PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

dbt-osmosis 1.1.13 A dbt utility for managing YAML to make developing with dbt more delightful. 2025-01-31 16:42:54
universql 0.1.1.dev1737901577 None 2025-01-26 14:26:24
dbt-oracle 1.8.4 dbt (data build tool) adapter for Oracle Autonomous Database 2024-12-20 21:07:10
dbt-jobs-as-code 1.0.1 A CLI to allow defining dbt Cloud jobs as code 2024-12-11 10:12:21
dbt-risingwave 1.9.0 The RisingWave adapter plugin for dbt 2024-12-11 09:28:51
dbt2pdf 0.0.8 Generate a PDF document from your DBT project's documentation. 2024-11-07 13:23:18
dbt-bytehouse 1.7.3 The ByteHouse plugin for dbt (data build tool) 2024-07-15 11:26:31
dbt-postgres-python 1.7.17 Run python scripts from any dbt project. This project is based on the project initially authored by FAL.AI. 2024-06-17 20:15:41
dbt-buddy 0.0.3 AI-based documentation for dbt-models 2024-06-14 11:45:54
dbt-ibmdb2 1.8.0 The db2 adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool) 2024-05-21 19:12:29
prefect-dbt-flow 0.5.8 Prefect - dbt integration 2024-04-25 09:13:51
dbt-llm-tools 0.2.0 LLM based tools for dbt projects. Answer data questions, generate documentation and more. 2024-04-20 08:23:15
dbt-timescaledb 1.8.0b2 The TimescaleDB adapter plugin for dbt 2024-04-05 20:42:56
aschot-pulumi-dbtcloud 0.0.5 A Pulumi package for creating and managing dbt Cloud resources. 2024-04-03 14:46:18
dbt-schema-builder 0.5.0 Automate management of PII redacted schemas for dbt projects. 2024-03-28 12:52:29
reflekt 0.6.0 A CLI tool to define event schemas, lint them to enforce conventions, publish to a schema registry, and build corresponding data artifacts (e.g., dbt sources/models/docs). 2024-03-05 04:24:45
dbt-decodable 1.3.5 The Decodable adapter plugin for DBT 2024-01-16 19:15:17
prep2dbt 0.0.3 Tools for converting Tableau Prep flows to dbt models 2024-01-05 00:33:34
data-pipelines-cli 0.30.0 CLI for data platform 2023-12-08 18:25:18
dbtdoc 0.2.0 Document tool for dbt 2023-11-05 07:46:37
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