
Namevss-cli JSON
Version 2024.8.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryITS Private Cloud Command Line Interface
upload_time2024-08-30 15:31:48
authorUniversity of Toronto
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # ITS Private Cloud Command Line Interface ``vss-cli``

[![PyPI version][pyver-img]](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vss-cli)

The ITS Private Cloud Command-Line Interface ``vss-cli`` simplifies the interaction with the 
[ITS Private Cloud API][ITS Private Cloud API] to manage your virtual machines and other services.

## Documentation

Package documentation is now available at [docs][docs].

## Installation

> Windows users, follow the installation instructions [Installing Python on Windows][Installing Python on Windows] and 
  add ``%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\Scripts`` to ``PATH``  environment variable prior running [pip][pip].

### PIP

The fastest way to install VSS CLI is to use [pip][pip]:

pip install vss-cli
If you are planning to interact with `vskey-stor` execute the following command

pip install 'vss-cli[stor]'
The command will install ``minio`` package from PyPI.

> Windows users, please install ``windows-curses`` and ``vss-cli`` as follows: 
 ``pip install --user vss-cli windows-curses``.
If you have the VSS CLI installed and want to upgrade to the latest version
you can run:

pip install --upgrade vss-cli

### Homebrew

Use [Homebrew][Homebrew] to install the ``vss-cli`` on macOS:

brew tap vss/vss-cli https://github.com/EIS-ITS/vss-cli
brew install vss-cli
Using Homebrew will automatically setup autocompletion based on your current shell.

### From Source

You can also just [download the tarball][download the tarball].
Once you have the `vss-cli` directory structure on your workstation, you can just run:

cd path_to_vss-cli
python setup.py install

## Docker

If you do not have a Python setup you can try using ``vss-cli`` via a container using Docker.

docker run uofteis/vss-cli

[docker-vss-cli][docker/docker-vss-cli] is a helpful script to run the ``vss-cli`` within a 
docker container. Just download or move the file and update the environment variables if required, 
give execution permission and move it to your ``$PATH``:

# U of T
curl https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/raw/main/docker/docker-vss-cli > vss-cli
chmod +x vss-cli

# Public
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EIS-ITS/vss-cli/main/docker/docker-vss-cli > vss-cli
chmod +x vss-cli

## CLI Releases

The release notes for the VSS CLI can be found [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) in the gitlab repo.

## Getting Started

Before using VSS CLI, you need setup your VSS credentials. You can do this in a couple of ways:

* Configuration file
* Environment variables
* Command Line Input

The quickest way to get started is to run the ``vss-cli configure mk`` command:

vss-cli configure mk

Endpoint [https://cloud-api.eis.utoronto.ca]: 
Username: jm
Repeat for confirmation: 


To use environment variables, set ``VSS_USER`` and ``VSS_USER_PASS`` or ``VSS_TOKEN``:

export VSS_USER_PASS=superstrongpassword
# or

For detailed information about the ``vss-cli`` configuration, please refer to the 
[official documentation site][official documentation site].

## JSON/YAML Parameter Input 

VSS CLI options vary from simple string, boolean, numeric values,
JSON data structures and file in both JSON and YAML 
as input parameters on the command line.

For example, consider the following command to deploy a new virtual
machine from a given template and provide a guest operating system
specification to reconfigure hostname, domain, dns, ip, subnet
and gateway:

vss compute vm mk from-template --source VM-Template \
      --description 'New virtual machine' \
      --custom-spec '{"hostname": "fe1", "domain": "eis.utoronto.ca", "interfaces": [{"dhcp": true}]}'

However, if a file is provided instead with a JSON or YAML structure, 
the CLI will take it as valid such as ``new-vm-custom-spec.json`` or
``new-vm-custom-spec.yaml`` shown below:

  "hostname": "fe1",
  "domain": "eis.utoronto.ca",
  "interfaces": [
      "dhcp": true
hostname: fe1
domain: eis.utoronto.ca
  - dhcp: true

vss compute vm mk from-template --source VM-Template \
      --description 'New virtual machine' \
      --custom-spec new-vm-custom-spec.json

## Auto-completion

Bash completion support is provided by [Click][Click] and will complete
sub commands and parameters. Sub commands are always listed whereas parameters
only if at least a dash has been provided. Example:

vss-cli compute <TAB><TAB>
account    compute    configure  request    stor       token

vss-cli -<TAB><TAB>
--config      --no-verbose  --output      --verbose     --version     -c            -o

Activating `bash` or `zsh` completion can be done by executing the following commands:

For `bash`:

source <(vss-cli completion bash)

For `zsh`:
source <(vss-cli completion zsh)

For `fish`

_VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=fish_source vss-cli > ~/.config/fish/completions/vss-cli-complete.fish

If you do it from your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` it is recommended to use the following method 
since avoids triggering a run of vss-cli itself.

