PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

eazyml-cf 0.0.35 eazyml-cf provides APIs for counterfactual explanations, prescriptive analytics, and actionable insights to optimize predictive outcomes. 2025-01-27 12:31:52
decode-mcd 1.0.0rc1 MCD generates counterfactuals that meet multiple, customizable objectives in both the feature and performance spaces. 2025-01-25 15:34:23
vgd_counterfactuals 0.3.5 Counterfactual explanations for GNNs based on the visual graph dataset format 2023-11-14 14:15:47
cfnow 0.0.6 Generate counterfactuals with ease. This package takes a model and point (with a certain class) and minimally changes it to flip the classification result. 2023-09-26 11:51:56
CFNOW 0.0.1 Generate counterfactuals with ease. This package takes a model and point (with a certain class) and minimally changes it to flip the classification result. 2023-09-01 11:32:20
cpath 0.0.1 Explainable AI with counterfactual paths 2023-07-25 07:35:17
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