PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

deduplicationdict 1.0.4 A dictionary that de-duplicates values. 2023-07-03 03:30:12
knarrow 0.8.0 Shoot a knarrow to the knee 2023-07-01 17:11:12
rtc-tools-hydraulic-structures 2.0.0a15 Hydraulic structures models for RTC-Tools 2. 2023-06-30 15:10:20
EDAspy 1.1.1 EDAspy is a Python package that implements Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. EDAspy allows toeither use already existing implementations or customize the EDAs baseline easily building it bymodules so new research can be easily developed. It also has several benchmarks for comparisons. 2023-06-28 09:36:34
optimazing 0.1.0 Wrapper around scipy.optimize.minimize 2023-06-27 15:49:47
autograd 1.6.2 Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code. 2023-06-23 08:36:41
pyoptgra 0.1.9 A python-wrapped version of OPTGRA, an algorithm for constrained optimization 2023-06-21 13:45:25
leggedsnake 0.4.0 Simulate and optimize planar leg mechanisms using PSO and GA 2023-06-21 08:02:12
LinearProgramOptimizer 1.0.2 Optimization models for solving Linear Programming Problems 2023-06-19 07:16:19
torch-dreams 4.0.0 Making neural networks more interpretable, for research and art 2023-06-14 08:24:19
coexist 0.3.2 Learning simulation parameters from experimental data, from the micro to the macro, from the laptop to the cluster. 2023-06-11 02:52:57
symforce 0.9.0 Fast symbolic computation, code generation, and nonlinear optimization for robotics 2023-06-08 14:30:57
pycup An auto-calibration tool for environmental models based on heuristic algorithms and uncertainty estimation theory. 2023-06-08 11:39:43
dnachisel 3.2.11 Optimize DNA sequences under constraints. 2023-06-06 15:39:05
paramga 0.5.5 Parameter Regression GA tool 2023-06-05 10:34:28
flopt 0.5.6 A python Non-Linear Programming API with Heuristic approach 2023-06-03 02:03:23
fides 0.7.8 python-based Trust Region Optimization toolbox 2023-06-02 18:32:19
pygmo-plugins-nonfree 0.24 Commercial solvers plugins for pygmo 2023-06-02 14:20:30
equal-odds 0.0.7 _PACKAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION_ 2023-05-30 09:34:25
django-virtual-models 0.1.5 Improve performance and maintainability with a prefetching layer in your Django / Django REST Framework project 2023-05-29 19:31:43
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