Name | Version | Summary | date |
llm-check | 0.0 | A series of coherence and calibration checks for LLMs. | 2024-04-28 10:21:37 |
error-parity | 0.3.11 | Achieve error-rate parity between protected groups for any predictor | 2024-04-26 09:42:56 |
hyperparameter-tuning | 0.3.1 | A minimal framework for running hyperparameter tuning | 2023-09-05 09:38:53 |
equal-odds | 0.0.7 | _PACKAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION_ | 2023-05-30 09:34:25 |
hour | day | week | total |
63 | 1985 | 9941 | 273804 |