PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

rotorpy 1.1.1 A multirotor simulator with aerodynamics for education and research. 2024-11-26 20:58:10
DroneNavigationGym-RL 1.1.0 Autonomous Drone Navigation for Surveillance Gym Environment 2024-06-18 21:35:44
homonim 0.4.1 Correct aerial and satellite imagery to surface reflectance. 2024-05-30 19:53:26
literadio2-se-usb 0.0.1 BETAFPV LiteRadio 2 SE Radio Transmitter USB. 2024-01-01 10:35:56
nicetrack 0.0.11 nicegui based 3D Track handling 2023-12-18 13:13:28
GrADySIM 0.0.1 A framework for implementing distributed algorithms in a simulated network environment 2023-11-07 12:21:30
dronevis 1.3.0 Full compatible drone library to automate computer vision algorithms on parrot drones. 2023-10-20 22:14:44
mavcom 1.1.7 A python package that creates a simplified programming interface for controlling Mavlink-capable flight controllers 2023-10-14 11:59:23
tellox 0.2.7 The easy way to control a DJI Tello drone. 2023-09-20 13:10:28
djitellopy 2.5.0 Tello drone library including support for video streaming, swarms, state packets and more 2023-06-09 16:31:21
mavcon 1.1.3 A python package that provides simplified drone flight control 2023-06-03 13:29:07
Tello-Controller 0.2 Simple library for using DJI Tello drones 2023-04-26 15:11:24
tello-sdk 2.4.2 Python SDK fro the Tello EDU and RMTT drones, with all commands and more. 2023-04-26 14:37:21
flydrone 0.0.2 A simple basic drone python api that is built on top of pymavlink 2023-04-06 00:29:27
hp-da-pt19 0.0.2 Package contaning python wrapper for supporting pitch,roll,yaw, swarms, and more 2023-02-02 18:31:24
robomaster RoboMaster Python SDK 2022-05-06 04:42:34
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