
Namezope.testing JSON
Version 5.0.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryZope testing helpers
upload_time2022-12-20 13:20:19
authorZope Foundation and Contributors
licenseZPL 2.1
keywords zope testing doctest renormalizing outputchecker timeout logging
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/zope.testing.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.testing/
    :alt: Latest Version

.. image:: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.testing/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg
        :target: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.testing/actions/workflows/tests.yml

.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/zopetesting/badge/?version=latest
        :target: http://zopetesting.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
        :alt: Documentation Status

This package provides a number of testing frameworks.

For complete documentation, see https://zopetesting.readthedocs.io

  Provides a mixin class for cleaning up after tests that
  make global changes.

  See `zope.testing.cleanup`

  An HTML parser that extracts form information.

  This is intended to support functional tests that need to extract
  information from HTML forms returned by the publisher.

  See `zope.testing.formparser`

  Support for testing logging code

  If you want to test that your code generates proper log output, you
  can create and install a handler that collects output.

  See `zope.testing.loggingsupport`

  Logging handler for tests that check logging output.

  See `zope.testing.loghandler`

  Lets a doctest pretend to be a Python module.

  See `zope.testing.module`

  Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker.
  Useful for doctests.

  See `zope.testing.renormalizing`

  Provides a simple HTTP server compatible with the zope.app.testing
  functional testing API.  Lets you interactively play with the system
  under test.  Helpful in debugging functional doctest failures.

  **Python 2 only**

  See `zope.testing.server`

  A simple framework for automating doctest set-up and tear-down.

  See `zope.testing.setupstack`

  A small utility for dealing with timing non-determinism

  See `zope.testing.wait`

  Support for defining doctests as methods of `unittest.TestCase`
  classes so that they can be more easily found by test runners, like
  nose, that ignore test suites.

  See `zope.testing.doctestcase`

Getting started developing zope.testing

``zope.testing`` uses ``tox``.  To start, install ``tox`` using ``pip install tox``.
Now, run ``tox`` to run the ``zope.testing`` test suite.


5.0.1 (2022-12-20)

- Make wheels no longer universal.

5.0 (2022-12-20)

Backwards incompatible changes

- Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.

- Drop modules which do not seem to be Python compatible:

    + ``zope.testing.loghandler``
    + ``zope.testing.server``

- Drop doctest option ``IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2``.

- Remove functions:

    + ``zope.testing.renormalizing.strip_dottedname_from_traceback``
    + ``zope.testing.renormalizing.is_dotted_name``


- Add support for Python 3.11.

4.10 (2022-03-07)

- Show deprecation warnings when importing modules which are not ported to
  Python 3.

- Improve test coverage.

- Port ``zope.testing.formparser`` to Python 3.

- Add support for Python 3.10.

4.9 (2021-01-08)

- Make ``setupstack.txt`` test work again if the current directory is empty.

4.8 (2021-01-04)

- Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.

- Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4.

- Extend IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2 to cover also exceptions without
  arguments (thus without a colon on the last line of the traceback output).

4.7 (2018-10-04)

- Added support for Python 3.7.

4.6.2 (2017-06-12)

- Remove dependencies on ``zope.interface`` and ``zope.exceptions``;
  they're not used here.

- Remove use of 2to3 for outdated versions of PyPy3, letting us build
  universal wheels.

4.6.1 (2017-01-04)

- Add support for Python 3.6.

4.6.0 (2016-10-20)

- Introduce option flag ``IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2`` to normalize
  exception class names in traceback output. In Python 3 they are displayed as
  the full dotted name. In Python 2 they are displayed as "just" the class
  name.  When running doctests in Python 3, the option flag will not have any
  effect, however when running the same test in Python 2, the segments in the
  full dotted name leading up to the class name are stripped away from the
  "expected" string.

- Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.

- Add support for Python 3.5.

- Cleaned up useless 2to3 conversion.

4.5.0 (2015-09-02)

- Added meta data for test case methods created with

  - Reasonable values for ``__name__``, making sure that ``__name__``
    starts with ``test``.

  - For ``doctestfile`` methods, provide ``filename`` and ``filepath``

  The meta data us useful, for example, for selecting tests with the
  nose attribute mechanism.

- Added ``doctestcase.doctestfiles``

  - Define multiple doctest files at once.

