
Namezash-sdk JSON
Version 0.0.10 PyPI version JSON
upload_time2023-05-22 16:55:50
licenseApache Software License 2.0
keywords nbdev jupyter notebook python
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.


Delightful, ergonomic blockchain data SDK built for data scientist, ML
engineers and data analysts. Wrangle and explore transactions under a

## Install

``` sh
pip install zash-sdk

## Quickstart

### Authentication

Get your credentials from [](

``` python
from zash_sdk.zash import Zash
zash = Zash('your_username', 'your_api_key')


### Accessing NFT collection trades

Grab all Bored Ape trades in x2y2 since yesterday (contract address

``` python
bayc = zash.nft('eth').collection('0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D')

``` python
trades_df = bayc.trades('yesterday')
trades_df.query("marketplace_name == 'x2y2'").head()

<style scoped>
    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {
        vertical-align: middle;

    .dataframe tbody tr th {
        vertical-align: top;

    .dataframe thead th {
        text-align: right;
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <td>2022-09-07 14:16:27</td>
      <td>2022-09-08 01:31:10</td>
      <td>2022-09-08 01:46:13</td>

A closer look at a trade:

``` python
trade = trades_df.query("marketplace_name == 'x2y2'").head(1).squeeze()

    id                                  e80e354c-e3d8-3538-9788-817693f55783
    hash                   0x6a7d16abd0b13522a99c5879f2e62ae66c15d91e4be7...
    buyer                         0xbdBa56dac0C99FA9A020045D9ccc774Ed2489558
    seller                        0xed2ab4948bA6A909a7751DEc4F34f303eB8c7236
    collection_address            0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D
    token_id                                                            7369
    marketplace_address           0x74312363e45DCaBA76c59ec49a7Aa8A65a67EeD3
    marketplace_name                                                    x2y2
    price                                                               69.0
    currency                                                             ETH
    block_hash             0x1407e979138ab4e4cff899a25c735b587279898edb59...
    block_number                                                    15490769
    mint                                                               False
    bundle                                                             False
    timestamp                                                     1662560018
    updated_at                                           2022-09-07 14:16:27
    Name: 19, dtype: object

``` python
# You can check out the transaction on etherscan:

### Simple marketplace comparison

You can get near-real time view of a chain in a single line:

``` python
last_hour_trades = zash.nft('eth').trades('1 hour ago')

[`NFT.trades`]( accepts
time ranges or shortcuts such as “yesterday” or “today”.

``` python
# offmarket marketplaces are labelled as -
    .query('marketplace_name != "-"')\
    .sort_values('price', ascending=False)\
    .plot(kind='bar', ylabel='price_in_eth', legend=False)

    <AxesSubplot:xlabel='marketplace_name', ylabel='price_in_eth'>


## Example: Deep dive on BNB

In this example, we’ll show you can go from a macro view to a micro one,
from marketplaces all the way to the tokens.

Let’s look at BNB chain this time, across all marketplaces:

``` python
bnb = zash.nft('bnb')
trades = bnb.trades('1 hour ago')

Off-market trades are market with “-” in marketplace names, you can
filter them out as such:

``` python
marketplace_trades = trades.query('marketplace_name != "-"')

``` python



From here we see Element has the highest volume, can do a drill on this
to find out the top collections:

``` python
top = marketplace_trades.query("marketplace_name == 'element'")\
    .sort_values('price', ascending=False)

<style scoped>
    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {
        vertical-align: middle;

    .dataframe tbody tr th {
        vertical-align: top;

    .dataframe thead th {
        text-align: right;
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">

We see that `0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6` has the highest
volume as a collection. To find more about this collection we can grab
it and check it’s metadata:

``` python

    collection_id    0xe3b1d32e43ce8d658368e2cbff95d57ef39be8a6
    name                                               SPACE ID
    slug                                      space-id-bnb-name
    marketplace                                            tofu
    floor_price                                           28.93
    updated_at                       2022-08-30 11:53:38.548041
    created_at                              2022-08-07 12:49:06
    Name: SPACE ID, dtype: object

We see it is Space ID! We even have Twitter, Discord and website
references to find more about this dapp/collection. Let’s do more
drilling on this, checking out what was the split on primary vs
secondary and also top mints traded can be a good idea:

