
Namevarname JSON
Version 0.13.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDark magics about variable names in python.
upload_time2024-10-11 18:27:51
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

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[![Docs and API][9]][15] [![Codacy][12]][13] [![Codacy coverage][14]][13]

Dark magics about variable names in python

[CHANGELOG][16] | [API][15] | [Playground][11] | :fire: [StackOverflow answer][20]

## Installation

pip install -U varname

Note if you use `python < 3.8`, install `varname < 0.11`

## Features

- Core features:

  - Retrieving names of variables a function/class call is assigned to from inside it, using `varname`.
  - Retrieving variable names directly, using `nameof`
  - Detecting next immediate attribute name, using `will`
  - Fetching argument names/sources passed to a function using `argname`

- Other helper APIs (built based on core features):

  - A value wrapper to store the variable name that a value is assigned to, using `Wrapper`
  - A decorator to register `__varname__` to functions/classes, using `register`
  - A helper function to create dict without explicitly specifying the key-value pairs, using `jsobj`
  - A `debug` function to print variables with their names and values
  - `exec_code` to replace `exec` where source code is available at runtime

## Credits

Thanks goes to these awesome people/projects:

    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>executing</b></sub>
    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>@alexmojaki</b></sub>
    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>@breuleux</b></sub>
    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>@ElCuboNegro</b></sub>
    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>@thewchan</b></sub>
    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>@LawsOfSympathy</b></sub>
    <td align="center" style="min-width: 75px">
      <a href="">
        <img src="" width="50px;" alt=""/>
        <br /><sub><b>@elliotgunton</b></sub>

Special thanks to [@HanyuuLu][2] to give up the name `varname` in pypi for this project.

## Usage

### Retrieving the variable names using `varname(...)`

- From inside a function

    from varname import varname
    def function():
        return varname()

    func = function()  # func == 'func'

    When there are intermediate frames:

    def wrapped():
        return function()

    def function():
        # retrieve the variable name at the 2nd frame from this one
        return varname(frame=2)

    func = wrapped() # func == 'func'

    Or use `ignore` to ignore the wrapped frame:

    def wrapped():
        return function()

    def function():
        return varname(ignore=wrapped)

    func = wrapped() # func == 'func'

    Calls from standard libraries are ignored by default:

    import asyncio

    async def function():
        return varname()

    func = # func == 'func'

    Use `strict` to control whether the call should be assigned to
    the variable directly:

    def function(strict):
        return varname(strict=strict)

    func = function(True)     # OK, direct assignment, func == 'func'

    func = [function(True)]   # Not a direct assignment, raises ImproperUseError
    func = [function(False)]  # OK, func == ['func']

    func = function(False), function(False)   # OK, func = ('func', 'func')

- Retrieving name of a class instance

    class Foo:
        def __init__(self):
   = varname()

        def copy(self):
            # also able to fetch inside a method call
            copied = Foo() # == 'copied'
   = varname() # assign id to whatever variable name
            return copied

    foo = Foo()   # == 'foo'

    foo2 = foo.copy() # == 'foo2'

- Multiple variables on Left-hand side

    # since v0.5.4
    def func():
        return varname(multi_vars=True)

    a = func() # a == ('a',)
    a, b = func() # (a, b) == ('a', 'b')
    [a, b] = func() # (a, b) == ('a', 'b')

    # hierarchy is also possible
    a, (b, c) = func() # (a, b, c) == ('a', 'b', 'c')

- Some unusual use

    def function(**kwargs):
        return varname(strict=False)

    func = func1 = function()  # func == func1 == 'func1'
    # if varname < 0.8: func == func1 == 'func'
    # a warning will be shown
    # since you may not want func to be 'func1'

    x = function(y = function())  # x == 'x'

    # get part of the name
    func_abc = function()[-3:]  # func_abc == 'abc'

    # function alias supported now
    function2 = function
    func = function2()  # func == 'func'

    a = lambda: 0
    a.b = function() # a.b == 'a.b'

### The decorator way to register `__varname__` to functions/classes

- Registering `__varname__` to functions

    from varname.helpers import register

    def function():
        return __varname__

    func = function() # func == 'func'

    # arguments also allowed (frame, ignore and raise_exc)
    def function():
        return __varname__

    def wrapped():
        return function()

    func = wrapped() # func == 'func'

- Registering `__varname__` as a class property

    class Foo:

    foo = Foo()
    # foo.__varname__ == 'foo'

### Getting variable names directly using `nameof`

from varname import varname, nameof

a = 1
nameof(a) # 'a'

b = 2
nameof(a, b) # ('a', 'b')

def func():
    return varname() + '_suffix'

f = func() # f == 'f_suffix'
nameof(f)  # 'f'

# get full names of (chained) attribute calls
func.a = func
nameof(func.a, vars_only=False) # 'func.a'

func.a.b = 1
nameof(func.a.b, vars_only=False) # 'func.a.b'

### Detecting next immediate attribute name

from varname import will
class AwesomeClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.will = None

    def permit(self):
        self.will = will(raise_exc=False)
        if self.will == 'do':
            # let self handle do
            return self
        raise AttributeError('Should do something with AwesomeClass object')

    def do(self):
        if self.will != 'do':
            raise AttributeError("You don't have permission to do")
        return 'I am doing!'

awesome = AwesomeClass() # AttributeError: You don't have permission to do
awesome.permit() # AttributeError: Should do something with AwesomeClass object
awesome.permit().do() == 'I am doing!'

