
Namexbooster JSON
Version 0.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryExplainable Boosted Scoring
upload_time2024-05-08 12:06:49
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # xbooster ๐Ÿš€

A scorecard-format classificatory framework for logistic regression with XGBoost.
xbooster allows to convert an XGB logistic regression into a logarithmic (point) scoring system.

In addition, it provides a suite of interpretability tools to understand the model's behavior,
which can be instrumental for model testing and expert validation.

The interpretability suite includes:

- Granular boosted tree statistics, including metrics such as Weight of Evidence (WOE) and Information Value (IV) for splits ๐ŸŒณ
- Tree visualization with customizations ๐ŸŽจ
- Global and local feature importance ๐Ÿ“Š

xbooster also provides a scorecard deployment using SQL ๐Ÿ“ฆ.

## Installation โคต

Install the package using pip:

pip install xbooster

## Usage ๐Ÿ“
Here's a quick example of how to use xbooster to construct a scorecard for an XGBoost model:

import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
from xbooster.constructor import XGBScorecardConstructor
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Load data and train XGBoost model
url = (
dataset = pd.read_parquet(url)

features = [

target = "is_bad"

X, y = dataset[features], dataset[target]

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42

# Train the XGBoost model
best_params = {
    'n_estimators': 100,
    'learning_rate': 0.55,
    'max_depth': 1,
    'min_child_weight': 10,
    'grow_policy': "lossguide",
    'early_stopping_rounds': 5
model = xgb.XGBClassifier(**best_params, random_state=62)
model.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Initialize XGBScorecardConstructor
scorecard_constructor = XGBScorecardConstructor(model, X_train, y_train)

# Print the scorecard

After this, we can create a scorecard and test its Gini score:

from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

# Create scoring points
xgb_scorecard_with_points = scorecard_constructor.create_points(
    pdo=50, target_points=600, target_odds=50
# Make predictions using the scorecard
credit_scores = scorecard_constructor.predict_score(X_test)
gini = roc_auc_score(y_test, -credit_scores) * 2 - 1
print(f"Test Gini score: {gini:.2%}")

We can also visualize the score distribution between the events of interest.

from xbooster import explainer

    figsize=(8, 3),

We can further examine feature importances.

Below, we can visualize the global feature importances using Points as our metric:

from xbooster import explainer

    figsize=(3, 3)

Alternatively, we can calculate local feature importances, which are important for boosters with a depth greater than 1.

    figsize=(3, 3)

Finally, we can generate a scorecard in SQL format.

sql_query = scorecard_constructor.generate_sql_query(table_name='my_table')

# Parameters ๐Ÿ› 

## `xbooster.constructor` - XGBoost Scorecard Constructor

### Description

A class for generating a scorecard from a trained XGBoost model. The methodology is inspired by the NVIDIA GTC Talk "Machine Learning in Retail Credit Risk" by Paul Edwards.

### Methods

1. `extract_leaf_weights() -> pd.DataFrame`:
   - Extracts the leaf weights from the booster's trees and returns a DataFrame.
   - **Returns**:
     - `pd.DataFrame`: DataFrame containing the extracted leaf weights.

2. `extract_decision_nodes() -> pd.DataFrame`:
   - Extracts the split (decision) nodes from the booster's trees and returns a DataFrame.
   - **Returns**:
     - `pd.DataFrame`: DataFrame containing the extracted split (decision) nodes.

3. `construct_scorecard() -> pd.DataFrame`:
   - Constructs a scorecard based on a booster.
   - **Returns**:
     - `pd.DataFrame`: The constructed scorecard.

4. `create_points(pdo=50, target_points=600, target_odds=19, precision_points=0, score_type='XAddEvidence') -> pd.DataFrame`:
   - Creates a points card from a scorecard.
   - **Parameters**:
     - `pdo` (int, optional): The points to double the odds. Default is 50.
     - `target_points` (int, optional): The standard scorecard points. Default is 600.
     - `target_odds` (int, optional): The standard scorecard odds. Default is 19.
     - `precision_points` (int, optional): The points decimal precision. Default is 0.
     - `score_type` (str, optional): The log-odds to use for the points card. Default is 'XAddEvidence'.
   - **Returns**:
     - `pd.DataFrame`: The points card.

