# Welcome to WHALEGISTIC
This is a platform to help E-Commerce businesses, Wholesalers, Distributors and developers to start selling products as fast as possible and to manage their products, promotions, stocks and everything related with an E-Commerce store. [Whalegistic](https://whalegistic.com/) is currently evolving to bring a better experience for people that want to start their Online Store.
With this in mind, we created a way for developers to connect with our platform and fetch all the information necessary to build an online store in no time. Get the products, group them by color or size, search for promotions, show your clients the available stock, fetch all your product collections, create orders and search for already existing order for specific clients.
## Quickstart
In order for you to be able to use this tool you will need to create an account at Whalegistic. To do soo, navigate to our website [Whalegistic Website](https://whalegistic.com) and create an account in this url [Whalegistic Registration](https://whalegistic.com/register) (Note: if is asking for you to send a registration request is because we are still in the Beta phase and we need to review your application).
After you have an account create an Store > then go to settings > navigate to API > and create your first API keys. You will need those keys in order to access your account through the API. Don't show them to anyone out of your trust!
To install Whalegistic API tool just run the following command:
pip install whalegistic
After that you can connect with your account using Whalegistic API library and your API keys. In the following sections it will be explained how to do that!
## Connect to Whalegistic
In order to connect to Whalegistic you will need both the secret and the public key. This is your login method to Whalegistic. From then on you will be able to connect to Whalegistic using the `whale` variable:
from whalegistic import Whalegistic
It is only necessary to do this once, in order to receive the necessary credentials to be used with Whalegistic API.
## Requests
If you have to send a request with an object inside that same request object, for example, the `getProducts` function has the `search_obj` and `search_by_names` parameters that are JSON objects. This need to be converted to string in order to be able to be sent. This can be done with the help of the function `json.dumps({ OBJECT })` but for that you will need to import json library like so `import json`.
#### Get Brands
Get all the Brands created on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {} // no parameters
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
brands: // array of all brands objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getBrands(request_parameters)
#### Get Categories
Get all the Product's Categories created on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
categories: // array of all categories objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getCategories(request_parameters)
#### Get Collections
Get all the Product's Collections created on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
collections: // array of all collections objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getCollections(request_parameters)
#### Get Store
Get all the necessary information to display on your Online Store. Normally this is the stepping stone for starting showing all the different filters like the different brands, categories, collections and products. This is a combination of multiple functions.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
min_price: // lowest price for the searched products
max_price: // highest price for the searched products
offset: // offset of products ex: 20 will skip the first 20 products
limit: // limit of products ex: 40 will send back 40 products
search_by_names: [
Products: // name of products searching for
Brands: // brand name of products searching for
Categories: // categories name of products searching for
Collections: // collections name of products searching for
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
products: // array of products objects
max_product_price: // the highest product price
number_products: // total number of products
brands: // array of all the brands objects
categories: // array of all the categories objects
collections: // array of all the collections objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getStore(request_parameters)
#### Get Products
Get all the products created on your Whalegistic Store and filtered by the parameters sent by the request. It is returned an Array of products, the highest priced product price and the total number of products you have available.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
min_price: // lowest price for the searched products
max_price: // highest price for the searched products
offset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products
limit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products
search_obj: {
Products_IDs: // array of products ids ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]
Name: // name of products searching for
SKU: // SKU of product searching for
Models_IDs: // array of models ids of products searching for ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]
Brands: // array of brands ids of products searching for ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]
Categories: // array of categories ids of products searching for ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]
search_by_names: {
Products: // name of products searching for
Brands: // brand name of products searching for
Categories: // categories name of products searching for
Collections: // collections name of products searching for
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
products: // array of products objects
max_product_price: // the highest product price
number_products: // total number of products
Send request code:
response = whale.getProducts(request_parameters)
#### Get Models
Get all the Models created on your Whalegistic Store. The Models are the parent Product that can store all your products information, photos and video to make easier to create new products that are associated to a specific Model.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
offset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products
limit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products
search_obj: {
model_name: // name of models searching for
model_mid: // MID of models searching for
brand_name: // brand name of models searching for
category_name: // categories of models searching for
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
models: // array of all models objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getModels(request_parameters)
#### Get Products from Collection
Get all the products on a Collection created on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
collections: // array of collections id's ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]
offset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products
limit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
products: // array of all products objects
