PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

nmmn 1.2.1 Miscellaneous methods for astronomy, dealing with arrays, statistical distributions and computing goodness-of-fit 2023-03-02 20:15:11
qampy 0.5.0 A python based package of communications qampy tools 2023-02-08 09:47:14
p5control 0.0.2 Measurement control software written in python 2023-02-07 13:52:42
bfscan 0.0.4 bfscan is designed to detect foodborne pathogens using bloom filter and machine learning 2023-02-07 13:52:14
sciengdox 0.11.0 Science/engineering dynamic doc generation 2023-02-06 22:54:30
pigeonxt-jupyter 0.7.3 Quickly annotate data in Jupyter notebooks. 2023-02-02 16:34:06
bioread 3.0.1 Utilities to read BIOPAC AcqKnowledge files 2023-02-01 17:32:34
sora-astro 0.3 Stellar Occultation Library 2023-01-31 19:54:24
kimya 0.0.4 A Simple-to-Use Module About Science. 2023-01-28 12:54:22
kohi 0.3.0 A powerfull schema validator 2023-01-26 21:24:12
tom-alertstreams 0.6.0 Reusable TOMToolkit app for listening to kafka streams. 2023-01-24 23:54:04
brutefit 0.2.2 Tools for finding an arbitrary multivariate polynomial that best fits some data. 2023-01-24 18:25:27
gputools 0.2.14 OpenCL accelerated volume processing 2023-01-09 12:27:29
great-expectations-cta 0.15.43 Always know what to expect from your data. 2022-12-27 15:42:03
PAScual 3.0.3 Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy data analysis 2022-12-26 02:07:21
roboflo 0.2.1 Scheduler for automation tasks that involve multiple stations/workers. 2022-12-24 23:39:06
nexusforge 0.8.0 Building and Using Knowledge Graphs made easy. 2022-12-16 12:07:29
pyntfa A python package of non-stationary time-frequency analysis for multi-dimensional multi-channel seismic data 2022-12-10 03:53:32
naimai Python library to help with scientific literature research 2022-12-08 11:36:16
allofplos 1.0.1 Get and analyze all PLOS articles 2022-12-06 22:52:03
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