  - Automatically assign test class members.  So rather than::

      class MYTests(unittest.TestCase):
          test_foo = doctestcase.doctestfile('foo.txt')

    You can use::

      @doctestcase.doctestfiles('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', ...)
      class MYTests(unittest.TestCase):

4.4.0 (2015-07-16)

- Added ``zope.testing.setupstack.mock`` as a convenience function for
  setting up mocks in tests.  (The Python ``mock`` package must be in
  the path for this to work. The excellent ``mock`` package isn't a
  dependency of ``zope.testing``.)

- Added the base class ``zope.testing.setupstack.TestCase`` to make it
  much easier to use ``zope.testing.setupstack`` in ``unittest`` test

4.3.0 (2015-07-15)

- Added support for creating doctests as methods of
  ``unittest.TestCase`` classes so that they can found automatically
  by test runners, like *nose* that ignore test suites.

4.2.0 (2015-06-01)

- **Actually** remove long-deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest`` (announced as
  removed in 4.0.0) and ``zope.testing.doctestunit``.

- Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.

4.1.3 (2014-03-19)

- Add support for Python 3.4.

- Update ``boostrap.py`` to version 2.2.

4.1.2 (2013-02-19)

- Adjust Trove classifiers to reflect the currently supported Python
  versions. Officially drop Python 2.4 and 2.5. Add Python 3.3.

- LP: #1055720: Fix failing test on Python 3.3 due to changed exception

4.1.1 (2012-02-01)

- Fix: Windows test failure.

4.1.0 (2012-01-29)

- Add context-manager support to ``zope.testing.setupstack``

- Make ``zope.testing.setupstack`` usable with all tests, not just
  doctests and added ``zope.testing.setupstack.globs``, which makes it
  easier to write test setup code that workes with doctests and other
  kinds of tests.

- Add the ``wait`` module, which makes it easier to deal with
  non-deterministic timing issues.

- Rename ``zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing`` to
  ``zope.testing.renormalizing.OutputChecker``. The old name is an

- Update tests to run with Python 3.

- Label more clearly which features are supported by Python 3.

- Reorganize documentation.

4.0.0 (2011-11-09)

- Remove the deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest``.

- Add Python 3 support.

- Fix test which fails if there is a file named `Data.fs` in the current
  working directory.

3.10.2 (2010-11-30)

- Fix test of broken symlink handling to not break on Windows.

3.10.1 (2010-11-29)

- Fix removal of broken symlinks on Unix.

3.10.0 (2010-07-21)

- Remove ``zope.testing.testrunner``, which now is moved to zope.testrunner.

- Update fix for LP #221151 to a spelling compatible with Python 2.4.

3.9.5 (2010-05-19)

- LP #579019: When layers are run in parallel, ensure that each ``tearDown``
  is called, including the first layer which is run in the main

- Deprecate ``zope.testing.testrunner`` and ``zope.testing.exceptions``.
  They have been moved to a separate zope.testrunner module, and will be
  removed from zope.testing in 4.0.0, together with ``zope.testing.doctest``.

3.9.4 (2010-04-13)

- LP #560259: Fix subunit output formatter to handle layer setup

- LP #399394:  Add a ``--stop-on-error`` / ``--stop`` / ``-x`` option to
  the testrunner.

- LP #498162:  Add a ``--pdb`` alias for the existing ``--post-mortem``
  / ``-D`` option to the testrunner.

- LP #547023:  Add a ``--version`` option to the testrunner.

- Add tests for LP #144569 and #69988.



3.9.3 (2010-03-26)

- Remove import of ``zope.testing.doctest`` from ``zope.testing.renormalizer``.

- Suppress output to ``sys.stderr`` in ``testrunner-layers-ntd.txt``.

- Suppress ``zope.testing.doctest`` deprecation warning when running
  our own test suite.

3.9.2 (2010-03-15)

- Fix broken ``from zope.testing.doctest import *``

3.9.1 (2010-03-15)

- No changes; reupload to fix broken 3.9.0 release on PyPI.

3.9.0 (2010-03-12)

- Modify the testrunner to use the standard Python ``doctest`` module instead
  of the deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest``.

- Fix ``testrunner-leaks.txt`` to use the ``run_internal`` helper, so that
  ``sys.exit`` isn't triggered during the test run.

- Add support for conditionally using a subunit-based output
  formatter upon request if subunit and testtools are available. Patch
  contributed by Jonathan Lange.

3.8.7 (2010-01-26)

- Downgrade the ``zope.testing.doctest`` deprecation warning into a

3.8.6 (2009-12-23)

- Add ``MANIFEST.in`` and reupload to fix broken 3.8.5 release on PyPI.

