PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

multi-med-image-ml 0.0.9 Deep learning library to encode multiple brain images and other electronic health record data in disease detection. 2024-05-31 03:51:20
cell-data-loader 0.0.6 Converts general images of cells into formats and labels for deep learning pipelines 2024-05-13 15:31:24
AidlabSDK 1.7.1 Comprehensive SDK for integrating Aidlab's and Aidmed One's biofeedback and biosignal processing functionalities into your applications. 2024-03-16 13:57:20
scispacy 0.5.4 A full SpaCy pipeline and models for scientific/biomedical documents. 2024-03-08 05:58:38
Biosig 2.6.0 BioSig - tools for biomedical signal processing 2024-02-24 15:35:44
eFISHent 0.0.5 RNA FISH oligos/probes design tool. 2023-06-19 13:33:16
GOcats 1.2.1 A tool for categorizing Gene Ontology into subgraphs of user-defined emergent concepts 2023-06-16 21:56:00
koopa 0.0.13 Workflow for analysis of cellular microscopy data. 2023-03-17 16:26:40
pybiosig 1.1.0 A python framework to work with biomedical signals. 2022-12-21 10:50:31
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