PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

digsim-logic-simulator 0.4.0 Interactive Digital Logic Simulator 2024-04-10 15:52:36
fast-pedago 0.2.0 2024-03-04 07:05:45
pycomgrader 1.0.1 this module provides a grader for c++ programs. 2024-02-17 05:15:39
MVCactus 0.0.5 MVCactus is a micro-framework for building simple and efficient web applications. It leverages the standard HTTP server capabilities of Python to provide a straightforward environment for web development. MVCactus is ideal for small-scale projects, educational purposes, and rapid prototyping, offering a minimalistic approach to web server architecture with support for dynamic template rendering and static file serving. 2023-11-25 13:50:38
sc8pr 3.0.4 A simple framework for new and experienced Python programmers to create animations, games, robotics simulations, and other graphics-based programs 2023-11-22 00:22:11
puc8 0.1.4 Assembler and C compiler for the PUC8 processor 2023-11-03 19:09:45
sc8prx 3.0.3 Extra features for sc8pr 3 2023-05-27 14:42:16
educational-physics-simulator 0.0.3 An educational physics simulator 2023-02-02 13:07:45
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