5. `predict_score(X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series`:
   - Predicts the score for a given dataset using the constructed scorecard.
   - **Parameters**:
     - `X` (`pd.DataFrame`): Features of the dataset.
   - **Returns**:
     - `pd.Series`: Predicted scores.

6. `sql_query` (property):
   - Property that returns the SQL query for deploying the scorecard.
   - **Returns**:
     - `str`: The SQL query for deploying the scorecard.

7. `generate_sql_query(table_name: str = "my_table") -> str`:
   - Converts a scorecard into an SQL format.
   - **Parameters**:
     - `table_name` (str): The name of the input table in SQL.
   - **Returns**:
     - `str`: The final SQL query for deploying the scorecard.

## `xbooster.explainer` - XGBoost Scorecard Explainer

This module provides functionalities for explaining XGBoost scorecards, including methods to extract split information, build interaction splits, visualize tree structures, plot feature importances, and more.

### Methods:

1. `extract_splits_info(features: str) -> list`:
   - Extracts split information from the DetailedSplit feature.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `features` (str): A string containing split information.
   - **Outputs**:
     - Returns a list of tuples containing split information (feature, sign, value).

2. `build_interactions_splits(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None) -> pd.DataFrame`:
   - Builds interaction splits from the XGBoost scorecard.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.
     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing split information.
   - **Outputs**:
     - Returns a pandas DataFrame containing interaction splits.

3. `split_and_count(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, label_column: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame`:
   - Splits the dataset and counts events for each split.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.
     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing features and labels.
     - `label_column` (Optional[str]): The label column in the dataframe.
   - **Outputs**:
     - Returns a pandas DataFrame containing split information and event counts.

4. `plot_importance(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, metric: str = "Likelihood", normalize: bool = True, method: Optional[str] = None, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None`:
   - Plots the importance of features based on the XGBoost scorecard.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.
     - `metric` (str): Metric to plot ("Likelihood" (default), "NegLogLikelihood", "IV", or "Points").
     - `normalize` (bool): Whether to normalize the importance values (default: True).
     - `method` (Optional[str]): The method to use for plotting the importance ("global" or "local").
     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing features and labels.
     - `fontfamily` (str): The font family to use for the plot (default: "Monospace").
     - `fontsize` (int): The font size to use for the plot (default: 12).
     - `dpi` (int): The DPI of the plot (default: 100).
     - `title` (str): The title of the plot (default: "Feature Importance").
     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional Matplotlib parameters.

5. `plot_score_distribution(y_true: pd.Series = None, y_pred: pd.Series = None, n_bins: int = 25, scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, **kwargs: Any)`:
   - Plots the distribution of predicted scores based on actual labels.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `y_true` (pd.Series): The true labels.
     - `y_pred` (pd.Series): The predicted labels.
     - `n_bins` (int): Number of bins for histogram (default: 25).
     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.
     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional Matplotlib parameters.

6. `plot_local_importance(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, metric: str = "Likelihood", normalize: bool = True, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None`:
   - Plots the local importance of features based on the XGBoost scorecard.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.
     - `metric` (str): Metric to plot ("Likelihood" (default), "NegLogLikelihood", "IV", or "Points").
     - `normalize` (bool): Whether to normalize the importance values (default: True).
     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing features and labels.
     - `fontfamily` (str): The font family to use for the plot (default: "Arial").
     - `fontsize` (int): The font size to use for the plot (default: 12).
     - `boxstyle` (str): The rounding box style to use for the plot (default: "round").
     - `title` (str): The title of the plot (default: "Local Feature Importance").
     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional parameters to pass to the matplotlib function.

7. `plot_tree(tree_index: int, scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, show_info: bool = True) -> None`:
   - Plots the tree structure.
   - **Inputs**:
     - `tree_index` (int): Index of the tree to plot.
     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.
     - `show_info` (bool): Whether to show additional information (default: True).
     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional Matplotlib parameters.