3.8.5 (2009-12-23)

- Add back ``DocFileSuite``, ``DocTestSuite``, ``debug_src`` and ``debug``
  BBB imports back into ``zope.testing.doctestunit``; apparently many packages
  still import them from there!

- Deprecate ``zope.testing.doctest`` and ``zope.testing.doctestunit``
  in favor of the stdlib ``doctest`` module.

3.8.4 (2009-12-18)

- Fix missing imports and undefined variables reported by pyflakes,
  adding tests to exercise the blind spots.

- Cleaned up unused imports reported by pyflakes.

- Add two new options to generate randomly ordered list of tests and to
  select a specific order of tests.

- Allow combining RENormalizing checkers via ``+`` now:
  ``checker1 + checker2`` creates a checker with the transformations of both

- Fix tests under Python 2.7.

3.8.3 (2009-09-21)

- Fix test failures due to using ``split()`` on filenames when running from a
  directory with spaces in it.

- Fix testrunner behavior on Windows for ``-j2`` (or greater) combined with
  ``-v`` (or greater).

3.8.2 (2009-09-15)

- Remove hotshot profiler when using Python 2.6. That makes zope.testing
  compatible with Python 2.6

3.8.1 (2009-08-12)

- Avoid hardcoding ``sys.argv[0]`` as script;
  allow, for instance, Zope 2's `bin/instance test` (LP#407916).

- Produce a clear error message when a subprocess doesn't follow the
  ``zope.testing.testrunner`` protocol (LP#407916).

- Avoid unnecessarily squelching verbose output in a subprocess when there are
  not multiple subprocesses.

- Avoid unnecessarily batching subprocess output, which can stymie automated
  and human processes for identifying hung tests.

- Include incremental output when there are multiple subprocesses and a
  verbosity of ``-vv`` or greater is requested.  This again is not batched,
  supporting automated processes and humans looking for hung tests.

3.8.0 (2009-07-24)

- Allow testrunner to include descendants of ``unittest.TestCase`` in test
  modules, which no longer need to provide ``test_suite()``.

3.7.7 (2009-07-15)

- Clean up support for displaying tracebacks with supplements by turning it
  into an always-enabled feature and making the dependency on
  ``zope.exceptions`` explicit.

- Fix #251759: prevent the testrunner descending into directories that
  aren't Python packages.

- Code cleanups.

3.7.6 (2009-07-02)

- Add zope-testrunner ``console_scripts`` entry point. This exposes a
  ``zope-testrunner`` script with default installs allowing the testrunner
  to be run from the command line.

3.7.5 (2009-06-08)

- Fix bug when running subprocesses on Windows.

- The option ``REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE`` (command line option "-1") is now
  respected even when a doctest declares its own ``REPORTING_FLAGS``, such as

- Fix bug that broke readline with pdb when using doctest
  (see http://bugs.python.org/issue5727).

- Make tests pass on Windows and Linux at the same time.

3.7.4 (2009-05-01)

- Filenames of doctest examples now contain the line number and not
  only the example number. So a stack trace in pdb tells the exact
  line number of the current example. This fixes

- Colorization of doctest output correctly handles blank lines.

3.7.3 (2009-04-22)

- Improve handling of rogue threads:  always exit with status so even
  spinning daemon threads won't block the runner from exiting. This deprecated
  the ``--with-exit-status`` option.

3.7.2 (2009-04-13)

- Fix test failure on Python 2.4 due to slight difference in the way
  coverage is reported (__init__ files with only a single comment line are now
  not reported)

- Fix bug that caused the test runner to hang when running subprocesses (as a
  result Python 2.3 is no longer supported).

- Work around a bug in Python 2.6 (related to
  http://bugs.python.org/issue1303673) that causes the profile tests to fail.

- Add explanitory notes to ``buildout.cfg`` about how to run the tests with
  multiple versions of Python

3.7.1 (2008-10-17)

- The ``setupstack`` temporary directory support now properly handles
  read-only files by making them writable before removing them.

3.7.0 (2008-09-22)

- Add alterate setuptools / distutils commands for running all tests
  using our testrunner.  See 'zope.testing.testrunner.eggsupport:ftest'.

- Add a setuptools-compatible test loader which skips tests with layers:
  the testrunner used by ``setup.py test`` doesn't know about them, and those
  tests then fail.  See ``zope.testing.testrunner.eggsupport:SkipLayers``.

