybox=False, # Use busybox to decode base64 if needed\r\n connect_to_device=True,\r\n invisible=True,\r\n # Windows only - Prevents the opening of a shell window when compiling the code with Nuitka, for example\r\n print_stdout=True,\r\n print_stderr=True,\r\n limit_stdout=3, # Limits the history of shell commands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdout\r\n limit_stderr=3, # Limits the history of shell commands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stderr\r\n limit_stdin=None, # Limits the history of shell commands - can be checked at blocking_shell.stdin\r\n convert_to_83=True, # Converts the adb path to 8.3 format on Windows\r\n wait_to_complete=0, # Time to wait for command completion - 0 means non blocking\r\n flush_stdout_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdout\r\n flush_stdin_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stderr\r\n flush_stderr_before=True, # Flushes the history in blocking_shell.stdin\r\n exitcommand=\"xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx\",\r\n # Written using echo at the end of every command to determine when the output is finished\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False, # Doesn't block the process until the execution of a command is finished\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n global_cmd_timeout=5,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Execute two commands simultaneously in a non-blocking way\r\n # Keep in mind that the stdout/stderr list might grow even after returning\r\n stdout1, stderr1 = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"ls -R /\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n su=True,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n print(len(stdout1))\r\n\r\n stdout2, stderr2 = instance2.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"ls -R /sdcard/\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n print(len(stdout2))\r\n\r\n sleep(0.1)\r\n print(len(stdout1), len(stdout2))\r\n\r\n # This creates some crazy swipe effect:\r\n\r\n stdout1, stderr1 = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"input swipe 100 300 200 800 2000\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n su=True,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n print(len(stdout1))\r\n\r\n stdout2, stderr2 = instance2.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"input swipe 400 300 600 800 2000\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n print(len(stdout2))\r\n stdout1, stderr1 = nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"input swipe 100 300 200 800 2000\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n su=True,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n print(len(stdout1))\r\n\r\n stdout2, stderr2 = instance2.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"input swipe 400 300 600 800 2000\",\r\n capture_stdout_stderr_first=False,\r\n wait_to_complete=0,\r\n global_cmd=False,\r\n )\r\n print(len(stdout2))\r\n\r\n # Commands can include special characters, but spaces, quotes, etc., must be escaped:\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(r\"cat /sdcard/bxx\\ ab\\ bc\u00e7c/xxx222\\ d.txt\")\r\n nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(r\"cat /sdcard/bxx\\ ab\\ bc\u00e7c/xxx222\\ d.txt\")\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(r\"cat /sdcard/bxx\\ ab\\ bc\u00e7c/xxx222\\ d.txt\")\r\n\r\n # You can escape characters like this. This method is used in several functions but not all,\r\n # as it might escape characters that shouldn't be escaped:\r\n from usefuladb import strip_quotes_and_escape\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n rf\"cat {strip_quotes_and_escape('/sdcard/bxx ab bc\u00e7c/xxx222 d.txt')}\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # You can execute the command as bytes, but avoid using this unless necessary:\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(b\"ls /sdcard/\")\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n b\"cat /sdcard/bxx\\\\ ab\\\\ bc\\xc3\\xa7c/xxx222\\\\ d.txt\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Many adb commands are available as ready-to-use functions, so you don't have to worry about escaping and other details.\r\n # For example, to cat a file, you can use:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\r\n \"/sdcard/bxx ab bc\u00e7c/xxx222 d.txt\"\r\n ) # Escaping is done automatically, and quotes are stripped - either you escape or put it in quotes but not both :).\r\n\r\n # The significant advantage of using base64 encoding is the ability to execute bash scripts:\r\n nonblocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"\"\"#!/bin/bash\r\n i=0\r\n while true; do\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n ls /sdcard/\r\n sleep 1.0\r\n if [ \"$i\" -gt 5 ]; then\r\n break\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n \"\"\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # You can also execute scripts as bytes:\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\r\n b\"\"\"#!/bin/bash\r\n i=0\r\n while true; do\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n ls /sdcard\r\n sleep 0.1\r\n if [ \"$i\" -gt 5 ]; then\r\n break\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n \"\"\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Note that there is a potential risk when executing bash scripts with blocking_shell since the commands are not encoded to\r\n # base64. However, this risk should be manageable if you use caution and only execute trusted scripts.\r\n\r\n # A disadvantage of base64 is that the \"cd\" command, for example,\r\n # is only valid within one command since all commands are executed in a subshell:\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_change_to_dir(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n # Out[12]: [[], []]\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"ls\")\r\n # This command prints the content of \"/\", not \"/sdcard/\"\r\n # To achieve the desired behavior, you have to use:\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"cd /sdcard/ && ls\")\r\n\r\n # To execute a command with superuser (su) privileges:\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"ls /data/data\") # not working\r\n # Out[3]: [[], [b'ls: /data/data: Permission denied\\r\\n']]\r\n\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"ls /data/data\", su=True) # working now\r\n # Out[4]:\r\n # [[b'android\\r\\n',\r\n # b'android.ext.services\\r\\n',\r\n # b'com.android.adbkeyboard\\r\\n',\r\n # b'com.android.bookmarkprovider\\r\\n',\r\n # b'com.android.camera2\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # You can execute a shell script with superuser privileges in the same way:\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n b\"\"\"\r\n #!/bin/bash\r\n i=0\r\n while true; do\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n ls /data/data\r\n sleep 0.1\r\n if [ \"$i\" -gt 5 ]; then\r\n break\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n \"\"\",\r\n su=True,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Piping is also possible:\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n r'dumpsys -t 1000000 | grep -E \"com\\.google\\.android.{0,10}\"'\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Here are some additional methods I've added to save time when working with ADB.\r\n # These methods can be used to perform various operations.\r\n\r\n # Create a new file using the sh_touch method:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_touch(\r\n \"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars.txt\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[6]: [[], []]\r\n nonblocking_subshell.sh_touch(\r\n \"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars2.txt\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[7]: [[], []]\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_touch(\r\n \"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars3.txt\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[8]: [[], []]\r\n\r\n # Append a line to an existing file using the sh_append_line_to_file method:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_append_line_to_file(\r\n \"did it work?\", \"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars.txt\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[7]: [[b'did it work?\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Read the content of a file using the sh_cat_file method:\r\n file_content = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\r\n \"/sdcard/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars.txt\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[8]: b'did it work?\\n'\r\n\r\n # To perform these operations with superuser (su) privileges, you can add the su=True parameter:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_touch(\r\n \"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars.txt\", su=True\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_append_line_to_file(\r\n \"did it work?\",\r\n \"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars.txt\",\r\n su=True,\r\n )\r\n\r\n catstuff = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\r\n \"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars.txt\", su=True\r\n )\r\n # Out[10]: b'did it work?\\n'\r\n # As you might have noticed, blocking_shell.sh_cat_file returns binary data, and \\r\\n is already replaced with \\n.\r\n # Due to the post-processing involved, it's not recommended to use nonblocking_subshell in this case, as the data\r\n # might not be complete.\r\n catstuff = nonblocking_subshell.sh_cat_file(\r\n \"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/i have sp\u00eb\u00e7i\u00e4l chars1.txt\", su=True\r\n )\r\n\r\n # List the contents of a folder with superuser privileges:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder(\"/data/data/i dont exist yet/me neither/\", su=True)\r\n # Out[11]: [[b'i have sp\\xc3\\xab\\xc3\\xa7i\\xc3\\xa4l chars.txt\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Additional methods to open various Android settings:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_date_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_application_development_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_location_source_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_memory_card_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_locale_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_search_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_account_sync_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_display_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_input_method_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_sound_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_wifi_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_application_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_account_sync_settings_add_account()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_manage_applications_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_sync_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_dock_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_add_account_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_security_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_device_info_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_wireless_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_system_update_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_manage_all_applications_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_data_roaming_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_apn_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_user_dictionary_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_voice_input_output_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_tts_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_wifi_ip_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_web_search_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_bluetooth_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_airplane_mode_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_internal_storage_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_accessibility_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_quick_launch_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_privacy_settings()\r\n\r\n # Display orientation using ScreenOrientation: https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/browser/trusted/ScreenOrientation\r\n display_orientation = blocking_shell.sh_get_display_orientation()\r\n # Out[14]: 0\r\n\r\n # Additional keypress events methods have been added for convenience:\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.k_app_switch(longpress=True)\r\n blocking_shell.k_app_switch(longpress=True)\r\n blocking_shell.k_app_switch(longpress=False)\r\n blocking_shell.k_app_switch(longpress=False)\r\n blocking_shell.k_app_switch()\r\n blocking_shell.k_brightness_down()\r\n blocking_shell.k_brightness_up()\r\n blocking_shell.k_contacts()\r\n blocking_shell.k_copy()\r\n blocking_shell.k_cut()\r\n blocking_shell.k_home()\r\n blocking_shell.k_page_down()\r\n blocking_shell.k_page_up()\r\n blocking_shell.k_paste()\r\n blocking_shell.k_power()\r\n blocking_shell.k_search()\r\n blocking_shell.k_sleep()\r\n blocking_shell.k_tab()\r\n blocking_shell.k_volume_down()\r\n blocking_shell.k_volume_up()\r\n blocking_shell.k_volume_mute()\r\n blocking_shell.k_wakeup()\r\n\r\n # You can execute any other keypress like this:\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents.KEYCODE_P.longpress.keyboard()\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents.KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN.press.keyboard()\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents.KEYCODE_P.longpress.touchpad()\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents.KEYCODE_P.longpress.gamepad()\r\n blocking_subshell.keyevents.KEYCODE_P.longpress.touchpad()\r\n nonblocking_subshell.keyevents.KEYCODE_P.longpress.touchpad()\r\n\r\n # Push files with spaces and special characters into [non-]existing folders.