PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

algopytest-framework 2.0.0 AlgoPytest is a framework which hides away all of the complexity and repetitiveness that comes with testing Algorand Smart Contracts. 2023-02-04 22:57:18
pytest-aio 1.5.0 Pytest plugin for testing async python code 2023-02-03 06:45:22
pytest-chic-report 2.0.0 A pytest plugin to send a report and printing summary of tests. 2023-01-31 19:14:04
pytest-hoverfly 5.0.4 Simplify working with Hoverfly from pytest 2023-01-30 16:06:35
pytest-image-diff 0.0.10 2023-01-29 15:28:31
pytest-rst 0.1.5 Test code from RST documents with pytest 2023-01-26 15:53:30
pydantic-factories 1.17.1 Mock data generation for pydantic based models and python dataclasses 2023-01-15 19:33:19
pytest-pusher 0.0.3 pytest plugin for push report to minio 2023-01-06 08:26:46
pytest-plone 0.2.0 Pytest plugin to test Plone addons 2023-01-05 19:43:22
pytest-summary 0.1.17 A pytest plugin to send a report and printing summary of tests. 2023-01-04 08:21:28
issue-watcher 5.0.0 Python test cases watching when an issue is closed and failing a test to let you know fixed functionality is available. 2022-12-30 10:00:37
pytest-pointers 0.3.1 Pytest plugin to define functions you test with special marks for better navigation and reports 2022-12-26 16:40:25
lovely-pytest-docker 0.3.1 Pytest testing utilities with docker containers. 2022-12-22 13:23:40
pyguarantees 0.1.4 guarantee testcases for callables, constrain parameters and return values of callables 2022-12-19 11:00:55
pytest-pyramid 1.0.2 pytest_pyramid - provides fixtures for testing pyramid applications with pytest test suite 2022-12-13 14:24:59
pytest-super-check 2.6.1 Pytest plugin to check your TestCase classes call super in setUp, tearDown, etc. 2022-12-07 01:55:56
ciciautoapi 1.0.9 增加了关联参数的提取和复制功能 2022-12-02 08:05:38
testable-pytest 0.0.7 Testable PyTest Wrapper 2022-12-01 04:29:13
pytest-trio 0.8.0 Pytest plugin for trio 2022-11-01 17:24:29
pytest-benchmark 4.0.0 A ``pytest`` fixture for benchmarking code. It will group the tests into rounds that are calibrated to the chosen timer. 2022-10-25 21:21:55
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