- Add support for Jython, when a garbage collector call is sent.

- Add support to bootstrap on Jython.

- Fix NameError in StartUpFailure.

- Open doctest files in universal mode, so that packages released on Windows
  can be tested on Linux, for example.

3.6.0 (2008-07-10)

- Add ``-j`` option to parallel tests run in subprocesses.

- RENormalizer accepts plain Python callables.

- Add ``--slow-test`` option.

- Add ``--no-progress`` and ``--auto-progress`` options.

- Complete refactoring of the test runner into multiple code files and a more
  modular (pipeline-like) architecture.

- Unify unit tests with the layer support by introducing a real unit test

- Add a doctest for ``zope.testing.module``. There were several bugs
  that were fixed:

  * ``README.txt`` was a really bad default argument for the module
    name, as it is not a proper dotted name. The code would
    immediately fail as it would look for the ``txt`` module in the
    ``README`` package. The default is now ``__main__``.

  * The ``tearDown`` function did not clean up the ``__name__`` entry in the
    global dictionary.

- Fix a bug that caused a SubprocessError to be generated if a subprocess
  sent any output to stderr.

- Fix a bug that caused the unit tests to be skipped if run in a subprocess.

3.5.1 (2007-08-14)

- Invoke post-mortem debugging for layer-setup failures.

3.5.0 (2007-07-19)

- Ensure that the test runner works on Python 2.5.

- Add support for ``cProfile``.

- Add output colorizing (``-c`` option).

- Add ``--hide-secondary-failures`` and ``--show-secondary-failures`` options

- Fix some problems with Unicode in doctests.

- Fix "Error reading from subprocess" errors on Unix-like systems.

3.4 (2007-03-29)

- Add ``exit-with-status`` support (supports use with buildbot and

- Add a small framework for automating set up and tear down of
  doctest tests. See ``setupstack.txt``.

- Allow ``testrunner-wo-source.txt`` and ``testrunner-errors.txt`` to run
  within a read-only source tree.

3.0 (2006-09-20)

- Update the doctest copy with text-file encoding support.

- Add logging-level support to the ``loggingsuppport`` module.

- At verbosity-level 1, dots are not output continuously, without any
  line breaks.

- Improve output when the inability to tear down a layer causes tests
  to be run in a subprocess.

- Make ``zope.exception`` required only if the ``zope_tracebacks`` extra is

- Fix the test coverage. If a module, for example `interfaces`, was in an
  ignored directory/package, then if a module of the same name existed in a
  covered directory/package, then it was also ignored there, because the
  ignore cache stored the result by module name and not the filename of the

2.0 (2006-01-05)

