PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

function-plotter 0.3 Discover the power of function plotting with Function Plotter 2023-01-28 19:21:28
cardio 2023.1.2 A simple web-based viewer for 4D ('cine') medical imaging data. 2023-01-27 06:13:25
mpl-lego 0.0.2 Extra tools and functions for matplotlib 2023-01-27 00:02:42
Escher-legacy 1.7.4 Escher-legacy: A Web Application for Building, Sharing, and Embedding Data-Rich Visualizations of Metabolic Pathways 2023-01-26 12:22:00
torchview 0.2.5 Visualization of Pytorch Models 2023-01-24 03:17:48
meshcat-shapes 0.3.0 Useful shapes to decorate MeshCat scenes. 2023-01-19 16:40:00
treeGenerator 0.1.1 Generate a recursive tree diagram given a starting directory or a list of URIs. 2023-01-18 22:57:09
feedzai-altair-theme 1.1.2 Feedzai's theme for Altair charts. 2023-01-13 15:43:32
QCpython 1.0 2023-01-08 22:56:34
QC-python 1.0 2023-01-08 22:32:53
palgoviz 0.1.0 Materials for Python and algorithms, with visualization 2023-01-03 23:05:22
pheatmap 1.0.1 pheatmap for Python 2023-01-02 18:36:23
asciibars 0.0.3 Bar charts in ASCII 2022-12-26 13:35:11
skyant-ui 0.0.1.post1 Preconfigured Plotly Dash & some tools 2022-12-24 13:37:01
tagore 1.1.2 A simple way to visualize features on human chromosome ideograms 2022-12-23 17:26:45
timbertrek 0.1.7 A Python package to run TimberTrek in your computational notebooks. 2022-12-19 18:43:32
duviz 3.2.0 Command line disk space visualization tool 2022-12-18 10:23:53
rosmontis 1.0.0 Create graph images with help of graphviz module 2022-12-18 07:37:26
visvis 1.14.0 An object oriented approach to visualization of 1D to 4D data. 2022-12-15 23:48:24
data-visualizer 0.1.8 'Python program that visualizes data from a .csv file.' 2022-12-13 22:38:01
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