total_products_count: // total number of products on that collection
max_price: // highest price of a product on that collection
Send request code:
response = whale.getCollectionProducts(request_parameters)
#### Get Related Products
Get all the products that are related to a specific product that is sent as a request parameter. This related products are chosen based on the amount of purchases were made together with the target product. If there is no products that were purchase together with the target product, this will be filled with random products until there is a specific pattern of related products.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
product_id: // desired product id
offset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products
limit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
products: // array of all products objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getRelatedProducts(request_parameters)
#### Get Product by Slug
Get a specific products, created on your Whalegistic Store, based on its customized URL Slug. This is ideal for Webstores that want to have the name of the desire product on the website url for better SEO.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
product_slug: // desired product's url slug
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
product: // product's object
Send request code:
response = whale.getProductBySlug(request_parameters)
#### Get Client
Get a specific Client object created on your Whalegistic Store or by the API.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
client_id: // id of the desired client
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
client: // client's object
Send request code:
response = whale.getClient(request_parameters)
#### Create New Client
Create a new Client object on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
name: // client's name
email: // client's email
phone: // client's phone
del_address: // client's delivery address
del_city: // client's delivery city
del_country: // client's delivery country
del_zip: // client's delivery zip code
vat_num: // client's delivery VAT number
inv_name: // client's invoice name
inv_address: // client's invoice address
inv_city: // client's invoice city
inv_country: // client's invoice country
inv_zip_code: // client's invoice zip code
inv_vat_number: // client's invoice VAT number
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
obj_insert: // object that was inserted with its ID
Send request code:
response = whale.createClient(request_parameters)
#### Update Client
Update a new Client object on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
client_id: // id of the desired client
client_name: // client's name
client_email: // client's email
client_phone: // client's phone contact
client_vat_number: // client's VAT number
delivery_address: // client's delivery address
delivery_city: // client's delivery city
delivery_country: // client's delivery country
delivery_zip_code: // client's delivery zip code
invoice_address: // client's invoice address
invoice_city: // client's invoice city
invoice_country: // client's invoice country
invoice_zip_code: // client's invoice zip code
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
Send request code:
response = whale.updateClient(request_parameters)
#### Get Client's Orders
Get a specific Client's orders objects created on your Whalegistic Store or by the API.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
client_id: // id of the desired client
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
orders: // array of all orders objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getClientOrders(request_parameters)
#### Get Client Profile
Get a specific Client's orders objects and its profile as well created on your Whalegistic Store or by the API.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
client_id: // id of the desired client
This is what the return object looks like:
client: // the client's object
client_orders: // an array of the client's orders objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getClientProfile(request_parameters)
#### Create New Contact
Create a new contact from a client on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
name: // contact name
email: // valid contact email
about: // what the contact is about
message: // the contact message
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
obj_insert: // object that was inserted with its ID
Send request code:
response = whale.createContact(request_parameters)
#### Create New Newsletter
Submit a new Newsletter subscription from a client on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
email: // desired email to add to the newsletter list
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
obj_insert: // object that was inserted with its ID
Send request code:
response = whale.createNewsletter(request_parameters)
#### Get Shipping Rates
Get all the Shipping Costs Rates available on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {} // no parameters
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
shipping_costs: // array of all shipping costs objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getShippingRates(request_parameters)
#### Get a specific Shipping Rate
Get a specific Shipping Cost Rate and its Tax Conversions available on your Whalegistic Store.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = { // it's necessary to choose one of the two
country_name: // value of the country name
country_code: // 2 digit country indentifier ex: "US", "GB", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
shipping: // shipping cost object
conversion_taxes: // array of all tax conversions objects
Send request code:
response = whale.getShippingRate(request_parameters)
#### Get Promo Code
Get a specific Promo Code on your Whalegistic Store. Basically this could be used to verify if the promo code exists.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
promo_code: // target promo code value
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
promo_code: // promo code object
Send request code:
response = whale.getPromoCode(request_parameters)
#### Get Order
Get a specific order created on your Whalegistic Store, by the platform or by the API.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
order_id: // id of the desired order
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
order: // order object
Send request code:
response = whale.getOrder(request_parameters)
#### Get Order Total
This function simply calculates the total price, tax, shipping and promotions based on the different parameters sent. It returns also all the products with all the necessary information needed for creating that order from that specific products and characteristics.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
products: [ // array of products ID's as an object
id: // id of the product
quantity: // quantity of the product
{...} // other object
shipping_country: // shipping country name to where this order will be sent
shipping: // default shipping cost if there is no shipping country
language: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: "EN", "FR", ...
