
Namezermeloapi JSON
Version 2024. PyPI version JSON
Summaryzermelo api
upload_time2024-01-08 09:51:45
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # zermelo api v:2024.
![GitHub Logo](https://ozhw.zportal.nl/static/v/21.09j64/img/zermelo2013.svg)
# documentation

## install

pip install zermeloapi

## how to import
import zermeloapi
## initializing
zermelo = zermeloapi.zermelo(school, username, password, teacher=False, version=3)
## get token
token = zermelo.get_token()
if u wand to u can give the school username and password again but u don't need to in that case u can use `get_token(school,username,password)`
## get access token
access_token = zermelo.get_access_token()
again if u wand to u can give the school and username again but u don't need to in that case u can use `get_access_token(school,username)`
## get raw schedule
raw_schedule = zermelo.get_schedule()
u can give the week number and or year of u wand to else it uses the current year/week u can use `get_schedule(week=02)`,`get_schedule(year=2024)`or`get_schedule(year=2024,week=02)`
## get schedule
raw_schedule = zermelo.get_schedule()
u can give the week number and or year of u wand to else it uses the current year/week u can use `get_schedule(week=02)`,`get_schedule(year=2024)`or`get_schedule(year=2024,week=02)`and u you can pass a rawshedule from get_raw_shedule()
## sort schedule
sorted_schedule = zermelo.sort_schedule()
like before u can give the week and year but u can also give the schedule from [`get_schedule()`](#get-schedule) instead to sort it defaults to getting it self but if u give it uses that one u can do that by using it like this `sort_schedule(schedule)` for the week and year it is the same syntax
## readable schedule
readable = zermelo.readable_schedule()
again u can give it week and year with the same syntax as before also you can give it a sorted schedule (output from [`sort_schedule()`](#sort-schedule)) by using `readable_schedule(sorted_schedule)`
## print schedule
yes u can use it like this `zermelo.print_schedule(zermelo.readable_schedule())` but **WHY** if u wand that use it like that just `print(zermelo.readable_schedule())` the only use is that it defaults to `zermelo.readable_schedule()`
# [source code](https://github.com/btpv/zermeloapi)
# from calendar import weekday
import os.path
import requests
import json
import time
import base64
# from datetime import datetime
import datetime
class zermelo:
    expires_in = 0
    school = ''
    username = ''
    teacher = False
    debug = False
    TimeToAddToUtc = 0

    def __init__(self, school, username,password=None, teacher=False, version=3,debug=False,linkcode=None):
        self.school = school
        self.username = username
        self.teacher = teacher
        self.debug = debug
        self.version = 'v'+str(version)
        self.TimeToAddToUtc = self.get_date()[2]
        if linkcode == None and password != None:
            self.token = self.get_tokenfromusrpsw(school=school,username=username,password=password)
            self.token = self.gettokenfromfile(linkcode=linkcode)

    def updatetoken(self, linkcode):
        self.token = self.gettokenfromfile(linkcode=linkcode)
    def gettokenfromlinkcode(self, linkcode=None):
        if linkcode == None:
            linkcode = input("apitoken: ").replace(" ",'')
            linkcode = str(linkcode).replace(" ",'')
        return json.loads(requests.post(f"https://ozhw.zportal.nl/api/v3/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&code={linkcode}").text)["access_token"]
    def get_tokenfromusrpsw(self, school=None, username=None, password=None):
        if(school == None):
            school = self.school
        if (username == None):
            username = self.username
        if(password == None):
            password = self.password
        url = 'https://'+school+'.zportal.nl/api/'+self.version+'/oauth'
        myobj = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'client_id': 'OAuthPage', 'redirect_uri': '/main/',
                 'scope': '', 'state': '4E252A', 'response_type': 'code', 'tenant': school}
        x = requests.post(url, data=myobj,allow_redirects=False)
        respons = x.headers['Location']
        # exit(0)
        if self.debug:
            # exit(0)
        start = respons.find("code=") + len("code=")
        end = respons.find("&", start)
        token = respons[start:end]
        start = respons.find("tenant=") + len("tenant=")
        end = respons.find("&", start)
        school = respons[start:end]
        start = respons.find("expires_in=") + len("expires_in=")
        end = respons.find("&", start)
        self.expires_in = respons[start:end]
        start = respons.find("loginMethod=") + len("loginMethod=")
        end = respons.find("&", start)
        self.loginMethod = respons[start:end]
        start = respons.find("interfaceVersion=") + len("interfaceVersion=")
        end = respons.find("&", start)
        self.interfaceVersion = respons[start:end]
        if(school == None):
            school = self.school
        if(token == None):
            token = self.get_token()
        url = 'https://' + school+'.zportal.nl/api/'+self.version+'/oauth/token'
        myobj = {'code': token, 'client_id': 'ZermeloPortal', 'client_secret': 42,
                 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'rememberMe': False}
        l = requests.post(url, data=myobj)
        if self.debug:
        jl = json.loads(l.text)
        token = jl['access_token']

