PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

PyRuSH 1.0.9 PyRuSH is the python implementation of RuSH (Rule-based sentence Segmenter using Hashing), which is originally developed using Java. RuSH is an efficient, reliable, and easy adaptable rule-based sentence segmentation solution. It is specifically designed to handle the telegraphic written text in clinical note. It leverages a nested hash table to execute simultaneous rule processing, which reduces the impact of the rule-base growth on execution time and eliminates the effect of rule order on accuracy. 2024-10-27 14:46:29
PyFastNER 1.0.10 PyFastNER is the python implementation of FastNER, which is orginally developed using Java. It uses hash function to process multiple rules at the same time. Similar to FastNER, PyFastNER supports token-based rules (FastNER--under developing) and character-based rules (FastCNER). It is licensed under the MIT License. 2023-12-13 05:15:48
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