- Release a separate project corresponding to the version of ``zope.testing``
  shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.testing",
    "name": "zope.testing",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "zope testing doctest RENormalizing OutputChecker timeout logging",
    "author": "Zope Foundation and Contributors",
    "author_email": "zope-dev@zope.org",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1c/45/a22985a9a5bb886ae0665f04c1ffe985d9558c3e9881fde808fc9dc0a6f9/zope.testing-5.0.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "=================\n``zope.testing``\n=================\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/zope.testing.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.testing/\n    :alt: Latest Version\n\n.. image:: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.testing/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg\n        :target: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.testing/actions/workflows/tests.yml\n\n.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/zopetesting/badge/?version=latest\n        :target: http://zopetesting.readthedocs.org/en/latest/\n        :alt: Documentation Status\n\nThis package provides a number of testing frameworks.\n\nFor complete documentation, see https://zopetesting.readthedocs.io\n\ncleanup\n  Provides a mixin class for cleaning up after tests that\n  make global changes.\n\n  See `zope.testing.cleanup`\n\nformparser\n  An HTML parser that extracts form information.\n\n  This is intended to support functional tests that need to extract\n  information from HTML forms returned by the publisher.\n\n  See `zope.testing.formparser`\n\nloggingsupport\n  Support for testing logging code\n\n  If you want to test that your code generates proper log output, you\n  can create and install a handler that collects output.\n\n  See `zope.testing.loggingsupport`\n\nloghandler\n  Logging handler for tests that check logging output.\n\n  See `zope.testing.loghandler`\n\nmodule\n  Lets a doctest pretend to be a Python module.\n\n  See `zope.testing.module`\n\nrenormalizing\n  Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker.\n  Useful for doctests.\n\n  See `zope.testing.renormalizing`\n\nserver\n  Provides a simple HTTP server compatible with the zope.app.testing\n  functional testing API.  Lets you interactively play with the system\n  under test.  Helpful in debugging functional doctest failures.\n\n  **Python 2 only**\n\n  See `zope.testing.server`\n\nsetupstack\n  A simple framework for automating doctest set-up and tear-down.\n\n  See `zope.testing.setupstack`\n\nwait\n  A small utility for dealing with timing non-determinism\n\n  See `zope.testing.wait`\n\ndoctestcase\n  Support for defining doctests as methods of `unittest.TestCase`\n  classes so that they can be more easily found by test runners, like\n  nose, that ignore test suites.\n\n  See `zope.testing.doctestcase`\n\nGetting started developing zope.testing\n=======================================\n\n``zope.testing`` uses ``tox``.  To start, install ``tox`` using ``pip install tox``.\nNow, run ``tox`` to run the ``zope.testing`` test suite.\n\n\n=========\n Changes\n=========\n\n5.0.1 (2022-12-20)\n==================\n\n- Make wheels no longer universal.\n\n\n5.0 (2022-12-20)\n================\n\nBackwards incompatible changes\n------------------------------\n\n- Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.\n\n- Drop modules which do not seem to be Python compatible:\n\n    + ``zope.testing.loghandler``\n    + ``zope.testing.server``\n\n- Drop doctest option ``IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2``.\n\n- Remove functions:\n\n    + ``zope.testing.renormalizing.strip_dottedname_from_traceback``\n    + ``zope.testing.renormalizing.is_dotted_name``\n\nFeatures\n--------\n\n- Add support for Python 3.11.\n\n\n4.10 (2022-03-07)\n=================\n\n- Show deprecation warnings when importing modules which are not ported to\n  Python 3.\n\n- Improve test coverage.\n\n- Port ``zope.testing.formparser`` to Python 3.\n\n- Add support for Python 3.10.\n\n\n4.9 (2021-01-08)\n================\n\n- Make ``setupstack.txt`` test work again if the current directory is empty.\n\n\n4.8 (2021-01-04)\n================\n\n- Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.\n\n- Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4.\n\n- Extend IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2 to cover also exceptions without\n  arguments (thus without a colon on the last line of the traceback output).\n\n\n4.7 (2018-10-04)\n================\n\n- Added support for Python 3.7.\n\n\n4.6.2 (2017-06-12)\n==================\n\n- Remove dependencies on ``zope.interface`` and ``zope.exceptions``;\n  they're not used here.\n\n- Remove use of 2to3 for outdated versions of PyPy3, letting us build\n  universal wheels.\n\n\n4.6.1 (2017-01-04)\n==================\n\n- Add support for Python 3.6.