
Namecolour-demosaicing JSON
Version 0.2.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCFA (Colour Filter Array) Demosaicing Algorithms for Python
upload_time2023-12-17 08:22:14
maintainerColour Developers
authorColour Developers
keywords cfa bayer color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces de-mosaicing debayering demosaicing demosaicking python raw
requirements accessible-pygments alabaster anyio appnope argon2-cffi argon2-cffi-bindings arrow asttokens async-lru attrs babel beautifulsoup4 biblib-simple bleach certifi cffi cfgv charset-normalizer colorama colour-science comm contourpy coverage coverage coveralls cryptography cycler debugpy decorator defusedxml distlib docopt docutils exceptiongroup execnet executing fastjsonschema filelock fonttools fqdn identify idna imageio imagesize importlib-metadata importlib-resources iniconfig invoke ipykernel ipython ipywidgets isoduration jaraco-classes jedi jeepney jinja2 json5 jsonpointer jsonschema jsonschema-specifications jsonschema jupyter jupyter-client jupyter-console jupyter-core jupyter-events jupyter-lsp jupyter-server jupyter-server-terminals jupyterlab jupyterlab-pygments jupyterlab-server jupyterlab-widgets keyring kiwisolver latexcodec markdown-it-py markupsafe matplotlib matplotlib-inline mdurl mistune more-itertools nbclient nbconvert nbformat nest-asyncio nh3 nodeenv notebook notebook-shim numpy overrides packaging pandocfilters parso pexpect pillow pkginfo platformdirs pluggy pre-commit prometheus-client prompt-toolkit psutil ptyprocess pure-eval pybtex pybtex-docutils pycparser pydata-sphinx-theme pygments pyparsing pyright pytest pytest-cov pytest-xdist python-dateutil python-json-logger pywin32 pywin32-ctypes pywinpty pyyaml pyzmq qtconsole qtpy readme-renderer referencing requests requests-toolbelt restructuredtext-lint rfc3339-validator rfc3986 rfc3986-validator rich rpds-py scipy secretstorage send2trash setuptools six sniffio snowballstemmer soupsieve sphinx sphinxcontrib-applehelp sphinxcontrib-bibtex sphinxcontrib-devhelp sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp sphinxcontrib-jsmath sphinxcontrib-qthelp sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml stack-data terminado tinycss2 toml tomli tornado traitlets twine types-python-dateutil typing-extensions uri-template urllib3 virtualenv wcwidth webcolors webencodings websocket-client widgetsnbextension zipp
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            Colour - Demosaicing

.. start-badges

|actions| |coveralls| |codacy| |version|

.. |actions| image::
    :alt: Develop Build Status
.. |coveralls| image::
    :alt: Coverage Status
.. |codacy| image::
    :alt: Code Grade
.. |version| image::
    :alt: Package Version

.. end-badges

A `Python <>`__ package implementing various
CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms and related utilities.

It is open source and freely available under the
`BSD-3-Clause <>`__ terms.

..  image::

.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
    :backlinks: none
    :depth: 2

.. sectnum::


The following CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms are implemented:

- Bilinear
- Malvar (2004)
- DDFAPD - Menon (2007)


Various usage examples are available from the
`examples directory <>`__.

User Guide


Because of their size, the resources dependencies needed to run the various
examples and unit tests are not provided within the Pypi package. They are
separately available as
`Git Submodules <>`__
when cloning the
`repository <>`__.

Primary Dependencies

**Colour - Demosaicing** requires various dependencies in order to run:

- `python >= 3.9, < 4 <>`__
- `colour-science >= 4.3 <>`__
- `imageio >= 2, < 3 <>`__
- `numpy >= 1.22, < 2 <>`__
- `scipy >= 1.8, < 2 <>`__


Once the dependencies are satisfied, **Colour - Demosaicing** can be installed from
the `Python Package Index <>`__ by
issuing this command in a shell::

    pip install --user colour-demosaicing

The overall development dependencies are installed as follows::

    pip install --user 'colour-demosaicing[development]'


If you would like to contribute to `Colour - Demosaicing <>`__,
please refer to the following `Contributing <>`__
guide for `Colour <>`__.