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
total_value: // total price for this order
vat_value: // total VAT value for this order
shipping: // shipping price for this order
currency: // currency of this order
products: // array of products objects on this order
promo_code: // promo code this order
Send request code:
response = whale.getTotal(request_parameters)
#### Create New Order
Create a new order based on the parameters sent. This will also create the client if there is no information already in the system on your Whalegistic Store. The client is created and connected to this order by the email address.
This is what the request parameters looks like:
request_parameters = {
products: [ // array of products ID's as an object
id: // id of the product
quantity: // quantity of the product
{...} // other object
del_name: // delivery client's name
del_email: // delivery client's email
del_phone: // delivery client's phone contact
del_address: // delivery client's address
del_city: // delivery client's city
del_country: // delivery client's country
del_zip_code: // delivery client's zip code
inv_name: // invoice client's name
inv_address: // invoice client's address
inv_city: // invoice client's city
inv_country: // invoice client's country
inv_zip_code: // invoice client's zip code
inv_vat_number: // invoice client's VAT number
payment_status: // "paid" or "not paid"
shipping: // default shipping cost if the country is not found
promo_code_id // order promo code id value (don't need to send both promo_code_id and promo_code together)
promo_code // order promo code value
is_pvp: // True for an PVP priced or False for a reseller priced order
This is what the return object looks like:
succ: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error
new_order: // order object
order_products: // array of products objects on the new order
promo_code: // promo code object
Send request code:
response = whale.createOrder(request_parameters)
## Report Errors
If, during the utilization of Whalegistic App any error is found, please let us know! We depend on testers and developers to help us develop our platform and libraries.
You can contact us by email or by the contact form located on Whalegistic's Website specific for reporting errors - [Error Reporting](https://whalegistic.com/report-errors).
You can also contact Whalegistic with our normal contact form for suggestions that you may have for our platform - [Contact Form](https://whalegistic.com/contact-us).
## Final Thoughts
Whalegistic is still an young project with big projects and plans ahead. If you would like what we are developing and want to help us develop Whalegistic and improve our project please feel free to contact us whenever you wish with any suggestions and solutions.
We also have our Slack Site if anyone that want to join our team and discuss further Whalegistic application and how it can grow into a better and bigger platform for E-Commerce.
Any help is welcomed and necessary!
In name of all the Whalegistic Team,
Many thanks for your support!
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "whalegistic",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "e-commerce, products, webstores, orders, pim, warehouse",
"author": "<Whalegistic>",
"author_email": "<info@whalegistic.com>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/94/22/2d10b8136c178c276c6748cce3bfd83a9cefd641e0a563eaa0f0bd323bad/whalegistic-0.1.6.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\ufeff# Welcome to WHALEGISTIC \n\nThis is a platform to help E-Commerce businesses, Wholesalers, Distributors and developers to start selling products as fast as possible and to manage their products, promotions, stocks and everything related with an E-Commerce store. [Whalegistic](https://whalegistic.com/) is currently evolving to bring a better experience for people that want to start their Online Store.\n\nWith this in mind, we created a way for developers to connect with our platform and fetch all the information necessary to build an online store in no time. Get the products, group them by color or size, search for promotions, show your clients the available stock, fetch all your product collections, create orders and search for already existing order for specific clients.\n\n## Quickstart\n\nIn order for you to be able to use this tool you will need to create an account at Whalegistic. To do soo, navigate to our website [Whalegistic Website](https://whalegistic.com) and create an account in this url [Whalegistic Registration](https://whalegistic.com/register) (Note: if is asking for you to send a registration request is because we are still in the Beta phase and we need to review your application). \n\nAfter you have an account create an Store > then go to settings > navigate to API > and create your first API keys. You will need those keys in order to access your account through the API. Don't show them to anyone out of your trust!\n\nTo install Whalegistic API tool just run the following command: \n\n pip install whalegistic\n\nAfter that you can connect with your account using Whalegistic API library and your API keys. In the following sections it will be explained how to do that!\n\n## Connect to Whalegistic\n\nIn order to connect to Whalegistic you will need both the secret and the public key. This is your login method to Whalegistic. From then on you will be able to connect to Whalegistic using the `whale` variable:\n\n from whalegistic import Whalegistic\n \n whale = Whalegistic(WHALEGISTIC_SECRET_KEY, WHALEGISTIC_PUBLIC_KEY)\n\nIt is only necessary to do this once, in order to receive the necessary credentials to be used with Whalegistic API.\n\n## Requests\n\n##### IMPORTANT NOTES!!!