### Fetching argument names/sources using `argname`

from varname import argname

def func(a, b=1):

x = y = z = 2
func(x) # prints: x

def func2(a, b=1):
    print(argname('a', 'b'))
func2(y, b=x) # prints: ('y', 'x')

# allow expressions
def func3(a, b=1):
    print(argname('a', 'b', vars_only=False))
func3(x+y, y+x) # prints: ('x+y', 'y+x')

# positional and keyword arguments
def func4(*args, **kwargs):
    print(argname('args[1]', 'kwargs[c]'))
func4(y, x, c=z) # prints: ('x', 'z')

# As of 0.9.0 (see:
# Can also fetch the source of the argument for
# __getattr__/__getitem__/__setattr/__setitem__/__add__/__lt__, etc.
class Foo:
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        print(argname("name", "value", func=self.__setattr__))

Foo().a = 1 # prints: ("'a'", '1')


### Value wrapper

from varname.helpers import Wrapper

foo = Wrapper(True)
# == 'foo'
# foo.value == True
bar = Wrapper(False)
# == 'bar'
# bar.value == False

def values_to_dict(*args):
    return { val.value for val in args}

mydict = values_to_dict(foo, bar)
# {'foo': True, 'bar': False}

### Creating dictionary using `jsobj`

from varname.helpers import jsobj

a = 1
b = 2
jsobj(a, b) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
jsobj(a, b, c=3) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

### Debugging with `debug`

from varname.helpers import debug

a = 'value'
b = ['val']
# "DEBUG: a='value'\n"
# "DEBUG: b=['val']\n"
debug(a, b)
# "DEBUG: a='value'\nDEBUG: b=['val']\n"
debug(a, b, merge=True)
# "DEBUG: a='value', b=['val']\n"
debug(a, repr=False, prefix='')
# 'a=value\n'
# also debug an expression
# "DEBUG: a+a='valuevalue'\n"
# If you want to disable it:
debug(a+a, vars_only=True) # ImproperUseError

### Replacing `exec` with `exec_code`

from varname import argname
from varname.helpers import exec_code

class Obj:
    def __init__(self):
        self.argnames = []

    def receive(self, arg):
        self.argnames.append(argname('arg', func=self.receive))

obj = Obj()
# exec('obj.receive(1)')  # Error
obj.argnames # ['1', '2']

## Reliability and limitations

`varname` is all depending on `executing` package to look for the node.
The node `executing` detects is ensured to be the correct one (see [this][19]).

It partially works with environments where other AST magics apply, including
`pytest`, `ipython`, `macropy`, `birdseye`, `reticulate` with `R`, etc. Neither
`executing` nor `varname` is 100% working with those environments. Use
it at your own risk.

For example:

- This will not work with `pytest`:

