
Namexenopy JSON
Version 0.0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThe most straightforward and efficient python wrapper for xeno-canto API 2.0
upload_time2022-05-05 09:45:19
authorZiang Zhou
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # XenoPy
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**`XenoPy`** is a python library that builds upon [xeno-canto API 2.0](https://xeno-canto.org/article/153).

## Install
Install from `pip`.
pip install xenopy
Checkout the [**birdData**](https://github.com/realzza/xenopy/tree/birdData) branch to implement XenoPy from source. (ps: birdData is the former name of XenoPy)

## Usage Snippet
You can directly search for bird data for a specific species. For instance, we retrieve data for [*African Silverbill*](https://xeno-canto.org/species/Euodice-cantans) whom's `quality` better than `C` since `2020-01-01`.
from xenopy import Query

q = Query(name="African silverbill", q_gt="C", since="2020-01-01")

### Retrieve Metafiles
# retrieve metadata
metafiles = q.retrieve_meta(verbose=True)

### Retrieve Recordings
# retrieve recordings
q.retrieve_recordings(multiprocess=True, nproc=10, attempts=10, outdir="datasets/")
The retrieved recordings will be located in `datasets/`, organized by bird species names.

The default downloading mode is single-threaded. `multiprocess` flag controls the usage of multiple downloading processes. `nproc` is only applicable when the `multiprocess` flag is on. The saving directory can be specified at `outDir`.

Two files will be generated while running `retrieve_recordings`, `kill_multiprocess.sh`, and `failed.txt`. To interrupt multiprocess data retrieval, one can run `bash kill_multiprocess.sh` in the terminal. 'failed.txt' contains recordings that failed the retrieval, if any. The two files will be removed automatically removed after downloading finishes. `failed.txt` will preserve if not empty so that you can check the failed recordings out.

## Define a `Query`
As you can tell from the [Usage Snippet](#Usage-Snippet), defining a query is the most important step in communicating with the API. We determined the following interface to form a query based on the xeno-canto [search tips](https://xeno-canto.org/help/search).
name: Species Name. Specify the name of bird you intend to retrieve data from. Both English names and Latin names are acceptable.
gen: Genus. Genus is part of a species' latin name, so it is searched by default when performing a basic search (as mentioned above).
ssp: subspecies
rec: recordist. Search for all recordings from a particular recordist.
cnt: country. Search for all recordings from a particular country.
loc: location. Search for all recordings from a specific location.
rmk: remarks. Many recordists leave remarks about the recording,and this field can be searched using the rmk tag. For example, rmk:playback will return a list of recordings for which the recordist left a comment about the use of playback. This field accepts a 'matches' operator.
lat: latitude.
lon: longtitude
box: search for recordings that occur within a given rectangle. The general format of the box tag is as follows: box:LAT_MIN,LON_MIN,LAT_MAX,LON_MAX. Note that there must not be any spaces between the coordinates.
also: To search for recordings that have a given species in the background.
type: Search for recordings of a particular sound type, e.g., type='song'
nr: number. To search for a known recording number, use the nr tag: for example nr:76967. You can also search for a range of numbers as nr:88888-88890.
lc: license.
q: quality ratings. 
q_lt: quality ratings less than
q_gt: quality ratings better than
    Usage Examples:
          Recordings are rated by quality. Quality ratings range from A (highest quality) to E (lowest quality). To search for recordings that match a certain quality rating, use the q, q_lt, and q_gt tags. For example:
            - q:A will return recordings with a quality rating of A.
            - q:0 search explicitly for unrated recordings
            - q_lt:C will return recordings with a quality rating of D or E.
            - q_gt:C will return recordings with a quality rating of B or A.
len: recording length control parameter.
len_lt: recording length less than
len_gt: recording length greater than
    Usage Examples:
        len:10 will return recordings with a duration of 10 seconds (with a margin of 1%, so actually between 9.9 and 10.1 seconds)
        len:10-15 will return recordings lasting between 10 and 15 seconds.
        len_lt:30 will return recordings half a minute or shorter in length.
        len_gt:120 will return recordings longer than two minutes in length.
area: continents. Valid values for this tag: africa, america, asia, australia, europe.
    Usage Examples:
        - since=3, since the past three days
        - since=YYYY-MM-DD, since the particular date
year: year
month: month. year and month tags allow you to search for recordings that were recorded on a certain date. 

## Update History

![tada](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f389.png?v8) [**v0.0.4**](https://pypi.org/project/xenopy/0.0.4/)
- Support Query by bird `name`.
- Cut inessential processes in query traffic.
- Optimized query assignment strategy in recording retrieval.

## todo
- [x] create query object for single species, containing features like
    - [x] retrieve metedata
    - [x] retrieve bird songs
- [x] add multiprocessing downloading feature