\r\n # This method sends the data using stdin and base64 encoding, rather than using adb.exe push.\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.push(\r\n r\"C:\\Users\\hansc\\Downloads\\RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\",\r\n \"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6\",\r\n )\r\n # Note: The non-blocking subshell is not recommended for this operation.\r\n # You can use the blocking_subshell for file pushes.\r\n nonblocking_subshell.push(\r\n r\"C:\\Users\\hansc\\Downloads\\RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\",\r\n \"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f61\",\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.push(\r\n r\"C:\\Users\\hansc\\Downloads\\RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\",\r\n \"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f62\",\r\n )\r\n # Check if the file was successfully created in the specified folder:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder(\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6\")\r\n # Out[23]: [[b'RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Check if the file exists using sh_file_exists method:\r\n file_exists = blocking_shell.sh_file_exists(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[24]: True\r\n\r\n # Note: Using the non-blocking version is not recommended for checking file existence.\r\n # It may result in a early response, leading to potential errors.\r\n # Instead, use the blocking_subshell for file existence checks.\r\n file_exists = blocking_subshell.sh_file_exists(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n # ....\r\n # return bool(int(stdout[0].strip().decode(\"utf-8\")))\r\n # ~~~~~~^^^\r\n # IndexError: list index out of range\r\n # 1\r\n\r\n # The file can also be pulled, but it is essentially the same as what cat is doing:\r\n # Don't use the non blocking variation here!\r\n filedata = blocking_shell.pull(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n with open(\"c:\\\\robloxinstall.exe\", mode=\"wb\") as f:\r\n f.write(filedata)\r\n\r\n # Remove the file using sh_remove_file method:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remove_file(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_remove_file(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f61/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n # This is a great usecase for the non blocking version if don't care much about the stdout/stderr.\r\n nonblocking_subshell.sh_remove_file(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f62/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Check if the file was successfully removed:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_file_exists(\r\n r\"/sdcard/not existing path/\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00f6/RobloxPlayerInstaller (6).exe\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[12]: False\r\n\r\n # Rescan a single file to show up in the gallery:\r\n blocking_shell.push(\r\n r\"C:\\asgasdfasdfasdf.png\",\r\n \"/sdcard/Download\",\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_rescan_one_media(\"/sdcard/Download/asgasdfasdfasdf.png\")\r\n\r\n # You can also push and pull entire folders:\r\n blocking_shell.pull_folder(\"/sdcard/Download\", \"c:\\\\babababaxx\")\r\n # or \r\n blocking_shell.sh_pull_folder_with_cat(\"/sdcard/Download\", \"c:\\\\babababaxx\")\r\n \r\n\r\n # Push a folder from the local machine to the device:\r\n blocking_shell.push_folder(r\"C:\\qqqqqqqqqqqq\", \"/sdcard/\")\r\n\r\n # You might encounter some errors, but you can ignore them, as 'tar' tries to execute 'chown,' which is not permitted.\r\n # Out[20]:\r\n # ([b'./\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./asgasdfasdfasdf.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./ba.html\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./baba.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./babaxx2.mhtml\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./bibi.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./bibixx.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./datetmp.log\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./tmp5j75s57u.tar\\r\\n'],\r\n # [b\"tar: chown 0:0 '.': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './asgasdfasdfasdf.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './ba.html': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './baba.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './babaxx2.mhtml': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './bibi.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './bibixx.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './datetmp.log': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:0 './tmp5j75s57u.tar': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b'rm: tmpqp5_mrdt.tar: No such file or directory\\r\\n'])\r\n\r\n # List users on the device:\r\n users = blocking_shell.sh_list_users()\r\n # ['UserInfo{0:Owner:13} running']\r\n\r\n # NOTIFICATIONS:\r\n\r\n # Enable and disable heads-up notifications:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_enable_heads_up_notifications()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_disable_heads_up_notifications()\r\n\r\n # Open the camera to take a photo:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_still_image_camera()\r\n # Out[13]: [[b'Starting: Intent { act=android.media.action.STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA }\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Make a call:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_make_call(\"+5511989782756\")\r\n\r\n # Dumpsys:\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_settings()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_allowed_associations()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_intents()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_broadcasts()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_broadcast_stats()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_providers()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_permissions()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_services()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_recents()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_lastanr()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_starter()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_activities()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_exit_info()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_processes()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_activity_lru()\r\n\r\n # Dump package information for a specific package (e.g., com.roblox.client):\r\n blocking_shell.sh_pm_dump(\"com.roblox.client\")\r\n\r\n # Screen-related operations:\r\n\r\n # Get the screen width and height:\r\n w, h = blocking_shell.sh_get_wm_size()\r\n # this one is better:\r\n width, height = blocking_shell.sh_get_resolution()\r\n\r\n # Change the screen resolution to 960x540:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_change_wm_size(960, 540)\r\n\r\n # Reset the screen resolution to its default:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_wm_reset_size()\r\n\r\n # Get the current screen density:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_wm_density()\r\n\r\n # Change the screen density to 160:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_change_wm_density(160)\r\n\r\n # Reset the screen density to its default:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_wm_reset_density()\r\n\r\n # List device features and present working directory (pwd):\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_features()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_pwd()\r\n\r\n # Create a directory with nested subdirectories on the device:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_mkdir(\"/sdcard/bobo/baba/bibix/not existing/me neither\")\r\n # Out[7]: [[], []]\r\n\r\n # List the contents of a specific folder on the device:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder(\"/sdcard/bobo/baba/bibix\")\r\n # Out[6]: [[b'not existing\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Create a directory and change into it (not necessary if the next command is not going to be launched in the folder):\r\n blocking_shell.sh_mkdir_and_cd(\"/sdcard/bibi\")\r\n\r\n # Check if a folder exists on the device:\r\n folder_exists = blocking_shell.sh_is_folder(\"/sdcard/bobo/baba/bibix/\")\r\n # Out[4]: True\r\n\r\n # Exit from the superuser (su) shell (only valid for blocking_shell):\r\n blocking_shell.exit_from_su_shell()\r\n\r\n # List available services on the device:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_services()\r\n # [[b'Found services:\\r\\n',\r\n # b'0\\tsip: [android.net.sip.ISipService]\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1\\tcarrier_config: [com.android.internal.telephony.ICarrierConfigLoader]\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # Open a URL in a web browser:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_open_url(\"https://www.google.com\")\r\n # Out[7]: [[b'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=https://www.google.com/... }\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Get the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server information:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_ntp_server()\r\n # Out[8]: [[b'null\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # List installed packages on the device:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_pm_list_packages_f_i_u()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_pm_list_packages_3()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_pm_list_packages_s()\r\n\r\n # Show mounted devices on the device:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_mount()\r\n\r\n # The 'su' (superuser) mode is automatically set to true here because it is necessary to obtain this data.\r\n # This applies to some other methods as well.\r\n\r\n # Get IMEI, IMSI, and SIM information (valid until Android 9):\r\n imei, imsi, sim = blocking_shell.get_imei_imsi_sim()\r\n # For devices with more than one SIM card, get IMEIs:\r\n a, b = blocking_shell.get_imeis_multidevices()\r\n # Get IMEI information for Android 14 (but also works on Android 9):\r\n imei = blocking_shell.get_imei_android_14()\r\n\r\n # Verify that the file copy operations were successful:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder(\"/sdcard/Download2\")\r\n # Out[21]:\r\n # [[b'Nearby Share\\r\\n',\r\n # b'asgasdfasdfasdf.