
Namevision-agent JSON
Version 0.2.128 PyPI version JSON
SummaryToolset for Vision Agent
upload_time2024-09-07 00:00:26
authorLanding AI
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <div align="center">
    <img alt="vision_agent" height="200px" src="">

# 🔍🤖 Vision Agent
[![PyPI version](](

Vision Agent is a library that helps you utilize agent frameworks to generate code to
solve your vision task. Many current vision problems can easily take hours or days to
solve, you need to find the right model, figure out how to use it and program it to
accomplish the task you want. Vision Agent aims to provide an in-seconds experience by
allowing users to describe their problem in text and have the agent framework generate
code to solve the task for them. Check out our discord for updates and roadmaps!

## Web Application

Try Vision Agent live on (note this may not be running the most up-to-date version) [](

## Documentation

[Vision Agent Library Docs](

## Getting Started
### Installation
To get started, you can install the library using pip:

pip install vision-agent

Ensure you have an OpenAI API key and set it as an environment variable (if you are
using Azure OpenAI please see the Azure setup section):

export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key"

### Vision Agent
There are two agents that you can use. `VisionAgent` is a conversational agent that has
access to tools that allow it to write an navigate python code and file systems. It can
converse with the user in natural language. `VisionAgentCoder` is an agent specifically
for writing code for vision tasks, such as counting people in an image. However, it
cannot chat with you and can only respond with code. `VisionAgent` can call
`VisionAgentCoder` to write vision code.

#### Basic Usage
To run the streamlit app locally to chat with `VisionAgent`, you can run the following

pip install -r examples/chat/requirements.txt
export WORKSPACE=/path/to/your/workspace
export ZMQ_PORT=5555
streamlit run examples/chat/
You can find more details about the streamlit app [here](examples/chat/).

#### Basic Programmatic Usage
>>> from vision_agent.agent import VisionAgent
>>> agent = VisionAgent()
>>> resp = agent("Hello")
>>> print(resp)
[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "{'thoughts': 'The user has greeted me. I will respond with a greeting and ask how I can assist them.', 'response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'let_user_respond': True}"}]
>>> resp.append({"role": "user", "content": "Can you count the number of people in this image?", "media": ["people.jpg"]})
>>> resp = agent(resp)

### Vision Agent Coder
#### Basic Usage
You can interact with the agent as you would with any LLM or LMM model:

>>> from vision_agent.agent import VisionAgentCoder
>>> agent = VisionAgentCoder()
>>> code = agent("What percentage of the area of the jar is filled with coffee beans?", media="jar.jpg")

Which produces the following code:
from import load_image, grounding_sam

def calculate_filled_percentage(image_path: str) -> float:
    # Step 1: Load the image
    image = load_image(image_path)

    # Step 2: Segment the jar
    jar_segments = grounding_sam(prompt="jar", image=image)

    # Step 3: Segment the coffee beans
    coffee_beans_segments = grounding_sam(prompt="coffee beans", image=image)

    # Step 4: Calculate the area of the segmented jar
    jar_area = 0
    for segment in jar_segments:
        jar_area += segment['mask'].sum()

    # Step 5: Calculate the area of the segmented coffee beans
    coffee_beans_area = 0
    for segment in coffee_beans_segments:
        coffee_beans_area += segment['mask'].sum()

    # Step 6: Compute the percentage of the jar area that is filled with coffee beans
    if jar_area == 0:
        return 0.0  # To avoid division by zero
    filled_percentage = (coffee_beans_area / jar_area) * 100

    # Step 7: Return the computed percentage
    return filled_percentage

To better understand how the model came up with it's answer, you can run it in debug
mode by passing in the verbose argument:

>>> agent = VisionAgentCoder(verbosity=2)

#### Detailed Usage
You can also have it return more information by calling `chat_with_workflow`. The format
of the input is a list of dictionaries with the keys `role`, `content`, and `media`:

>>> results = agent.chat_with_workflow([{"role": "user", "content": "What percentage of the area of the jar is filled with coffee beans?", "media": ["jar.jpg"]}])
>>> print(results)
    "code": "from import ..."
    "test": "calculate_filled_percentage('jar.jpg')",
    "test_result": "...",
    "plan": [{"code": "...", "test": "...", "plan": "..."}, ...],
    "working_memory": ...,

With this you can examine more detailed information such as the testing code, testing
results, plan or working memory it used to complete the task.