    def gettokenfromfile(self, file="./token", linkcode=None):
        if not os.path.exists(file):
        with open(file) as f:
            filevalue = f.read()
        return str(base64.b64decode(filevalue))[2:-1]
    def settokentofile(self,token=None,file="./token",linkcode=None):
        if token == None:
            token = self.gettokenfromlinkcode(linkcode=linkcode)
        file = str(base64.b64encode(bytes(token, "utf-8")))[2:-1]
        with open("./token", "w") as f:
    def get_date(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        return (now.year,now.isocalendar()[1],int((datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now.timestamp()) - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now.timestamp())).total_seconds() / 3600))

    def get_raw_schedule(self, year:int=None, week:int=None, username:str=None,teacher:bool = False) -> dict:
        time = self.get_date()
        if year == None:
            year = time[0]
        if week == None:
            week = time[1]
        if username == None:
            url = f"https://{self.school}.zportal.nl/api/v3/liveschedule?access_token={self.token}&{'teacher' if (self.teacher) else 'student'}={self.username}&week={year}{week:0>2}"
            start = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(f"{year}-{week}-0","%Y-%U-%w").timestamp())[0:-2]
            end = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(f"{year}-{week}-6","%Y-%U-%w").timestamp())[0:-2]
            url = f"https://{self.school}.zportal.nl/api/v3/appointments?access_token={self.token}&start={start}&end={end}&{'teachers' if (teacher) else 'possibleStudents'}={username}"
        if self.debug:
        rawr = requests.get(url)
        if self.debug:
        rl = json.loads(rawr.text)
        return rl
    def get_schedule(self,rawschedule:dict=None,year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):
        if rawschedule == None:
            rawschedule = self.get_raw_schedule(year=year,week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)
        response = rawschedule["response"]
        if username != None:
            appointments = response["data"]
            data = response["data"][0]
            appointments = data["appointments"]

    def sort_schedule(self, schedule=None, year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):
        if(schedule == None):
            schedule = self.get_schedule(year=year, week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)
        pdate = 0
        days = [[[], []]]
        thisweek = {}
        for les in schedule:
            date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les["start"]).strftime('%Y%m%d')
            hour = str(int(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
                les["start"]).strftime('%H')) + self.TimeToAddToUtc)
            time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les["start"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d ') + (hour if int(
                hour) > 9 else ('0'+hour)) + datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les["start"]).strftime(':%M')
            ehour = str(int(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
                les["end"]).strftime('%H')) + self.TimeToAddToUtc)
            etime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les["end"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d ') + (ehour if int(
                ehour) > 9 else ('0'+ehour)) + datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les["end"]).strftime(':%M')
            # print(les["status"])
            if username != None:
                code = 2002
                if les["cancelled"] or not les["valid"]:
                    code = 4007
                elif les["moved"]:
                    code = 3012
                elif les["modified"]:
                    code = 3011
                if not date in thisweek:
                    thisweek[date] = [[],[]]
                if (not les["cancelled"] and les["valid"]):
                    thisweek[date][0].append([les["subjects"][0], time, etime,
                                        str(les["locations"]), [{"code":code}], False])
                    thisweek[date][1].append([les["subjects"][0], time, etime,
                                    str(les["locations"]), [{"code":code}], False])
                if date != pdate:
                    days.append([[], []])
                if self.debug:
                if not (les == None or len(les["status"]) < 1):
                    if (les["status"][0]["code"] < 3000 and les["status"][0]["code"] >= 2000):
                        days[-1][0].append([les["subjects"][0], time, etime,
                                            str(les["locations"]), les["status"], les["online"]])
                        days[-1][1].append([les["subjects"][0], time, etime,
                                            str(les["locations"]), les["status"], les["online"]])
            pdate = date
        if username != None:
            thisweekdayssorted = [thisweek[i] for i in [str(c) for c in sorted([int(i) for i in thisweek.keys()])]]
            days = []
            for v in thisweekdayssorted:
                part = []
                for v2 in v:
                    part.append(sorted(v2,key = lambda x: int(x[1].replace(":","").replace("-","").replace(" ",""))))

