PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

onnxruntime-genai 0.5.2 ONNX Runtime generate() API 2024-11-25 20:13:57
promptflow-core 1.16.2 Prompt flow core 2024-11-25 20:13:54
onnxruntime-genai-cuda 0.5.2 ONNX Runtime generate() API 2024-11-25 20:13:48
promptflow-tracing 1.16.2 Prompt flow tracing 2024-11-25 20:13:47
onnxruntime-openvino 1.20.0 ONNX Runtime is a runtime accelerator for Machine Learning models 2024-11-25 12:09:33
azdev 0.1.85 Microsoft Azure CLI Developer Tools 2024-11-25 06:55:22
playwright 1.49.0 A high-level API to automate web browsers 2024-11-22 12:27:23
azure-data-tables 12.6.0 Microsoft Azure Azure Data Tables Client Library for Python 2024-11-21 20:17:31
azure-mgmt-healthdataaiservices 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure Healthdataaiservices Management Client Library for Python 2024-11-21 07:05:27
azure-mgmt-devopsinfrastructure 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure Devopsinfrastructure Management Client Library for Python 2024-11-21 07:04:08
onnxruntime-gpu 1.20.1 ONNX Runtime is a runtime accelerator for Machine Learning models 2024-11-21 01:12:48
onnxruntime-directml 1.20.1 ONNX Runtime is a runtime accelerator for Machine Learning models 2024-11-21 00:49:40
onnxruntime 1.20.1 ONNX Runtime is a runtime accelerator for Machine Learning models 2024-11-21 00:48:31
etwtrace 0.1b5 Generates ETW events for tracing Python apps with the Windows Performance Toolkit 2024-11-20 14:41:40
azure-ai-ml 1.22.3 Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python 2024-11-20 10:24:01
azure-eventgrid 4.21.0 Microsoft Azure Event Grid Client Library for Python 2024-11-19 17:11:16
azure-cosmos 4.9.0 Microsoft Azure Cosmos Client Library for Python 2024-11-19 04:09:30
azure-cli-core 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module 2024-11-19 02:32:53
azure-cli 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools 2024-11-19 02:32:49
msal 1.31.1 The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python library enables your app to access the Microsoft Cloud by supporting authentication of users with Microsoft Azure Active Directory accounts (AAD) and Microsoft Accounts (MSA) using industry standard OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. 2024-11-18 09:51:10
Microsoft Corporation
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