\nIf you have to send a request with an object inside that same request object, for example, the `getProducts` function has the `search_obj` and `search_by_names` parameters that are JSON objects. This need to be converted to string in order to be able to be sent. This can be done with the help of the function `json.dumps({ OBJECT })` but for that you will need to import json library like so `import json`.\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Brands\n\nGet all the Brands created on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {} // no parameters\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tbrands: // array of all brands objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getBrands(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n \n#### Get Categories\n\nGet all the Product's Categories created on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tcategories: // array of all categories objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getCategories(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Collections\n\nGet all the Product's Collections created on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tcollections: // array of all collections objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getCollections(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Store\n\nGet all the necessary information to display on your Online Store. Normally this is the stepping stone for starting showing all the different filters like the different brands, categories, collections and products. This is a combination of multiple functions.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tmin_price: // lowest price for the searched products\n\t\t\tmax_price: // highest price for the searched products\n\t\t\toffset: // offset of products ex: 20 will skip the first 20 products\n\t\t\tlimit: // limit of products ex: 40 will send back 40 products\n\t\t\tpromotions:\n\t\t\tsearch_by_names: [\n\t\t\t\tProducts: // name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tBrands: // brand name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tCategories: // categories name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tCollections: // collections name of products searching for\n\t\t\t]\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t{\n\t\tproducts: // array of products objects\n\t\tmax_product_price: // the highest product price\n\t\tnumber_products: // total number of products\n\t\tbrands: // array of all the brands objects\n\t\tcategories: // array of all the categories objects\n\t\tcollections: // array of all the collections objects\n\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getStore(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Products\n\nGet all the products created on your Whalegistic Store and filtered by the parameters sent by the request. It is returned an Array of products, the highest priced product price and the total number of products you have available.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tmin_price: // lowest price for the searched products\n\t\t\tmax_price: // highest price for the searched products\n\t\t\toffset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products\n\t\t\tlimit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products\n\t\t\tpromotions:\n\t\t\tsearch_obj: {\n\t\t\t\tProducts_IDs: // array of products ids ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]\n\t\t\t\tName: // name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tSKU: // SKU of product searching for\n\t\t\t\tModels_IDs: // array of models ids of products searching for ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]\n\t\t\t\tBrands: // array of brands ids of products searching for ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]\n\t\t\t\tCategories: // array of categories ids of products searching for ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tsearch_by_names: {\n\t\t\t\tProducts: // name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tBrands: // brand name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tCategories: // categories name of products searching for\n\t\t\t\tCollections: // collections name of products searching for\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t{\n\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\tproducts: // array of products objects\n\t\tmax_product_price: // the highest product price\n\t\tnumber_products: // total number of products\n\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getProducts(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Models\n\nGet all the Models created on your Whalegistic Store. The Models are the parent Product that can store all your products information, photos and video to make easier to create new products that are associated to a specific Model.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\toffset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products\n\t\t\tlimit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products\n\t\t\tsearch_obj: {\n\t\t\t\tmodel_name: // name of models searching for\n\t\t\t\tmodel_mid: // MID of models searching for\n\t\t\t\tbrand_name: // brand name of models searching for\n\t\t\t\tcategory_name: // categories of models searching for\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tmodels: // array of all models objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getModels(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Products from Collection\n\nGet all the products on a Collection created on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tcollections: // array of collections id's ex: [1, 2, 3, ...]