``` python
spaceid = bnb.collection('0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6')
spaceid_trades = spaceid.trades('last month')

``` python
# can look at some price summary stats:

    count    54230.000000
    mean         0.220979
    std          1.219418
    min          0.000000
    25%          0.008280
    50%          0.009268
    75%          0.037172
    max        123.000000
    Name: price, dtype: float64

Can check primary vs seconday split on volume:

``` python



We can also check for primary vs secondary trade counts…

``` python
spaceid_trades['mint'].value_counts(normalize=True).reset_index().style.format({'mint': "%{:.2f}"})

<style type="text/css">
<table id="T_72b57">
      <th class="blank level0" >&nbsp;</th>
      <th id="T_72b57_level0_col0" class="col_heading level0 col0" >index</th>
      <th id="T_72b57_level0_col1" class="col_heading level0 col1" >mint</th>
      <th id="T_72b57_level0_row0" class="row_heading level0 row0" >0</th>
      <td id="T_72b57_row0_col0" class="data row0 col0" >False</td>
      <td id="T_72b57_row0_col1" class="data row0 col1" >%0.57</td>
      <th id="T_72b57_level0_row1" class="row_heading level0 row1" >1</th>
      <td id="T_72b57_row1_col0" class="data row1 col0" >True</td>
      <td id="T_72b57_row1_col1" class="data row1 col1" >%0.43</td>

So primary and secondary sale numbers are close but secondary sales
volume is almost 5x.

Next, we can check out also highest value token trade as an example:

``` python
top_trade = spaceid_trades\
    .query('mint == False')\
    .sort_values('price', ascending=False).head(1).squeeze()

    id                                  56466d58-e366-3f96-8bd6-115f1054bf36
    hash                   0x99eceaa0a93e960f162f94b3248aadba2d280af4c245...
    buyer                         0x68CA671253729039c1596856A0492B5979FCF37b
    seller                        0xC25751a1cE2eE2F62599F3Cc238a874C631aa4FC
    collection_address            0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6
    token_id               4563769053854199209000009877284788645708242223...
    marketplace_address           0xb3e3DfCb2d9f3DdE16d78B9e6EB3538Eb32B5ae1
    marketplace_name                                                 element
    price                                                              123.0
    currency                                                             BNB
    block_hash             0xae31bce2d4f9e6442b83f41e47236ef56f970ba9c2c1...
    block_number                                                    21088593
    mint                                                               False
    bundle                                                             False
    timestamp                                                     1662447211
    updated_at                                           2022-09-06 07:01:48
    Name: 15223, dtype: object

If we are curious to get more info on this we can then grab this token
as such:

``` python
token = spaceid.token(top_trade.token_id)

    {'attributes': BoxList([{'trait_type': 'Created Date', 'display_type': 'date', 'value': 1661401461}, {'trait_type': 'Registration Date', 'display_type': 'date', 'value': 1661401461}, {'trait_type': 'Expiration Date', 'display_type': 'date', 'value': 1692955724}, {'trait_type': 'Length', 'display_type': 'number', 'value': 3}, {'trait_type': 'Segment Length', 'display_type': 'number', 'value': 3}, {'trait_type': 'Character Set', 'display_type': 'string', 'value': 'digit'}]),
     'description': '123.bnb, a bnb name.',
     'image': '',
     'name': '123.bnb',
     'name_length': 3,
     'segment_length': 3,
     'uri': ''}

So this is `123.bnb` id!

We also have traits (can be used to calculate rarities for PFP/Gamefi
collections), and more info that can be accessed with the token model.

You can then also get the history of trades as such:

``` python
token_trades = token.trades('last month')

``` python
token_trades.sort_values('timestamp', ascending=True)

<style scoped>
    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {
        vertical-align: middle;

    .dataframe tbody tr th {
        vertical-align: top;

    .dataframe thead th {
        text-align: right;
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <td>2022-08-26 20:26:52</td>
      <td>2022-08-26 20:26:52</td>
      <td>2022-09-06 07:01:48</td>

Apparently, there was only a single mint (combined with a transfer to
the owner) and then a secondary sale worth \~\$34,194.

Wrapping up, this was just an example of how from gross analysis you can
go to token level in just a few lines. Let us know how we can improve
the docs if you have any [ideas](

## Advanced

### Social metrics over time

Since Twitter and Discord metrics can be significant indicators for NFT
collections we aggregate these metrics as well. Specifically, for
Twitter we pull follower/following/tweet counts and for Discord
active/passive members. Note: Currently this is only supported for `eth`

Here is an example of discord members over time for BAYC for instance:

``` python



Looks like active member activity started to fluctuate as we went deeper
into the bear market 🐻

### Network analysis on trades

We are building and enriching network analysis tools to be go deeper on
a given trade network. Below is a flavor of what is to come.

``` python
from zash_sdk.graph import *
network = build_network(bayc.trades('yesterday'))


You can filter for wash trades (triangular or bidirectional cycles for

### Streaming

Our API already has real-time trade streaming endpoint, you can connect
to it [here](

Alternatively, our SDK also has methods for streaming full spectrum of
activities of a given collection. This includes, listings, offers,
transfers and sales across all marketplaces. Currently, available for
Ethereum only. Sample usage:

### Stay tuned!

This is the beginning of what you can do with Zash SDK. We would be
adding transparent NFT price prediction and wallet based analysis tools
in the upcoming weeks. If you have any feature requests [get in
touch]( We are also


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "zash-sdk",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "nbdev jupyter notebook python",
    "author": "efx",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "zash-sdk\n================\n\n<!-- WARNING: THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! -->\n\nDelightful, ergonomic blockchain data SDK built for data scientist, ML\nengineers and data analysts. Wrangle and explore transactions under a\nminute.\n\n## Install\n\n``` sh\npip install zash-sdk\n```\n\n## Quickstart\n\n### Authentication\n\nGet your credentials from [](\n\n``` python\nfrom zash_sdk.zash import Zash\nzash = Zash('your_username', 'your_api_key')\n```\n\n    Authenticated!\n\n### Accessing NFT collection trades\n\nGrab all Bored Ape trades in x2y2 since yesterday (contract address\n[here](\n\n``` python\nbayc = zash.nft('eth').collection('0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D')\n```\n\n``` python\ntrades_df = bayc.trades('yesterday')\ntrades_df.query(\"marketplace_name == 'x2y2'\").head()\n```\n\n<div>\n<style scoped>\n    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n        vertical-align: middle;\n    }\n\n    .dataframe tbody tr th {\n        vertical-align: top;\n    }\n\n    .dataframe thead th {\n        text-align: right;\n    }\n</style>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n  <thead>\n    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n      <th></th>\n      <th>id</th>\n      <th>hash</th>\n      <th>buyer</th>\n      <th>seller</th>\n      <th>collection_address</th>\n      <th>token_id</th>\n      <th>marketplace_address</th>\n      <th>marketplace_name</th>\n      <th>price</th>\n      <th>currency</th>\n      <th>block_hash</th>\n      <th>block_number</th>\n      <th>mint</th>\n      <th>bundle</th>\n      <th>timestamp</th>\n      <th>updated_at</th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th>19</th>\n      <td>e80e354c-e3d8-3538-9788-817693f55783</td>\n      <td>0x6a7d16abd0b13522a99c5879f2e62ae66c15d91e4be7...</td>\n      <td>0xbdBa56dac0C99FA9A020045D9ccc774Ed2489558</td>\n      <td>0xed2ab4948bA6A909a7751DEc4F34f303eB8c7236</td>\n      <td>0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D</td>\n      <td>7369</td>\n      <td>0x74312363e45DCaBA76c59ec49a7Aa8A65a67EeD3</td>\n      <td>x2y2</td>\n      <td>69.000000</td>\n      <td>ETH</td>\n      <td>0x1407e979138ab4e4cff899a25c735b587279898edb59...</td>\n      <td>15490769</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>1662560018</td>\n      <td>2022-09-07 14:16:27</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>68</th>\n      <td>3a018278-681f-31e9-815f-97694ea9e48f</td>\n      <td>0x14f6f7698fe763c61ebb146d047fdc70973bb8f2a1d9...</td>\n      <td>0xed2ab4948bA6A909a7751DEc4F34f303eB8c7236</td>\n      <td>0x70219c18604DebF89379d566a622BDe2c5bc7621</td>\n      <td>0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D</td>\n      <td>4788</td>\n      <td>0x74312363e45DCaBA76c59ec49a7Aa8A65a67EeD3</td>\n      <td>x2y2</td>\n      <td>67.670000</td>\n      <td>WETH</td>\n      <td>0xd07c225d1ad934f6544114734392ebe9e767388ae80a...