#### Multi-turn conversations
You can have multi-turn conversations with vision-agent as well, giving it feedback on
the code and having it update. You just need to add the code as a response from the

agent = va.agent.VisionAgentCoder(verbosity=2)
conv = [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Are these workers wearing safety gear? Output only a True or False value.",
        "media": ["workers.png"],
result = agent.chat_with_workflow(conv)
code = result["code"]
conv.append({"role": "assistant", "content": code})
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Can you also return the number of workers wearing safety gear?",
result = agent.chat_with_workflow(conv)

### Tools
There are a variety of tools for the model or the user to use. Some are executed locally
while others are hosted for you. You can easily access them yourself, for example if
you want to run `owl_v2` and visualize the output you can run:

import as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

image = T.load_image("dogs.jpg")
dets = T.owl_v2("dogs", image)
viz = T.overlay_bounding_boxes(image, dets)

You can also add custom tools to the agent:

import vision_agent as va
import numpy as np["import numpy as np"])
def custom_tool(image_path: str) -> str:
    """My custom tool documentation.

        image_path (str): The path to the image.

        str: The result of the tool.

    >>> custom_tool("image.jpg")

    return np.zeros((10, 10))

You need to ensure you call `` with any imports it uses. Global
variables will not be captured by `register_tool` so you need to include them in the
function. Make sure the documentation is in the same format above with description,
`Parameters:`, `Returns:`, and `Example\n-------`. You can find an example use case
[here](examples/custom_tools/) as this is what the agent uses to pick and use the tool.

Can't find the tool you need and want add it to `VisionAgent`? Check out our
[vision-agent-tools]( repository where
we add the source code for all the tools used in `VisionAgent`.

## Additional Backends
### Ollama
We also provide a `VisionAgentCoder` that uses Ollama. To get started you must download
a few models:

ollama pull llama3.1
ollama pull mxbai-embed-large

`llama3.1` is used for the `OllamaLMM` for `OllamaVisionAgentCoder`. Normally we would
use an actual LMM such as `llava` but `llava` cannot handle the long context lengths
required by the agent. Since `llama3.1` cannot handle images you may see some
performance degredation. `mxbai-embed-large` is the embedding model used to look up
tools. You can use it just like you would use `VisionAgentCoder`:

>>> import vision_agent as va
>>> agent = va.agent.OllamaVisionAgentCoder()
>>> agent("Count the apples in the image", media="apples.jpg")
> WARNING: VisionAgent doesn't work well unless the underlying LMM is sufficiently powerful. Do not expect good results or even working code with smaller models like Llama 3.1 8B.

### Azure OpenAI
We also provide a `AzureVisionAgentCoder` that uses Azure OpenAI models. To get started
follow the Azure Setup section below. You can use it just like you would use=

>>> import vision_agent as va
>>> agent = va.agent.AzureVisionAgentCoder()
>>> agent("Count the apples in the image", media="apples.jpg")

### Azure Setup
If you want to use Azure OpenAI models, you need to have two OpenAI model deployments:

1. OpenAI GPT-4o model
2. OpenAI text embedding model

<img width="1201" alt="Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 5 54 48 PM" src="">

Then you can set the following environment variables:

export AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key"
export AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT="your-endpoint"
# The deployment name of your Azure OpenAI chat model
export AZURE_OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME="your_gpt4o_model_deployment_name"
# The deployment name of your Azure OpenAI text embedding model
export AZURE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME="your_embedding_model_deployment_name"

> NOTE: make sure your Azure model deployment have enough quota (token per minute) to support it. The default value 8000TPM is not enough.

You can then run Vision Agent using the Azure OpenAI models:

import vision_agent as va
agent = va.agent.AzureVisionAgentCoder()


### Q&A

#### How to get started with OpenAI API credits

1. Visit the [OpenAI API platform]( to sign up for an API key.
2. Follow the instructions to purchase and manage your API credits.
3. Ensure your API key is correctly configured in your project settings.

