PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

h2o-lightwave-web 1.4.0 Web assets package for H2O Lightwave apps. 2024-08-13 09:54:56
h2o-lightwave 1.4.0 H2O Wave Python driver for integration with arbitrary python web frameworks. 2024-08-13 09:54:52
h2o-wave-university 1.4.0 Interactive tutorials for learning H2O Wave framework. 2024-08-13 09:54:48
pycmtensor 1.13.3 A robust and efficient Python package leveraging tensor computations for advanced discrete choice modelling. 2024-08-13 08:13:32
anylabeling 0.4.10 Effortless data labeling with AI support 2024-08-12 15:36:58
anylabeling-gpu 0.4.10 Effortless data labeling with AI support 2024-08-12 15:36:45
AttentionMechanism 1.0.2 This repository contains an implementation of many attention mechanism models. 2024-08-12 10:27:32
bidsmreye 0.5.0 bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data 2024-08-12 07:00:59
grokadamw 0.1.2 GrokAdamW optimizer for PyTorch 2024-08-12 06:37:52
topsis102218038 0.1.0 Runs topsis algorythm for pre trained models 2024-08-11 19:23:47
102218038-topsis 3.0.0 Runs topsis algorythm for pre trained models 2024-08-11 19:22:37
VehicleDetectionTracker 0.0.32 VehicleDetectionTracker 🚗: Effortlessly track and detect vehicles in images and videos with advanced algorithms. 🚙🚕 Boost your computer vision project!" 🔍📹 2024-08-10 13:06:01
phiflow 3.0.1 Differentiable PDE solving framework for machine learning 2024-08-10 09:17:16
minisom2onnx 0.1.0 A library to convert MiniSom models to ONNX format 2024-08-10 08:30:09
blackjax 1.2.3 Flexible and fast sampling in Python 2024-08-10 04:55:20
flatworm 0.1.3 Tools designed for non-techy people who must write code. 2024-08-09 08:11:46
riid 2.1.0 Machine learning-based models and utilities for radioisotope identification 2024-08-09 01:15:58
minrecord 0.0.2 Minimalist library to record values in a ML workflow 2024-08-08 18:50:56
reflectorch 1.2.1 A Pytorch-based package for the analysis of reflectometry data 2024-08-08 12:25:36
gradio-client 1.3.0 Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models 2024-08-08 10:30:23
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