PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

gab-kedro-sagemaker 0.3.0 Kedro plugin with AWS SageMaker Pipelines support 2024-10-14 14:32:21
kedro-azureml 0.7.0 Kedro plugin with Azure ML Pipelines support 2023-11-15 14:13:00
pydantic-kedro 0.6.1 Kedro 2023-11-09 18:31:02
kedro-viz-lite 0.0.1 Run kedro-viz in a notebook without a full Kedro Project. 2023-09-28 01:51:38
kedro-airflow-k8s 0.8.2 Kedro plugin with Airflow on Kubernetes support 2023-08-29 14:25:29
kedro-snowflake 0.2.1 Kedro plugin with Snowflake / Snowpark support 2023-06-20 15:56:24
kedro-sagemaker 0.2.0 Kedro plugin with AWS SageMaker Pipelines support 2023-02-08 14:51:55
getindata-kedro-starters 0.2.0 Starters for kedro projects to simplify pipelines deployment using GetInData plugins 2022-12-19 15:31:46
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