PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

seisio 1.1.0 I/O of seismic data 2024-03-12 18:31:21
python-benedict 0.33.2 python-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath/keyattr support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously. 2024-03-04 23:25:42
FileHarvestor 1.0.2 FileHarvestor is a Python utility that reads the contents of specified files and writes them to both text and markdown files. If a file does not exist, it is added to a list of not found files. This tool is useful for consolidating and documenting the contents of multiple files in a directory. 2024-02-19 11:50:19
pyWrites 0.0.6 pyWrites to files package! 2024-02-04 12:52:29
pychunker 1.4.1 Module for reading/writing chunk files. 2024-01-06 03:57:31 1.2.1 Module for reading/writing properties-files. 2023-12-15 21:14:20
subprocwriteread 0.12 A class for interacting with subprocesses and capturing their input and output streams 2023-10-29 07:27:12
ezWrite 0.0.6 ezWrite to files package! 2023-09-17 15:54:02
apply 1.7 An apply function for Python 2 and 3 2023-09-14 13:35:04
umacajadada 0.11 reads a file asynchronously during its execution while somewhere some other process writes to the same file 2023-09-10 17:42:33
textfile 0.1.5 Functions that enables us to write out or read from with text file in shorter syntax. 2023-04-12 03:31:33
USB-Imager 2.1.0 GUI-Application to write bootable disk images to USB key. 2023-02-01 22:57:42
pySafeSave 0.2 Python module to store data and encrypt it with two security layers. 2023-01-31 10:42:04
fjunkie 0.0.4 Take the Reptiviness out of File Reading / Writing 2023-01-23 01:55:27
csvedit 0.0.1 Idit your csv files 2023-01-22 06:30:34
write-read-file 0.10 Some useful functions for reading/writing files 2023-01-04 02:30:51
excel-write 1.1.0 Optimised way to write in Excel files. 2023-01-03 16:08:41
fake-read-write-files 0.10 Write/read from memory instead of files when open() is called 2022-12-29 06:22:00
ioutil 1.0.3 To read and write files. 2022-12-24 14:17:12
streamjson 1.0.2 Send objects or arrays to a JSON file using a stream. Read objects from a JSON file using a stream. 2022-12-14 10:40:59
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