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'ba.html\\r\\n',\r\n # b'baba.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'babaxx2.mhtml\\r\\n',\r\n # b'bibi.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'bibixx.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'datetmp.log\\r\\n',\r\n # b'tmp5j75s57u.tar\\r\\n',\r\n # b'tmpqp5_mrdt.tar\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Change the display orientation to the specified value (in this case, new_orientation=1).\r\n blocking_shell.sh_change_display_orientation(new_orientation=1)\r\n\r\n # Perform random actions on the specified app:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_do_random_actions(\r\n p=(\"com.spotify.music\",), # Package name for the target app\r\n c=(), # Use this to specify component\r\n v=10, # Number of random actions to perform\r\n # Set other options as needed to control the behavior of random actions.\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_do_random_actions(\r\n p=(\"com.spotify.music\",),\r\n c=(),\r\n v=10,\r\n ignore_crashes=False,\r\n ignore_timeouts=False,\r\n ignore_security_exceptions=False,\r\n monitor_native_crashes=False,\r\n ignore_native_crashes=False,\r\n kill_process_after_error=False,\r\n hprof=False,\r\n match_description=\"\",\r\n pct_touch=-1,\r\n pct_motion=-1,\r\n pct_trackball=-1,\r\n pct_syskeys=-1,\r\n pct_nav=-1,\r\n pct_majornav=-1,\r\n pct_appswitch=-1,\r\n pct_flip=-1,\r\n pct_anyevent=-1,\r\n pct_pinchzoom=-1,\r\n pct_permission=-1,\r\n pkg_blacklist_file=\"\",\r\n pkg_whitelist_file=\"\",\r\n wait_dbg=False,\r\n dbg_no_events=False,\r\n setup=\"\",\r\n port=-1,\r\n s=-1,\r\n throttle_start=-1,\r\n throttle_end=-1,\r\n randomize_throttle=False,\r\n profile_wait=-1,\r\n device_sleep_time=-1,\r\n randomize_script=False,\r\n script_log=False,\r\n bugreport=False,\r\n periodic_bugreport=False,\r\n permission_target_system=False,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Start the \"com.android.chrome\" package (launch the Chrome app).\r\n blocking_shell.sh_start_package(\"com.android.chrome\")\r\n\r\n # Expand the notifications panel and settings panel.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_expand_notifications()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_expand_settings()\r\n\r\n # Resolve activity details for the \"com.android.chrome\" package.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_resolve_activity(\"com.android.chrome\")\r\n # Out[16]:\r\n # [b'priority=0 preferredOrder=0 match=0x108000 specificIndex=-1 isDefault=true\\r\\n',\r\n # b'ActivityInfo:\\r\\n',\r\n # b' name=com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main\\r\\n',\r\n # b' packageName=com.android.chrome\\r\\n',\r\n # b' splitName=chrome\\r\\n',\r\n # b' enabled=true exported=true directBootAw\r\n\r\n # The result is a list of information about the specified activity.\r\n\r\n # Resolve a brief summary of activity details for the \"com.android.chrome\" package.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_resolve_activity_brief(\"com.android.chrome\")\r\n\r\n # List permission groups on the device.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_permission_groups()\r\n # Out[14]:\r\n # [[b'permission group:com.google.android.gms.permission.CAR_INFORMATION\\r\\n',\r\n # b'permission group:android.permission-group.CONTACTS\\r\\n',\r\n # b'permission group:android.permission-group.PHONE\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # Dump the window manager state.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_window()\r\n\r\n # Check if the screen is locked.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_is_screen_locked()\r\n # Out[12]: False\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using the DPAD controller at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using the keyboard at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using the mouse at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using the touchpad at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using a gamepad at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using touch navigation at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using a joystick at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using the touchscreen at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using a stylus at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a tap using a trackball at coordinates (500, 500)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_tap(500, 500)\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using the DPAD input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using the keyboard input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\" using the keyboard input method and remove accents\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_text(\r\n \"\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\u00e7\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=True\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using the mouse input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using the touchpad input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using a gamepad input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using touch navigation input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using a joystick input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using the touchscreen input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using a stylus input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Simulate typing \"bibib\" using a trackball input method\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_text(\r\n \"bibib\", sleeptime=(0.0, 0.0), remove_accents=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_drag_and_drop(\r\n x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_drag_and_drop(\r\n x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_drag_and_drop(\r\n x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_drag_and_drop(\r\n x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_drag_and_drop(\r\n x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_drag_and_drop(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_swipe(x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_drag_and_drop(\r\n x0=300, y0=100, x1=500, y1=500, t=1.0\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_roll(x=10, y=300)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using the DPAD input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_dpad_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using the keyboard input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_keyboard_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using the mouse input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_mouse_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using the touchpad input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchpad_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using a gamepad input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_gamepad_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using touch navigation input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchnavigation_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using a joystick input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_joystick_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using the touchscreen input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_touchscreen_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using a stylus input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_stylus_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # Simulate a long tap using a trackball input method at coordinates (304, 360) for 1.0 seconds\r\n blocking_shell.sh_input_trackball_longtap(x=304, y=360, t=1.0)\r\n\r\n # A little file manager\r\n # Get a dictionary of files and folders in the '/sdcard/Download' directory\r\n filedict = blocking_shell.get_file_dict(\"/sdcard/Download\")\r\n\r\n # filedict\r\n # Out[4]:\r\n # {'f6': {'file_size': 12288,\r\n # 'is_file': False,\r\n # 'is_folder': True,\r\n # 'is_link': False,\r\n # 'is_character_device_file': False,\r\n # 'is_block_device_file': False,\r\n # 'is_named_pipe': False,\r\n # 'is_socket': False,\r\n # 'owner_read': True,\r\n # 'owner_write': True,\r\n # 'owner_exec': True,\r\n # 'group_read': True,\r\n # 'group_write': True,\r\n # 'group_exec': True,\r\n # 'others_read': False,\r\n # 'others_write': False,\r\n # 'others_exec': True,\r\n # 'file_permissions': 'drwxrwx--x',\r\n # 'user_owner': 'root',\r\n # 'group': 'sdcard_rw',\r\n # 'modification_time': 1698766942,\r\n # 'path': '/sdcard/Download',\r\n # 'folder': '/sdcard',\r\n # 'pure_path': 'Download',\r\n # 'cat_file': (),\r\n # 'remove': (),\r\n # 'rename': (),\r\n # 'grep': ()},\r\n # 'f190907': {'file_size': 6147735,\r\n # 'is_file': True,\r\n # 'is_folder': False,\r\n # 'is_link': False,\r\n # 'is_character_device_file': False,\r\n # 'is_block_device_file': False,\r\n # 'is_named_pipe': False,\r\n # 'is_socket': False,\r\n # 'owner_read': True,\r\n # 'owner_write': True,\r\n # 'owner_exec': False,\r\n # 'group_read': True,\r\n # 'group_write': True,\r\n # 'group_exec': False,\r\n # 'others_read': False,\r\n # 'others_write': False,\r\n # 'others_exec': False,\r\n # 'file_permissions': '-rw-rw----',\r\n # 'user_owner': 'root',\r\n # 'group': 'sdcard_rw',\r\n # 'modification_time': 1698268016,\r\n # 'path': '/sdcard/Download/babaxx2.mhtml',\r\n # 'folder': '/sdcard/Download',\r\n # 'pure_path': 'babaxx2.mhtml',\r\n # 'cat_file': (),\r\n # 'remove': (),\r\n # 'rename': (),\r\n # 'grep': ()},\r\n\r\n # Iterate through files and folders in the dictionary\r\n for filename, file_info in filedict.items():\r\n if file_info[\"is_file\"]:\r\n # For each file, print its contents using the cat_file() method\r\n print(file_info.cat_file())\r\n\r\n # Alternatively, you can search for files matching a regex pattern (e.g., '.mhtml')\r\n if file_info[\"is_file\"] and file_info.regex_search(r\"\\.mhtml\"):\r\n print(file_info.cat_file())\r\n\r\n # You can also use the grep() method to search for specific text within files\r\n if file_info[\"is_file\"] and file_info.regex_search(r\"\\.mhtml\"):\r\n print(file_info.grep(\"Odds\"))\r\n\r\n # You can also rename and remove files and folders as needed\r\n\r\n # Change the permissions of all files in the '/sdcard/Download' directory to 644 (needs su)\r\n blocking_shell.chmod_all_files_in_folder(\"/sdcard/Download\", 644)\r\n\r\n # Copy the entire '/sdcard/Download' directory to another location, e.g., '/sdcard/Download8'\r\n # Ignore chown errors if they occur\r\n # Out[37]:\r\n # [[b'./\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./babaxx2.mhtml\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./bibi.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./ba.html\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./asgasdfasdfasdf.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./baba.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./bibixx.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./datetmp.log\\r\\n',\r\n # b'./tmp5j75s57u.tar\\r\\n'],\r\n # [b\"tar: chown 0:1015 '.': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './babaxx2.mhtml': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './bibi.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './ba.html': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './asgasdfasdfasdf.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './baba.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './bibixx.png': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './datetmp.log': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"tar: chown 0:1015 './tmp5j75s57u.tar': Operation not permitted\\r\\n\"]]\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_folder(\"/sdcard/Download9\")\r\n # Out[39]:\r\n # [[b'asgasdfasdfasdf.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'ba.html\\r\\n',\r\n # b'baba.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'babaxx2.mhtml\\r\\n',\r\n # b'bibi.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'bibixx.png\\r\\n',\r\n # b'datetmp.log\\r\\n',\r\n # b'tmp5j75s57u.tar\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Normalize the text 'bibixx\u00e7\u00e7x' and send it as a single input.