PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

netron 7.8.1 Viewer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models 2024-07-27 02:55:41
pypots 0.7.1 A Python Toolbox for Machine Learning on Partially-Observed Time Series 2024-07-27 02:17:14
albumentations 1.4.12 An efficient library for image augmentation, providing extensive transformations to support machine learning and computer vision tasks. 2024-07-27 00:28:42
flwr-nightly 1.11.0.dev20240726 Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework 2024-07-26 23:05:45
relexi 2.0.0 A reinforcement learning library for simulation environments on high-performance computing systems. 2024-07-26 21:56:25
audbcards 0.3.0 Create data cards for audb databases 2024-07-26 20:11:02
cometx 2.1.2 Python tools for Comet 2024-07-26 15:45:22
sekupy 0.0.1 Detergent for your dirty neuroimaging pipelines 2024-07-26 15:33:33
torchx-nightly 2024.7.26 TorchX SDK and Components 2024-07-26 11:28:44
bitfount 1.0.3 Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library. 2024-07-26 09:34:57
upgini 1.1.300 Intelligent data search & enrichment for Machine Learning 2024-07-26 08:41:03
LabelSIG 1.0.2 Signal Labeling with Python 2024-07-26 06:44:54
executorch 0.3.0 On-device AI across mobile, embedded and edge for PyTorch 2024-07-25 21:35:31
outerbounds 0.3.84 More Data Science, Less Administration 2024-07-25 19:27:34
pcleaner-cli 2.8.0 An AI-powered tool to clean manga panels. 2024-07-25 19:16:53
pcleaner 2.8.0 An AI-powered tool to clean manga panels. 2024-07-25 19:16:51
llm-toolkit 0.2.3 LLM Finetuning resource hub + toolkit 2024-07-25 15:18:08
giskard 2.14.3 The testing framework dedicated to ML models, from tabular to LLMs 2024-07-25 13:17:33
byotrack 0.7.2 Biological particle tracking with Python 2024-07-25 11:33:11
scrapegraphai 1.11.3 A web scraping library based on LangChain which uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines. 2024-07-25 07:19:08
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