</td>\n      <td>15493679</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>1662600397</td>\n      <td>2022-09-08 01:31:10</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>78</th>\n      <td>2b2da6c2-717d-3d7c-87d0-af205258adec</td>\n      <td>0xeb23a4aa54a9b26bb6c1e50c9a4f5608572a5029f4d3...</td>\n      <td>0xed2ab4948bA6A909a7751DEc4F34f303eB8c7236</td>\n      <td>0xDa6391FB338F155a5b1036b9f5F7D19F4076779E</td>\n      <td>0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D</td>\n      <td>3277</td>\n      <td>0x74312363e45DCaBA76c59ec49a7Aa8A65a67EeD3</td>\n      <td>x2y2</td>\n      <td>67.273004</td>\n      <td>WETH</td>\n      <td>0x32f058cb9aca9f92629ee47414a70a8a865dc6fde22b...</td>\n      <td>15493761</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>1662601462</td>\n      <td>2022-09-08 01:46:13</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n\nA closer look at a trade:\n\n``` python\ntrade = trades_df.query(\"marketplace_name == 'x2y2'\").head(1).squeeze()\ntrade\n```\n\n    id                                  e80e354c-e3d8-3538-9788-817693f55783\n    hash                   0x6a7d16abd0b13522a99c5879f2e62ae66c15d91e4be7...\n    buyer                         0xbdBa56dac0C99FA9A020045D9ccc774Ed2489558\n    seller                        0xed2ab4948bA6A909a7751DEc4F34f303eB8c7236\n    collection_address            0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D\n    token_id                                                            7369\n    marketplace_address           0x74312363e45DCaBA76c59ec49a7Aa8A65a67EeD3\n    marketplace_name                                                    x2y2\n    price                                                               69.0\n    currency                                                             ETH\n    block_hash             0x1407e979138ab4e4cff899a25c735b587279898edb59...\n    block_number                                                    15490769\n    mint                                                               False\n    bundle                                                             False\n    timestamp                                                     1662560018\n    updated_at                                           2022-09-07 14:16:27\n    Name: 19, dtype: object\n\n``` python\n# You can check out the transaction on etherscan:\n!echo{trade['hash']}\n```\n\n\n\n### Simple marketplace comparison\n\nYou can get near-real time view of a chain in a single line:\n\n``` python\nlast_hour_trades = zash.nft('eth').trades('1 hour ago')\n```\n\n[`NFT.trades`]( accepts\ntime ranges or shortcuts such as \u201cyesterday\u201d or \u201ctoday\u201d.\n\n``` python\n# offmarket marketplaces are labelled as -\nlast_hour_trades\\\n    .query('marketplace_name != \"-\"')\\\n    .groupby('marketplace_name')\\\n    .agg({\"price\":'sum'})\\\n    .sort_values('price', ascending=False)\\\n    .plot(kind='bar', ylabel='price_in_eth', legend=False)\n```\n\n    <AxesSubplot:xlabel='marketplace_name', ylabel='price_in_eth'>\n\n![](index_files/figure-gfm/cell-8-output-2.png)\n\n## Example: Deep dive on BNB\n\nIn this example, we\u2019ll show you can go from a macro view to a micro one,\nfrom marketplaces all the way to the tokens.\n\nLet\u2019s look at BNB chain this time, across all marketplaces:\n\n``` python\nbnb = zash.nft('bnb')\ntrades = bnb.trades('1 hour ago')\n```\n\nOff-market trades are market with \u201c-\u201d in marketplace names, you can\nfilter them out as such:\n\n``` python\nmarketplace_trades = trades.query('marketplace_name != \"-\"')\n```\n\n``` python\nmarketplace_trades.groupby('marketplace_name').agg({\"price\":'sum'}).plot(kind='bar')\n```\n\n    <AxesSubplot:xlabel='marketplace_name'>\n\n![](index_files/figure-gfm/cell-11-output-2.png)\n\nFrom here we see Element has the highest volume, can do a drill on this\nto find out the top collections:\n\n``` python\ntop = marketplace_trades.query(\"marketplace_name == 'element'\")\\\n    .groupby('collection_address')\\\n    .sum('price')[['price']]\\\n    .sort_values('price', ascending=False)\ntop\n```\n\n<div>\n<style scoped>\n    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n        vertical-align: middle;\n    }\n\n    .dataframe tbody tr th {\n        vertical-align: top;\n    }\n\n    .dataframe thead th {\n        text-align: right;\n    }\n</style>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n  <thead>\n    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n      <th></th>\n      <th>price</th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>collection_address</th>\n      <th></th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6</th>\n      <td>3.9900</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0x9CEE09946A8113a503C1264e328c0e3aEe4c8bCf</th>\n      <td>0.3000</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0x85F0e02cb992aa1F9F47112F815F519EF1A59E2D</th>\n      <td>0.2000</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0xADc466855ebe8d1402C5F7e6706Fccc3AEdB44a0</th>\n      <td>0.0110</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0xC2A19349D5f451071C3085B90f531D19F190FF21</th>\n      <td>0.0099</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0x1e13BDCB500a9B24b8221B290aD5E535D34E4218</th>\n      <td>0.0000</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n\nWe see that `0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6` has the highest\nvolume as a collection. To find more about this collection we can grab\nit and check it\u2019s metadata:\n\n``` python\nbnb.collection('0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6').metadata()\n```\n\n    collection_id    0xe3b1d32e43ce8d658368e2cbff95d57ef39be8a6\n    name                                               SPACE ID\n    slug                                      space-id-bnb-name\n    marketplace                                            tofu\n    website_url                     \n    discord_url         \n    twitter_url   \n    floor_price                                           28.93\n    updated_at                       2022-08-30 11:53:38.548041\n    created_at                              2022-08-07 12:49:06\n    Name: SPACE ID, dtype: object\n\nWe see it is Space ID! We even have Twitter, Discord and website\nreferences to find more about this dapp/collection. Let\u2019s do more\ndrilling on this, checking out what was the split on primary vs\nsecondary and also top mints traded can be a good idea:\n\n``` python\nspaceid = bnb.collection('0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6')\nspaceid_trades = spaceid.trades('last month')\n```\n\n``` python\n# can look at some price summary stats:\nspaceid_trades['price'].describe()\n```\n\n    count    54230.000000\n    mean         0.220979\n    std          1.219418\n    min          0.000000\n    25%          0.008280\n    50%          0.009268\n    75%          0.037172\n    max        123.000000\n    Name: price, dtype: float64\n\nCan check primary vs seconday split on volume:\n\n``` python\nspaceid_trades.groupby('mint').sum('price')[['price']].plot(kind='barh')\n```\n\n    <AxesSubplot:ylabel='mint'>\n\n![](index_files/figure-gfm/cell-16-output-2.png)\n\nWe can also check for primary vs secondary trade counts\u2026\n\n``` python\nspaceid_trades['mint'].value_counts(normalize=True).reset_index().style.format({'mint': \"%{:.2f}\"})\n```\n\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n</style>\n<table id=\"T_72b57\">\n  <thead>\n    <tr>\n      <th class=\"blank level0\" >&nbsp;</th>\n      <th id=\"T_72b57_level0_col0\" class=\"col_heading level0 col0\" >index</th>\n      <th id=\"T_72b57_level0_col1\" class=\"col_heading level0 col1\" >mint</th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th id=\"T_72b57_level0_row0\" class=\"row_heading level0 row0\" >0</th>\n      <td id=\"T_72b57_row0_col0\" class=\"data row0 col0\" >False</td>\n      <td id=\"T_72b57_row0_col1\" class=\"data row0 col1\" >%0.57</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th id=\"T_72b57_level0_row1\" class=\"row_heading level0 row1\" >1</th>\n      <td id=\"T_72b57_row1_col0\" class=\"data row1 col0\" >True</td>\n      <td id=\"T_72b57_row1_col1\" class=\"data row1 col1\" >%0.43</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>\n\nSo primary and secondary sale numbers are close but secondary sales\nvolume is almost 5x.