\r\n blocking_shell.input_text(\r\n \"bibixx\u00e7\u00e7x\", remove_accents=True, sleep_after_letter=(0, 0)\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Send each letter of 'bibixx\u00e7\u00e7x' individually with a sleep interval between letters.\r\n blocking_shell.input_text(\r\n \"bibixx\u00e7\u00e7x\", remove_accents=True, sleep_after_letter=(0, 1)\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Install the ADB Keyboard app, which allows you to send Unicode characters. \"https://github.com/senzhk/ADBKeyBoard/raw/master/ADBKeyboard.apk\" and installs it\r\n blocking_shell.install_adb_keyboard()\r\n\r\n # Send the text 'babab\u00f6\u00e4\u00df' using the ADB Keyboard app.\r\n blocking_shell.input_text_adbkeyboard(\"babab\u00f6\u00e4\u00df\")\r\n\r\n # Disable the current keyboard.\r\n blocking_shell.disable_keyboard()\r\n\r\n # Enable the previously installed ADB Keyboard.\r\n blocking_shell.enable_keyboard()\r\n\r\n # Re-enable the ADB Keyboard for sending Unicode characters.\r\n blocking_shell.enable_adbkeyboard()\r\n\r\n # Get the active keyboard and verify that it's 'com.android.adbkeyboard/.AdbIME'.\r\n blocking_shell.get_active_keyboard()\r\n\r\n # Disable the ADB Keyboard, which will revert to the default keyboard.\r\n blocking_shell.disable_keyboard()\r\n\r\n # Enable touch animation on the device.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_show_touches()\r\n\r\n # Disable touch animation, which is better for automation purposes.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_show_touches_not()\r\n\r\n # Disable printing of standard output.\r\n blocking_shell.disable_stdout_print()\r\n\r\n # Enable printing of standard error.\r\n blocking_shell.enable_stderr_print()\r\n\r\n # Enable printing of standard output.\r\n blocking_shell.enable_stdout_print()\r\n\r\n # Get activity element dump in CSV format, which is useful for automation with multiple devices.\r\n # The more you disable 1->0, the faster it gets\r\n blocking_shell.get_activity_element_dump(\r\n defaultvalue=\"null\",\r\n stripline=1,\r\n with_class=1,\r\n with_mid=1,\r\n with_hashcode=1,\r\n with_elementid=1,\r\n with_visibility=1,\r\n with_focusable=1,\r\n with_enabled=1,\r\n with_drawn=1,\r\n with_scrollbars_horizontal=1,\r\n with_scrollbars_vertical=1,\r\n with_clickable=1,\r\n with_long_clickable=1,\r\n with_context_clickable=1,\r\n with_pflag_is_root_namespace=1,\r\n with_pflag_focused=1,\r\n with_pflag_selected=1,\r\n with_pflag_prepressed=1,\r\n with_pflag_hovered=1,\r\n with_pflag_activated=1,\r\n with_pflag_invalidated=1,\r\n with_pflag_dirty_mask=1,\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Much faster and usually enough to identify elements\r\n blocking_shell.get_activity_element_dump(\r\n defaultvalue=\"null\",\r\n stripline=1,\r\n with_class=1,\r\n with_mid=0,\r\n with_hashcode=0,\r\n with_elementid=0,\r\n with_visibility=0,\r\n with_focusable=0,\r\n with_enabled=0,\r\n with_drawn=0,\r\n with_scrollbars_horizontal=0,\r\n with_scrollbars_vertical=0,\r\n with_clickable=0,\r\n with_long_clickable=0,\r\n with_context_clickable=0,\r\n with_pflag_is_root_namespace=0,\r\n with_pflag_focused=0,\r\n with_pflag_selected=0,\r\n with_pflag_prepressed=0,\r\n with_pflag_hovered=0,\r\n with_pflag_activated=0,\r\n with_pflag_invalidated=0,\r\n with_pflag_dirty_mask=0,\r\n )\r\n # Output from get_activity_element_dump is a CSV format representing activity elements.\r\n\r\n # [b'IS_ACTIVE,ELEMENT_INDEX,START_X,START_Y,CENTER_X,CENTER_Y,AREA,END_X,END_Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT,START_X_RELATIVE,START_Y_RELATIVE,END_X_RELATIVE,END_Y_RELATIVE,PARENTSINDEX,ELEMENT_ID,MID,HASHCODE,VISIBILITY,FOCUSABLE,ENABLED,DRAWN,SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL,SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL,CLICKABLE,LONG_CLICKABLE,CONTEXT_CLICKABLE,CLASSNAME,PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE,PFLAG_FOCUSED,PFLAG_SELECTED,PFLAG_PREPRESSED,PFLAG_HOVERED,PFLAG_ACTIVATED,PFLAG_INVALIDATED,PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK,LINE_STRIPPED\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"800\",\"450\",\"1440000\",\"1600\",\"900\",\"1600\",\"900\",\"0\",\"0\",\"1600\",\"900\",\"|\",\"null\",\"9536b93\",\"null\",\"I\",\"null\",\"E\",\"D\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"rB1\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"I\",\"null\",\"rB1{9536b93 I.ED..... ......I. 0,0-1600,900\"\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\"800\",\"1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"800\",\"450\",\"1440000\",\"1600\",\"900\",\"1600\",\"900\",\"0\",\"0\",\"1600\",\"900\",\"|\",\"null\",\"e911b96\",\"null\",\"V\",\"null\",\"E\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"android.widget.LinearLayout\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"android.widget.LinearLayout{e911b96 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1600,900\"\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\"800\",\"2\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"|1|\",\"android:id/action_mode_bar_stub\",\"9fdc7d0\",\"102018a\",\"G\",\"null\",\"E\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"android.view.ViewStub\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"I\",\"null\",\"android.view.ViewStub{9fdc7d0 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #102018a android:id/action_mode_bar_stub\"\\r\\n',\r\n #\r\n\r\n # Get a UI Automator element dump in CSV format. The device does the parsing using a shell script.\r\n # Output is a CSV that can be read using pandas.\r\n blocking_shell.get_uiautomator_element_dump(defaultvalue=\"null\")\r\n # [b'INDEX,TEXT,RESOURCE_ID,CLASS,PACKAGE,CONTENT_DESC,CHECKABLE,CHECKED,CLICKABLE,ENABLED,FOCUSABLE,FOCUSED,SCROLLABLE,LONG_CLICKABLE,PASSWORD,SELECTED,BOUNDS,STARTX,ENDX,STARTY,ENDY,CENTER_X,CENTER_Y,AREA,WIDTH,HEIGHT\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\"null\",\"null\",\"null\",\"android.widget.FrameLayout\",\"com.android.chrome\",\"null\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"true\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"0 0 1600 900\",\"0\",\"1600\",\"0\",\"900\",\"800\",\"450\",\"1440000\",\"1600\",\"900\"\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\"android:id/content\",\"null\",\"null\",\"android.widget.LinearLayout\",\"com.android.chrome\",\"null\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"true\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"false\",\"0 0 1600 900\",\"0\",\"1600\",\"0\",\"900\",\"800\",\"450\",\"1440000\",\"1600\",\"900\"\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # Obtain a list of all available keys for the sendevent command.\r\n blocking_shell.get_all_sendevent_keys()\r\n # [[1, 'KEY_RESERVED'],\r\n # [2, 'KEY_W'],\r\n # [3, 'KEY_I'],\r\n # [4, 'KEY_F6'],\r\n # [5, 'KEY_KP9'],\r\n # [6, 'KEY_102ND'],\r\n # [7, 'KEY_VOLUMEUP'],\r\n # [8, 'KEY_CALC'],\r\n # [9, 'KEY_PROG3'],\r\n # [10, 'BTN_DIGI'],\r\n # [11, 'BTN_TOUCH'],\r\n # [12, 'KEY_OK'],\r\n\r\n # You can also use sendevents to send keystrokes (needs su)\r\n blocking_shell.parse_sendevent_keys() # need to be parsed first\r\n # After the parsing, they can be used like this:\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents_sendevent.event3.KEY_A(\r\n 0.8, wait_to_complete=0, capture_stdout_stderr_first=False\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents_sendevent.event3.KEY_B(\r\n 1, wait_to_complete=0, capture_stdout_stderr_first=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Get a memory dump from a specific process (e.g., process with PID 1979). Note that this may take some time to complete.\r\n blocking_shell.get_memdump_from_process(1979)\r\n\r\n # Start a subprocess with elevated privileges (su) and attempt to kill all user-started processes.\r\n # This doesn't always work\r\n blocking_shell.save_a_stuck_shell()\r\n\r\n # Check if the keyboard is currently shown.\r\n blocking_shell.is_keyboard_shown()\r\n\r\n # Check if the ADB server is still alive.\r\n blocking_shell.isalive()\r\n\r\n # Access keyevents for different input methods (gamepad and keyboard).\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents.KEYCODE_E.press.gamepad()\r\n blocking_shell.keyevents.KEYCODE_E.press.keyboard()\r\n\r\n # Kill the ADB instance.\r\n blocking_shell.kill_proc()\r\n\r\n # List all listening ports along with their associated PIDs.\r\n blocking_shell.list_all_listening_ports_and_pid()\r\n\r\n # Open an ADB shell in cmd.exe.\r\n blocking_shell.open_adb_shell()\r\n\r\n # You can use the rgb_values_of_area function to obtain the RGB values in a specified area on the screen.\r\n # This function retrieves the RGB values within the defined area (between coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)). The result includes a list of XYRGB\r\n # This calculation is done directly on the device, no screenshots are transferred.\r\n coordsofcolours = blocking_shell.rgb_values_of_area(200, 200, 220, 320)\r\n # XYRGB(x=215, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),\r\n # XYRGB(x=216, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),\r\n # XYRGB(x=217, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),\r\n # XYRGB(x=218, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),\r\n # XYRGB(x=219, y=249, r=254, g=254, b=254),\r\n\r\n # Some stuff for scripting:\r\n # Calculate the absolute value of a number.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_abs_value_of_number(-444)\r\n\r\n # Use an AWK calculator to perform mathematical calculations.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_awk_calculator(\"13.5*3\")\r\n\r\n # Convert a string from uppercase to lowercase.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_upperstring_to_lowerstring(\"OOOXxx\")\r\n\r\n # Extract a substring from a given string.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_substring_from_string(\"abcdef\", 2, 4)\r\n\r\n # Terminate a specified Android package (com.android.chrome) using multiple methods,\r\n # as there is no one-fits-all command.\r\n blocking_shell.kill_package(\"com.android.chrome\")\r\n\r\n # After calling `kill_package`, the following commands are executed one after another to forcefully stop the package:\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_force_stop(\r\n package, **kwargs\r\n ) # Use the `am force-stop` command.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_kill(\r\n package, **kwargs\r\n ) # Use the `kill` command.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_killall9(\r\n package, **kwargs\r\n ) # Use the `killall -9` command.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_am_kill(\r\n package, **kwargs\r\n ) # Use the `am kill` command.\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_pkill(\r\n package, **kwargs\r\n ) # Use the `pkill` command.\r\n\r\n # Concatenate the contents of a file (/sdcard/window_dump.xml) without newlines.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file_join_newlines(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n\r\n # Check for open ports on the device.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_check_open_ports()\r\n\r\n # Clear data and cache for a specified Android package (com.android.chrome).\r\n blocking_shell.sh_clear_package(\"com.android.chrome\")\r\n # Output: [[b'Success\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Compare two files (/sdcard/window_dump.xml and /sdcard/window_dump2.xml).\r\n blocking_shell.sh_compare_2_files(\r\n \"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\", \"/sdcard/window_dump2.xml\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Start a new instance of logcat and capture the output in `stdout` while suppressing `stderr`.