For `bash`:

eval "$(_VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=bash_source vss-cli)"

For `zsh`:

eval "$(_VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=zsh_source vss-cli)"

For `fish`:

eval (env _VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=fish_source vss-cli)

## VSS Shell

The VSS CLI provides a REPL interactive shell with tab-completion, suggestions and
command history.

Usage: vss shell [OPTIONS]

  REPL interactive shell.

  -i, --history TEXT  File path to save history
  --help              Show this message and exit.

To enter the shell just execute vss shell and you will get the following welcome message:

    __   _____ ___
    \ \ / / __/ __|      API Endpoint: https://cloud-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2
     \ V /\__ \__ \      Tab-completion & suggestions
      \_/ |___/___/      Prefix external commands with "!"
       CLI v20xx.0.0      History is saved: /Users/user/.vss-cli/history

    Exit shell with :exit, :q, :quit, ctrl+d

vss (cloud-api) > 

## Getting Help

We use GitLab issues for tracking bugs, enhancements and feature requests.
If it turns out that you may have found a bug, please [open a new issue][open a new issue].

vss-cli --help
Usage: vss-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command line interface for the ITS Private Cloud.

  -e, --endpoint TEXT             The Cloud API endpoint URL
  -c, --config TEXT               Configuration file
  -t, --token TEXT                The Bearer token for the VSS API.
  -u, --username TEXT             The API username for VSS API.
  -p, --password TEXT             The API password for VSS API.
  --totp TEXT                     Timed One Time Password.
  --timeout INTEGER               Timeout for network operations.
  -l, --loglevel LVL              Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or
  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  --debug                         Enables debug mode.
  -x                              Print back traces when exception occurs.
  -o, --output [json|yaml|table|auto|ndjson]
                                  Output format (default: auto).
  --table-format TEXT             Which table format to use (default: simple)
  --columns TEXT                  Custom columns key=value list. Example:
  --columns-width INTEGER         Truncates column values (0: auto, -1:
  --wait / --no-wait              wait for request(s) to complete
  -n, --no-headers                When printing tables don't use headers
                                  (default: print headers)
  -s, --sort-by TEXT              Sort table by the jsonpath expression.
                                  Example: updated_on
  -w, --s3-server TEXT            The Webdav server.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  account     Manage your VSS account
  completion  Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or
              zsh or fish).
  compute     Manage VMs, networks, folders, etc.
  configure   Configure VSS-CLI options.
  key         Manage your SSH Public Keys.
  message     Manage VSS Messages.
  misc        Miscellaneous utilities.
  ovf         OVF Tool
  plugins     External plugins.
  raw         Make a raw call to the API
  request     Manage various requests
  service     ITS Service catalog.
  shell       REPL interactive shell.
  status      Check ITS Private Cloud Status.
  stor        Manage your VSS storage account.
  token       Manage access tokens
  upgrade     Upgrade VSS CLI and dependencies.

## Versioning

The `vss-cli` versions are tagged based on [Calendar Versioning][Calendar Versioning]. Versions available in the 
[tags section][tags section] or [PyPI package section][PyPI package section].

## Contributing
Refer to the [Contributing Guide][Contributing Guide] and [Contributors](CONTRIBUTORS.md) for details on our code 
of conduct and the process of submitting code to the repository.

## Changelog 📝

Refer to the [Changelog][Changelog] for details. 