Failure to have sufficient API credits may result in limited or no functionality for
the features that rely on the OpenAI API. For more details on managing your API usage
and credits, please refer to the OpenAI API documentation.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "vision-agent",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Landing AI",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<div align=\"center\">\n    <img alt=\"vision_agent\" height=\"200px\" src=\"\">\n\n# \ud83d\udd0d\ud83e\udd16 Vision Agent\n[![](](\n![ci_status](\n[![PyPI version](](\n![version](\n</div>\n\nVision Agent is a library that helps you utilize agent frameworks to generate code to\nsolve your vision task. Many current vision problems can easily take hours or days to\nsolve, you need to find the right model, figure out how to use it and program it to\naccomplish the task you want. Vision Agent aims to provide an in-seconds experience by\nallowing users to describe their problem in text and have the agent framework generate\ncode to solve the task for them. Check out our discord for updates and roadmaps!\n\n\n## Web Application\n\nTry Vision Agent live on (note this may not be running the most up-to-date version) [](\n\n## Documentation\n\n[Vision Agent Library Docs](\n\n\n## Getting Started\n### Installation\nTo get started, you can install the library using pip:\n\n```bash\npip install vision-agent\n```\n\nEnsure you have an OpenAI API key and set it as an environment variable (if you are\nusing Azure OpenAI please see the Azure setup section):\n\n```bash\nexport OPENAI_API_KEY=\"your-api-key\"\n```\n\n### Vision Agent\nThere are two agents that you can use. `VisionAgent` is a conversational agent that has\naccess to tools that allow it to write an navigate python code and file systems. It can\nconverse with the user in natural language. `VisionAgentCoder` is an agent specifically\nfor writing code for vision tasks, such as counting people in an image. However, it\ncannot chat with you and can only respond with code. `VisionAgent` can call\n`VisionAgentCoder` to write vision code.\n\n#### Basic Usage\nTo run the streamlit app locally to chat with `VisionAgent`, you can run the following\ncommand:\n\n```bash\npip install -r examples/chat/requirements.txt\nexport WORKSPACE=/path/to/your/workspace\nexport ZMQ_PORT=5555\nstreamlit run examples/chat/\n```\nYou can find more details about the streamlit app [here](examples/chat/).\n\n#### Basic Programmatic Usage\n```python\n>>> from vision_agent.agent import VisionAgent\n>>> agent = VisionAgent()\n>>> resp = agent(\"Hello\")\n>>> print(resp)\n[{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Hello\"}, {\"role\": \"assistant\", \"content\": \"{'thoughts': 'The user has greeted me. I will respond with a greeting and ask how I can assist them.', 'response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'let_user_respond': True}\"}]\n>>> resp.append({\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Can you count the number of people in this image?\", \"media\": [\"people.jpg\"]})\n>>> resp = agent(resp)\n```\n\n### Vision Agent Coder\n#### Basic Usage\nYou can interact with the agent as you would with any LLM or LMM model:\n\n```python\n>>> from vision_agent.agent import VisionAgentCoder\n>>> agent = VisionAgentCoder()\n>>> code = agent(\"What percentage of the area of the jar is filled with coffee beans?\", media=\"jar.jpg\")\n```\n\nWhich produces the following code:\n```python\nfrom import load_image, grounding_sam\n\ndef calculate_filled_percentage(image_path: str) -> float:\n    # Step 1: Load the image\n    image = load_image(image_path)\n\n    # Step 2: Segment the jar\n    jar_segments = grounding_sam(prompt=\"jar\", image=image)\n\n    # Step 3: Segment the coffee beans\n    coffee_beans_segments = grounding_sam(prompt=\"coffee beans\", image=image)\n\n    # Step 4: Calculate the area of the segmented jar\n    jar_area = 0\n    for segment in jar_segments:\n        jar_area += segment['mask'].sum()\n\n    # Step 5: Calculate the area of the segmented coffee beans\n    coffee_beans_area = 0\n    for segment in coffee_beans_segments:\n        coffee_beans_area += segment['mask'].sum()\n\n    # Step 6: Compute the percentage of the jar area that is filled with coffee beans\n    if jar_area == 0:\n        return 0.0  # To avoid division by zero\n    filled_percentage = (coffee_beans_area / jar_area) * 100\n\n    # Step 7: Return the computed percentage\n    return filled_percentage\n```\n\nTo better understand how the model came up with it's answer, you can run it in debug\nmode by passing in the verbose argument:\n\n```python\n>>> agent = VisionAgentCoder(verbosity=2)\n```\n\n#### Detailed Usage\nYou can also have it return more information by calling `chat_with_workflow`. The format\nof the input is a list of dictionaries with the keys `role`, `content`, and `media`:\n\n```python\n>>> results = agent.chat_with_workflow([{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"What percentage of the area of the jar is filled with coffee beans?\", \"media\": [\"jar.jpg\"]}])\n>>> print(results)\n{\n    \"code\": \"from import ...\"\n    \"test\": \"calculate_filled_percentage('jar.jpg')\",\n    \"test_result\": \"...\",\n    \"plan\": [{\"code\": \"...\", \"test\": \"...\", \"plan\": \"...\"}, ...],\n    \"working_memory\": ...,\n}\n```\n\nWith this you can examine more detailed information such as the testing code, testing\nresults, plan or working memory it used to complete the task.