\n\nNext, we can check out also highest value token trade as an example:\n\n``` python\ntop_trade = spaceid_trades\\\n    .query('mint == False')\\\n    .sort_values('price', ascending=False).head(1).squeeze()\ntop_trade\n```\n\n    id                                  56466d58-e366-3f96-8bd6-115f1054bf36\n    hash                   0x99eceaa0a93e960f162f94b3248aadba2d280af4c245...\n    buyer                         0x68CA671253729039c1596856A0492B5979FCF37b\n    seller                        0xC25751a1cE2eE2F62599F3Cc238a874C631aa4FC\n    collection_address            0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6\n    token_id               4563769053854199209000009877284788645708242223...\n    marketplace_address           0xb3e3DfCb2d9f3DdE16d78B9e6EB3538Eb32B5ae1\n    marketplace_name                                                 element\n    price                                                              123.0\n    currency                                                             BNB\n    block_hash             0xae31bce2d4f9e6442b83f41e47236ef56f970ba9c2c1...\n    block_number                                                    21088593\n    mint                                                               False\n    bundle                                                             False\n    timestamp                                                     1662447211\n    updated_at                                           2022-09-06 07:01:48\n    Name: 15223, dtype: object\n\nIf we are curious to get more info on this we can then grab this token\nas such:\n\n``` python\ntoken = spaceid.token(top_trade.token_id)\npprint(token.metadata())\n```\n\n    {'attributes': BoxList([{'trait_type': 'Created Date', 'display_type': 'date', 'value': 1661401461}, {'trait_type': 'Registration Date', 'display_type': 'date', 'value': 1661401461}, {'trait_type': 'Expiration Date', 'display_type': 'date', 'value': 1692955724}, {'trait_type': 'Length', 'display_type': 'number', 'value': 3}, {'trait_type': 'Segment Length', 'display_type': 'number', 'value': 3}, {'trait_type': 'Character Set', 'display_type': 'string', 'value': 'digit'}]),\n     'description': '123.bnb, a bnb name.',\n     'image': '',\n     'name': '123.bnb',\n     'name_length': 3,\n     'segment_length': 3,\n     'uri': ''}\n\nSo this is `123.bnb` id!\n\nWe also have traits (can be used to calculate rarities for PFP/Gamefi\ncollections), and more info that can be accessed with the token model.\n\nYou can then also get the history of trades as such:\n\n``` python\ntoken_trades = token.trades('last month')\n```\n\n``` python\ntoken_trades.sort_values('timestamp', ascending=True)\n```\n\n<div>\n<style scoped>\n    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n        vertical-align: middle;\n    }\n\n    .dataframe tbody tr th {\n        vertical-align: top;\n    }\n\n    .dataframe thead th {\n        text-align: right;\n    }\n</style>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n  <thead>\n    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n      <th></th>\n      <th>id</th>\n      <th>hash</th>\n      <th>buyer</th>\n      <th>seller</th>\n      <th>collection_address</th>\n      <th>token_id</th>\n      <th>marketplace_address</th>\n      <th>marketplace_name</th>\n      <th>price</th>\n      <th>currency</th>\n      <th>block_hash</th>\n      <th>block_number</th>\n      <th>mint</th>\n      <th>bundle</th>\n      <th>timestamp</th>\n      <th>updated_at</th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0</th>\n      <td>f072e372-518d-31b5-bd91-803162bb1d73</td>\n      <td>0xe1e0ac10537fd5b2a723a3dedea6feb2223083bd83f1...</td>\n      <td>0xC25751a1cE2eE2F62599F3Cc238a874C631aa4FC</td>\n      <td>0x48af770f89F03C6cCea6919df6F89bC903cE2F9C</td>\n      <td>0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6</td>\n      <td>4563769053854199209000009877284788645708242223...