    def readable_schedule(self, days=None, year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):
        result = ''
        if(days == None):
            days = self.sort_schedule(year=year, week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)
        daysofweek = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]
        for i,day in enumerate(days):
            if len(day[0]) > 0:
                result += (daysofweek[i]+"\nstart: "+day[0][0][1]+"\tend: "+day[0][-1][2]+'\n')
                result += (f"{daysofweek[i]}\n")
            for les in day[0]:
                if (les[4][0]["code"] < 4000 and les[4][0]["code"] >= 2000):
                # if True:
                    result += f"les: {les[0].ljust(8, ' ')}  lokaal: {('📷'if(les[5])else (les[3][2:-2]if(len(les[3][2:-2]) > 0)else '----')).ljust(8, ' ')}  start: {les[1]}\tend: {les[2]}\n"
            result += ("\n\n")
        return result

    def print_schedule(self, readable=None, days=None, year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):
        if(readable == None):
            readable = self.readable_schedule(days=days, year=year, week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "zermeloapi",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "b.vill",
    "author_email": "villeriusborro@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# zermelo api v:2024.\n![GitHub Logo](https://ozhw.zportal.nl/static/v/21.09j64/img/zermelo2013.svg)\n# documentation\n\n\n## install\n\n```properties\npip install zermeloapi\n```\n\n## how to import\n```python\nimport zermeloapi\n```\n## initializing\n```python\nzermelo = zermeloapi.zermelo(school, username, password, teacher=False, version=3)\n```\n## get token\n```python\ntoken = zermelo.get_token()\n```\nif u wand to u can give the school username and password again but u don't need to in that case u can use `get_token(school,username,password)`\n## get access token\n```python\naccess_token = zermelo.get_access_token()\n```\nagain if u wand to u can give the school and username again but u don't need to in that case u can use `get_access_token(school,username)`\n## get raw schedule\n```python\nraw_schedule = zermelo.get_schedule()\n```\nu can give the week number and or year of u wand to else it uses the current year/week u can use `get_schedule(week=02)`,`get_schedule(year=2024)`or`get_schedule(year=2024,week=02)`\n## get schedule\n```python\nraw_schedule = zermelo.get_schedule()\n```\nu can give the week number and or year of u wand to else it uses the current year/week u can use `get_schedule(week=02)`,`get_schedule(year=2024)`or`get_schedule(year=2024,week=02)`and u you can pass a rawshedule from get_raw_shedule()\n## sort schedule\n```python\nsorted_schedule = zermelo.sort_schedule()\n```\nlike before u can give the week and year but u can also give the schedule from [`get_schedule()`](#get-schedule) instead to sort it defaults to getting it self but if u give it uses that one u can do that by using it like this `sort_schedule(schedule)` for the week and year it is the same syntax\n## readable schedule\n```python\nreadable = zermelo.readable_schedule()\n```\nagain u can give it week and year with the same syntax as before also you can give it a sorted schedule (output from [`sort_schedule()`](#sort-schedule)) by using `readable_schedule(sorted_schedule)`\n## print schedule\n```python\nzermelo.print_schedule()\n```\nyes u can use it like this `zermelo.print_schedule(zermelo.readable_schedule())` but **WHY** if u wand that use it like that just `print(zermelo.readable_schedule())` the only use is that it defaults to `zermelo.readable_schedule()`\n# [source code](https://github.com/btpv/zermeloapi)\n```python\n# from calendar import weekday\nimport os.path\nimport requests\nimport json\nimport time\nimport base64\n# from datetime import datetime\nimport datetime\nclass zermelo:\n    expires_in = 0\n    school = ''\n    username = ''\n    teacher = False\n    debug = False\n    TimeToAddToUtc = 0\n\n    def __init__(self, school, username,password=None, teacher=False, version=3,debug=False,linkcode=None):\n        self.school = school\n        self.username = username\n        self.teacher = teacher\n        self.debug = debug\n        self.version = 'v'+str(version)\n        self.TimeToAddToUtc = self.get_date()[2]\n        if linkcode == None and password != None:\n            self.token = self.get_tokenfromusrpsw(school=school,username=username,password=password)\n        else:\n            self.token = self.gettokenfromfile(linkcode=linkcode)\n\n    def updatetoken(self, linkcode):\n        self.token = self.gettokenfromfile(linkcode=linkcode)\n    def gettokenfromlinkcode(self, linkcode=None):\n        if linkcode == None:\n            linkcode = input(\"apitoken: \").replace(\" \",'')\n        else:\n            linkcode = str(linkcode).replace(\" \",'')\n        return