  a = 1
  assert nameof(a) == 'a' # pytest manipulated the ast here

  # do this instead
  name_a = nameof(a)
  assert name_a == 'a'

[7]: logo.png


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "varname",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "pwwang",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "![varname][7]\n\n[![Pypi][3]][4] [![Github][5]][6] [![PythonVers][8]][4] ![Building][10]\n[![Docs and API][9]][15] [![Codacy][12]][13] [![Codacy coverage][14]][13]\n![Downloads][17]\n\nDark magics about variable names in python\n\n[CHANGELOG][16] | [API][15] | [Playground][11] | :fire: [StackOverflow answer][20]\n\n## Installation\n\n```shell\npip install -U varname\n```\n\nNote if you use `python < 3.8`, install `varname < 0.11`\n\n## Features\n\n- Core features:\n\n  - Retrieving names of variables a function/class call is assigned to from inside it, using `varname`.\n  - Retrieving variable names directly, using `nameof`\n  - Detecting next immediate attribute name, using `will`\n  - Fetching argument names/sources passed to a function using `argname`\n\n- Other helper APIs (built based on core features):\n\n  - A value wrapper to store the variable name that a value is assigned to, using `Wrapper`\n  - A decorator to register `__varname__` to functions/classes, using `register`\n  - A helper function to create dict without explicitly specifying the key-value pairs, using `jsobj`\n  - A `debug` function to print variables with their names and values\n  - `exec_code` to replace `exec` where source code is available at runtime\n\n## Credits\n\nThanks goes to these awesome people/projects:\n\n<table>\n  <tr>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>executing</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>@alexmojaki</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>@breuleux</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>@ElCuboNegro</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>@thewchan</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>@LawsOfSympathy</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n    <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 75px\">\n      <a href=\"\">\n        <img src=\"\" width=\"50px;\" alt=\"\"/>\n        <br /><sub><b>@elliotgunton</b></sub>\n      </a>\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n</table>\n\nSpecial thanks to [@HanyuuLu][2] to give up the name `varname` in pypi for this project.\n\n## Usage\n\n### Retrieving the variable names using `varname(...)`\n\n- From inside a function\n\n    ```python\n    from varname import varname\n    def function():\n        return varname()\n\n    func = function()  # func == 'func'\n    ```\n\n    When there are intermediate frames:\n\n    ```python\n    def wrapped():\n        return function()\n\n    def function():\n        # retrieve the variable name at the 2nd frame from this one\n        return varname(frame=2)\n\n    func = wrapped() # func == 'func'\n    ```\n\n    Or use `ignore` to ignore the wrapped frame:\n\n    ```python\n    def wrapped():\n        return function()\n\n    def function():\n        return varname(ignore=wrapped)\n\n    func = wrapped() # func == 'func'\n    ```\n\n    Calls from standard libraries are ignored by default:\n\n    ```python\n    import asyncio\n\n    async def function():\n        return varname()\n\n    func = # func == 'func'\n    ```\n\n    Use `strict` to control whether the call should be assigned to\n    the variable directly:\n\n    ```python\n    def function(strict):\n        return varname(strict=strict)\n\n    func = function(True)     # OK, direct assignment, func == 'func'\n\n    func = [function(True)]   # Not a direct assignment, raises ImproperUseError\n    func = [function(False)]  # OK, func == ['func']\n\n    func = function(False), function(False)   # OK, func = ('func', 'func')\n    ```\n\n- Retrieving name of a class instance\n\n    ```python\n    class Foo:\n        def __init__(self):\n   = varname()\n\n        def copy(self):\n            # also able to fetch inside a method call\n            copied = Foo() # == 'copied'\n   = varname() # assign id to whatever variable name\n            return copied\n\n    foo = Foo()   # == 'foo'\n\n    foo2 = foo.copy() # == 'foo2'\n    ```\n\n- Multiple variables on Left-hand side\n\n    ```python\n    # since v0.5.4\n    def func():\n        return varname(multi_vars=True)\n\n    a = func() # a == ('a',)\n    a, b = func() # (a, b) == ('a', 'b')\n    [a, b] = func() # (a, b) == ('a', 'b')\n\n    # hierarchy is also possible\n    a, (b, c) = func() # (a, b, c) == ('a', 'b', 'c')\n    ```\n\n- Some unusual use\n\n    ```python\n    def function(**kwargs):\n        return varname(strict=False)\n\n    func = func1 = function()  # func == func1 == 'func1'\n    # if varname < 0.8: func == func1 == 'func'\n    # a warning will be shown\n    # since you may not want func to be 'func1'\n\n    x = function(y = function())  # x == 'x'\n\n    # get part of the name\n    func_abc = function()[-3:]  # func_abc == 'abc'\n\n    # function alias supported now\n    function2 = function\n    func = function2()  # func == 'func'\n\n    a = lambda: 0\n    a.b = function() # a.b == 'a.b'\n    ```\n\n### The decorator way to register `__varname__` to functions/classes\n\n- Registering `__varname__` to functions\n\n    ```python\n    from varname.helpers import register\n\n    @register\n    def function():\n        return __varname__\n\n    func = function() # func == 'func'\n    ```\n\n    ```python\n    # arguments also allowed (frame, ignore and raise_exc)\n    @register(frame=2)\n    def function():\n        return __varname__\n\n    def wrapped():\n        return function()\n\n    func = wrapped() # func == 'func'\n    ```\n\n- Registering `__varname__` as a class property\n\n    ```python\n    @register\n    class Foo:\n        ...