PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

auto-typing-final 0.2.0 None 2024-06-25 19:09:22
add-typing-final 0.1.0 None 2024-06-25 07:44:37
botocore-stubs 1.34.132 Type annotations and code completion for botocore 2024-06-24 23:14:45
Crackerjack 0.8.5 Crackerjack code style 2024-06-16 08:24:21
returns 0.23.0 Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe! 2024-06-15 09:18:25
types-awscrt 0.20.11 Type annotations and code completion for awscrt 2024-06-06 02:12:29
msgpack-types 0.3.0 Type stubs for msgpack 2024-05-26 01:54:39
typedload 2.29 Load and dump data from json-like format into typed data structures 2024-05-18 07:58:45
lintception 1.0.1 Runs a few popular linters in series (mypy, vulture, vermin), and also does some other checks. 2024-05-06 04:48:36
types-confluent-kafka 1.2.1 None 2024-05-02 10:50:13
mypy-boto3-builder 7.24.0 Builder for boto3-stubs and types-aiobotocore 2024-04-24 23:42:18
types-s3transfer 0.10.1 Type annotations and code completion for s3transfer 2024-04-15 16:44:09
invokelint 0.10.0 Invokes Python dev tools at once. 2024-04-13 14:13:55
typycheck 0.0.1 An extremely fast static type checker for Python, written in Rust. 2024-03-22 08:28:22
Elapsed time: 1.11600s