The bibliography is available in the repository in
`BibTeX <>`__

API Reference

The main technical reference for `Colour - Demosaicing <>`__
is the `API Reference <>`__.

Code of Conduct

The *Code of Conduct*, adapted from the `Contributor Covenant 1.4 <>`__,
is available on the `Code of Conduct <>`__ page.

Contact & Social

The *Colour Developers* can be reached via different means:

- `Email <>`__
- `Facebook <>`__
- `Github Discussions <>`__
- `Gitter <>`__
- `Twitter <>`__


| **Colour - Demosaicing** by Colour Developers
| Copyright 2015 Colour Developers – ` <>`__
| This software is released under terms of BSD-3-Clause:
| ` <>`__


Raw data

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    "name": "colour-demosaicing",
    "maintainer": "Colour Developers",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9,<3.13",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "cfa,bayer,color,color-science,color-space,color-spaces,colorspace,colorspaces,colour,colour-science,colour-space,colour-spaces,colourspace,colourspaces,de-mosaicing,debayering,demosaicing,demosaicking,python,raw",
    "author": "Colour Developers",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Colour - Demosaicing\n====================\n\n.. start-badges\n\n|actions| |coveralls| |codacy| |version|\n\n.. |actions| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Develop Build Status\n.. |coveralls| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Coverage Status\n.. |codacy| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Code Grade\n.. |version| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Package Version\n\n.. end-badges\n\nA `Python <>`__ package implementing various\nCFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms and related utilities.\n\nIt is open source and freely available under the\n`BSD-3-Clause <>`__ terms.\n\n..  image::\n\n.. contents:: **Table of Contents**\n    :backlinks: none\n    :depth: 2\n\n.. sectnum::\n\nFeatures\n--------\n\nThe following CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms are implemented:\n\n- Bilinear\n- Malvar (2004)\n- DDFAPD - Menon (2007)\n\nExamples\n^^^^^^^^\n\nVarious usage examples are available from the\n`examples directory <>`__.\n\nUser Guide\n----------\n\nInstallation\n^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nBecause of their size, the resources dependencies needed to run the various\nexamples and unit tests are not provided within the Pypi package. They are\nseparately available as\n`Git Submodules <>`__\nwhen cloning the\n`repository <>`__.\n\nPrimary Dependencies\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n**Colour - Demosaicing** requires various dependencies in order to run:\n\n- `python >= 3.9, < 4 <>`__\n- `colour-science >= 4.3 <>`__\n- `imageio >= 2, < 3 <>`__\n- `numpy >= 1.22, < 2 <>`__\n- `scipy >= 1.8, < 2 <>`__\n\nPypi\n~~~~\n\nOnce the dependencies are satisfied, **Colour - Demosaicing** can be installed from\nthe `Python Package Index <>`__ by\nissuing this command in a shell::\n\n    pip install --user colour-demosaicing\n\nThe overall development dependencies are installed as follows::\n\n    pip install --user 'colour-demosaicing[development]'\n\nContributing\n^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nIf you would like to contribute to `Colour - Demosaicing <>`__,\nplease refer to the following `Contributing <>`__\nguide for `Colour <>`__.\n\nBibliography\n^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nThe bibliography is available in the repository in\n`BibTeX <>`__\nformat.\n\nAPI Reference\n-------------\n\nThe main technical reference for `Colour - Demosaicing <>`__\nis the `API Reference <>`__.\n\nCode of Conduct\n---------------\n\nThe *Code of Conduct*, adapted from the `Contributor Covenant 1.4 <>`__,\nis available on the `Code of Conduct <>`__ page.\n\nContact & Social\n----------------\n\nThe *Colour Developers* can be reached via different means:\n\n- `Email <>`__\n- `Facebook <>`__\n- `Github Discussions <>`__\n- `Gitter <>`__\n- `Twitter <>`__\n\nAbout\n-----\n\n| **Colour - Demosaicing** by Colour Developers\n| Copyright 2015 Colour Developers \u2013 ` <>`__\n| This software is released under terms of BSD-3-Clause:\n| ` <>`__\n\n",
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