PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

aval 0.0b1 AVal is a class capable of applying a list of validation strategies and an exception handler to an object to be validated. It can be used by calling the validation method as well as a decorator 2024-07-01 12:37:13
email-validator 2.2.0 A robust email address syntax and deliverability validation library. 2024-06-20 11:30:30
pyang 2.6.1 A YANG (RFC 6020/7950) validator and converter 2024-05-31 15:28:37
multiform-validator 0.1.0 Multilingual library made for validation, various form fields, such as: email, cpf, cnpj, credit card, and much more. 2024-05-15 08:21:34
enpass 0.1.2 Simple entropy password validator. 2024-05-07 22:31:13
uplc 1.0.4 Python implementation of untyped plutus language core 2024-03-17 13:02:16
Flask-More 0.2.2 Modernized Flask API builder with schema validator and OpenAPI 2024-03-04 05:10:07
pvv 1.0.0 Minimal Python decorator to enforce type validation from type hints 2024-02-23 13:52:00
stix-validator 3.0.0 APIs and scripts for validating STIX and CybOX documents. 2024-02-16 20:08:12
django-password-validator 0.2.0 django-password-validator is a reusable app that provides a form field and validators that check the strength of a password. 2024-02-09 04:57:08
kubernetes-validate 1.29.1 validates kubernetes resource definitions against schemas 2024-01-21 03:33:19
luhncheck 2.2.0 Simple validator for identification numbers based on the Luhn algorithm 2024-01-19 18:42:19
SmileValidation 1.2.10 Python3 Validation in another way 2024-01-04 09:58:38
rpmlint 2.5.0 Check for common errors in RPM packages 2023-12-15 15:23:23
validr 1.2.2 A simple, fast, extensible python library for data validation. 2023-12-13 20:40:33
django-password-validators 1.7.3 Additional libraries for validating passwords in Django. 2023-12-11 13:53:47
checkifvalid 0.1.1 Syntax validator for email, hostname, url, uri and ip address, compliant to RFC specifications 2023-12-10 08:08:53
vcard 0.16.1 vCard validator, class and utility functions 2023-12-02 05:18:14
django-advanced-password-validation 1.2.0 Extends Django password validation options in an attempt to keep up with industry standards for strong user passwords. 2023-11-18 05:22:39
validation-py 0.2.0 Validation 2023-10-30 08:50:22
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