## Open Source
The first generation of `xenocanto` [package](https://github.com/ntivirikin/xeno-canto-py) is hard to use also inefficient. Thus I wrapped the [2.0 API](https://xeno-canto.org/article/153) version in a more straightforward and efficient interface.
Feel free to file an issue had you encountered any bugs, or prompt a PR to `XenoPy` to join me in maintenance and optimization.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/realzza/xenopy",
    "name": "xenopy",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Ziang Zhou",
    "author_email": "ziang.zhou518@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/52/19/ae35248f012c8a6b9d04c46c87beca5ce031a3a2350a0b62df76e38a83ae/xenopy-0.0.4.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# XenoPy\n![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xenopy?color=df) \n![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/realzza/xenopy?color=%23FFB6C1) \n![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/realzza/xenopy?color=orange) \n![GitHub top language](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/realzza/xenopy?color=%236495ed) \n[![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/realzza/xenopy/badge)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/realzza/xenopy) \n\n**`XenoPy`** is a python library that builds upon [xeno-canto API 2.0](https://xeno-canto.org/article/153).\n\n## Install\nInstall from `pip`.\n```bash\npip install xenopy\n```\nCheckout the [**birdData**](https://github.com/realzza/xenopy/tree/birdData) branch to implement XenoPy from source. (ps: birdData is the former name of XenoPy)\n\n\n## Usage Snippet\nYou can directly search for bird data for a specific species. For instance, we retrieve data for [*African Silverbill*](https://xeno-canto.org/species/Euodice-cantans) whom's `quality` better than `C` since `2020-01-01`.\n```python\nfrom xenopy import Query\n\nq = Query(name=\"African silverbill\", q_gt=\"C\", since=\"2020-01-01\")\n```\n\n### Retrieve Metafiles\n```python\n# retrieve metadata\nmetafiles = q.retrieve_meta(verbose=True)\n```\n\n### Retrieve Recordings\n```python\n# retrieve recordings\nq.retrieve_recordings(multiprocess=True, nproc=10, attempts=10, outdir=\"datasets/\")\n```\nThe retrieved recordings will be located in `datasets/`, organized by bird species names.\n\nThe default downloading mode is single-threaded. `multiprocess` flag controls the usage of multiple downloading processes. `nproc` is only applicable when the `multiprocess` flag is on. The saving directory can be specified at `outDir`.\n\nTwo files will be generated while running `retrieve_recordings`, `kill_multiprocess.sh`, and `failed.txt`. To interrupt multiprocess data retrieval, one can run `bash kill_multiprocess.sh` in the terminal. 'failed.txt' contains recordings that failed the retrieval, if any. The two files will be removed automatically removed after downloading finishes. `failed.txt` will preserve if not empty so that you can check the failed recordings out.\n\n## Define a `Query`\nAs you can tell from the [Usage Snippet](#Usage-Snippet), defining a query is the most important step in communicating with the API. We determined the following interface to form a query based on the xeno-canto [search tips](https://xeno-canto.org/help/search).\n```markdown\nname: Species Name. Specify the name of bird you intend to retrieve data from. Both English names and Latin names are acceptable.\ngen: Genus. Genus is part of a species' latin name, so it is searched by default when performing a basic search (as mentioned above).\nssp: subspecies\nrec: recordist. Search for all recordings from a particular recordist.\ncnt: country. Search for all recordings from a particular country.\nloc: location. Search for all recordings from a specific location.\nrmk: remarks. Many recordists leave remarks about the recording,and this field can be searched using the rmk tag. For example, rmk:playback will return a list of recordings for which the recordist left a comment about the use of playback. This field accepts a 'matches' operator.\nlat: latitude.\nlon: longtitude\nbox: search for recordings that occur within a given rectangle. The general format of the box tag is as follows: box:LAT_MIN,LON_MIN,LAT_MAX,LON_MAX. Note that there must not be any spaces between the coordinates.\nalso: To search for recordings that have a given species in the background.\ntype: Search for recordings of a particular sound type, e.g., type='song'\nnr: number. To search for a known recording number, use the nr tag: for example nr:76967. You can also search for a range of numbers as nr:88888-88890.\nlc: license.\nq: quality ratings. \nq_lt: quality ratings less than\nq_gt: quality ratings better than\n    Usage Examples:\n          Recordings are rated by quality. Quality ratings range from A (highest quality) to E (lowest quality). To search for recordings that match a certain quality rating, use the q, q_lt, and q_gt tags. For example:\n            - q:A will return recordings with a quality rating of A.\n            - q:0 search explicitly for unrated recordings\n            - q_lt:C will return recordings with a quality rating of D or E.\n            - q_gt:C will return recordings with a quality rating of B or A.\nlen: recording length control parameter.\nlen_lt: recording length less than\nlen_gt: recording length greater than\n    Usage Examples:\n        len:10 will return recordings with a duration of 10 seconds (with a margin of 1%, so actually between 9.9 and 10.1 seconds)\n        len:10-15 will return recordings lasting between 10 and 15 seconds.\n        len_lt:30 will return recordings half a minute or shorter in length.\n        len_gt:120 will return recordings longer than two minutes in length.\narea: continents. Valid values for this tag: africa, america, asia, australia, europe.\nsince: \n    Usage Examples:\n        - since=3, since the past three days\n        - since=YYYY-MM-DD, since the particular date\nyear: year\nmonth: month. year and month tags allow you to search for recordings that were recorded on a certain date. \n```\n\n## Update History\n\n![tada](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f389.png?v8) [**v0.0.4**](https://pypi.org/project/xenopy/0.0.4/)\n- Support Query by bird `name`.\n- Cut inessential processes in query traffic.\n- Optimized query assignment strategy in recording retrieval.\n\n## todo\n- [x] create query object for single species, containing features like\n    - [x] retrieve metedata\n    - [x] retrieve bird songs\n- [x] add multiprocessing downloading feature\n\n## Open Source\nThe first generation of `xenocanto` [package](https://github.com/ntivirikin/xeno-canto-py) is hard to use also inefficient. Thus I wrapped the [2.0 API](https://xeno-canto.org/article/153) version in a more straightforward and efficient interface.\nFeel free to file an issue had you encountered any bugs, or prompt a PR to `XenoPy` to join me in maintenance and optimization.\n\n",
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