\n\n#### Multi-turn conversations\nYou can have multi-turn conversations with vision-agent as well, giving it feedback on\nthe code and having it update. You just need to add the code as a response from the\nassistant:\n\n```python\nagent = va.agent.VisionAgentCoder(verbosity=2)\nconv = [\n    {\n        \"role\": \"user\",\n        \"content\": \"Are these workers wearing safety gear? Output only a True or False value.\",\n        \"media\": [\"workers.png\"],\n    }\n]\nresult = agent.chat_with_workflow(conv)\ncode = result[\"code\"]\nconv.append({\"role\": \"assistant\", \"content\": code})\nconv.append(\n    {\n        \"role\": \"user\",\n        \"content\": \"Can you also return the number of workers wearing safety gear?\",\n    }\n)\nresult = agent.chat_with_workflow(conv)\n```\n\n### Tools\nThere are a variety of tools for the model or the user to use. Some are executed locally\nwhile others are hosted for you. You can easily access them yourself, for example if\nyou want to run `owl_v2` and visualize the output you can run:\n\n```python\nimport as T\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\nimage = T.load_image(\"dogs.jpg\")\ndets = T.owl_v2(\"dogs\", image)\nviz = T.overlay_bounding_boxes(image, dets)\nplt.imshow(viz)\\n```\n\nYou can also add custom tools to the agent:\n\n```python\nimport vision_agent as va\nimport numpy as np\n\[\"import numpy as np\"])\ndef custom_tool(image_path: str) -> str:\n    \"\"\"My custom tool documentation.\n\n    Parameters:\n        image_path (str): The path to the image.\n\n    Returns:\n        str: The result of the tool.\n\n    Example\n    -------\n    >>> custom_tool(\"image.jpg\")\n    \"\"\"\n\n    return np.zeros((10, 10))\n```\n\nYou need to ensure you call `` with any imports it uses. Global\nvariables will not be captured by `register_tool` so you need to include them in the\nfunction. Make sure the documentation is in the same format above with description,\n`Parameters:`, `Returns:`, and `Example\\n-------`. You can find an example use case\n[here](examples/custom_tools/) as this is what the agent uses to pick and use the tool.\n\nCan't find the tool you need and want add it to `VisionAgent`? Check out our\n[vision-agent-tools]( repository where\nwe add the source code for all the tools used in `VisionAgent`.\n\n## Additional Backends\n### Ollama\nWe also provide a `VisionAgentCoder` that uses Ollama. To get started you must download\na few models:\n\n```bash\nollama pull llama3.1\nollama pull mxbai-embed-large\n```\n\n`llama3.1` is used for the `OllamaLMM` for `OllamaVisionAgentCoder`. Normally we would\nuse an actual LMM such as `llava` but `llava` cannot handle the long context lengths\nrequired by the agent. Since `llama3.1` cannot handle images you may see some\nperformance degredation. `mxbai-embed-large` is the embedding model used to look up\ntools. You can use it just like you would use `VisionAgentCoder`:\n\n```python\n>>> import vision_agent as va\n>>> agent = va.agent.OllamaVisionAgentCoder()\n>>> agent(\"Count the apples in the image\", media=\"apples.jpg\")\n```\n> WARNING: VisionAgent doesn't work well unless the underlying LMM is sufficiently powerful. Do not expect good results or even working code with smaller models like Llama 3.1 8B.\n\n### Azure OpenAI\nWe also provide a `AzureVisionAgentCoder` that uses Azure OpenAI models. To get started\nfollow the Azure Setup section below. You can use it just like you would use=\n`VisionAgentCoder`:\n\n```python\n>>> import vision_agent as va\n>>> agent = va.agent.AzureVisionAgentCoder()\n>>> agent(\"Count the apples in the image\", media=\"apples.jpg\")\n```\n\n\n### Azure Setup\nIf you want to use Azure OpenAI models, you need to have two OpenAI model deployments:\n\n1. OpenAI GPT-4o model\n2. OpenAI text embedding model\n\n<img width=\"1201\" alt=\"Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 5 54 48\u202fPM\" src=\"\">\n\nThen you can set the following environment variables:\n\n```bash\nexport AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY=\"your-api-key\"\nexport AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT=\"your-endpoint\"\n# The deployment name of your Azure OpenAI chat model\nexport AZURE_OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=\"your_gpt4o_model_deployment_name\"\n# The deployment name of your Azure OpenAI text embedding model\nexport AZURE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=\"your_embedding_model_deployment_name\"\n```\n\n> NOTE: make sure your Azure model deployment have enough quota (token per minute) to support it. The default value 8000TPM is not enough.\n\nYou can then run Vision Agent using the Azure OpenAI models:\n\n```python\nimport vision_agent as va\nagent = va.agent.AzureVisionAgentCoder()\n```\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************\n\n### Q&A\n\n#### How to get started with OpenAI API credits\n\n1. Visit the [OpenAI API platform]( to sign up for an API key.\n2. Follow the instructions to purchase and manage your API credits.\n3. Ensure your API key is correctly configured in your project settings.\n\nFailure to have sufficient API credits may result in limited or no functionality for\nthe features that rely on the OpenAI API. For more details on managing your API usage\nand credits, please refer to the OpenAI API documentation.\n",
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