\n\n\n4.6.0 (2016-10-20)\n==================\n\n- Introduce option flag ``IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2`` to normalize\n  exception class names in traceback output. In Python 3 they are displayed as\n  the full dotted name. In Python 2 they are displayed as \"just\" the class\n  name.  When running doctests in Python 3, the option flag will not have any\n  effect, however when running the same test in Python 2, the segments in the\n  full dotted name leading up to the class name are stripped away from the\n  \"expected\" string.\n\n- Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.\n\n- Add support for Python 3.5.\n\n- Cleaned up useless 2to3 conversion.\n\n4.5.0 (2015-09-02)\n==================\n\n- Added meta data for test case methods created with\n  ``zope.testing.doctestcase``.\n\n  - Reasonable values for ``__name__``, making sure that ``__name__``\n    starts with ``test``.\n\n  - For ``doctestfile`` methods, provide ``filename`` and ``filepath``\n    attributes.\n\n  The meta data us useful, for example, for selecting tests with the\n  nose attribute mechanism.\n\n- Added ``doctestcase.doctestfiles``\n\n  - Define multiple doctest files at once.\n\n  - Automatically assign test class members.  So rather than::\n\n      class MYTests(unittest.TestCase):\n          ...\n          test_foo = doctestcase.doctestfile('foo.txt')\n\n    You can use::\n\n      @doctestcase.doctestfiles('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', ...)\n      class MYTests(unittest.TestCase):\n          ...\n\n4.4.0 (2015-07-16)\n==================\n\n- Added ``zope.testing.setupstack.mock`` as a convenience function for\n  setting up mocks in tests.  (The Python ``mock`` package must be in\n  the path for this to work. The excellent ``mock`` package isn't a\n  dependency of ``zope.testing``.)\n\n- Added the base class ``zope.testing.setupstack.TestCase`` to make it\n  much easier to use ``zope.testing.setupstack`` in ``unittest`` test\n  cases.\n\n\n4.3.0 (2015-07-15)\n==================\n\n- Added support for creating doctests as methods of\n  ``unittest.TestCase`` classes so that they can found automatically\n  by test runners, like *nose* that ignore test suites.\n\n4.2.0 (2015-06-01)\n==================\n\n- **Actually** remove long-deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest`` (announced as\n  removed in 4.0.0) and ``zope.testing.doctestunit``.\n\n- Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.\n\n4.1.3 (2014-03-19)\n==================\n\n- Add support for Python 3.4.\n\n- Update ``boostrap.py`` to version 2.2.\n\n4.1.2 (2013-02-19)\n==================\n\n- Adjust Trove classifiers to reflect the currently supported Python\n  versions. Officially drop Python 2.4 and 2.5. Add Python 3.3.\n\n- LP: #1055720: Fix failing test on Python 3.3 due to changed exception\n  messaging.\n\n4.1.1 (2012-02-01)\n==================\n\n- Fix: Windows test failure.\n\n4.1.0 (2012-01-29)\n==================\n\n- Add context-manager support to ``zope.testing.setupstack``\n\n- Make ``zope.testing.setupstack`` usable with all tests, not just\n  doctests and added ``zope.testing.setupstack.globs``, which makes it\n  easier to write test setup code that workes with doctests and other\n  kinds of tests.\n\n- Add the ``wait`` module, which makes it easier to deal with\n  non-deterministic timing issues.\n\n- Rename ``zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing`` to\n  ``zope.testing.renormalizing.OutputChecker``. The old name is an\n  alias.\n\n- Update tests to run with Python 3.\n\n- Label more clearly which features are supported by Python 3.\n\n- Reorganize documentation.\n\n4.0.0 (2011-11-09)\n==================\n\n- Remove the deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest``.\n\n- Add Python 3 support.\n\n- Fix test which fails if there is a file named `Data.fs` in the current\n  working directory.\n\n\n3.10.2 (2010-11-30)\n===================\n\n- Fix test of broken symlink handling to not break on Windows.\n\n\n3.10.1 (2010-11-29)\n===================\n\n- Fix removal of broken symlinks on Unix.\n\n\n3.10.0 (2010-07-21)\n===================\n\n- Remove ``zope.testing.testrunner``, which now is moved to zope.testrunner.\n\n- Update fix for LP #221151 to a spelling compatible with Python 2.4.\n\n3.9.5 (2010-05-19)\n==================\n\n- LP #579019: When layers are run in parallel, ensure that each ``tearDown``\n  is called, including the first layer which is run in the main\n  thread.\n\n- Deprecate ``zope.testing.testrunner`` and ``zope.testing.exceptions``.\n  They have been moved to a separate zope.testrunner module, and will be\n  removed from zope.testing in 4.0.0, together with ``zope.testing.doctest``.\n\n3.9.4 (2010-04-13)\n==================\n\n- LP #560259: Fix subunit output formatter to handle layer setup\n  errors.\n\n- LP #399394:  Add a ``--stop-on-error`` / ``--stop`` / ``-x`` option to\n  the testrunner.