json.loads(requests.post(f\"https://ozhw.zportal.nl/api/v3/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&code={linkcode}\").text)[\"access_token\"]\n    def get_tokenfromusrpsw(self, school=None, username=None, password=None):\n        if(school == None):\n            school = self.school\n        if (username == None):\n            username = self.username\n        if(password == None):\n            password = self.password\n        url = 'https://'+school+'.zportal.nl/api/'+self.version+'/oauth'\n        myobj = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'client_id': 'OAuthPage', 'redirect_uri': '/main/',\n                 'scope': '', 'state': '4E252A', 'response_type': 'code', 'tenant': school}\n        x = requests.post(url, data=myobj,allow_redirects=False)\n        respons = x.headers['Location']\n        # exit(0)\n        if self.debug:\n            print(x.text)\n            # exit(0)\n        start = respons.find(\"code=\") + len(\"code=\")\n        end = respons.find(\"&\", start)\n        token = respons[start:end]\n        start = respons.find(\"tenant=\") + len(\"tenant=\")\n        end = respons.find(\"&\", start)\n        school = respons[start:end]\n        start = respons.find(\"expires_in=\") + len(\"expires_in=\")\n        end = respons.find(\"&\", start)\n        self.expires_in = respons[start:end]\n        start = respons.find(\"loginMethod=\") + len(\"loginMethod=\")\n        end = respons.find(\"&\", start)\n        self.loginMethod = respons[start:end]\n        start = respons.find(\"interfaceVersion=\") + len(\"interfaceVersion=\")\n        end = respons.find(\"&\", start)\n        self.interfaceVersion = respons[start:end]\n        if(school == None):\n            school = self.school\n        if(token == None):\n            token = self.get_token()\n        print(token)\n        url = 'https://' + school+'.zportal.nl/api/'+self.version+'/oauth/token'\n        myobj = {'code': token, 'client_id': 'ZermeloPortal', 'client_secret': 42,\n                 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'rememberMe': False}\n        print(\"\\n\\n\")\n        print(myobj,url)\n        l = requests.post(url, data=myobj)\n        if self.debug:\n            print(l.text)\n        jl = json.loads(l.text)\n        token = jl['access_token']\n        return(token)\n\n    def gettokenfromfile(self, file=\"./token\", linkcode=None):\n        if not os.path.exists(file):\n            self.settokentofile(linkcode=linkcode)\n        with open(file) as f:\n            filevalue = f.read()\n        return str(base64.b64decode(filevalue))[2:-1]\n    def settokentofile(self,token=None,file=\"./token\",linkcode=None):\n        if token == None:\n            token = self.gettokenfromlinkcode(linkcode=linkcode)\n        file = str(base64.b64encode(bytes(token, \"utf-8\")))[2:-1]\n        with open(\"./token\", \"w\") as f:\n            f.write(str(file))\n    def get_date(self):\n        now = datetime.datetime.now()\n        return (now.year,now.isocalendar()[1],int((datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now.timestamp()) - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now.timestamp())).total_seconds() / 3600))\n    \n\n    def get_raw_schedule(self, year:int=None, week:int=None, username:str=None,teacher:bool = False) -> dict:\n        time = self.get_date()\n        if year == None:\n            year = time[0]\n        if week == None:\n            week = time[1]\n        if username == None:\n            url = f\"https://{self.school}.zportal.nl/api/v3/liveschedule?access_token={self.token}&{'teacher' if (self.teacher) else 'student'}={self.username}&week={year}{week:0>2}\"\n        else:\n            start = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(f\"{year}-{week}-0\",\"%Y-%U-%w\").timestamp())[0:-2]\n            end = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(f\"{year}-{week}-6\",\"%Y-%U-%w\").timestamp())[0:-2]\n            url = f\"https://{self.school}.zportal.nl/api/v3/appointments?access_token={self.token}&start={start}&end={end}&{'teachers' if (teacher) else 'possibleStudents'}={username}\"\n        if self.debug:\n            print(url)\n        rawr = requests.get(url)\n        if self.debug:\n            print(rawr)\n        rl = json.loads(rawr.text)\n        return rl\n    def get_schedule(self,rawschedule:dict=None,year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):\n        if rawschedule == None:\n            rawschedule = self.get_raw_schedule(year=year,week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)\n        response = rawschedule[\"response\"]\n        if username != None:\n            appointments = response[\"data\"]\n        else:\n            data = response[\"data\"][0]\n            appointments = data[\"appointments\"]\n        return(appointments)\n\n    def sort_schedule(self, schedule=None, year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):\n        