\n\t\t\toffset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products\n\t\t\tlimit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tproducts: // array of all products objects\n\t\t\ttotal_products_count: // total number of products on that collection\n\t\t\tmax_price: // highest price of a product on that collection\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getCollectionProducts(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Related Products\n\nGet all the products that are related to a specific product that is sent as a request parameter. This related products are chosen based on the amount of purchases were made together with the target product. If there is no products that were purchase together with the target product, this will be filled with random products until there is a specific pattern of related products.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tproduct_id: // desired product id\n\t\t\toffset: // offset of products ex: 2 will skip the first 2 products\n\t\t\tlimit: // limit of products ex: 4 will send back 4 products\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tproducts: // array of all products objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getRelatedProducts(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Product by Slug\n\nGet a specific products, created on your Whalegistic Store, based on its customized URL Slug. This is ideal for Webstores that want to have the name of the desire product on the website url for better SEO.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tproduct_slug: // desired product's url slug\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tproduct: // product's object\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getProductBySlug(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Client\n\nGet a specific Client object created on your Whalegistic Store or by the API.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tclient_id: // id of the desired client\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tclient: // client's object\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getClient(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Create New Client\n\nCreate a new Client object on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tname: // client's name\n\t\t\temail: // client's email\n\t\t\tphone: // client's phone\n\t\t\tdel_address: // client's delivery address\n\t\t\tdel_city: // client's delivery city\n\t\t\tdel_country: // client's delivery country\n\t\t\tdel_zip: // client's delivery zip code\n\t\t\tvat_num: // client's delivery VAT number\n\t\t\tinv_name: // client's invoice name\n\t\t\tinv_address: // client's invoice address\n\t\t\tinv_city: // client's invoice city\n\t\t\tinv_country: // client's invoice country\n\t\t\tinv_zip_code: // client's invoice zip code\n\t\t\tinv_vat_number: // client's invoice VAT number\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tobj_insert: // object that was inserted with its ID\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.createClient(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Update Client\n\nUpdate a new Client object on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tclient_id: // id of the desired client\n\t\t\tclient_name: // client's name\n\t\t\tclient_email: // client's email\n\t\t\tclient_phone: // client's phone contact\n\t\t\tclient_vat_number: // client's VAT number\n\t\t\tdelivery_address: // client's delivery address\n\t\t\tdelivery_city: // client's delivery city\n\t\t\tdelivery_country: // client's delivery country\n\t\t\tdelivery_zip_code: // client's delivery zip code\n\t\t\tinvoice_address: // client's invoice address\n\t\t\tinvoice_city: // client's invoice city\n\t\t\tinvoice_country: // client's invoice country\n\t\t\tinvoice_zip_code: // client's invoice zip code\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.updateClient(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Client's Orders\n\nGet a specific Client's orders objects created on your Whalegistic Store or by the API.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tclient_id: // id of the desired client\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\torders: // array of all orders objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getClientOrders(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Client Profile\n\nGet a specific Client's orders objects and its profile as well created on your Whalegistic Store or by the API.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tclient_id: // id of the desired client\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t{\n\t\tclient: // the client's object\n\t\tclient_orders: // an array of the client's orders objects\n\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getClientProfile(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Create New Contact\n\nCreate a new contact from a client on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tname: // contact name\n\t\t\temail: // valid contact email\n\t\t\tabout: // what the contact is about\n\t\t\tmessage: // the contact message\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tobj_insert: // object that was inserted with its ID\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.createContact(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Create New Newsletter\n\nSubmit a new Newsletter subscription from a client on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\temail: // desired email to add to the newsletter list\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tobj_insert: // object that was inserted with its ID\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.createNewsletter(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Shipping Rates\n\nGet all the Shipping Costs Rates available on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {} // no parameters\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tshipping_costs: // array of all shipping costs objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getShippingRates(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get a specific Shipping Rate\n\nGet a specific Shipping Cost Rate and its Tax Conversions available on your Whalegistic Store.