# Contributing ๐Ÿค
Contributions are welcome! For bug reports or feature requests, please open an issue.

For code contributions, please open a pull request.

## Version
Current version: 0.2.2

## Changelog

### [0.1.0] - 2024-02-14
- Initial release

### [0.2.0] - 2024-05-03
- Added tree visualization class (`explainer.py`)
- Updated the local explanation algorithm for models with a depth > 1 (`explainer.py`)
- Added a categorical preprocessor (`_utils.py`)

### [0.2.1] - 2024-05-03
- Updates of dependencies

### [0.2.2] - 2024-05-08
- Updates in `explainer.py` module to improve kwargs handling and minor changes.

# License ๐Ÿ“„
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Raw data

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    "home_page": null,
    "name": "xbooster",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<3.11,>=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "xRiskLab",
    "author_email": "contact@xrisklab.ai",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/14/11/47b8ef3d30dfa7aaa31094cb3180e37bf0552c23223b156514089d78a41d/xbooster-0.2.2.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# xbooster \ud83d\ude80\n\nA scorecard-format classificatory framework for logistic regression with XGBoost.\nxbooster allows to convert an XGB logistic regression into a logarithmic (point) scoring system.\n\nIn addition, it provides a suite of interpretability tools to understand the model's behavior,\nwhich can be instrumental for model testing and expert validation.\n\nThe interpretability suite includes:\n\n- Granular boosted tree statistics, including metrics such as Weight of Evidence (WOE) and Information Value (IV) for splits \ud83c\udf33\n- Tree visualization with customizations \ud83c\udfa8\n- Global and local feature importance \ud83d\udcca\n\nxbooster also provides a scorecard deployment using SQL \ud83d\udce6.\n\n## Installation \u2935\n\nInstall the package using pip:\n\n```python\npip install xbooster\n```\n\n## Usage \ud83d\udcdd\nHere's a quick example of how to use xbooster to construct a scorecard for an XGBoost model:\n\n```python\nimport pandas as pd\nimport xgboost as xgb\nfrom xbooster.constructor import XGBScorecardConstructor\nfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n\n# Load data and train XGBoost model\nurl = (\n    \"https://github.com/xRiskLab/xBooster/raw/main/examples/data/credit_data.parquet\"\n)\ndataset = pd.read_parquet(url)\n\nfeatures = [\n    \"external_risk_estimate\",\n    \"revolving_utilization_of_unsecured_lines\",\n    \"account_never_delinq_percent\",\n    \"net_fraction_revolving_burden\",\n    \"num_total_cc_accounts\",\n    \"average_months_in_file\",\n]\n\ntarget = \"is_bad\"\n\nX, y = dataset[features], dataset[target]\n\nX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(\n    X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42\n)\n\n# Train the XGBoost model\nbest_params = {\n    'n_estimators': 100,\n    'learning_rate': 0.55,\n    'max_depth': 1,\n    'min_child_weight': 10,\n    'grow_policy': \"lossguide\",\n    'early_stopping_rounds': 5\n}\nmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier(**best_params, random_state=62)\nmodel.fit(X_train, y_train)\n\n# Initialize XGBScorecardConstructor\nscorecard_constructor = XGBScorecardConstructor(model, X_train, y_train)\nscorecard_constructor.construct_scorecard()\n\n# Print the scorecard\nprint(scorecard_constructor.scorecard)\n```\n\nAfter this, we can create a scorecard and test its Gini score:\n\n```python\nfrom sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score\n\n# Create scoring points\nxgb_scorecard_with_points = scorecard_constructor.create_points(\n    pdo=50, target_points=600, target_odds=50\n)\n# Make predictions using the scorecard\ncredit_scores = scorecard_constructor.predict_score(X_test)\ngini = roc_auc_score(y_test, -credit_scores) * 2 - 1\nprint(f\"Test Gini score: {gini:.2%}\")\n```\n\nWe can also visualize the score distribution between the events of interest.\n\n```python\nfrom xbooster import explainer\n\nexplainer.plot_score_distribution(\n    y_test, \n    credit_scores,\n    num_bins=30, \n    figsize=(8, 3),\n    dpi=100\n)\n```\n\nWe can further examine feature importances.