PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

wizmap 0.1.3 A Python package to run WizMap in your computational notebooks. 2024-01-27 18:51:07
bgnlp 0.5.3 Package for Bulgarian Natural Language Processing (NLP) 2024-01-27 16:31:43
buildml 1.0.9 Let's make building machine learning models the complex way, easy. 2024-01-27 08:06:46
metatensor 0.2.0 Self-describing sparse tensor data format for atomistic machine learning and beyond 2024-01-26 17:27:15
mindfoundry-optaas-client 1.4.4 Mind Foundry Optimization as a Service: Python Client 2024-01-26 11:58:35
wildlife-tools 0.0.9 Tools for using wildlife re-identification datasets. 2024-01-26 08:30:13
truthnet 0.0.26 Algorithmic Lie Detector 2024-01-25 16:47:02
teachpyx 0.4.0 Teaching material, algorithm, machine learning 2024-01-24 22:23:04
simple-clip 0.2.0 A minimal, but effective implementation of CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) in PyTorch 2024-01-24 19:40:32
h2o-featurestore 1.2.0 Feature Store Client for Python 2024-01-24 09:13:05
ria 0.1.1 Radio Intelligence Apps' open-source core, by Qoherent 2024-01-24 01:32:14
flexcv 24.0b0 Easy and flexible nested cross validation for tabular data in python. 2024-01-23 19:57:03
img2dataset 1.45.0 Easily turn a set of image urls to an image dataset 2024-01-22 22:08:44
gradio-model3dgs 0.2.4 Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models 2024-01-22 21:03:39
trainingutils 0.0.2 Training tools for Deep Learning 2024-01-22 19:15:28
a2ml 1.0.97 A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors. 2024-01-20 19:12:16
ml2 0.2.0 Machine Learning for Mathematics and Logics 2024-01-19 16:29:32
famews 0.1.2 FAMEWS: A Fairness Auditing tool for Medical Early-Warning Systems 2024-01-19 11:45:26
splitflow 0.0.5 Empower your data journey today. 2024-01-16 18:14:29
queuinx 0.0.1.dev1 Queuinx: A library for performance evaluation in Jax 2024-01-15 14:32:12
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