\n\n- LP #498162:  Add a ``--pdb`` alias for the existing ``--post-mortem``\n  / ``-D`` option to the testrunner.\n\n- LP #547023:  Add a ``--version`` option to the testrunner.\n\n- Add tests for LP #144569 and #69988.\n\n  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/69988\n\n  https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope3/+bug/144569\n\n\n3.9.3 (2010-03-26)\n==================\n\n- Remove import of ``zope.testing.doctest`` from ``zope.testing.renormalizer``.\n\n- Suppress output to ``sys.stderr`` in ``testrunner-layers-ntd.txt``.\n\n- Suppress ``zope.testing.doctest`` deprecation warning when running\n  our own test suite.\n\n\n3.9.2 (2010-03-15)\n==================\n\n- Fix broken ``from zope.testing.doctest import *``\n\n3.9.1 (2010-03-15)\n==================\n\n- No changes; reupload to fix broken 3.9.0 release on PyPI.\n\n3.9.0 (2010-03-12)\n==================\n\n- Modify the testrunner to use the standard Python ``doctest`` module instead\n  of the deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest``.\n\n- Fix ``testrunner-leaks.txt`` to use the ``run_internal`` helper, so that\n  ``sys.exit`` isn't triggered during the test run.\n\n- Add support for conditionally using a subunit-based output\n  formatter upon request if subunit and testtools are available. Patch\n  contributed by Jonathan Lange.\n\n3.8.7 (2010-01-26)\n==================\n\n- Downgrade the ``zope.testing.doctest`` deprecation warning into a\n  PendingDeprecationWarning.\n\n3.8.6 (2009-12-23)\n==================\n\n- Add ``MANIFEST.in`` and reupload to fix broken 3.8.5 release on PyPI.\n\n\n3.8.5 (2009-12-23)\n==================\n\n- Add back ``DocFileSuite``, ``DocTestSuite``, ``debug_src`` and ``debug``\n  BBB imports back into ``zope.testing.doctestunit``; apparently many packages\n  still import them from there!\n\n- Deprecate ``zope.testing.doctest`` and ``zope.testing.doctestunit``\n  in favor of the stdlib ``doctest`` module.\n\n\n3.8.4 (2009-12-18)\n==================\n\n- Fix missing imports and undefined variables reported by pyflakes,\n  adding tests to exercise the blind spots.\n\n- Cleaned up unused imports reported by pyflakes.\n\n- Add two new options to generate randomly ordered list of tests and to\n  select a specific order of tests.\n\n- Allow combining RENormalizing checkers via ``+`` now:\n  ``checker1 + checker2`` creates a checker with the transformations of both\n  checkers.\n\n- Fix tests under Python 2.7.\n\n3.8.3 (2009-09-21)\n==================\n\n- Fix test failures due to using ``split()`` on filenames when running from a\n  directory with spaces in it.\n\n- Fix testrunner behavior on Windows for ``-j2`` (or greater) combined with\n  ``-v`` (or greater).\n\n3.8.2 (2009-09-15)\n==================\n\n- Remove hotshot profiler when using Python 2.6. That makes zope.testing\n  compatible with Python 2.6\n\n\n3.8.1 (2009-08-12)\n==================\n\n- Avoid hardcoding ``sys.argv[0]`` as script;\n  allow, for instance, Zope 2's `bin/instance test` (LP#407916).\n\n- Produce a clear error message when a subprocess doesn't follow the\n  ``zope.testing.testrunner`` protocol (LP#407916).\n\n- Avoid unnecessarily squelching verbose output in a subprocess when there are\n  not multiple subprocesses.\n\n- Avoid unnecessarily batching subprocess output, which can stymie automated\n  and human processes for identifying hung tests.\n\n- Include incremental output when there are multiple subprocesses and a\n  verbosity of ``-vv`` or greater is requested.  This again is not batched,\n  supporting automated processes and humans looking for hung tests.\n\n\n3.8.0 (2009-07-24)\n==================\n\n- Allow testrunner to include descendants of ``unittest.TestCase`` in test\n  modules, which no longer need to provide ``test_suite()``.\n\n\n3.7.7 (2009-07-15)\n==================\n\n- Clean up support for displaying tracebacks with supplements by turning it\n  into an always-enabled feature and making the dependency on\n  ``zope.exceptions`` explicit.\n\n- Fix #251759: prevent the testrunner descending into directories that\n  aren't Python packages.\n\n- Code cleanups.\n\n\n3.7.6 (2009-07-02)\n==================\n\n- Add zope-testrunner ``console_scripts`` entry point. This exposes a\n  ``zope-testrunner`` script with default installs allowing the testrunner\n  to be run from the command line.\n\n3.7.5 (2009-06-08)\n==================\n\n- Fix bug when running subprocesses on Windows.\n\n- The option ``REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE`` (command line option \"-1\") is now\n  respected even when a doctest declares its own ``REPORTING_FLAGS``, such as\n  ``REPORT_NDIFF``.\n\n- Fix bug that broke readline with pdb when using doctest\n  (see http://bugs.python.org/issue5727).\n\n- Make tests pass on Windows and Linux at the same time.