\n\nBelow, we can visualize the global feature importances using Points as our metric:\n\n```python\nfrom xbooster import explainer\n\nexplainer.plot_importance(\n    scorecard_constructor,\n    metric='Points',\n    method='global',\n    normalize=True,\n    figsize=(3, 3)\n)\n```\n\nAlternatively, we can calculate local feature importances, which are important for boosters with a depth greater than 1.\n\n```python\nexplainer.plot_importance(\n    scorecard_constructor,\n    metric='Likelihood',\n    method='local',\n    normalize=True,\n    color='#ffd43b',\n    edgecolor='#1e1e1e',\n    figsize=(3, 3)\n)\n```\n\nFinally, we can generate a scorecard in SQL format.\n\n```python\nsql_query = scorecard_constructor.generate_sql_query(table_name='my_table')\nprint(sql_query)\n```\n\n# Parameters \ud83d\udee0\n\n## `xbooster.constructor` - XGBoost Scorecard Constructor\n\n### Description\n\nA class for generating a scorecard from a trained XGBoost model. The methodology is inspired by the NVIDIA GTC Talk \"Machine Learning in Retail Credit Risk\" by Paul Edwards.\n\n### Methods\n\n1. `extract_leaf_weights() -> pd.DataFrame`:\n   - Extracts the leaf weights from the booster's trees and returns a DataFrame.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `pd.DataFrame`: DataFrame containing the extracted leaf weights.\n\n2. `extract_decision_nodes() -> pd.DataFrame`:\n   - Extracts the split (decision) nodes from the booster's trees and returns a DataFrame.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `pd.DataFrame`: DataFrame containing the extracted split (decision) nodes.\n\n3. `construct_scorecard() -> pd.DataFrame`:\n   - Constructs a scorecard based on a booster.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `pd.DataFrame`: The constructed scorecard.\n\n4. `create_points(pdo=50, target_points=600, target_odds=19, precision_points=0, score_type='XAddEvidence') -> pd.DataFrame`:\n   - Creates a points card from a scorecard.\n   - **Parameters**:\n     - `pdo` (int, optional): The points to double the odds. Default is 50.\n     - `target_points` (int, optional): The standard scorecard points. Default is 600.\n     - `target_odds` (int, optional): The standard scorecard odds. Default is 19.\n     - `precision_points` (int, optional): The points decimal precision. Default is 0.\n     - `score_type` (str, optional): The log-odds to use for the points card. Default is 'XAddEvidence'.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `pd.DataFrame`: The points card.\n\n5. `predict_score(X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series`:\n   - Predicts the score for a given dataset using the constructed scorecard.\n   - **Parameters**:\n     - `X` (`pd.DataFrame`): Features of the dataset.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `pd.Series`: Predicted scores.\n\n6. `sql_query` (property):\n   - Property that returns the SQL query for deploying the scorecard.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `str`: The SQL query for deploying the scorecard.\n\n7. `generate_sql_query(table_name: str = \"my_table\") -> str`:\n   - Converts a scorecard into an SQL format.\n   - **Parameters**:\n     - `table_name` (str): The name of the input table in SQL.\n   - **Returns**:\n     - `str`: The final SQL query for deploying the scorecard.\n\n## `xbooster.explainer` - XGBoost Scorecard Explainer\n\nThis module provides functionalities for explaining XGBoost scorecards, including methods to extract split information, build interaction splits, visualize tree structures, plot feature importances, and more.\n\n### Methods:\n\n1. `extract_splits_info(features: str) -> list`:\n   - Extracts split information from the DetailedSplit feature.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `features` (str): A string containing split information.\n   - **Outputs**:\n     - Returns a list of tuples containing split information (feature, sign, value).\n\n2. `build_interactions_splits(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None) -> pd.DataFrame`:\n   - Builds interaction splits from the XGBoost scorecard.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.\n     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing split information.\n   - **Outputs**:\n     - Returns a pandas DataFrame containing interaction splits.\n\n3. `split_and_count(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, label_column: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame`:\n   - Splits the dataset and counts events for each split.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.\n     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing features and labels.