PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

rpi-hardware-pwm 0.2.2 Control Hardware PWM on the Raspberry Pi 2024-03-06 03:03:28
gcode2image 2.4.2 gcode2image: convert gcode to image. 2024-02-07 13:27:21
adafruit-circuitpython-servokit 1.3.17 CircuitPython helper library for PWM/Servo FeatherWing, Shield, and Pi HAT and Bonnet kits. 2023-12-09 17:53:54
adafruit-circuitpython-rgbled 1.1.19 CircuitPython driver for RGB LEDs 2023-12-09 17:48:13
adafruit-circuitpython-tlc59711 2.0.13 CircuitPython library for TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver. 2023-12-09 17:35:43
adafruit-circuitpython-tlc5947 1.3.16 CircuitPython library for TLC5947 12-bit 24 channel LED PWM driver. 2023-12-09 17:35:40
pwmled 1.6.11 Control LEDs connected to a micro controller using pwm. 2023-10-12 23:07:19
adafruit-circuitpython-emc2101 1.2.4 Brushless fan controller 2023-09-25 15:40:01
mira-moods MOODS: Motif Occurrence Detection Suite 2023-08-29 21:12:15
micropython-motor 0.1.0 MicroPython Helpers for controlling PWM based motors and servos 2023-07-09 00:02:47
python-periphery 2.4.1 A pure Python 2/3 library for peripheral I/O (GPIO, LED, PWM, SPI, I2C, MMIO, Serial) in Linux. 2023-04-21 06:19:22
dipwmsearch 0.1.8 Provides functions to search for any di-nucleotidic Position Weight Matrix (di-PWM) in a genomic sequence (IUPAC compliant). 2023-04-14 16:50:59
micropython-servo 1.0.1 Use rc servos with PWM in micropython in a tidy way 2023-01-09 08:42:39
MOODS-python MOODS: Motif Occurrence Detection Suite 2019-05-15 14:13:40
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