PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pelican-pandoc-reader 2.1.0 Pelican plugin for converting Pandoc's Markdown variant to HTML. 2023-11-23 05:17:20
imdown 0.0.1.dev13 Collect images from a directory tree and add them to a markdown file. 2023-11-12 14:49:24
codebraid 0.11.0 Live code in Pandoc Markdown 2023-10-18 03:59:11
manubot 0.6.0 "Python utilities for Manubot: Manuscripts, open and automated" 2023-10-06 15:40:00
pandoc-purl 1.0.0 Dynamic document generation for Pandoc in Python 2023-09-25 05:58:16
include-code 1.0.0 A pandoc filter to easily include remote code into markdown 2023-08-06 18:58:53
bloggerer 0.9 Transforms markdown (and probably other things too) into WordPress-compatible "Custom HTML" with pandoc and additional magic. 2023-06-27 06:28:49
pandoc-docx-helper 0.0.1 Pandoc filter for docx output to insert pagebreak at will 2023-06-23 08:40:47
bye-wiki 0.1.0 Say goodbye to your wikis! Python command-line script to convert MediaWiki pages to other formats with pandoc 2023-06-22 14:42:57
obs2org 1.2.0 Converts Obsidian style markdown files to Org-Mode files using pandoc. 2023-03-13 19:15:23
plaited 0.0.1 Publish reproducible code notebooks using pandoc and jupyter kernels 2023-02-11 06:25:59
sciengdox 0.11.0 Science/engineering dynamic doc generation 2023-02-06 22:54:30
pandoc-styles 0.9.14 A script to convert files with pandoc using styles. 2023-01-28 16:20:03
readme-helper 0.0.2 Helpers for generating README files 2022-04-10 20:51:57
pandocfilters 1.5.0 Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python 2021-09-14 03:37:58
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