\r\n newinstance, stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.start_logcat(\r\n print_stdout=True, print_stderr=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Create a fast backup of a SQLite database in the same folder - /sdcard/your_sqlite.db.bak\r\n blocking_shell.sh_create_bak_of_file(\"/sdcard/your_sqlite.db\")\r\n\r\n # Delete the content of a file, but not the file itself:\r\n # Create a file first using uiautomator\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\"uiautomator dump\")\r\n # Output: [[b'UI hierarchy dumped to: /sdcard/window_dump.xml\\r\\n'], []]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_empty_file(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # Output: [[], []]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # Output: b''\r\n\r\n # Capture a raw screen image\r\n raw_screen_data = blocking_shell.sh_screencap()\r\n\r\n # To convert the data to a numpy array and save as a PNG:\r\n # cv2.imwrite('c:\\\\TESTADBRAWSCREENSHOT.PNG', np.frombuffer(raw_screen_data, dtype=np.uint8)[16:].reshape((900, 1600, 4))[...,[2,1,0]])\r\n\r\n # Capture a PNG screen image\r\n png_screen_data = blocking_shell.sh_screencap_png()\r\n\r\n # To convert the data to a numpy array:\r\n # cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(png_screen_data, np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)\r\n\r\n # Capture the UI hierarchy using uiautomator dump\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\"uiautomator dump\")\r\n\r\n # Use 'grep' to search for lines matching the specified pattern in a file\r\n blocking_shell.sh_grep(\r\n r\"bounds=......\",\r\n \"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\",\r\n escape=True,\r\n quote=False,\r\n extended_regexp=True,\r\n ignore_case=True,\r\n recursively=False,\r\n line_number=True,\r\n invert_match=False,\r\n files_with_matches=False,\r\n count=False,\r\n )\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_netstat()\r\n\r\n # Remove Dalvik cache, data cache, and user cache using 'su' command\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remove_dalvik_cache()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remove_data_cache()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remove_user_cache()\r\n\r\n # Remount the system as read-write or read-only\r\n # Note: Not working for the next command yet, since all commands are executed in a subshell.\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remount_all_rw()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remount_all_ro()\r\n # If you know how to fix that, let me know. Use this for now: .\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\r\n \"su -c 'mount --all -o remount,rw -t vfat; echo \\\"bibi\\\" > /data/baba.txt'\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Enable or disable screen compatibility mode for the specified app (com.spotify.music)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_screen_compat_on(\"com.spotify.music\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_screen_compat_off()\r\n\r\n # Rename a file from '/sdcard/window_dump.xml' to '/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml'\r\n blocking_shell.sh_rename(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\", \"/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml\")\r\n\r\n # Check if the path '/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml' is a file\r\n blocking_shell.sh_is_file(\"/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml\")\r\n # Output: True\r\n\r\n # Get the RGB value at a specific coordinate (200, 300) on the device\r\n rgb_value = blocking_shell.sh_get_rgb_value_at(200, 300)\r\n # Output: (35, 37, 39)\r\n\r\n # List all installed keyboards on the device\r\n keyboard_list = blocking_shell.get_all_keyboards()\r\n # Output: ['com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME', 'com.android.adbkeyboard/.AdbIME']\r\n\r\n # Get the tree view of the '/sdcard/' directory\r\n tree_view_sdcard = blocking_shell.sh_get_treeview_of_folder(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n # Out[10]:\r\n # ['|-',\r\n # '|-20231024',\r\n # '|-AUTOMAT',\r\n # '|---tmpaam24gbf',\r\n # '|-Android',\r\n # '|---data',\r\n # '|-----com.android.camera2',\r\n # '|-------cache',\r\n # '|-------files',\r\n # '|-----com.android.chrome',\r\n\r\n # Get the tree view of the '/data/data' directory with superuser privileges (for protected directories)\r\n tree_view_data_data = blocking_shell.sh_get_treeview_of_folder(\r\n \"/data/data\", su=True\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Get lines 0 to 3 from the '/etc/hosts' file with superuser privileges\r\n lines_0_to_3 = blocking_shell.sh_get_lines_from_to_in_file(\r\n 0, 3, \"/etc/hosts\", su=True\r\n )\r\n # Out[13]:\r\n # [[b' localhost\\r\\n',\r\n # b'::1 ip6-localhost\\r\\n',\r\n # b' coinhive.com\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Get a specific line (line 3) from the '/etc/hosts' file with superuser privileges\r\n specific_line = blocking_shell.sh_get_specific_line_from_a_file(\r\n 3, \"/etc/hosts\", su=True\r\n )\r\n # # [[b' coinhive.com\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Remove a specific line (line 0) from the '/sdcard/window_dump.xml' file\r\n blocking_shell.sh_remove_specific_line_from_a_file(0, \"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n\r\n # Check the contents of the '/sdcard/window_dump.xml' file after removing a specific line\r\n file_contents = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # Out[22]: b''\r\n\r\n # Count the network connections and display the status of each connection\r\n network_connections = blocking_shell.sh_count_network_connections()\r\n # Out[23]:\r\n # [[b' 6 CLOSE_WAIT\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 7 ESTABLISHED\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 2 LISTEN\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 1 TIME_WAIT\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Get the chmod permissions of files in the '/sdcard/' directory\r\n chmod_permissions_sdcard = blocking_shell.sh_get_all_chmod_from_files_in_folder(\r\n \"/sdcard/\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[24]:\r\n # [[b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/ \\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/(rev)\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/(tr\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/-1_threads.notifications.db_text.txt\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_12c00000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_74d74000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_74ecd000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_77d75000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 660 /sdcard/1753_mem_ce771000.bin\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # List all connected IP addresses\r\n connected_ips = blocking_shell.sh_list_all_connected_ips()\r\n # Out[25]:\r\n # [[b'\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n # Get BIOS information (root only)\r\n bios_info = blocking_shell.sh_get_bios_info()\r\n # [[b'RSD PTR \\r\\n',\r\n # b'innotek GmbH\\r\\n',\r\n # b'VirtualBox\\r\\n',\r\n # b'12/01/2006\\r\\n',\r\n # b'innotek GmbH\\r\\n',\r\n # b'VirtualBox\\r\\n',\r\n # b'Virtual Machine\\r\\n',\r\n # b'Oracle Corporation\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # Display a hex dump of the specified file\r\n hex_dump = blocking_shell.sh_hexdump(\"/sdcard/window_dumpxx.xml\")\r\n # Out[29]:\r\n # [[b\"0000000 < ? x m l v e r s i o n = ' 1\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"0000010 . 0 ' e n c o d i n g = ' U T\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"0000020 F - 8 ' s t a n d a l o n e =\\r\\n\",\r\n # b\"0000030 ' y e s ' ? > < h i e r a r c\\r\\n\",\r\n\r\n # Count the number of lines in the '/etc/hosts' file (root only)\r\n line_count = blocking_shell.sh_count_lines_in_file(\"/etc/hosts\", su=True)\r\n # Out[31]: [3, b'/etc/hosts']\r\n\r\n # Get kernel information (root only)\r\n kernel_info = blocking_shell.sh_get_kernel_infos()\r\n\r\n # Get the IP address from the hostname 'google.com'\r\n ip_address = blocking_shell.sh_get_ip_from_host(\"google.com\")\r\n # Out[34]: ''\r\n\r\n # Get the newest file in the '/sdcard/' folder\r\n newest_file = blocking_shell.sh_newest_file_in_folder(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n # Out[35]: [[b'/sdcard/dumpdata.tmp\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # Print the '/etc/hosts' file with line numbers (root only)\r\n hosts_file_lines = blocking_shell.sh_print_file_with_linenumbers(\r\n \"/etc/hosts\", su=True\r\n )\r\n # Out[3]:\r\n # [[b'1: localhost\\r\\n',\r\n # b'2:::1 ip6-localhost\\r\\n',\r\n # b'3: coinhive.com\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Display a detailed process overview\r\n process_overview = blocking_shell.sh_ps_a_t_l_z()\r\n\r\n # Get details of a process with PID 1737\r\n details_of_pid_1737 = blocking_shell.sh_get_details_from_pid(1737)\r\n # [[b'COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd cwd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd rtd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd txt REG 8,1 186648 265642 /system/bin/logd\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 186648 265642 /system/bin/logd\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 15056 264521 /system/lib64/libnetd_client.so\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 23448 263965 /system/lib64/libcap.so\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 73472 264133 /system/lib64/libbase.so\\r\\n',\r\n # b'logd 1737 logd mem REG 8,1 43928 264178 /system/lib64/libsysutils.so\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # Show network connections in a detailed format\r\n netstat_details = blocking_shell.sh_netstat_tlnp()\r\n # [[b'tcp',\r\n # b'29289',\r\n # b'0',\r\n # b'',\r\n # b'',\r\n # b'CLOSE_WAIT',\r\n # b'-'],\r\n\r\n # Dump detailed process information with 'lsof' command (root only)\r\n detailed_process_info = blocking_shell.sh_get_details_with_lsof(su=True)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_details_with_lsof(su=True)\r\n # [[b'COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME\\r\\n',\r\n # b'init 1 root cwd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\\r\\n',\r\n # b'init 1 root rtd DIR 0,2 1000 2 /\\r\\n',\r\n # b'init 1 root txt REG 0,2 2409528 7182 /init\\r\\n',\r\n # b'init 1 root mem REG 0,2 2409528 7182 /init\\r\\n',\r\n # b'init 1 root mem REG 0,16 131072 8407 /dev/__properties__/properties_serial\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # Display detailed network output, including IP addresses\r\n network_ip_info = blocking_shell.sh_show_ips()\r\n\r\n # Terminate a process that is locking a file at a specified path (root only)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_kill_process_that_is_locking_a_file(\"...some path\", su=True)\r\n\r\n # Print lines of the '/etc/hosts' file that have at least 26 characters\r\n long_lines_in_hosts_file = (\r\n blocking_shell.sh_print_lines_of_file_with_at_least_length_n(\r\n \"/etc/hosts\", 26, su=True\r\n )\r\n )\r\n # Out[16]:\r\n # [[b'::1 ip6-localhost\\r\\n', b' coinhive.com\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Show folders in the PATH environment variable (non-root)\r\n folders_in_path = blocking_shell.sh_show_folders_in_PATH(su=False)\r\n # Out[18]:\r\n # [[b'/sbin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'/system/sbin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'/system/bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'/system/xbin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'/odm/bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'/vendor/bin\\r\\n',\r\n # b'/vendor/xbin\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # Dry run of removing files matching the pattern '/sdcard/Download/*' (root only)\r\n # This command shows the files that would be removed without actually deleting them.\r\n dry_run_remove_files = blocking_shell.sh_rm_dry_run(\"/sdcard/Download/*\")\r\n # Out[21]:\r\n # [[b'rm /sdcard/Download/Nearby Share /sdcard/Download/ba.html /sdcard/Download/baba.png /sdcard/Download/babaxx2.mhtml /sdcard/Download/bibi.png /sdcard/Download/bibixx.png /sdcard/Download/datetmp.log /sdcard/Download/tmp5j75s57u.tar\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n\r\n # List IPv4 network interfaces and their associated IP addresses\r\n ipv4_interfaces = blocking_shell.sh_ipv4_interfaces()\r\n # Out[22]: [[b'lo\\r\\n', b'eth0\\r\\n'], []]\r\n\r\n # List processes and their CPU usage\r\n processes_cpu_usage = blocking_shell.sh_list_procs_cpu_usage()\r\n # Out[23]:\r\n # [[b'UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD\\r\\n',\r\n # b'u0_a60 10218 1790 10 12:53:42 ? 00:19:24 com.roblox.client\\r\\n',\r\n # b'u0_i2 8596 2178 3 11:30:32 ? 