[Calendar Versioning]: https://calver.org/
[tags section]: https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/tags
[PyPI package section]: https://pypi.org/project/vss-cli/#history
[official documentation site]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/configure.html
[docs]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/
[Contributing Guide]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/development.html
[Changelog]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/changelog.html
[docker/docker-vss-cli]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/docker.html
[download the tarball]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vss-cli
[Click]: http://click.pocoo.org/6/
[Python Releases for Windows]: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
[pip]: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/
[open a new issue]: https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/issues/new
[build-img]: https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/badges/main/pipeline.svg
[pypi-img]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/vss-cli.svg
[pyver-img]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/vss-cli.svg
[docker-pulls-img]:  https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/uofteis/vss-cli.svg
[docker-image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/uofteis/vss-cli/
[python-tabulate]: https://pypi.org/project/tabulate/
[ITS Private Cloud RESTful API]: https://vss-wiki.eis.utoronto.ca/display/API
[Pull Request #76]: https://github.com/click-contrib/click-repl/pull/76
[Homebrew]: https://brew.sh/


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli",
    "name": "vss-cli",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8.5",
    "maintainer_email": "vss-py@eis.utoronto.ca",
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "University of Toronto",
    "author_email": "vss-apps@eis.utoronto.ca",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8c/8e/e938b89a6ad547d416e85f7c5d383abccd94e17510e94e39b29c441b757c/vss-cli-2024.8.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": "any",
    "description": "# ITS Private Cloud Command Line Interface ``vss-cli``\n\n[![PyPI][pypi-img]](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vss-cli)\n[![PyPI version][pyver-img]](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vss-cli)\n\n\nThe ITS Private Cloud Command-Line Interface ``vss-cli`` simplifies the interaction with the \n[ITS Private Cloud API][ITS Private Cloud API] to manage your virtual machines and other services.\n<br>\n<br>\n[![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/RpP8lQBxjW75SaYtubHqerEp7.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/JB2CT3GmfdFFUXEDxBV3xI0i0)\n\n## Documentation\n\nPackage documentation is now available at [docs][docs].\n\n## Installation\n\n> Windows users, follow the installation instructions [Installing Python on Windows][Installing Python on Windows] and \n  add ``%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python37\\Scripts`` to ``PATH``  environment variable prior running [pip][pip].\n\n### PIP\n\nThe fastest way to install VSS CLI is to use [pip][pip]:\n\n```bash\npip install vss-cli\n```\nIf you are planning to interact with `vskey-stor` execute the following command\n\n```bash\npip install 'vss-cli[stor]'\n```\nThe command will install ``minio`` package from PyPI.\n\n> Windows users, please install ``windows-curses`` and ``vss-cli`` as follows: \n ``pip install --user vss-cli windows-curses``.\n        \nIf you have the VSS CLI installed and want to upgrade to the latest version\nyou can run:\n\n```bash\npip install --upgrade vss-cli\n```\n\n### Homebrew\n\nUse [Homebrew][Homebrew] to install the ``vss-cli`` on macOS:\n\n```bash\nbrew tap vss/vss-cli https://github.com/EIS-ITS/vss-cli\nbrew install vss-cli\n```\nUsing Homebrew will automatically setup autocompletion based on your current shell.\n\n### From Source\n\nYou can also just [download the tarball][download the tarball].\nOnce you have the `vss-cli` directory structure on your workstation, you can just run:\n\n```bash\ncd path_to_vss-cli\npython setup.py install\n```\n\n## Docker\n\nIf you do not have a Python setup you can try using ``vss-cli`` via a container using Docker.\n\n```bash\ndocker run uofteis/vss-cli\n```\n\n[docker-vss-cli][docker/docker-vss-cli] is a helpful script to run the ``vss-cli`` within a \ndocker container. Just download or move the file and update the environment variables if required, \ngive execution permission and move it to your ``$PATH``:\n\n```bash\n# U of T\ncurl https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/raw/main/docker/docker-vss-cli > vss-cli\nchmod +x vss-cli\n\n# Public\ncurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EIS-ITS/vss-cli/main/docker/docker-vss-cli > vss-cli\nchmod +x vss-cli\n```\n\n## CLI Releases\n\nThe release notes for the VSS CLI can be found [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) in the gitlab repo.