PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

eristropy 0.1.0 EristroPy: End-to-end entropy analysis of time series signals 2023-09-19 19:35:55
gofit 0.4 GOFit: Global Optimization for Fitting problems 2023-09-15 09:44:14
scifit 0.1.14 Scientific Fit for Python 2023-09-14 10:18:34
hyperparameter-tuning 0.3.1 A minimal framework for running hyperparameter tuning 2023-09-05 09:38:53
qaekwy 0.1.4 Python Client library for Qaekwy Operational Research Solver 2023-09-02 12:33:19
BayesicFitting 3.2.0 A Python Toolbox for Bayesian fitting. 2023-08-31 13:29:31
optrs 0.1.1 Molecular molecule optimization with forcefields 2023-08-28 20:28:08
hyperactive 4.5.0 A hyperparameter optimization toolbox for convenient and fast prototyping 2023-08-27 10:57:33
tsam 2.3.1 Time series aggregation module (tsam) to create typical periods 2023-08-25 07:10:17
clean-df 0.3.0 Python module to report, clean, and optimize Pandas Dataframes effectively 2023-08-22 21:24:59
unused-attributes 0.1.10 Find class unused attributes 2023-08-08 19:57:47
flowty 1.5.1 Flowty Network Optimization Solver 2023-08-03 08:47:11
scrilla 1.6.0 a financial optimization program 2023-07-31 13:41:25
ttopt 0.6.2 Multivariate function optimizer based on the tensor train approach. 2023-07-27 20:14:25
ConfigSpace 0.7.2 Creation and manipulation of parameter configuration spaces for automated algorithm configuration and hyperparameter tuning. 2023-07-19 16:20:05
chess-tuning-tools 0.9.5 A collection of tools for local and distributed tuning of chess engines. 2023-07-19 15:49:09
bask 0.10.9 A fully Bayesian implementation of sequential model-based optimization 2023-07-19 14:39:14
ExperimentsPyDesign 0.1.0 Experimental Designs in Python with additional tooling 2023-07-18 03:07:41
deduplicationdict 1.0.4 A dictionary that de-duplicates values. 2023-07-03 03:30:12
knarrow 0.8.0 Shoot a knarrow to the knee 2023-07-01 17:11:12
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