00:07:34 com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0\\r\\n',\r\n # b'u0_a31 8628 1791 2 11:30:33 ? 00:04:49 com.android.chrome:privileged_process0\\r\\n',\r\n # b'system 1811 1 1 10:10:57 ? 00:01:59 surfaceflinger\\r\\n',\r\n # b'system 1958 1790 0 10:10:58 ? 00:00:57 system_server\\r\\n',\r\n # b'audioserver 1805 1 0 10:10:57 ? 00:00:31 audioserver\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n # List currently running processes\r\n running_processes = blocking_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()\r\n # Out[24]:\r\n # [[b' 0.0 1 init\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 0.0 2 [kthreadd]\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 0.0 3 [rcu_gp]\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 0.0 4 [rcu_par_gp]\\r\\n',\r\n # b' 0.0 6 [kworker/0:0H-kblockd]\\r\\n',\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_interfaces_and_mac()\r\n # Out[25]:\r\n # [['dummy0', 'ae:9c:a5:bd:92:cf'],\r\n # ['eth0', '08:00:27:0e:38:b3'],\r\n # ['ip6tnl0', '00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00'],\r\n\r\n # List files in the '/sdcard/Download' directory, sorted by newest first\r\n # The output includes details like permissions, owner, size, date, and file name.\r\n newest_files = blocking_shell.sh_list_files_newest_first(\"/sdcard/Download\")\r\n # Out[26]:\r\n # [['-rw-rw----',\r\n # '1',\r\n # 'root',\r\n # 'sdcard_rw',\r\n # '10240',\r\n # '2023-10-29',\r\n # '20:48 tmp5j75s57u.tar'],\r\n # ['-rw-rw----',\r\n # '1',\r\n # 'root',\r\n # 'sdcard_rw',\r\n # '294188',\r\n # '2023-10-25',\r\n # '18:06 baba.png'],\r\n\r\n # Get the number of CPUs on the device\r\n number_of_cpus = blocking_shell.sh_number_of_cpus()\r\n # Out[28]: 4\r\n\r\n # Get the internal IP addresses of the device (loopback and local network)\r\n internal_ip_addresses = blocking_shell.sh_get_internal_ip_addr()\r\n # Out[29]: ['', '']\r\n\r\n # Get the external IP address of the device (requires an internet connection)\r\n external_ip_address = blocking_shell.sh_get_external_ip()\r\n # Out[30]: '189.XXXXXXX'\r\n\r\n # Get the MAC addresses of all network interfaces on the device\r\n mac_addresses = blocking_shell.sh_get_all_mac_addresses()\r\n # Out[31]: ['ae:9c:a5:bd:92:cf', '08:00:27:0e:38:b3']\r\n\r\n # Get the number of active TCP connections on the device\r\n number_of_tcp_connections = blocking_shell.sh_number_of_tcp_connections()\r\n\r\n # Dump all files with a '.db' extension on the entire system\r\n db_files_list = blocking_shell.sh_dump_all_db_files(as_pandas=False)\r\n\r\n # Dump all databases in the 'data/data' directory (not limited to '.db' files)\r\n databases_in_data_data = blocking_shell.sh_dump_all_databases_in_data_data(\r\n as_pandas=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Count the number of files in the '/sdcard' directory\r\n number_of_files_in_sdcard = blocking_shell.sh_count_files_in_folder(\"/sdcard\")\r\n # Out[33]: 826\r\n\r\n # List input devices, including details like device names and supported events\r\n input_devices = blocking_shell.sh_list_input_devices()\r\n # Out[34]:\r\n # [[b'add device 1: /dev/input/event6\\r\\n',\r\n # b' name: \"Android Power Button\"\\r\\n',\r\n # b' events:\\r\\n',\r\n # b' KEY (0001): KEY_POWER KEY_WAKEUP \\r\\n',\r\n # b' input props:\\r\\n',\r\n # b' <none>\\r\\n', ......\r\n\r\n # Get the input devices that are candidates for sending touch events using sendevent\r\n sendevent_input_devices = blocking_shell.sh_get_sendevent_input_devices()\r\n # Out[35]: [['/dev/input/event4', '32767'], ['/dev/input/event5', '65535']]\r\n\r\n # Use the previously obtained data to execute a touch event using sendevent\r\n blocking_shell.sh_sendevent_touch(\r\n x=600, # X coordinate\r\n y=400, # Y coordinate\r\n inputdev=\"event4\", # Input device (without '/dev/input/')\r\n inputdevmax=32767, # Maximum value from sh_get_sendevent_input_devices()\r\n width=1600, # Screen width\r\n height=900, # Screen height\r\n )\r\n\r\n # On a Windows system, open a new cmd.exe window to record getevent data\r\n # This is necessary to capture events, and the data will be saved to the 'myeventfile' file\r\n blocking_shell.sh_record_getevent(tmpfilegetevent=\"myeventfile\")\r\n\r\n # View the contents of the recorded event data file located at '/sdcard/myeventfile'\r\n captured_event_data = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/myeventfile\")\r\n\r\n # Record getevent data as binary from the specified device, e.g., '/dev/input/event4', and save it to 'somefilename'\r\n outputpath = blocking_shell.sh_record_getevent_as_binary_data(\r\n device=\"/dev/input/event4\", tmpfilegetevent=\"somefilename\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Pause execution until the user presses Enter to continue\r\n input(\"Press enter when ready\")\r\n\r\n # Convert the binary getevent data into decimal values\r\n # 'purebindata' can be sent to the device to execute the commands (e.g., using https://github.com/hansalemaos/geteventplayback)\r\n purebindata, alldata = blocking_shell.convert_getevent_binary_data_to_decimal(\r\n outputpath\r\n )\r\n\r\n fi = blocking_shell.sh_record_getevent(tmpfilegetevent=\"getevenfile2\")\r\n # File will be saved: /sdcard/getevenfile2\r\n # fi\r\n # Out[5]: '/sdcard/getevenfile2'\r\n\r\n # Exit the 'su' shell (superuser mode), if it was previously entered\r\n blocking_shell.exit_from_su_shell()\r\n\r\n # Capture events from a specified input device, e.g., 'event4', with better timestamp formatting\r\n stdout, stderr = blocking_shell.sh_getevent_capture(\r\n \"event3\", 1000, disable_print_stdout=False\r\n )\r\n\r\n # The captured data includes event timestamps and coordinates (x, y)\r\n\r\n # 1698717226 0 54020 4 0\r\n # 3473411 23642 24106 25920 0 x= 1154\r\n # 316164 0 3 54 19633 y= 539\r\n # 1698717226 0 54020 4 0\r\n # 131072 0 24106 25920 0\r\n # 316164 0 0 0 0\r\n # 1698717226 0 55679 4 0\r\n # 3473411 23679 24106 25920 0 x= 1156\r\n # 317823 0 3 54 19568 y= 537\r\n # 1698717226 0 55679 4 0\r\n # 131072 0 24106 25920 0\r\n # 317823 0 0 0 0\r\n # 1698717226 0 56899 4 0\r\n # 3473411 23679 24106 25920 0 x= 1156\r\n # 319043 0 3 54 19568 y= 537\r\n # 1698717226 0 56899 4 0\r\n # 131072 0 24106 25920 0\r\n # 319043 0 0 0 0\r\n # 1698717226 0 23086 5 0\r\n\r\n # On Windows, open a new cmd.exe shell in a separate window\r\n blocking_shell.open_adb_shell()\r\n version = blocking_shell.sh_get_android_version()\r\n blocking_shell.get_all_devices()\r\n\r\n print(version)\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.execute_adb_command(\r\n f\"-s {blocking_shell.device_serial} reverse tcp:1300 tcp:1600\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # muuuuch faster than adb pull / adb shell cat\r\n # Requirements: Windows / Cygwin (with nc.exe and tar.exe)\r\n # busybox on the Android device and su\r\n blocking_shell.netcatcopy(\r\n tarpath=\"tar.exe\",\r\n netcatpath=\"nc.exe\",\r\n outputfolder=\"c:\\\\testbackuo3\", # will be created\r\n foldertodownload=\"/data/data/com.instagram.lite/\",\r\n tmpfilename=\"taradbdownload.tar\",\r\n )\r\n\r\n # Some non shell ADB commands\r\n blocking_shell.adb_reconnect()\r\n blocking_shell.adb_root()\r\n blocking_shell.adb_remount_as_rw()\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.adb_install(\r\n path=r\"C:\\Users\\hansc\\Downloads\\Opera Mini_ Fast Web Browser_72.0.2254.67482_Apkpure.apk\",\r\n grand_permissions=True,\r\n replace=True,\r\n allow_test=True,\r\n allow_downgrade=False,\r\n to_83=True,\r\n )\r\n packname = [\r\n x.strip().split(b\":\")[-1].decode(\"utf-8\")\r\n for x in blocking_shell.sh_pm_list_packages_3()[0]\r\n if b\"opera\" in x\r\n ][0]\r\n blocking_shell.adb_uninstall(packname)\r\n blocking_shell.adb_unroot()\r\n\r\n # port forwarding\r\n blocking_shell.adb_forward_port(6000, 6100)\r\n blocking_shell.adb_reverse_port(9000, 9100)\r\n p1 = blocking_shell.adb_show_forwarded_ports()\r\n p2 = blocking_shell.adb_show_reversed_ports()\r\n print(p1)\r\n print(p2)\r\n blocking_shell.adb_remove_forwarded_port(6000)\r\n blocking_shell.adb_remove_reversed_port(9000)\r\n p1 = blocking_shell.adb_show_forwarded_ports()\r\n p2 = blocking_shell.adb_show_reversed_ports()\r\n print(p1)\r\n print(p2)\r\n # [[b' tcp:6000 tcp:6100', b''], []]\r\n # [[b'host-9 tcp:9000 tcp:9100', b''], []]\r\n # [[b''], []]\r\n # [[b''], []]\r\n s01, s02 = blocking_shell.adb_pull(\r\n path_device=\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\",\r\n path_pc=\"C:\\\\PUSHEDTEST\",\r\n escape_path=True,\r\n )\r\n s03, s04 = blocking_shell.adb_push(\r\n path_pc=r\"C:\\Users\\hansc\\Downloads\\1633637532_Royale High Candy Autofarm .webp\",\r\n path_device=\"/sdcard/Download\",\r\n escape_path=True,\r\n to_83=False,\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_file_extension(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # 'xml'\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_md5sum(path=\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # '027001170290b3415144019a4c3db567'\r\n blocking_shell.sh_realpath(path=\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # '/storage/emulated/0/window_dump.xml'\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dirname(path=\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command(\"uiautomator dump\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_rename_file_to_md5(\"/sdcard/window_dump.xml\")\r\n # '/sdcard/09e1ad07ae0c4f3df822e18977c2fd3f.xml'\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_size_of_terminal()\r\n # : [80, 24]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_change_to_dir(\"/sdcard/Download\")\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_ls())\r\n blocking_shell.sh_change_to_prev_working_dir()\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_ls())\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_create_file_with_content(\"bibi baba\", \"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7test.txt\")\r\n # Out[7]: [[], []]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7test.txt\")\r\n # Out[8]: b'bibi baba'\r\n # with binary data:\r\n blocking_shell.sh_create_file_with_content(b\"bibi baba\", \"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7\u00f6test.txt\")\r\n # Out[9]: [[], []]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7\u00f6test.txt\")\r\n # Out[10]: b'bibi baba'\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ping_one_time(\"www.google.com\")\r\n # Out[3]:\r\n # [[b'PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.\\r\\n',\r\n # b'\\r\\n',\r\n # b'--- www.google.com ping statistics ---\\r\\n',\r\n # b'1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms\\r\\n',\r\n # b'rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.937/16.937/16.937/0.000 ms\\r\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_create_file_with_content(\r\n b\" bibi\\n baba\\n ddd\", \"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7\u00f6test.txt\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n fiu = blocking_shell.sh_cat_file_without_leading_whitespaces(\r\n \"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7\u00f6test.txt\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n # This does only work wit blocking_shell, the subshells can't set vars\r\n print(fiu)\r\n sh_variable_existsv = blocking_shell.sh_variable_exists(\"bibi\", global_cmd=True)\r\n print(sh_variable_existsv)\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command_global(\"bibi=5\")\r\n sh_variable_existsv2 = blocking_shell.sh_variable_exists(\"bibi\", global_cmd=True)\r\n print(sh_variable_existsv2)\r\n\r\n # Another way to call the blocking_shell\r\n blocking_shell.execute_sh_command_global(\"ls\")\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_file_with_tstamp(\"testfile\", \".tar.gz\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_memory_dump()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_fp(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_iptables()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_reverse_file(\"/sdcard/your_sqlite_text.txt\")\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_append_to_file(\r\n filedata=\"bbabab babab\", path=\"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7\u00f6test.txt\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_shell.sh_echo_rev(\"My name is John\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_netstat_ip_group()\r\n # Out[3]:\r\n # [[b' 