</td>\n      <td>0x48af770f89F03C6cCea6919df6F89bC903cE2F9C</td>\n      <td>-</td>\n      <td>0.0</td>\n      <td>BNB</td>\n      <td>0xf88eb7636afedda5a88dc8b4f6f53558052e5838941d...</td>\n      <td>20739907</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>True</td>\n      <td>1661398772</td>\n      <td>2022-08-26 20:26:52</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>1</th>\n      <td>037e325f-8e64-355d-ad07-0c812d94ac39</td>\n      <td>0xe1e0ac10537fd5b2a723a3dedea6feb2223083bd83f1...</td>\n      <td>0x48af770f89F03C6cCea6919df6F89bC903cE2F9C</td>\n      <td>0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000</td>\n      <td>0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6</td>\n      <td>4563769053854199209000009877284788645708242223...</td>\n      <td>0x48af770f89F03C6cCea6919df6F89bC903cE2F9C</td>\n      <td>-</td>\n      <td>0.0</td>\n      <td>BNB</td>\n      <td>0xf88eb7636afedda5a88dc8b4f6f53558052e5838941d...</td>\n      <td>20739907</td>\n      <td>True</td>\n      <td>True</td>\n      <td>1661398772</td>\n      <td>2022-08-26 20:26:52</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>2</th>\n      <td>56466d58-e366-3f96-8bd6-115f1054bf36</td>\n      <td>0x99eceaa0a93e960f162f94b3248aadba2d280af4c245...</td>\n      <td>0x68CA671253729039c1596856A0492B5979FCF37b</td>\n      <td>0xC25751a1cE2eE2F62599F3Cc238a874C631aa4FC</td>\n      <td>0xE3b1D32e43Ce8d658368e2CBFF95D57Ef39Be8a6</td>\n      <td>4563769053854199209000009877284788645708242223...</td>\n      <td>0xb3e3DfCb2d9f3DdE16d78B9e6EB3538Eb32B5ae1</td>\n      <td>element</td>\n      <td>123.0</td>\n      <td>BNB</td>\n      <td>0xae31bce2d4f9e6442b83f41e47236ef56f970ba9c2c1...</td>\n      <td>21088593</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>False</td>\n      <td>1662447211</td>\n      <td>2022-09-06 07:01:48</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n\nApparently, there was only a single mint (combined with a transfer to\nthe owner) and then a secondary sale worth \\~\\$34,194.\n\nWrapping up, this was just an example of how from gross analysis you can\ngo to token level in just a few lines. Let us know how we can improve\nthe docs if you have any [ideas](\n\n## Advanced\n\n### Social metrics over time\n\nSince Twitter and Discord metrics can be significant indicators for NFT\ncollections we aggregate these metrics as well. Specifically, for\nTwitter we pull follower/following/tweet counts and for Discord\nactive/passive members. Note: Currently this is only supported for `eth`\nchain.\n\nHere is an example of discord members over time for BAYC for instance:\n\n``` python\nzash.nft('eth')\\\n    .collection('0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D')\\\n    .socials('boredapeyachtclub')\\\n    .discord\\\n    .set_index('ts')\\\n    .resample('D').mean()\\\n    .plot()\n```\n\n    <AxesSubplot:xlabel='ts'>\n\n![](index_files/figure-gfm/cell-22-output-2.png)\n\nLooks like active member activity started to fluctuate as we went deeper\ninto the bear market \ud83d\udc3b\n\n### Network analysis on trades\n\nWe are building and enriching network analysis tools to be go deeper on\na given trade network. Below is a flavor of what is to come.\n\n``` python\nfrom zash_sdk.graph import *\nnetwork = build_network(bayc.trades('yesterday'))\nplot_trade_network(network)\n```\n\n![](index_files/figure-gfm/cell-23-output-1.png)\n\nYou can filter for wash trades (triangular or bidirectional cycles for\ninstance).\n\n### Streaming\n\nOur API already has real-time trade streaming endpoint, you can connect\nto it [here](\n\nAlternatively, our SDK also has methods for streaming full spectrum of\nactivities of a given collection. This includes, listings, offers,\ntransfers and sales across all marketplaces. Currently, available for\nEthereum only. Sample usage:\n\n### Stay tuned!\n\nThis is the beginning of what you can do with Zash SDK. We would be\nadding transparent NFT price prediction and wallet based analysis tools\nin the upcoming weeks. If you have any feature requests [get in\ntouch]( We are also\n[hiring](!\n",
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