\n\n    foo = Foo()\n    # foo.__varname__ == 'foo'\n    ```\n\n### Getting variable names directly using `nameof`\n\n```python\nfrom varname import varname, nameof\n\na = 1\nnameof(a) # 'a'\n\nb = 2\nnameof(a, b) # ('a', 'b')\n\ndef func():\n    return varname() + '_suffix'\n\nf = func() # f == 'f_suffix'\nnameof(f)  # 'f'\n\n# get full names of (chained) attribute calls\nfunc.a = func\nnameof(func.a, vars_only=False) # 'func.a'\n\nfunc.a.b = 1\nnameof(func.a.b, vars_only=False) # 'func.a.b'\n```\n\n### Detecting next immediate attribute name\n\n```python\nfrom varname import will\nclass AwesomeClass:\n    def __init__(self):\n        self.will = None\n\n    def permit(self):\n        self.will = will(raise_exc=False)\n        if self.will == 'do':\n            # let self handle do\n            return self\n        raise AttributeError('Should do something with AwesomeClass object')\n\n    def do(self):\n        if self.will != 'do':\n            raise AttributeError(\"You don't have permission to do\")\n        return 'I am doing!'\n\nawesome = AwesomeClass()\ # AttributeError: You don't have permission to do\nawesome.permit() # AttributeError: Should do something with AwesomeClass object\nawesome.permit().do() == 'I am doing!'\n```\n\n### Fetching argument names/sources using `argname`\n\n```python\nfrom varname import argname\n\ndef func(a, b=1):\n    print(argname('a'))\n\nx = y = z = 2\nfunc(x) # prints: x\n\n\ndef func2(a, b=1):\n    print(argname('a', 'b'))\nfunc2(y, b=x) # prints: ('y', 'x')\n\n\n# allow expressions\ndef func3(a, b=1):\n    print(argname('a', 'b', vars_only=False))\nfunc3(x+y, y+x) # prints: ('x+y', 'y+x')\n\n\n# positional and keyword arguments\ndef func4(*args, **kwargs):\n    print(argname('args[1]', 'kwargs[c]'))\nfunc4(y, x, c=z) # prints: ('x', 'z')\n\n\n# As of 0.9.0 (see:\n# Can also fetch the source of the argument for\n# __getattr__/__getitem__/__setattr/__setitem__/__add__/__lt__, etc.\nclass Foo:\n    def __setattr__(self, name, value):\n        print(argname(\"name\", \"value\", func=self.__setattr__))\n\nFoo().a = 1 # prints: (\"'a'\", '1')\n\n```\n\n### Value wrapper\n\n```python\nfrom varname.helpers import Wrapper\n\nfoo = Wrapper(True)\n# == 'foo'\n# foo.value == True\nbar = Wrapper(False)\n# == 'bar'\n# bar.value == False\n\ndef values_to_dict(*args):\n    return { val.value for val in args}\n\nmydict = values_to_dict(foo, bar)\n# {'foo': True, 'bar': False}\n```\n\n### Creating dictionary using `jsobj`\n\n```python\nfrom varname.helpers import jsobj\n\na = 1\nb = 2\njsobj(a, b) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2}\njsobj(a, b, c=3) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}\n```\n\n### Debugging with `debug`\n\n```python\nfrom varname.helpers import debug\n\na = 'value'\nb = ['val']\ndebug(a)\n# \"DEBUG: a='value'\\n\"\ndebug(b)\n# \"DEBUG: b=['val']\\n\"\ndebug(a, b)\n# \"DEBUG: a='value'\\nDEBUG: b=['val']\\n\"\ndebug(a, b, merge=True)\n# \"DEBUG: a='value', b=['val']\\n\"\ndebug(a, repr=False, prefix='')\n# 'a=value\\n'\n# also debug an expression\ndebug(a+a)\n# \"DEBUG: a+a='valuevalue'\\n\"\n# If you want to disable it:\ndebug(a+a, vars_only=True) # ImproperUseError\n```\n\n### Replacing `exec` with `exec_code`\n\n```python\nfrom varname import argname\nfrom varname.helpers import exec_code\n\nclass Obj:\n    def __init__(self):\n        self.argnames = []\n\n    def receive(self, arg):\n        self.argnames.append(argname('arg', func=self.receive))\n\nobj = Obj()\n# exec('obj.receive(1)')  # Error\nexec_code('obj.receive(1)')\nexec_code('obj.receive(2)')\nobj.argnames # ['1', '2']\n```\n\n## Reliability and limitations\n\n`varname` is all depending on `executing` package to look for the node.\nThe node `executing` detects is ensured to be the correct one (see [this][19]).\n\nIt partially works with environments where other AST magics apply, including\n`pytest`, `ipython`, `macropy`, `birdseye`, `reticulate` with `R`, etc. Neither\n`executing` nor `varname` is 100% working with those environments. Use\nit at your own risk.\n\nFor example:\n\n- This will not work with `pytest`:\n\n  ```python\n  a = 1\n  assert nameof(a) == 'a' # pytest manipulated the ast here\n\n  # do this instead\n  name_a = nameof(a)\n  assert name_a == 'a'\n  ```\n\n[1]:\n[2]:\n[3]:\n[4]:\n[5]:\n[6]:\n[7]: logo.png\n[8]:\n[9]:\n[10]:\n[11]:\n[12]:\n[13]:\n[14]:\n[15]:\n[16]:\n[17]:\n[19]:\n[20]:\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Dark magics about variable names in python.",
    "version": "0.13.5",
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        "Repository": ""
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