PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

bletl 1.4.2 Package for parsing and transforming BioLector raw data. 2024-06-18 17:28:11
robotools 1.10.1 Pythonic in-silico liquid handling and creation of Tecan FreedomEVO worklists. 2024-04-26 18:22:52
mcbackend 0.5.2 Framework agnostic backends for MCMC sample storage 2024-01-17 23:33:51
pytensor-federated 1.0.1 This package helps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code when creating Airflow DAGs from Python callables. 2023-11-26 16:06:30
apache-airflow-flowitems 1.0.1 This package helps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code when creating Airflow DAGs from Python callables. 2022-12-09 14:56:01
hagelkorn 1.2.3 Generates alphanumeric IDs that increase monotonically with time. 2022-08-10 12:57:28
Michael Osthege
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