
Namezc.buildout.languageserver JSON
Version 0.13.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA language server for zc.buildout
upload_time2024-07-04 15:06:04
keywords zc.buildout languageserver
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            A [Language Server](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) for [zc.buildout](http://www.buildout.org/).

This language server is implemented using [pygls](https://github.com/openlawlibrary/pygls).

# Installation

## Standalone

Needs a python >= 3.8.

python -m pip install zc.buildout.languageserver

Then configure your editor to run `buildoutls` ( or `python3 -m buildoutls` ).

## From vscode extension

On activation, the extension automatically installs the extension on the python configured in the extension preferences.

The automatic installation does not seem to work with theia and the python egg has to be installed beforehand.

# Features

## Completions

- `${` or `[` complete sections.
- `${section:` complete `section`'s options. If `section` uses a known recipe, dynamic options from the recipe are also completed.
- `${buildout:extends}` completes filenames.
- `${buildout:parts}` and `<=` option completes parts.

## Diagnostics

- non existant section and options in `${section:option}` references.
- required options not defined for a a few "known recipes".
- python package listed in `[versions]` with known vulnerabilities

## Symbols

- Sections and options are shown are displayed in outline as symbols.

## Links

- `${buildout:extends}` are links.

## Go to definitions

- from `${section:options}` we can go to the location where `option` is defined in `section`, or to `section` header if it's not defined.
- from `<= section` we can go to `section`.
- from `${buildout:extends}` we can go to the extended profile.

## Hover

- Hover on an option show the option value.
- Hover on a recipe shows the recipe documentation

## Find references

- Find references of the current symbol. A bit simple, it only look for references and does not check if profiles really `extends` each other. It does not look in templates either.

## Code actions

- update a python package from `[versions]` to its latest version on pypi
- compute the `md5sum` of an url

## Semantic tokens

- python code in options is highlighted.

## Template support

- "current" buildout profile is guessed, then completions and diagnostics should work on any files.

## Jinja2 support

- Jinja syntax is syntax highlighted and jinja syntax markers are ignored when parsing buildout.

## SlapOS support

- SlapOS instance buildout (ie. buildout generated by buildout) is understood, `${` and `$${` are treated separatly for completions and diagnostics.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][keepachangelog],
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver].

## Unreleased

## [0.13.0] - 2024-07-04

### Added

 - semantic_tokens: highlight python code in options
 - completions: complete existing sections within `[` to override existing sections.
 - hover: improve hover of known recipes
 - Add support for plone.recipe.zope2instance

### Fixed

 - completions: don't add an extra newline when completing `${buildout:parts}`

## [0.12.0] - 2023-10-08

 - support python 3.12
 - version up dependencies

### Fixed

 - hover: fix crash when opening instance.cfg.in without opening a folder (by updating pygls)

## [0.11.0] - 2023-10-04

### Added

 - code actions: support cancellation of md5sum command

### Fixed

 - hover: fix crash when opening instance.cfg.in outside of workspace folder

## [0.10.1] - 2023-09-20

### Fixed

- revert: code actions: support cancellation of md5sum command, this needs an unreleased pygls

## [0.10.0] - 2023-09-20

### Added

- code actions: support cancellation of md5sum command
- references: support cancellation

## [0.9.3] - 2023-09-19

### Fixed

- server: Fix crash when hover .cfg.in in gitlens views
- client,server: update dependencies

## [0.9.2] - 2023-02-24

### Fixed

- server: fixed definition of `python_requires`

## [0.9.1] - 2023-02-24

### Added

- client: version up dependencies

## [0.9.0] - 2023-01-01

### Added

- update to pygls 1.0

## [0.8.3] - 2022-11-06

### Fixed

- client: revert to older vscode and vscode-languageclient dependencies

### Added

- server: support more slapos recipes

## [0.8.2] - 2022-10-29

### Fixed:

- client: install with requirements.txt to install a fixed version

### Added:

- client: version up dependencies
- server: support python 3.11

## [0.8.1] - 2022-07-03

### Fixed:

- code_actions: fix visit project on pypi when invoked from option key
- aiohttp: don't set global timeout

## [0.8.0] - 2022-07-02

### Added:

- switch from `requests` to `aiohttp`. Doing http requests asynchronously and in the case of pypi diagnostics, concurrently.
- diagnostic: lower severity of option redefined to same value to information level
- diagnostic: add hint level diagnostic for every redefined value
- cli: new `--log-pygls` flag to include pygls logs. By default they are not included.
- diagnostic: report unknown pypi projects or versions

### Fixed:

- pypi: fix a crash when unknown project is listed in `versions`
- diagnostic: don't emit false positives for profiles generated with jinja
- fix crash with empty `${buildout:extends}`

## [0.7.1] - 2022-05-08

### Added:

- recipe: support defining deprecated options
- recipe: support `slapos.recipe.template` version 0.5

### Fixed:

- recipe: fix some markdown syntax in recipe docs

## [0.7.0] - 2022-04-03

### Added:

- code actions: report progress when updating md5sum
- expose commands to start & stop profiling.