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nBefore using VSS CLI, you need setup your VSS credentials. You can do this in a couple of ways:\n\n* Configuration file\n* Environment variables\n* Command Line Input\n\nThe quickest way to get started is to run the ``vss-cli configure mk`` command:\n\n```bash\nvss-cli configure mk\n\nEndpoint [https://cloud-api.eis.utoronto.ca]: \nUsername: jm\nPassword: \nRepeat for confirmation: \n\n```\n\nTo use environment variables, set ``VSS_USER`` and ``VSS_USER_PASS`` or ``VSS_TOKEN``:\n\n```bash\nexport VSS_USER=USER\nexport VSS_USER_PASS=superstrongpassword\n# or\nexport VSS_TOKEN=JWT_TOKEN\n```\n\nFor detailed information about the ``vss-cli`` configuration, please refer to the \n[official documentation site][official documentation site].\n\n## JSON/YAML Parameter Input \n\nVSS CLI options vary from simple string, boolean, numeric values,\nJSON data structures and file in both JSON and YAML \nas input parameters on the command line.\n\nFor example, consider the following command to deploy a new virtual\nmachine from a given template and provide a guest operating system\nspecification to reconfigure hostname, domain, dns, ip, subnet\nand gateway:\n\n```bash\nvss compute vm mk from-template --source VM-Template \\\n      --description 'New virtual machine' \\\n      --custom-spec '{\"hostname\": \"fe1\", \"domain\": \"eis.utoronto.ca\", \"interfaces\": [{\"dhcp\": true}]}'\n```\n\nHowever, if a file is provided instead with a JSON or YAML structure, \nthe CLI will take it as valid such as ``new-vm-custom-spec.json`` or\n``new-vm-custom-spec.yaml`` shown below:\n\n```json\n{\n  \"hostname\": \"fe1\",\n  \"domain\": \"eis.utoronto.ca\",\n  \"interfaces\": [\n    {\n      \"dhcp\": true\n    }\n  ]\n}\n```\nor\n```yaml\nhostname: fe1\ndomain: eis.utoronto.ca\ninterfaces:\n  - dhcp: true\n```\n\n```bash\nvss compute vm mk from-template --source VM-Template \\\n      --description 'New virtual machine' \\\n      --custom-spec new-vm-custom-spec.json\n```\n\n\n## Auto-completion\n\nBash completion support is provided by [Click][Click] and will complete\nsub commands and parameters. Sub commands are always listed whereas parameters\nonly if at least a dash has been provided. Example:\n\n```bash\nvss-cli compute <TAB><TAB>\naccount    compute    configure  request    stor       token\n\nvss-cli -<TAB><TAB>\n--config      --no-verbose  --output      --verbose     --version     -c            -o\n```\n\nActivating `bash` or `zsh` completion can be done by executing the following commands:\n\nFor `bash`:\n\n```bash\nsource <(vss-cli completion bash)\n```\n\nFor `zsh`:\n```bash\nsource <(vss-cli completion zsh)\n```\n\nFor `fish`\n\n```bash\n_VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=fish_source vss-cli > ~/.config/fish/completions/vss-cli-complete.fish\n```\n\nIf you do it from your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` it is recommended to use the following method \nsince avoids triggering a run of vss-cli itself.\n\nFor `bash`:\n\n```bash\neval \"$(_VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=bash_source vss-cli)\"\n```\n\nFor `zsh`:\n\n```bash\neval \"$(_VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=zsh_source vss-cli)\"\n```\n\nFor `fish`:\n\n```bash\neval (env _VSS_CLI_COMPLETE=fish_source vss-cli)\n```\n\n## VSS Shell\n\nThe VSS CLI provides a REPL interactive shell with tab-completion, suggestions and\ncommand history.\n\n```bash\nUsage: vss shell [OPTIONS]\n\n  REPL interactive shell.\n\nOptions:\n  -i, --history TEXT  File path to save history\n  --help              Show this message and exit.\n\n```\nTo enter the shell just execute vss shell and you will get the following welcome message:\n\n```bash\n    __   _____ ___\n    \\ \\ / / __/ __|      API Endpoint: https://cloud-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2\n     \\ V /\\__ \\__ \\      Tab-completion & suggestions\n      \\_/ |___/___/      Prefix external commands with \"!\"\n       CLI v20xx.0.0      History is saved: /Users/user/.vss-cli/history\n\n    Exit shell with :exit, :q, :quit, ctrl+d\n\nvss (cloud-api) > \n```\n\n## Getting Help\n\nWe use GitLab issues for tracking bugs, enhancements and feature requests.\nIf it turns out that you may have found a bug, please [open a new issue][open a new issue].\n\n```bash\nvss-cli --help\nUsage: vss-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...\n\n  Command line interface for the ITS Private Cloud.\n\nOptions:\n  -e, --endpoint TEXT             The Cloud API endpoint URL\n  -c, --config TEXT               Configuration file\n  -t, --token TEXT                The Bearer token for the VSS API.\n  -u, --username TEXT             The API username for VSS API.\n  -p, --password TEXT             The API password for VSS API.\n  --totp TEXT                     Timed One Time Password.