PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

hklpy2 0.0.18 2nd generation diffractometer controls for the Bluesky Framework. 2024-05-31 19:48:41
mdaviz 0.0.2rc4 Python Qt5 application to visualize MDA data. 2024-05-22 16:41:32
gemviz 0.1.0 Visualize Bluesky data from tiled server. 2024-03-30 12:57:21
arroba 0.5 Python implementation of Bluesky PDS and AT Protocol, including repo, MST, and sync methods 2024-03-16 20:33:00
bsky-bridge 1.0.2 A Python interface for interacting with the BlueSky social network's API. 2024-03-02 21:50:30
hklpy 1.1.0 Controls for using diffractometers within the Bluesky Framework. 2024-01-13 20:53:29
collective.bluesky 1.0.0a3 Bluesky integration for Plone. 2023-09-22 18:13:30
nanoatp 0.4.1 A nano implementation of the AT Protocol for Python. 2023-08-11 06:35:18
haven-spc 23.7.1 Tools and GUI for running the spectroscopy group beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source. 2023-07-01 18:22:16
atppy 0.1.3 Python library for AT Protocol 2023-05-03 06:40:38
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