### Fixed:

- significantly improve performance by implementing .copy() method and using an intermediate cache.
- fix crash when completing option made only of space
- fix crash when completing after ${}

## [0.6.2] - 2022-01-06

### Fixed:

- fix a packaging mistake with the vscode extension

## [0.6.1] - 2022-01-04

### Fixed:

- fix problems with automatic publishing of packages

## [0.6.0] - 2022-01-04

### Added:

- diagnostic: report versions with known vulnerabilities
- code action: update a python package listed in `versions` to latest version
- code action: view a python package page on pypi
- code action: compute md5sum of an url

### Removed

- support for python 3.6, minimal supported version is now 3.7

### Fixed:

- completions: don't offer completions in comments
- ~~fix performance issues by cancelling pending tasks~~ actually the fix was wrong

## [0.5.0] - 2021-03-28

### Added:

- diagnostic: warn when options are redefining the current value
- completions: complete existing options of current sections
- diagnostic: support recipes with arbitrary options (like slapos.recipe.build)
- diagnostic: report error when existing non existant profiles

### Fixed:

- stop emitting false positives diagnostics with multi line jinja
- stop emitting false positives diagnostics for missing sections/options when extending dynamic profile
- fixed "add line comment" action

## [0.4.0] - 2020-10-08

### Fixed:

- don't skip lines containing jinja expressions. This was causing some missing options when jinja was used in option
- diagnostic: tolerate unknown part when extends jinja

## [0.3.0] - 2020-02-23

### Added:

- support http URLs in `${buildout:extends}`

## [0.2.1] - 2020-04-25

### Fixed

- references: consider listing a section in `${buildout:parts}` as a reference.
- completions: use `textEdit` to properly overwrite exiting text.
- all: debounce protocol functions to accept cancellations.
- all: fix errors when opening profiles outside of workspace.

## [0.2.0] - 2020-02-12

### Added:

- support running with buildout < 2.9.3
- initial support of `instance.cfg` defined using `slapos.recipe.template:jinja2`

### Fixed

- fixed broken v0.1.1 release, it could not be installed from pypi.
- diagnostics: prevent "missing required options" false positive on sections used only as macros.
- diagnostic: Correctly analyze sections with `.` or `-` in their names
- diagnostic: Fix false positives on `${buildout:parts}` with extended sections
- diagnostic: Fix false positives on `${buildout:parts}` when dynamically adding parts with jinja.

## [0.1.1] - 2020-01-30

### Added

- definitions: paths from `${buildout:extends}` can also be opened with jump to definition.
- completions: fix insertText with `-`.
- diagnostics: detect missing non existant sections listed in `${buildout:parts}`.
- diagnostics: detect sections without recipe listed in `${buildout:parts}`.