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = { // it's necessary to choose one of the two\n\t\t\tcountry_name: // value of the country name\n\t\t\tcountry_code: // 2 digit country indentifier ex: \"US\", \"GB\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tshipping: // shipping cost object\n\t\t\tconversion_taxes: // array of all tax conversions objects\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getShippingRate(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Promo Code\n\nGet a specific Promo Code on your Whalegistic Store. Basically this could be used to verify if the promo code exists.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tpromo_code: // target promo code value\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tpromo_code: // promo code object\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getPromoCode(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Order\n\nGet a specific order created on your Whalegistic Store, by the platform or by the API.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\torder_id: // id of the desired order\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\torder: // order object\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getOrder(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Get Order Total\n\nThis function simply calculates the total price, tax, shipping and promotions based on the different parameters sent. It returns also all the products with all the necessary information needed for creating that order from that specific products and characteristics.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tproducts: [ // array of products ID's as an object\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tid: // id of the product\n\t\t\t\t\tquantity: // quantity of the product\n\t\t\t\t}, \n\t\t\t\t{...} // other object\n\t\t\t]\n\t\t\tshipping_country: // shipping country name to where this order will be sent\n\t\t\tshipping: // default shipping cost if there is no shipping country\n\t\t\tlanguage: // 2 digit language code for translation ex: \"EN\", \"FR\", ...\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\ttotal_value: // total price for this order\n\t\t\tvat_value: // total VAT value for this order\n\t\t\tshipping: // shipping price for this order\n\t\t\tcurrency: // currency of this order\n\t\t\tproducts: // array of products objects on this order\n\t\t\tpromo_code: // promo code this order\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.getTotal(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n#### Create New Order\n\nCreate a new order based on the parameters sent. This will also create the client if there is no information already in the system on your Whalegistic Store. The client is created and connected to this order by the email address.\n\nThis is what the request parameters looks like:\n\n\tParameters:\n\t\trequest_parameters = {\n\t\t\tproducts: [ // array of products ID's as an object\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tid: // id of the product\n\t\t\t\t\tquantity: // quantity of the product\n\t\t\t\t}, \n\t\t\t\t{...} // other object\n\t\t\t]\n\t\t\tdel_name: // delivery client's name\n\t\t\tdel_email: // delivery client's email\n\t\t\tdel_phone: // delivery client's phone contact\n\t\t\tdel_address: // delivery client's address\n\t\t\tdel_city: // delivery client's city\n\t\t\tdel_country: // delivery client's country\n\t\t\tdel_zip_code: // delivery client's zip code\n\t\t\tinv_name: // invoice client's name\n\t\t\tinv_address: // invoice client's address\n\t\t\tinv_city: // invoice client's city\n\t\t\tinv_country: // invoice client's country\n\t\t\tinv_zip_code: // invoice client's zip code\n\t\t\tinv_vat_number: // invoice client's VAT number\n\t\t\tpayment_status: // \"paid\" or \"not paid\"\n\t\t\tshipping: // default shipping cost if the country is not found\n\t\t\tpromo_code_id // order promo code id value (don't need to send both promo_code_id and promo_code together)\n\t\t\tpromo_code // order promo code value\n\t\t\tis_pvp: // True for an PVP priced or False for a reseller priced order\n\t\t}\n\nThis is what the return object looks like:\n\n\tReturn:\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tsucc: // true or false if request was successfull. If false it sends the Error\n\t\t\tnew_order: // order object\n\t\t\torder_products: // array of products objects on the new order\n\t\t\tpromo_code: // promo code object\n\t\t}\n\nSend request code:\n\n\tresponse = whale.createOrder(request_parameters)\n\n<br>\n\n## Report Errors\n\nIf, during the utilization of Whalegistic App any error is found, please let us know! We depend on testers and developers to help us develop our platform and libraries.\n\nYou can contact us by email or by the contact form located on Whalegistic's Website specific for reporting errors - [Error Reporting](https://whalegistic.com/report-errors). \n\nYou can also contact Whalegistic with our normal contact form for suggestions that you may have for our platform - [Contact Form](https://whalegistic.com/contact-us).\n\n\n## Final Thoughts\n\nWhalegistic is still an young project with big projects and plans ahead. If you would like what we are developing and want to help us develop Whalegistic and improve our project please feel free to contact us whenever you wish with any suggestions and solutions.\n\nWe also have our Slack Site if anyone that want to join our team and discuss further Whalegistic application and how it can grow into a better and bigger platform for E-Commerce.\n\nAny help is welcomed and necessary!\n\nIn name of all the Whalegistic Team, \nMany thanks for your support!\n\n",
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