PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

mkdocs-with-pdf-multiply-docs 0.0.2 Generate a single PDF file from MkDocs repository 2023-08-29 09:44:24
mkdocs-charts-plugin 0.0.10 MkDocs plugin to add charts from data 2023-08-28 07:58:34
mkdocs-img2fig-plugin-with-icons 0.0.2 A MkDocs plugin that converts markdown encoded images into <figure> elements. 2023-08-28 06:29:46
mkdocs-simple-plugin 3.1.0 Plugin for adding simple wiki site creation from markdown files interspersed within your code with MkDocs. 2023-08-25 06:56:07
mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin 2.9.2 An MkDocs plugin that simplifies configuring page titles and their order 2023-08-19 21:30:33
mkdocs-images-to-webp 0.11 2023-08-16 13:58:54
mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin-blame 0.1.8 MkDocs plugin for setting revision date from git per markdown file using blame. 2023-08-12 20:32:26
mknotebooks 0.8.0 Plugin for mkdocs to generate markdown documents from jupyter notebooks. 2023-08-07 10:01:06
mkdocs-tech-docs-template 0.1.2 MkDocs theme that you can use to build technical documentation with a GOV.UK 2023-08-05 14:05:12
mkdocs-python-classy 0.1.3 Mkdocs plugin to view Python Classes. 2023-08-04 23:18:08
mkdocs-autolinks-plugin 0.7.1 An MkDocs plugin 2023-08-04 14:42:25
mkdocs-material-merore 9.2.0b3 Documentation that simply works 2023-08-04 10:36:56
mkdocs-site-urls 0.1.0 A MkDocs plugin that adds support for site-relative URLs 2023-07-28 13:43:05
neoteroi-mkdocs 1.0.4 Plugins for MkDocs and Python Markdown 2023-07-28 10:47:24
mkdocs-labeled-user-defined-values 1.0.5 An enhanced version of mkdocs-user-defined-values. Keywords can now be categorized. 2023-07-27 22:10:11
mkdocs-blogging-plugin 2.2.11 Mkdocs plugin that generates a blog index page sorted by creation date. 2023-07-21 03:55:45
mkdocs-traefiklabs 100.0.20 A Traefik Labs branded Material Design theme for MkDocs 2023-07-20 15:38:12
mkdocs-redirects 1.2.1 A MkDocs plugin for dynamic page redirects to prevent broken links. 2023-07-18 21:26:18
mkdocs-unused-files 0.2.0 An MkDocs plugin to find unused (orphaned) files in your project. 2023-07-17 15:24:06
mkdocs-zip-folders 1.0.3 MkDocs plugin to zip configured folders and add them to the site. 2023-07-09 13:34:10
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