## 0.1.0 - 2020-01-04

- Initial Version

[keepachangelog]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/
[semver]: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
[unreleased]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.13.0...main
[0.13.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.12.0...v0.13.0
[0.12.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.11.0...v0.12.0
[0.11.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.10.1...v0.11.0
[0.10.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.3...v0.10.0
[0.9.3]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.2...v0.9.3
[0.9.2]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.1...v0.9.2
[0.9.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1
[0.9.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.3...v0.9.0
[0.8.3]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.2...v0.8.3
[0.8.2]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.1...v0.8.2
[0.8.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1
[0.8.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.7.1...v0.8.0
[0.7.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.6.2...v0.7.0
[0.6.2]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2
[0.6.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1
[0.6.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0
[0.5.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0
[0.4.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0
[0.3.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0
[0.2.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1
[0.2.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0
[0.1.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "zc.buildout.languageserver",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "zc.buildout languageserver",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6b/3e/4e9b71e634a6f6d645fc3ebb819cb521fd5969255dce9f1b7d55532194a4/zc_buildout_languageserver-0.13.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "A [Language Server](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) for [zc.buildout](http://www.buildout.org/).\n\nThis language server is implemented using [pygls](https://github.com/openlawlibrary/pygls).\n\n# Installation\n\n## Standalone\n\nNeeds a python >= 3.8.\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install zc.buildout.languageserver\n```\n\nThen configure your editor to run `buildoutls` ( or `python3 -m buildoutls` ).\n\n## From vscode extension\n\nOn activation, the extension automatically installs the extension on the python configured in the extension preferences.\n\nThe automatic installation does not seem to work with theia and the python egg has to be installed beforehand.\n\n# Features\n\n## Completions\n\n- `${` or `[` complete sections.\n- `${section:` complete `section`'s options. If `section` uses a known recipe, dynamic options from the recipe are also completed.\n- `${buildout:extends}` completes filenames.\n- `${buildout:parts}` and `<=` option completes parts.\n\n## Diagnostics\n\n- non existant section and options in `${section:option}` references.\n- required options not defined for a a few \"known recipes\".\n- python package listed in `[versions]` with known vulnerabilities\n\n## Symbols\n\n- Sections and options are shown are displayed in outline as symbols.\n\n## Links\n\n- `${buildout:extends}` are links.\n\n## Go to definitions\n\n- from `${section:options}` we can go to the location where `option` is defined in `section`, or to `section` header if it's not defined.\n- from `<= section` we can go to `section`.\n- from `${buildout:extends}` we can go to the extended profile.\n\n## Hover\n\n- Hover on an option show the option value.\n- Hover on a recipe shows the recipe documentation\n\n## Find references\n\n- Find references of the current symbol. A bit simple, it only look for references and does not check if profiles really `extends` each other. It does not look in templates either.\n\n## Code actions\n\n- update a python package from `[versions]` to its latest version on pypi\n- compute the `md5sum` of an url\n\n## Semantic tokens\n\n- python code in options is highlighted.\n\n## Template support\n\n- \"current\" buildout profile is guessed, then completions and diagnostics should work on any files.\n\n## Jinja2 support\n\n- Jinja syntax is syntax highlighted and jinja syntax markers are ignored when parsing buildout.\n\n## SlapOS support\n\n- SlapOS instance buildout (ie. buildout generated by buildout) is understood, `${` and `$${` are treated separatly for completions and diagnostics.\n# Changelog\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.\n\nThe format is based on [Keep a Changelog][keepachangelog],\nand this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver].\n\n## Unreleased\n\n## [0.13.0] - 2024-07-04\n\n### Added\n\n - semantic_tokens: highlight python code in options\n - completions: complete existing sections within `[` to override existing sections.\n - hover: improve hover of known recipes\n - Add support for plone.recipe.zope2instance\n\n### Fixed\n\n - completions: don't add an extra newline when completing `${buildout:parts}`\n\n\n## [0.12.0] - 2023-10-08\n\n - support python 3.12\n - version up dependencies\n\n### Fixed\n\n - hover: fix crash when opening instance.cfg.in without opening a folder (by updating pygls)\n\n\n## [0.11.0] - 2023-10-04\n\n### Added\n\n - code actions: support cancellation of md5sum command\n\n### Fixed\n\n - hover: fix crash when opening instance.cfg.in outside of workspace folder\n\n## [0.10.1] - 2023-09-20\n\n### Fixed\n\n- revert: code actions: support cancellation of md5sum command, this needs an unreleased pygls\n\n## [0.10.0] - 2023-09-20\n\n### Added\n\n- code actions: support cancellation of md5sum command\n- references: support cancellation\n\n## [0.9.3] - 2023-09-19\n\n### Fixed\n\n- server: Fix crash when hover .cfg.in in gitlens views\n- client,server: update dependencies\n\n## [0.9.2] - 2023-02-24\n\n### Fixed\n\n- server: fixed definition of `python_requires`\n\n## [0.9.1] - 2023-02-24\n\n### Added\n\n- client: version up dependencies\n\n## [0.9.0] - 2023-01-01\n\n### Added\n\n- update to pygls 1.0\n\n## [0.8.3] - 2022-11-06\n\n### Fixed\n\n- client: revert to older vscode and vscode-languageclient dependencies\n\n### Added\n\n- server: support more slapos recipes\n\n## [0.8.2] - 2022-10-29\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- client: install with requirements.txt to install a fixed version\n\n### Added:\n\n- client: version up dependencies\n- server: support python 3.11\n\n## [0.8.1] - 2022-07-03\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- code_actions: fix visit project on pypi when invoked from option key\n- aiohttp: don't set global timeout\n\n## [0.8.0] - 2022-07-02\n\n### Added:\n\n- switch from `requests` to `aiohttp`. Doing http requests asynchronously and in the case of pypi diagnostics, concurrently.