PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

metametameta 0.1.1 Generate with dunder meta. 2024-08-03 16:17:26
hermes-plugin-python 0.2.0 HERMES plugin for .toml files 2024-08-02 11:18:43
fair-python-cookiecutter 0.3.2 An opinionated cookiecutter template to kickstart a modern best-practice Python project with FAIR metadata. 2024-08-01 13:31:37
metadata-validator 0.1.6 A package designed to put a spreadsheet of a brain imagery dataset into a series of required metadata validation for within data in cells. 2024-07-31 19:49:42
attribute-standardizer 0.1.1 BEDMess attribute standardizer for metadata attribute standardization 2024-07-30 18:01:13
hstk Hammerspace CLI tool and python toolkit (hstk) 2024-07-26 18:20:35
epubedit 0.0.1 a python package to read ePub infos and edit it. 2024-07-22 16:36:19
schematicpy 24.7.2 Package for biomedical data model and metadata ingress management 2024-07-19 21:16:16
knowit 0.5.5 Know better your media files 2024-07-18 06:53:14
aboutcode-toolkit 11.0.0 AboutCode-toolkit is a tool to document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories and generate attribution documentation. 2024-07-16 02:46:20
ammg 0.2.2 A tool for appending metadata from Apple Music to music files. 2024-07-14 15:54:20
apeek 0.2.0 apeek is a package for creating audio waveform previews. 2024-07-11 07:12:28
data-harvesting 2.0.0 Set of tools to harvest, process and uplift (meta)data from metadata providers within the Helmholtz association to be included in the Helmholtz Knowledge Graph (Helmholtz-KG). 2024-07-09 10:09:32
mfbatch 0.4.1 MetaFlac batch editor 2024-07-08 05:30:27
python-re3data 0.9.0 The Pythonic client for the re3data API. 2024-07-06 07:25:45
articat 0.1.16 articat: data artifact catalog 2024-07-06 01:35:00
streaminghub-datamux 0.1.8 A library to stream data into real-time analytics pipelines 2024-07-05 19:50:23
streaminghub-curator 0.0.1 A web interface to package datasets with DFDS metadata 2024-07-05 19:46:12
pytest-stats 1.0.0 Collects tests metadata for future analysis, easy to extend for any data store 2024-07-03 04:34:50
Simyan 1.2.2 A Python wrapper for the Comicvine API. 2024-07-02 01:44:10
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