\n     - `label_column` (Optional[str]): The label column in the dataframe.\n   - **Outputs**:\n     - Returns a pandas DataFrame containing split information and event counts.\n\n4. `plot_importance(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, metric: str = \"Likelihood\", normalize: bool = True, method: Optional[str] = None, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None`:\n   - Plots the importance of features based on the XGBoost scorecard.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.\n     - `metric` (str): Metric to plot (\"Likelihood\" (default), \"NegLogLikelihood\", \"IV\", or \"Points\").\n     - `normalize` (bool): Whether to normalize the importance values (default: True).\n     - `method` (Optional[str]): The method to use for plotting the importance (\"global\" or \"local\").\n     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing features and labels.\n     - `fontfamily` (str): The font family to use for the plot (default: \"Monospace\").\n     - `fontsize` (int): The font size to use for the plot (default: 12).\n     - `dpi` (int): The DPI of the plot (default: 100).\n     - `title` (str): The title of the plot (default: \"Feature Importance\").\n     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional Matplotlib parameters.\n\n5. `plot_score_distribution(y_true: pd.Series = None, y_pred: pd.Series = None, n_bins: int = 25, scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, **kwargs: Any)`:\n   - Plots the distribution of predicted scores based on actual labels.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `y_true` (pd.Series): The true labels.\n     - `y_pred` (pd.Series): The predicted labels.\n     - `n_bins` (int): Number of bins for histogram (default: 25).\n     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.\n     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional Matplotlib parameters.\n\n6. `plot_local_importance(scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, metric: str = \"Likelihood\", normalize: bool = True, dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None`:\n   - Plots the local importance of features based on the XGBoost scorecard.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.\n     - `metric` (str): Metric to plot (\"Likelihood\" (default), \"NegLogLikelihood\", \"IV\", or \"Points\").\n     - `normalize` (bool): Whether to normalize the importance values (default: True).\n     - `dataframe` (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The dataframe containing features and labels.\n     - `fontfamily` (str): The font family to use for the plot (default: \"Arial\").\n     - `fontsize` (int): The font size to use for the plot (default: 12).\n     - `boxstyle` (str): The rounding box style to use for the plot (default: \"round\").\n     - `title` (str): The title of the plot (default: \"Local Feature Importance\").\n     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional parameters to pass to the matplotlib function.\n\n7. `plot_tree(tree_index: int, scorecard_constructor: Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor] = None, show_info: bool = True) -> None`:\n   - Plots the tree structure.\n   - **Inputs**:\n     - `tree_index` (int): Index of the tree to plot.\n     - `scorecard_constructor` (Optional[XGBScorecardConstructor]): The XGBoost scorecard constructor.\n     - `show_info` (bool): Whether to show additional information (default: True).\n     - `**kwargs` (Any): Additional Matplotlib parameters.\n\n# Contributing \ud83e\udd1d\nContributions are welcome! For bug reports or feature requests, please open an issue.\n\nFor code contributions, please open a pull request.\n\n## Version\nCurrent version: 0.2.2\n\n## Changelog\n\n### [0.1.0] - 2024-02-14\n- Initial release\n\n### [0.2.0] - 2024-05-03\n- Added tree visualization class (`explainer.py`)\n- Updated the local explanation algorithm for models with a depth > 1 (`explainer.py`)\n- Added a categorical preprocessor (`_utils.py`)\n\n### [0.2.1] - 2024-05-03\n- Updates of dependencies\n\n### [0.2.2] - 2024-05-08\n- Updates in `explainer.py` module to improve kwargs handling and minor changes.\n\n# License \ud83d\udcc4\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.",
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    "summary": "Explainable Boosted Scoring",
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