1\\n',\r\n # b' 1\\n',\r\n # b' 1\\n',\r\n # b' 3\\n'],\r\n # []]\r\n blocking_shell.sh_process_tree()\r\n # [[b'init(1)-+-Binder:1755_2(1755)-+-sdcard(2143)-+-{sdcard}(2148)\\n',\r\n # b' | | |-{sdcard}(2149)\\n',\r\n # b' | | `-{sdcard}(2150)\\n',\r\n # b' | |-{Binder:1755_1}(1757)\\n',\r\n # b' | |-{Binder:1755_2}(1758)\\n',\r\n # b' | |-{Binder:1755_3}(1759)\\n',\r\n # b' | `-{Binder:1755_4}(1790)\\n',\r\n # b' |-Binder:1792_2(1792)-+-ip6tables-resto(1848)\\n',\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_hdds()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file_without_leading_whitespaces(\"/sdcard/\u00e7\u00e7 \u00e7\u00e7\u00f6test.txt\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_hdds_real()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_lsof_filehandles()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_exe_in_path()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_free_memory()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_ls_size(\"/sdcard/Download\")\r\n # Out[3]:\r\n # [[b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 0 2023-10-21 20:31 ba.html\\n',\r\n # b'total 6444\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 21 2023-10-24 22:48 datetmp.log\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 46 2023-10-25 17:57 bibixx.png\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 5696 2023-10-25 18:06 bibi.png\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 10240 2023-10-29 20:48 tmp5j75s57u.tar\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 28682 2023-11-01 19:34 1633637532_Royale High Candy Autofarm .webp\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 92590 2023-10-31 12:42 asgasdfasdfasdf.png\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 294188 2023-10-25 18:06 baba.png\\n',\r\n # b'-rw-rw---- 1 root sdcard_rw 6147735 2023-10-25 18:06 babaxx2.mhtml\\n']\r\n # The day your device came alive\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_install_date()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_audio_playing_procs()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_kernel_infos()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_procs_with_open_connections()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_chr(\"77\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_extensions_in_folder(\"/sdcard/Download\")\r\n # Out[3]:\r\n # [[b' 1 html\\n',\r\n # b' 1 log\\n',\r\n # b' 1 mhtml\\n',\r\n # b' 1 tar\\n',\r\n # b' 1 webp\\n',\r\n # b' 4 png\\n'],\r\n blocking_shell.sh_comment_out_line_in_file(2, \"/sdcard/your_sqlite_text.txt\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/your_sqlite_text.txt\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_tar_backup_of_folder_to_sdcard(\"/sdcard/Download\")\r\n # b'#!/bin/bash\\nexec 2>/sdcard/errortmp16989042186992085.txt\\nexec 1>/sdcard/outputtmp16989042186992085.txt\\ncd /sdcard/Download\\nfind . -type f -exec md5sum {} \\\\;\\nexec 1>&-\\nexec 2>&-\\n\\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx>> /sdcard/outputtmp16989042186992085.txt\\necho -n -e xxxCOMMANDxxxDONExxx >> /sdcard/errortmp16989042186992085.txt\\n'\r\n # Out[3]:\r\n # [[b'bdb92ce5db632c499f8c1d52b6bcff13 ./babaxx2.mhtml\\n',\r\n # b'6f44a9d7667d8e166cb5d5cbbb674709 ./bibi.png\\n',\r\n # b'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ./ba.html\\n',\r\n blocking_shell.sh_delete_all_files_in_folder_except_newest(\"/sdcard/Download9\")\r\n blocking_shell.sh_apps_using_internet()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_goto_next_sibling_folder()\r\n blocking_shell.sh_cd_and_search_string_in_files(\"/sdcard/Download\", \"html\")\r\n\r\n # This method has to be executed with blocking_subshell - base64 - due to some chars in the script\r\n coords = blocking_subshell.sh_search_for_colors(\r\n colorlist=[(183, 28, 28)], global_cmd=False\r\n )\r\n size = blocking_shell.sh_calculate_size_of_folders(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n # [(4, b'20231024/'), (8, b'AUTOMAT/'), (1045336, b'Android/'), (344, b'DCIM/'), (6460, b'Download/'), (100, b'Download2/'), (8, b'Download4/'), (96, b'Download9/'), (4, b'REPLACE_BINFOLDER/'), (16, b'a/'),\r\n blocking_shell.sh_disable_input_device(\"/dev/input/event5\")\r\n\r\n blocking_shell.sh_list_dev_input()\r\n for d in blocking_shell.sh_list_dev_input():\r\n blocking_shell.sh_disable_input_device(d, su=True)\r\n\r\n # self.execute_sh_command('getprop ro.secure ; /boot/android/android/system/xbin/bstk/su',su=True)\r\n # self.execute_sh_command('getprop')\r\n\r\n # self.execute_sh_command('setprop gsm.sim.operator.alpha O2')\r\n # Out[8]: [[], []]\r\n # self.execute_sh_command('getprop')\r\n # self.execute_sh_command('getprop')\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_all_props()\r\n\r\n # everything that can be passed to dumpsys\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_all_dumpsys_services()\r\n # ['DockObserver',\r\n # 'RTVboxMM',\r\n # 'SurfaceFlinger',\r\n # 'accessibility',\r\n # 'account',\r\n # 'activity',\r\n # 'alarm',\r\n # 'android.security.keystore',\r\n # 'android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService',\r\n # 'appops',\r\n # 'appwidget',\r\n # 'audio',\r\n # 'autofill',\r\n # 'backup',\r\n # 'battery',\r\n\r\n # separated in a list of lists\r\n blocking_shell.sh_dumpsys_everything()\r\n # checks if the activity accepts the parameter -h\r\n blocking_shell.sh_get_all_extra_options_from_dumpsys()\r\n # self.sh_get_all_extra_options_from_dumpsys()\r\n # Out[5]:\r\n # [['activity',\r\n # [[b'Total number of currently running services:0\\n',\r\n # b'Activity manager dump options:\\n',\r\n # b' [-a] [-c] [-p PACKAGE] [-h] [WHAT] ...\\n',\r\n # b' WHAT may be one of:\\n',\r\n # b' a[ctivities]: activity stack state\\n',\r\n # b' r[recents]: recent activities state\\n',\r\n # b' b[roadcasts] [PACKAGE_NAME] [history [-s]]:\r\n\r\n # Helps to avoid ERROR: could not get idle state\r\n blocking_shell.sh_nice(\r\n cmd=\"uiautomator dump\",\r\n value=-19,\r\n )\r\n # implemented here and fast lxml parsing:\r\n df1 = blocking_shell.uiautomator_nice20(\r\n timeout=60, nice=True, su=True, as_pandas=True\r\n )\r\n # tag index text ... height ratio NAF\r\n # 2 node 0 ... 900 1.777778 NaN\r\n # 3 node 0 ... 900 1.777778 NaN\r\n # 4 node 0 ... 864 1.851852 NaN\r\n # 5 node 0 ... 864 1.851852 NaN\r\n # 6 node 0 ... 864 1.851852 NaN\r\n # .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...\r\n # 667 node 1 ... 72 1.0 NaN\r\n # 668 node 5 ... 84 0.857143 NaN\r\n # 669 node 6 ... 84 0.857143 NaN\r\n # 670 node 0 ... 84 0.857143 NaN\r\n # 671 node 1 ... 36 44.444444 NaN\r\n # [670 rows x 32 columns]\r\n\r\n df2 = blocking_shell.get_all_activity_elements(as_pandas=True)\r\n # Out[9]:\r\n # START_X START_Y CENTER_X ... VIEW_INDEX HIERACHY_CLUSTER HIERACHY_SINGLE\r\n # 0 0 0 800 ... 0 1 0\r\n # 1 0 0 800 ... 0 1 1\r\n # 2 0 0 800 ... 0 1 2\r\n # 3 0 0 800 ... 0 1 3\r\n # 4 714 333 799 ... 0 1 4\r\n # ... ... ... ... ... ... ...\r\n # 1297 0 36 0 ... 3 57 3\r\n # 1298 0 0 800 ... 3 58 0\r\n # 1299 0 0 0 ... 3 58 1\r\n # 1300 0 0 800 ... 3 59 0\r\n # 1301 0 0 800 ... 3 60 0\r\n # [1302 rows x 40 columns]\r\n\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_grep_proc_top(\"chrome\", su=True)\r\n blocking_shell.sh_force_idle()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_unforce_idle()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_current_focus()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_all_possible_activities()\r\n # Out[6]:\r\n # {'Activity Resolver Table:': {'Full MIME Types:': {'application/com.google.android.gms.car:': {'53d74a6 com.google.android.gms/.car.FirstActivity filter e95d41': {'Action: \"android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED\"': 6,\r\n # 'Category: \"android.intent.category.DEFAULT\"': 7,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/com.google.android.gms.car\"': 8}},\r\n # 'application/pkix-cert:': {'3196ee7 com.android.certinstaller/.CertInstallerMain filter acffff8': {'Action: \"android.intent.action.VIEW\"': 11,\r\n # 'Category: \"android.intent.category.DEFAULT\"': 12,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/x-x509-ca-cert\"': 13,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/x-x509-user-cert\"': 14,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/x-x509-server-cert\"': 15,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/x-pkcs12\"': 16,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/application/x-pem-file\"': 17,\r\n # 'Type: \"application/pkix-cert\"': 18,\r\n\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_am_i_su()\r\n # Out[7]: True\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_newest_file_in_folder_as_tar(\r\n folder=\"/sdcard/Download/\", file_filter=\"*\", tarpath=\"/sdcard/newestar.tar.gz\"\r\n )\r\n # Out[9]: [[b'./bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (3).mhtml\\r\\n'], []]\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_delete_files_in_folder_older_than(\r\n \"/sdcard/Download/\", \"*.mhtml\", \"+1\"\r\n )\r\n\r\n alla = blocking_subshell.get_all_activity_elements(\r\n as_pandas=False,\r\n )\r\n alla = blocking_subshell.sh_get_all_possible_activities()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_copy_dir_recursive(\"/sdcard/Download/\", \"/sdcard/Download3\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_remove_folder(\"/sdcard/Download3\")\r\n coli = blocking_subshell.sh_number_of_lines_words_chars_in_file(\r\n file=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n print(coli)\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_tail_bytes(\r\n n=10, file=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_tail_lines(\r\n n=10, file=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_head_bytes(\r\n n=10, file=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_head_lines(\r\n n=10, file=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_sort_file_reverse(\r\n \"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_sort_file(\r\n \"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_create_file_with_content(\"ls\", \"/sdcard/tttt.sh\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_chmod_x(\"/sdcard/tttt.sh\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_execute_sh_script(\"/sdcard/tttt.sh\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_type(\"ls\")\r\n # Out[4]: [[b'ls is a tracked alias for /system/bin/ls\\n'], []]\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_which_a(\"ls\")\r\n # Out[3]: [[b'/system/bin/ls\\n', b'/system/xbin/ls\\n', b'/vendor/bin/ls\\n'], []]\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_create_symbolic_link(\r\n \"/sdcard/tttt.sh\", \"/data/ttttex.sh\"\r\n ) # not possible on sdcard\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_execute_sh_script(\"/data/ttttex.sh\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_show_used_diskspace()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_show_used_memory()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_reboot() # shutdown - emulator\r\n blocking_subshell.execute_sh_command(\"sleep 90 &\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_jobs()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_remount_all_rw()\r\n\r\n # Out[3]: [[4308, b'[1] + Running \\\\sleep 90']]\r\n\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_disable_network_adapter(\"eth0\") # kicks adb connection\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_enable_network_adapter(\"eth0\")\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_linux_version()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_cpu_info()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_mem_info()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_whoami()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_whoami(su=True)\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_id()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_get_user_groups()\r\n blocking_subshell.sh_paste(\r\n file=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online (96).mhtml\",\r\n delimiter=\" \",\r\n )\r\n\r\n # get sorted file list (by modification date)\r\n flist = blocking_subshell.sh_create_date_sorted_filelist(\r\n \"/sdcard/Download\", \"/sdcard/htmlstuff.txt\", \"*.mhtml\"\r\n )\r\n print(flist)\r\n self = eval_shell\r\n\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_directory(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_exists_in_any_form(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_executable(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_regular_file(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_readable(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_named_pipe(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_block_device(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_character_device(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n print(blocking_subshell.sh_test_link(\"/sdcard/\"))\r\n # True\r\n # True\r\n # True\r\n # False\r\n # True\r\n # False\r\n # False\r\n # False\r\n # False\r\n\r\n # High speed webscraping - bet365 Football\r\n htmlresults = eval_shell.sh_scrape_html(\r\n file_path=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online.mhtml\",\r\n mainblocks=[\r\n \"Fixture_Container\"\r\n ], # parents blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \\s+, for example, is not allowed, and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \\d+\r\n subblocks=['ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds\">', 'FixtureDetailsTwoWay_TeamName +\">'],\r\n ) # child blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \\s+, for example, is not allowed , and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \\d+\r\n htmlresultswfilter = [\r\n k\r\n for k in [\r\n [\r\n y.split(\">\", maxsplit=1)[1].split(\"<\", maxsplit=1)[0]\r\n for y in x\r\n if y.startswith(\"FixtureDetailsTwoWay_TeamName\")\r\n or y.startswith(\"ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds\")\r\n ]\r\n for x in htmlresults\r\n ]\r\n if k\r\n ]\r\n for x in htmlresultswfilter:\r\n print(x)\r\n\r\n # ['FC Astana', 'KF Ballkani', '2.25', '2.75', '3.75']\r\n # ['Al Khaleej Saihat', 'Al Taee', '2.37', '2.62', '3.75']\r\n # ['Al Raed', 'Al Shabab Riyadh', '1.80', '3.20', '4.75']\r\n # ['Al Hidd', 'Sitra', '5.00', '3.75', '1.61']\r\n # ['Al Shabab Manama', 'Al Hala', '2.05', '3.40', '3.40']\r\n # ['Chernomorets Balchik', 'CSKA Sofia', '41.00', '13.00', '1.04']\r\n # [\"Stade d'Abidjan\", 'CO Korhogo', '2.50', '2.40', '3.60']\r\n # ['NK Nafta 1903', 'ND Ilirija Ljubljana', '1.44', '4.33', '6.50']\r\n # ['Medeama SC', 'Nsoatreman FC', '2.20', '2.30', '5.00']\r\n # ['Venomous Vipers', 'Pac Academy', '2.30', '2.30', '4.50']\r\n # ['Naft Al-Wasat', 'Duhok', '2.15', '2.80', '3.50']\r\n # ['Rimini', 'Perugia', '4.00', '3.25', '1.90']\r\n # ['Al-Sailiya SC', 'Al-Shahaniya SC', '34.00', '19.00', '1.02']\r\n # ['Lusail', 'Al Mesaimeer SC', '17.00', '5.00', '1.18']\r\n # ['France (Musky) Esports', 'Portugal (Buconi) Esports', '1.083', '7.50', '19.00']\r\n # ['Germany (Nicolas_Rage) Esports', 'Argentina (Izzy) Esports', '1.30', '4.00', '10.00']\r\n # ['Man Utd (Adriano) Esports', 'Napoli (Iron) Esports', '1.20', '6.50', '8.50']\r\n # ['RB Leipzig (Rafaelo) Esports', 'A.Madrid (Bruno) Esports', '1.72', '4.33', '3.75']\r\n # ['Club Brugge (Danny) Esports', 'PAOK (Panic) Esports', '1.57', '4.50', '4.00']\r\n # ['Fenerbahce (Magdy) Esports', 'Fiorentina (aibothard) Esports', '3.00', '4.00', '1.90']\r\n\r\n # High speed webscraping - bet365 Tennis\r\n htmlresults = eval_shell.sh_scrape_html(\r\n file_path=\"/sdcard/Download/bet365 - Apostas Desportivas Online.mhtml\",\r\n mainblocks=[\"Fixture_Container\"],\r\n # parents blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \\s+, for example, is not allowed, and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \\d+\r\n subblocks=[\r\n 'ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds\">',\r\n \"ovm-FixtureDetailsWithIndicators_PlayingIndicator\",\r\n ],\r\n ) # child blocks - regular expressions - need to be compatible with grep and re, which means that \\s+, for example, is not allowed , and you have to use [0-9]+ instead of \\d+\r\n htmlresultswfilter = [\r\n k\r\n for k in [\r\n [\r\n y\r\n for y in x\r\n if \"ovm-FixtureDetailsWithIndicators_PlayingIndicator\" in y\r\n or y.startswith(\"ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds\")\r\n ]\r\n for x in htmlresults\r\n ]\r\n if k\r\n ]\r\n for x in htmlresultswfilter:\r\n print(\"-----------------------------------\")\r\n for y in x:\r\n if y.startswith(\"ovm-FixtureDetailsWithIndicators_PlayingIndicator\"):\r\n try:\r\n z = y.split(\"</div>\")[1]\r\n print(z)\r\n except Exception:\r\n continue\r\n elif y.startswith(\"ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds\"):\r\n try:\r\n z = y.split(\">\")[1].split(\"<\")[0]\r\n print(z)\r\n except Exception:\r\n continue\r\n\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Leylah Fernandez\r\n # Magda Linette\r\n # 1.05\r\n # 11.00\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Viktorija Golubic\r\n # Sofia Kenin\r\n # 1.95\r\n # 1.80\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Fabio Fognini\r\n # Lorenzo Sonego\r\n # 1.12\r\n # 6.00\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Marton Fucsovics\r\n # Pavel Kotov\r\n # 2.00\r\n # 1.80\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Maria Lourdes Carle\r\n # Varvara Lepchenko\r\n # 1.14\r\n # 5.00\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Braden Shick\r\n # Luciano Tacchi\r\n # 8.50\r\n # 1.05\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Holden Koons\r\n # Dhakshineswar Suresh\r\n # 6.00\r\n # 1.11\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Pedro Rodenas\r\n # Martin Borisiouk\r\n # 1.05\r\n # 8.50\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Kennedy Shaffer\r\n # Stefani Webb\r\n # 1.75\r\n # 2.00\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Raquel G Vilar\r\n # Gina Marie Dittmann\r\n # 17.00\r\n # 1.01\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Saville/Tu\r\n # Seggerman/Trhac\r\n # 2.10\r\n # 1.66\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Alves/Riberio\r\n # Carou/Ugo Carabelli\r\n # 3.00\r\n # 1.36\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Karlovskiy/Serdarusic\r\n # Sandgren/Willis\r\n # 2.20\r\n # 1.61\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Muhammad/Santamaria\r\n # Beck/Markham\r\n # 2.10\r\n # 1.66\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Abduraimova/Monnet\r\n # Chang/Kozyreva\r\n # 2.50\r\n # 1.50\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Cigarran/Hess\r\n # Rodriguez/Tenti\r\n # 26.00\r\n # 1.001\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Urszula Radwanska\r\n # Kira Pavlova\r\n # 1.66\r\n # 2.10\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Katherine Sebov\r\n # Dalayna Hewitt\r\n # 1.66\r\n # 2.10\r\n # -----------------------------------\r\n # Alexia Jacobs\r\n # Liv Hovde\r\n # 7.00\r\n # 1.083\r\n # ls -R / > /sdcard/lstest.txt -> execute that in another shell\r\n eval_shell.sh_wait_until_file_written_to_disk(\r\n file=\"/sdcard/lstest.txt\", interval=0.1\r\n )\r\n eval_shell.sh_cat_file(\"/sdcard/lstest.txt\")\r\n\r\n eval_shell.sh_is_valid_float(10.11)\r\n eval_shell.sh_is_valid_float(\"10.11.11\")\r\n\r\n eval_shell.sh_is_valid_int(1011)\r\n eval_shell.sh_is_valid_int(\"10.11\")\r\n eval_shell.sh_ls_human_readable(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n\r\n eval_shell.sh_find_all_folder_full_path(\"/sdcard/\")\r\n eval_shell.sh_check_environment_vars()\r\n # [[b'** PATH contains invalid directory /system/sbin\\n',\r\n # b'** PATH contains invalid directory /odm/bin\\n',\r\n # b'** PATH contains invalid directory /vendor/xbin\\n',\r\n # b'ERRORS:3\\n'],\r\n eval_shell.sh_printenv()\r\n\r\n eval_shell.sh_freeze_proc(\"PID HERE\")\r\n eval_shell.sh_unfreeze_proc(\"PID HERE\")\r\n ############################################################################\r\n # to avoid UiAutomator crashes\r\n blocked = [\r\n eval_shell.sh_freeze_proc(int(x.strip().split()[1]))\r\n for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]\r\n if b\"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process\" in x\r\n ]\r\n sleep(0.5)\r\n df = eval_shell.uiautomator_nice20(as_pandas=False)\r\n import pandas as pd\r\n\r\n df = pd.DataFrame(df).T\r\n unblocked = [\r\n eval_shell.sh_unfreeze_proc(int(x.strip().split()[1]))\r\n for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]\r\n if b\"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process\" in x\r\n ]\r\n allg = []\r\n df2 = df.explode(\"all_parents\")\r\n for name, group in df2.groupby(\"all_parents\"):\r\n if not group.loc[group[\"class\"] == \"android.widget.TextView\"].empty:\r\n if list(map(int, group[\"index\"].to_list())) in [[0, 1, 2], [0]]:\r\n if len(group) == 3:\r\n allg.append([True, group])\r\n else:\r\n allg.append([False, group])\r\n\r\n from loophopper import FFIter\r\n\r\n l = FFIter(allg, ignore_exceptions=True, exception_replacement=None)\r\n for no in l:\r\n if no[0] is True:\r\n dfax = pd.concat([l.back(2)[1], l.back(1)[1], no[1]], ignore_index=True)\r\n print(dfax)\r\n ############################################################################\r\n # to avoid UiAutomator crashes\r\n blocked = [\r\n eval_shell.sh_freeze_proc(int(x.strip().split()[1]))\r\n for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]\r\n if b\"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process\" in x\r\n ]\r\n sleep(0.5)\r\n df = eval_shell.uiautomator_nice20(as_pandas=False)\r\n import pandas as pd\r\n\r\n df = pd.DataFrame(df).T\r\n unblocked = [\r\n eval_shell.sh_unfreeze_proc(int(x.strip().split()[1]))\r\n for x in eval_shell.sh_list_current_running_procs()[0]\r\n if b\"com.kiwibrowser.browser:sandboxed_process\" in x\r\n ]\r\n allg = []\r\n df2 = df.explode(\"all_parents\")\r\n for name, group in df2.groupby(\"all_parents\"):\r\n # print(group)\r\n try:\r\n\r\n if list(map(int, group[\"index\"].to_list()[:4])) in [[0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0]]:\r\n if len(group) == 2:\r\n if not group.loc[group.text.astype('string').str.contains(r'^\\d+\\.\\d+$')].empty:\r\n allg.append(group)\r\n if len(group) > 4:\r\n g3 = group.loc[(group['index'] == '1') & (~group['text'].str.contains(r'^\\d+$'))]\r\n if len(g3) == 2:\r\n allg.append(g3)\r\n except Exception:\r\n continue\r\n finalresus = [pd.concat(allg[x:x + 2], ignore_index=True) for x in range(0, len(allg), 2)]\r\n ############################################################################\r\n # Bounding boxes for elements on screen\r\n eval_shell.sh_show_fragments_on_screen()\r\n\r\n # Manage your settings\r\n # manager0\r\n # Out[5]:\r\n # {'secure': {'accessibility_captioning_enabled': {'value': '1',\r\n # 'get_value': (),\r\n # 'put_value': ()},\r\n # 'accessibility_display_inversion_enabled': {'value': 'null',\r\n # 'get_value': (),\r\n # 'put_value': ()},\r\n # 'accessibility_display_magnification_enabled': {'value': '0',\r\n # 'get_value': (),\r\n # 'put_value': ()},\r\n\r\n # manager0.secure.accessibility_display_magnification_scale.put_value(4.0)\r\n # Out[6]: ''\r\n # manager0.secure.accessibility_display_magnification_scale.get_value()\r\n # Out[7]: '4.0'\r\n manager0 = eval_shell.sh_get_settings_manager()\r\n\r\n # same thing for getprop\r\n manager1 = eval_shell.sh_get_getprop_setprop_manager()\r\n\r\n # give all permissions\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_grant_all_package_permissions(\"org.mozilla.firefox\"))\r\n\r\n # revoke all permissions\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_revoke_all_package_permissions(\"org.mozilla.firefox\"))\r\n\r\n # android id\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_get_my_android_id())\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_disable_ipv6())\r\n print(blocking_shell.sh_show_mounted_devices())\r\n\r\n # swipe and get swipe data\r\n so,se=blocking_shell.sh_input_swipe_and_get_data(x0=400, y0=600, x1=452, y1=200, t=1.0)\r\n print(so,se)\r\n # [['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', -1, -1, -1, -1], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 24, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 18, 24, 0, 45], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 18, 25, 0, 47], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 18, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 18, 25, 0, 47], ['TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED', 19, 25, -1, -1], ['TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED', 19, 25, 0, 18]]\r\n```\r\n",
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