\n\n\n3.7.4 (2009-05-01)\n==================\n\n- Filenames of doctest examples now contain the line number and not\n  only the example number. So a stack trace in pdb tells the exact\n  line number of the current example. This fixes\n  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/339813\n\n- Colorization of doctest output correctly handles blank lines.\n\n\n3.7.3 (2009-04-22)\n==================\n\n- Improve handling of rogue threads:  always exit with status so even\n  spinning daemon threads won't block the runner from exiting. This deprecated\n  the ``--with-exit-status`` option.\n\n\n3.7.2 (2009-04-13)\n==================\n\n- Fix test failure on Python 2.4 due to slight difference in the way\n  coverage is reported (__init__ files with only a single comment line are now\n  not reported)\n\n- Fix bug that caused the test runner to hang when running subprocesses (as a\n  result Python 2.3 is no longer supported).\n\n- Work around a bug in Python 2.6 (related to\n  http://bugs.python.org/issue1303673) that causes the profile tests to fail.\n\n- Add explanitory notes to ``buildout.cfg`` about how to run the tests with\n  multiple versions of Python\n\n\n3.7.1 (2008-10-17)\n==================\n\n- The ``setupstack`` temporary directory support now properly handles\n  read-only files by making them writable before removing them.\n\n\n3.7.0 (2008-09-22)\n==================\n\n- Add alterate setuptools / distutils commands for running all tests\n  using our testrunner.  See 'zope.testing.testrunner.eggsupport:ftest'.\n\n- Add a setuptools-compatible test loader which skips tests with layers:\n  the testrunner used by ``setup.py test`` doesn't know about them, and those\n  tests then fail.  See ``zope.testing.testrunner.eggsupport:SkipLayers``.\n\n- Add support for Jython, when a garbage collector call is sent.\n\n- Add support to bootstrap on Jython.\n\n- Fix NameError in StartUpFailure.\n\n- Open doctest files in universal mode, so that packages released on Windows\n  can be tested on Linux, for example.\n\n\n3.6.0 (2008-07-10)\n==================\n\n- Add ``-j`` option to parallel tests run in subprocesses.\n\n- RENormalizer accepts plain Python callables.\n\n- Add ``--slow-test`` option.\n\n- Add ``--no-progress`` and ``--auto-progress`` options.\n\n- Complete refactoring of the test runner into multiple code files and a more\n  modular (pipeline-like) architecture.\n\n- Unify unit tests with the layer support by introducing a real unit test\n  layer.\n\n- Add a doctest for ``zope.testing.module``. There were several bugs\n  that were fixed:\n\n  * ``README.txt`` was a really bad default argument for the module\n    name, as it is not a proper dotted name. The code would\n    immediately fail as it would look for the ``txt`` module in the\n    ``README`` package. The default is now ``__main__``.\n\n  * The ``tearDown`` function did not clean up the ``__name__`` entry in the\n    global dictionary.\n\n- Fix a bug that caused a SubprocessError to be generated if a subprocess\n  sent any output to stderr.\n\n- Fix a bug that caused the unit tests to be skipped if run in a subprocess.\n\n\n3.5.1 (2007-08-14)\n==================\n\n- Invoke post-mortem debugging for layer-setup failures.\n\n3.5.0 (2007-07-19)\n==================\n\n- Ensure that the test runner works on Python 2.5.\n\n- Add support for ``cProfile``.\n\n- Add output colorizing (``-c`` option).\n\n- Add ``--hide-secondary-failures`` and ``--show-secondary-failures`` options\n  (https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope3/+bug/115454).\n\n- Fix some problems with Unicode in doctests.\n\n- Fix \"Error reading from subprocess\" errors on Unix-like systems.\n\n3.4 (2007-03-29)\n================\n\n- Add ``exit-with-status`` support (supports use with buildbot and\n  ``zc.recipe.testing``)\n\n- Add a small framework for automating set up and tear down of\n  doctest tests. See ``setupstack.txt``.\n\n- Allow ``testrunner-wo-source.txt`` and ``testrunner-errors.txt`` to run\n  within a read-only source tree.\n\n3.0 (2006-09-20)\n================\n\n- Update the doctest copy with text-file encoding support.\n\n- Add logging-level support to the ``loggingsuppport`` module.\n\n- At verbosity-level 1, dots are not output continuously, without any\n  line breaks.\n\n- Improve output when the inability to tear down a layer causes tests\n  to be run in a subprocess.\n\n- Make ``zope.exception`` required only if the ``zope_tracebacks`` extra is\n  requested.\n\n- Fix the test coverage. If a module, for example `interfaces`, was in an\n  ignored directory/package, then if a module of the same name existed in a\n  covered directory/package, then it was also ignored there, because the\n  ignore cache stored the result by module name and not the filename of the\n  module.\n\n2.0 (2006-01-05)\n================\n\n- Release a separate project corresponding to the version of ``zope.testing``\n  shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.\n",
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