if(schedule == None):\n            schedule = self.get_schedule(year=year, week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)\n        pdate = 0\n        days = [[[], []]]\n        thisweek = {}\n        for les in schedule:\n            date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les[\"start\"]).strftime('%Y%m%d')\n            hour = str(int(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(\n                les[\"start\"]).strftime('%H')) + self.TimeToAddToUtc)\n            time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les[\"start\"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d ') + (hour if int(\n                hour) > 9 else ('0'+hour)) + datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les[\"start\"]).strftime(':%M')\n            ehour = str(int(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(\n                les[\"end\"]).strftime('%H')) + self.TimeToAddToUtc)\n            etime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les[\"end\"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d ') + (ehour if int(\n                ehour) > 9 else ('0'+ehour)) + datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(les[\"end\"]).strftime(':%M')\n            # print(les[\"status\"])\n            if username != None:\n                code = 2002\n                if les[\"cancelled\"] or not les[\"valid\"]:\n                    code = 4007\n                elif les[\"moved\"]:\n                    code = 3012\n                elif les[\"modified\"]:\n                    code = 3011\n                if not date in thisweek:\n                    thisweek[date] = [[],[]]\n                if (not les[\"cancelled\"] and les[\"valid\"]):\n                    thisweek[date][0].append([les[\"subjects\"][0], time, etime,\n                                        str(les[\"locations\"]), [{\"code\":code}], False])\n                else:\n                    thisweek[date][1].append([les[\"subjects\"][0], time, etime,\n                                    str(les[\"locations\"]), [{\"code\":code}], False])\n            else:\n                if date != pdate:\n                    days.append([[], []])\n                if self.debug:\n                    print(les)\n                if not (les == None or len(les[\"status\"]) < 1):\n                    if (les[\"status\"][0][\"code\"] < 3000 and les[\"status\"][0][\"code\"] >= 2000):\n                        days[-1][0].append([les[\"subjects\"][0], time, etime,\n                                            str(les[\"locations\"]), les[\"status\"], les[\"online\"]])\n                    else:\n                        days[-1][1].append([les[\"subjects\"][0], time, etime,\n                                            str(les[\"locations\"]), les[\"status\"], les[\"online\"]])\n            pdate = date\n        if username != None:\n            thisweekdayssorted = [thisweek[i] for i in [str(c) for c in sorted([int(i) for i in thisweek.keys()])]]\n            days = []\n            for v in thisweekdayssorted:\n                part = []\n                for v2 in v:\n                    part.append(sorted(v2,key = lambda x: int(x[1].replace(\":\",\"\").replace(\"-\",\"\").replace(\" \",\"\"))))\n                days.append(part)\n        else:\n            days.pop(0)\n        return(days)\n\n    def readable_schedule(self, days=None, year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):\n        result = ''\n        if(days == None):\n            days = self.sort_schedule(year=year, week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)\n        daysofweek = [\"Monday\", \"Tuesday\", \"Wednesday\", \"Thursday\", \"Friday\"]\n        for i,day in enumerate(days):\n            if len(day[0]) > 0:\n                result += (daysofweek[i]+\"\\nstart: \"+day[0][0][1]+\"\\tend: \"+day[0][-1][2]+'\\n')\n            else:\n                result += (f\"{daysofweek[i]}\\n\")\n            for les in day[0]:\n                if (les[4][0][\"code\"] < 4000 and les[4][0][\"code\"] >= 2000):\n                # if True:\n                    result += f\"les: {les[0].ljust(8, ' ')}  lokaal: {('\ud83d\udcf7'if(les[5])else (les[3][2:-2]if(len(les[3][2:-2]) > 0)else '----')).ljust(8, ' ')}  start: {les[1]}\\tend: {les[2]}\\n\"\n                    pass\n            result += (\"\\n\\n\")\n        return result\n\n    def print_schedule(self, readable=None, days=None, year=None, week=None,username=None,teacher=None):\n        if(readable == None):\n            readable = self.readable_schedule(days=days, year=year, week=week,username=username,teacher=teacher)\n        print(readable)\n\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "",
    "summary": "zermelo api",
    "version": "2024.",
    "project_urls": null,
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
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