\n  --timeout INTEGER               Timeout for network operations.\n  -l, --loglevel LVL              Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or\n                                  DEBUG\n  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.\n  --debug                         Enables debug mode.\n  -x                              Print back traces when exception occurs.\n  -o, --output [json|yaml|table|auto|ndjson]\n                                  Output format (default: auto).\n  --table-format TEXT             Which table format to use (default: simple)\n  --columns TEXT                  Custom columns key=value list. Example:\n                                  VM=moref,PROVISIONED=storage.provisionedGB\n  --columns-width INTEGER         Truncates column values (0: auto, -1:\n                                  disable).\n  --wait / --no-wait              wait for request(s) to complete\n  -n, --no-headers                When printing tables don't use headers\n                                  (default: print headers)\n  -s, --sort-by TEXT              Sort table by the jsonpath expression.\n                                  Example: updated_on\n  -w, --s3-server TEXT            The Webdav server.\n  --version                       Show the version and exit.\n  --help                          Show this message and exit.\n\nCommands:\n  account     Manage your VSS account\n  completion  Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or\n              zsh or fish).\n  compute     Manage VMs, networks, folders, etc.\n  configure   Configure VSS-CLI options.\n  key         Manage your SSH Public Keys.\n  message     Manage VSS Messages.\n  misc        Miscellaneous utilities.\n  ovf         OVF Tool\n  plugins     External plugins.\n  raw         Make a raw call to the API\n  request     Manage various requests\n  service     ITS Service catalog.\n  shell       REPL interactive shell.\n  status      Check ITS Private Cloud Status.\n  stor        Manage your VSS storage account.\n  token       Manage access tokens\n  upgrade     Upgrade VSS CLI and dependencies.\n \n```\n\n## Versioning\n\nThe `vss-cli` versions are tagged based on [Calendar Versioning][Calendar Versioning]. Versions available in the \n[tags section][tags section] or [PyPI package section][PyPI package section].\n\n\n## Contributing\nRefer to the [Contributing Guide][Contributing Guide] and [Contributors](CONTRIBUTORS.md) for details on our code \nof conduct and the process of submitting code to the repository.\n\n## Changelog \ud83d\udcdd\n\nRefer to the [Changelog][Changelog] for details. \n\n[Calendar Versioning]: https://calver.org/\n[tags section]: https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/tags\n[PyPI package section]: https://pypi.org/project/vss-cli/#history\n[official documentation site]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/configure.html\n[docs]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/\n[Contributing Guide]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/development.html\n[Changelog]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/changelog.html\n[docker/docker-vss-cli]: https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/docker.html\n[download the tarball]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vss-cli\n[Click]: http://click.pocoo.org/6/\n[Python Releases for Windows]: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/\n[pip]: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/\n[open a new issue]: https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/issues/new\n[build-img]: https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/badges/main/pipeline.svg\n[pypi-img]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/vss-cli.svg\n[pyver-img]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/vss-cli.svg\n[docker-pulls-img]:  https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/uofteis/vss-cli.svg\n[docker-image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/uofteis/vss-cli/\n[python-tabulate]: https://pypi.org/project/tabulate/\n[ITS Private Cloud RESTful API]: https://vss-wiki.eis.utoronto.ca/display/API\n[Pull Request #76]: https://github.com/click-contrib/click-repl/pull/76\n[Homebrew]: https://brew.sh/\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "ITS Private Cloud Command Line Interface",
    "version": "2024.8.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Bug Reports": "https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/issues",
        "Documentation": "https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/",
        "Download": "https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli/archive/2024.8.1.zip",
        "Homepage": "https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli",
        "Source": "https://gitlab-ee.eis.utoronto.ca/vss/vss-cli"
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
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