\n- diagnostic: lower severity of option redefined to same value to information level\n- diagnostic: add hint level diagnostic for every redefined value\n- cli: new `--log-pygls` flag to include pygls logs. By default they are not included.\n- diagnostic: report unknown pypi projects or versions\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- pypi: fix a crash when unknown project is listed in `versions`\n- diagnostic: don't emit false positives for profiles generated with jinja\n- fix crash with empty `${buildout:extends}`\n\n## [0.7.1] - 2022-05-08\n\n### Added:\n\n- recipe: support defining deprecated options\n- recipe: support `slapos.recipe.template` version 0.5\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- recipe: fix some markdown syntax in recipe docs\n\n## [0.7.0] - 2022-04-03\n\n### Added:\n\n- code actions: report progress when updating md5sum\n- expose commands to start & stop profiling.\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- significantly improve performance by implementing .copy() method and using an intermediate cache.\n- fix crash when completing option made only of space\n- fix crash when completing after ${}\n\n## [0.6.2] - 2022-01-06\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- fix a packaging mistake with the vscode extension\n\n## [0.6.1] - 2022-01-04\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- fix problems with automatic publishing of packages\n\n## [0.6.0] - 2022-01-04\n\n### Added:\n\n- diagnostic: report versions with known vulnerabilities\n- code action: update a python package listed in `versions` to latest version\n- code action: view a python package page on pypi\n- code action: compute md5sum of an url\n\n### Removed\n\n- support for python 3.6, minimal supported version is now 3.7\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- completions: don't offer completions in comments\n- ~~fix performance issues by cancelling pending tasks~~ actually the fix was wrong\n\n## [0.5.0] - 2021-03-28\n\n### Added:\n\n- diagnostic: warn when options are redefining the current value\n- completions: complete existing options of current sections\n- diagnostic: support recipes with arbitrary options (like slapos.recipe.build)\n- diagnostic: report error when existing non existant profiles\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- stop emitting false positives diagnostics with multi line jinja\n- stop emitting false positives diagnostics for missing sections/options when extending dynamic profile\n- fixed \"add line comment\" action\n\n## [0.4.0] - 2020-10-08\n\n### Fixed:\n\n- don't skip lines containing jinja expressions. This was causing some missing options when jinja was used in option\n- diagnostic: tolerate unknown part when extends jinja\n\n## [0.3.0] - 2020-02-23\n\n### Added:\n\n- support http URLs in `${buildout:extends}`\n\n## [0.2.1] - 2020-04-25\n\n### Fixed\n\n- references: consider listing a section in `${buildout:parts}` as a reference.\n- completions: use `textEdit` to properly overwrite exiting text.\n- all: debounce protocol functions to accept cancellations.\n- all: fix errors when opening profiles outside of workspace.\n\n## [0.2.0] - 2020-02-12\n\n### Added:\n\n- support running with buildout < 2.9.3\n- initial support of `instance.cfg` defined using `slapos.recipe.template:jinja2`\n\n### Fixed\n\n- fixed broken v0.1.1 release, it could not be installed from pypi.\n- diagnostics: prevent \"missing required options\" false positive on sections used only as macros.\n- diagnostic: Correctly analyze sections with `.` or `-` in their names\n- diagnostic: Fix false positives on `${buildout:parts}` with extended sections\n- diagnostic: Fix false positives on `${buildout:parts}` when dynamically adding parts with jinja.\n\n## [0.1.1] - 2020-01-30\n\n### Added\n\n- definitions: paths from `${buildout:extends}` can also be opened with jump to definition.\n- completions: fix insertText with `-`.\n- diagnostics: detect missing non existant sections listed in `${buildout:parts}`.\n- diagnostics: detect sections without recipe listed in `${buildout:parts}`.\n\n## 0.1.0 - 2020-01-04\n\n- Initial Version\n\n[keepachangelog]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/\n[semver]: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html\n[unreleased]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.13.0...main\n[0.13.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.12.0...v0.13.0\n[0.12.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.11.0...v0.12.0\n[0.11.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.10.1...v0.11.0\n[0.10.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1\n[0.10.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.3...v0.10.0\n[0.9.3]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.2...v0.9.3\n[0.9.2]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.1...v0.9.2\n[0.9.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1\n[0.9.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.3...v0.9.0\n[0.8.3]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.2...v0.8.3\n[0.8.2]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.1...v0.8.2\n[0.8.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1\n[0.8.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.7.1...v0.8.0\n[0.7.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1\n[0.7.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.6.2...v0.7.0\n[0.6.2]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2\n[0.6.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1\n[0.6.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0\n[0.5.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0\n[0.4.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0\n[0.3.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0\n[0.2.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1\n[0.2.0]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0\n[0.1.1]: https://github.com/perrinjerome/vscode-zc-buildout/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "A language server for zc.buildout",
    "version": "0.13.0",
    "project_urls": null,
    "split_keywords": [
    "urls": [
            "comment_text": "",
            "digests": {
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                "sha256": "613f94703ff255c9ac1ff44ac794ce443ef123b3666b31d48d33f2dc407cdbf1"
            "downloads": -1,
            "filename": "zc.buildout.languageserver-0.13.0-py3-none-any.whl",
            "has_sig": false,
            "md5_digest": "1176183caeb13272b26e942dacfcb4c9",
            "packagetype": "bdist_wheel",
            "python_version": "py3",
            "requires_python": ">=3.8",
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